See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations Chapter · April 2001 DOI: 10.1038/npg.els.0001452 CITATIONS READS 8 3,321 2 authors, including: Robert Best University of South Carolina School of Medicine - Greenville 76 PUBLICATIONS 2,022 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Neural tube defect prevention View project Genetic counseling View project All content following this page was uploaded by Robert Best on 16 January 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations Secondary article Article Contents . Introduction . De Novo Versus Inherited Abnormalities . Deletions Charleen M Moore, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA . Duplications: Gene Duplications and Segmental Duplications . Translocations Robert G Best, University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, South Carolina, USA . Inversions . Conclusions Structural chromosome rearrangements are changes in the physical structure of chromosomes that may result in birth defects, mental retardation and increased risk for infertility or pregnancy loss. Introduction Structural chromosomal aberrations can result in genetic disease due to trisomy and/or monosomy of chromosomal segments. These aberrations may be de novo events or may be inherited from carrier parents. Structural abnormalities are formed by chromosomal breakage or unequal crossingover which result in deletions, ring chromosomes, duplications, translocations, insertions and inversions. A single break in one chromosome will produce a terminal deletion, whereas two breaks in a single chromosome can result in an interstitial deletion, a ring chromosome or an inversion. Two breaks in two different chromosomes can produce structural changes including reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations. Unequal crossing-over can result in duplications or deletions. Chromosome rearrangements are considered balanced if disomy is maintained for all of the autosomes and a normal complement of sex chromatin is present, even if the positions of the homologous segments on the chromosomes have been changed. In contrast, when chromatin is lost or gained in the process the rearrangement is said to be unbalanced. Unbalanced constitutional rearrangements are generally associated with developmental delay or intellectual impairment, birth defects and poor growth, whereas balanced rearrangements often have no effect on physical or intellectual development. Structural chromosome rearrangements that are present at conception affect every cell and are referred to as constitutional. Rearrangements that occur later in development affect only a portion of the cells and result in mosaicism. Structural abnormalities that occur after birth are referred to as acquired and may cause tumours or leukaemia by altering cell cycle regulation. A standard nomenclature has been developed to describe each of the types of abnormality found in human chromosomes. The current version was developed by the International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature and adopted in 1995 (ISCN, 1995). It is accepted throughout the world as the definitive work for describing and designating both constitutive and acquired chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal abnormalities due to structural aberrations make up a significant portion of chromosomal genetic disease. Jacobs (1977) summarized data from seven separate newborn series of 48 650 infants in Europe and North America that were carried out before the development of banding techniques. Balanced structural rearrangements included Robertsonian translocations, with a frequency of approximately 1 in 1100, reciprocal translocations (about 1 in 1300) and inversions (1 in 7 000). Unbalanced structural rearrangements were less common and included Robertsonian and reciprocal translocations (1 in 16 000), inversions and deletions (1 in 8100) and other unbalanced karyotypes (1 in 3200). At birth, then, structural rearrangements, both balanced and unbalanced, were found in approximately one of every 400 infants. De Novo Versus Inherited Abnormalities Balanced or unbalanced structural abnormalities may be inherited from a carrier parent or may occur as de novo rearrangements, being formed in a single gamete or zygote. If a balanced structural rearrangement is inherited, there is a low risk for physical or mental impairment resulting from the rearrangement. However, when the abnormality occurs as a de novo event, i.e. when the parents have normal karyotypes, the risk for genetic disease or phenotypic effects is increased, even when the rearrangement appears balanced. This may result from either submicroscopic deletions or duplications at the breakpoints or from functional changes in the genes near the breakpoints, which are caused by breakage within the gene or by changes in gene regulatory regions. For a balanced carrier (heterozygote), the only phenotypic problem may be difficulties in reproduction ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 1 Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations evidenced by infertility, spontaneous abortion or abnormal offspring. These difficulties arise from abnormal pairing and segregation at the first meiotic prophase when homologous pairing and recombination take place. The consequences of balanced rearrangements that are identified prenatally are especially difficult to predict, particularly when they are de novo in origin. To provide guidelines for risks for de novo rearrangements detected prenatally, Warburton (1991) surveyed major laboratories in the United States and Canada and reported the results of amniocenteses in which apparently balanced de novo rearrangements were found. These results were compiled from over 377 000 pregnancies. The risk for a serious congenital anomaly was 6.1% when a reciprocal translocation was found, 3.7% for Robertsonian translocations and 9.4% for inversions. These values must be weighed against the overall risk for congenital abnormalities of 2–3% in the general population. Using this comparison, there is little or no increased risk for de novo Robertsonian translocations, but there is a 2–3-fold increased risk for de novo reciprocal translocations or inversions. Deletions Abnormalities in which a portion of chromatin from a single chromosome is lost are called deletions. Deletions result in a partial monosomy and are, therefore, unbalanced rearrangements. Single breaks cause terminal deletions with a subsequent loss of the chromosome end. When two breaks occur in the same arm of a chromosome, interstitial deletions are formed by a loss of the chromatin between the breaks and a rejoining of the remaining segments. Deletions that are large enough to be visible to the eye using light microscopy represent the loss of many genes that are physically located in the same band or region of the chromosome, and result in monosomy for that portion of the genome. For many loci, this represents a haplo-insufficiency in function and is often severe enough to cause death of the embryo. Deletions that survive to birth are associated with a very high risk of birth defects and intellectual impairment. Those that involve tumour suppressor genes confer a high risk of cancer and/or leukaemia. Terminal deletions There are many terminal deletions in human chromosomes that cause well described syndromes. These require a single break and capping of the broken end with a telomere (Figure 1a). One of the earliest described and best delineated syndromes due to a terminal deletion is the cri-du-chat syndrome with loss of part of the short arm of chromosome 5. This may be due to a very small deletion involving a break at band 5p15.2 or one that includes virtually the 2 entire short arm. The characteristic cat-like cry at birth gives the syndrome its name, using the French terminology. The infant has a round face with wide-set eyes, but the older child and adult develops an elongated asymmetrical face. There is severe intellectual impairment. Individual case reports of terminal deletions have been reported for most of the human chromosomes. One of the most common terminal deletions involves the end of the short arm of chromosome 4, which results in intellectual impairment or developmental delay, microcephaly, large simply folded ears, clefting of the lip and palate, external genital abnormalities, and characteristic facial features. Ring chromosomes A ring chromosome is formed from two terminal deletions (Figure 1b). There is a break in both the short arm and the long arm, with fusion of the ends of the centromeric segment and loss of the two terminal segments. Ring chromosomes represent a form of terminal deletion with the added feature of being mitotically unstable due to mechanical problems during replication. Individuals with ring chromosomes have many of the features of patients with terminal deletions as well as growth retardation. Three types of ring chromosome are relatively common: large rings with minimal loss from the terminal segments of the short and long arms, very small rings as extra chromosomes in the karyotype, and rings formed from the X-chromosome, which are generally found in females with features of Turner syndrome. Interstitial deletions The analysis of high-resolution or prometaphase banding patterns led to the discovery of many syndromes that are due to small interstitial deletions. Interstitial deletions require two breaks with loss of the interstitial deletions. Interstitial deletions require two breaks with loss of the interstitial segment (Figure 1c). Like terminal deletions partial monosomies caused by interstitial deletions can produce severe abnormalities and death of the embryo. It is, therefore, only embryos with small deletions that are likely to survive. This makes detection by conventional cytogenetic techniques difficult, and many small interstitial deletions probably go undetected. One interstitial deletion that has been studied extensively is a deletion just below the centromere in chromosome 15. This deletion is found in two distinct and clinically very different syndromes, Prader–Willi and Angelman syndromes. Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is characterized by intense hyperphagia, obesity, poor muscle tone, hypoplastic genitalia and moderate intellectual impairment, while Angelman syndrome (AS) is associated with ataxia, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations Lost Lost Break Break Break Break Break (a) Terminal deletion Lost (c) Interstitial deletion (b) Ring Break Direct duplication (e) Reciprocal translocation A B C Lost Break Lost (f) Robertsonian translocation Break Deletion (d) Duplication/deletion Break Lost D E F G H I J K L Break Break A B C D E F G H I J K L (g) Pericentric inversion C D E F G A B G F E D A B C A B C D E F G H I J K L C H I J K L Break Break D E F G H I J K L A B C E F G H I J D J I H G F E K L (h) Paracentric inversion Figure 1 Formation of structural rearrangements. (a) Terminal deletion: formation of a terminal deletion by a single break with loss of the terminal segment. (b) Ring: formation of a ring chromosome by a break in each arm, loss of the terminal segments and union of the centric segment. (c) Interstitial deletion: formation of an interstitial deletion by two breaks in the same arm, loss of the interstitial segment, and reunion of the two remaining segments. (d) Duplication/deletion: formation of a direct duplication and a deletion from unequal crossing-over. (e) Reciprocal translocation: formation of a reciprocal translocation by a break in each chromosome and exchange of the noncentric segments. (f) Robertsonian translocation: formation of a Robertsonian translocation by a break within the centromere of each chromosome, union of the two long arms and loss of the two short arms, reducing the chromosome number by one. (g) Pericentric inversion: formation of a pericentric inversion by a break in each arm, 1808 rotation of the centric segment, and reunion of the terminal segments with the centric segment. (h) Paracentric inversion: formation of a paracentric inversion by two breaks in the same arm, 1808 rotation of the interstitial segment, and reunion of the terminal segments with the interstitial segment. seizures, severe intellectual impairment, delayed or absent speech, spontaneous outbursts of laughter and characteristic facial features. Similar, and often identical, deleted segments have been found in both syndromes. The investigation into the basis for these two unique syndromes with virtually identical cytogenetic findings has led to an enhanced appreciation of the role of genomic imprinting in humans. Imprinted genes are genes that are inactivated when inherited from one parent, but active when inherited from the other parent, so that there is a functional monosomy for this locus. In the critical region for PWS– AS, there are two separate and oppositely imprinted genes. SNRPN is a gene that is imprinted by the mother, and closely linked is the UBE3A gene that is imprinted by the father. Deletions of the critical region for PWS–AS that are inherited from the father therefore result in PWS due to the maternal inactivation of the only copy of SNRPN. Conversely, deletions of the same region when inherited from the mother result in AS because of paternal imprinting of the only UBE3A gene. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 3 Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations Microdeletions (contiguous gene syndromes) A special category of interstitial deletions called microdeletions are so named because their small size often escapes detection by conventional cytogenetic methods. Microdeletions are also referred to as contiguous gene syndromes because they involve the loss of a series of closely linked genes. There may be variability in the size of the deletions in different patients, but there are considerable similarities in the physical features of patients related to the overlap of deleted chromosomal segments and the influence of the genes within these segments. Contiguous gene syndromes may also be the result of small duplications (see next section). A list of some common contiguous gene syndromes due to microdeletions or duplications is given in Table 1. These deletions may involve only 1–2 Mb of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or less, in the same chromosomal band, and are rarely visible at the microscopic level. Microdeletions must therefore be detected using molecular cytogenetic methods such as fluorescence in situ hybridization. An example of a common interstitial deletion is the deletion within band 22q11.2 that is related to conotruncal heart malformations, hearing loss, calcium metabolism defects, dysmorphic facial features, and developmental delay or intellectual impairment. Both the DiGeorge sequence and velocardiofacial syndrome are associated with microdeletions of this region and are thought to be different manifestations of the same genetic deficiency. It is important to recognize that these deletions may be carried in the heterozygous state in an unaffected or very mildly affected parent as well as in the more severely affected offspring, and thus they present a significant risk for recurrence in future offspring. Duplications: Gene Duplications and Segmental Duplications Duplications are unbalanced rearrangements that result in partial trisomy. Compared with deletions, duplications tend to be somewhat milder in effect, but they share many of the same clinical features. Duplications are believed to result primarily from unequal crossing over (Figure 1d), especially in regions of the genome where repeat DNA sequences are found. (Unequal crossing-over may also cause interstitial deletions by the same mechanism.) Segmental duplications can be oriented in two ways: direct or inverted. Direct duplications retain the same order of gene loci and chromosome bands in relation to the centromere as the parent chromosome, whereas inverted duplications exhibit a complete reversal of loci and bands contained in the duplication. Duplications on one chromosome produce partial trisomies when paired with a normal chromosome in a diploid cell. Partial trisomies can also be caused by translocations or through recombination in inversion heterozygotes (see below). These are referred to as duplications despite the difference in the mechanism of formation. One example of a common chromosome duplication is an inverted duplication of a segment of the long arm of chromosome 15, which is generally observed as an extra Table 1 Contiguous gene syndromes Syndrome Duplication or deletion Critical chromosomal region Saethre–Chotzen Grieg cephalopolysyndactyly Williams Langer–Giedion DiGeorge 2 WAGRa Beckwith–Wiedemann Prader–Willi/Angelman Rubenstein–Taybi Miller–Dieker Smith–Magenis Charcot–Marie–Tooth, type 1A Alagille DiGeorge 1/velocardiofacial Cat-eye Kallmann/contiguous genes Duchenne muscular dystrophy/contiguous genes Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion Duplication Deletion Deletion Deletion Deletion Duplication Deletion Deletion Duplication Deletion Deletion 7p21-p22 7p13 7q11.2 8q24.1 10p13 11p13 11p15 15q11-13 16p13.3 17p13.3 17p11.2 17p11.2-p12 20p11.2-p12 22q11.2 22q11 Xp22.3 Xp21 a 4 WAGR; Wilms tumour, Aniridia, Genitourinary anomalies, mental Retardation ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations dicentric chromosome. The phenotype of patients with this chromosome is highly variable and dependent upon the size of the duplicated segment, the parent of origin, and the presence or absence of the critical region for PWS–AS. Duplication of the proximal long arm of chromosome 22 as an extra dicentric chromosome (cat eye syndrome) is also relatively common and is associated with coloboma of the eye, intellectual impairment and anal atresia. Duplication of the short arm of chromosome 4 produces a contrasting pattern of malformations compared with deletion of the same region (described above). In both cases, there is intellectual impairment, microcephaly, skeletal malformations and poor muscle tone. However, other features are dramatically opposite in appearance. For example, the forehead and nasal bones are prominent with a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4, but appear flat and hypoplastic with a duplication of the same region. The chin, which is small in the deletion syndrome, is protruding in children with the duplication. Microduplications Microduplications have also been reported, although they are more rare than microdeletions, and represent another type of contiguous gene syndrome. They require the same molecular cytogenetic methods for detection. The best known of the microduplication syndromes occurs on the short arm of chromosome 11 (within band p15.5) and results in Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome with high birthweight, omphalocele and overgrowth of the tongue. Unlike most unbalanced autosomal chromosome rearrangements, this syndrome does not typically involve intellectual impairment or developmental delay. Another common microduplication occurs on chromosome 17p and involves only the gene for peripheral myelin protein 22. This results in a nerve conduction disorder called Charcot– Marie–Tooth syndrome. Translocations single break occurs in each chromosome, and the noncentric segments are exchanged without the visible loss of any chromatin (Figure 1e). However, the two new derivative chromosomes may have very different morphology depending on the breakpoints. The carrier of a reciprocal translocation generally has no phenotypic effects due to the rearrangement except for possible reproductive abnormalities including infertility, spontaneous abortions and abnormal offspring. Translocations that reposition proto-oncogenes can result in dysregulation of the cell cycle and the development of tumours or leukaemia. Pairing of homologues at meiosis is altered in translocation carriers. Rather than normal pairing as bivalents, the two derivative chromosomes and their two normal homologues pair to form a cross-shaped quadrivalent at pachytene with each homologous segment pairing with its counterpart (Figure 2a). Pairing and segregation take place after DNA replication, so each chromosome consists of two chromatids and, thus, at each point, the quadrivalent consists of four chromatids. There are four basic segregation patterns from a reciprocal translocation quadrivalent (Figure 2a). In most cases, two chromosomes move to one daughter cell and two to the other; in rare situations, three chromosomes segregate together, leaving one to move alone. Daniel (1979) and Jalbert et al. (1980) have listed ways to evaluate a pachytene quadrivalent in order to determine the most likely modes of segregation and viable outcomes. Examining cytogenic data bases (e.g. Borgaonkar, 1994; Schinzel, 1994) may help to ascertain whether similar rearrangements have been viable. Alternate segregation Both normal chromosomes move to one pole and both translocation chromosomes move to the opposite pole; thus, in a standard quadrivalent diagram, the chromosomes found on the diagonals move to the same poles. All gametes formed from alternate segregation are balanced. Translocations involve breaks in two different chromosomes with an exchange of segments. In humans, there are two major types of translocation: reciprocal translocations in which there is no visual loss of chromatin, and Robertsonian translocations in which the long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes are joined with loss of the two short arms. Ascertainment of both reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations is often through multiple miscarriages, unbalanced progeny or infertility. Adjacent I segregation Reciprocal translocations Adjacent homologous centromeres move to the same pole; this usually results in large amounts of unbalanced chromatin, which is usually incompatible with embryonic survival. Reciprocal translocations are characterized by an exchange of chromatin between different chromosomes. A Adjacent nonhomologous centromeres move to the same pole. This results in an unbalanced chromosomal complement that will result in a zygote with partial trisomy of one chromosome and partial monosomy of the other when fertilized by a normal haploid gamete. This segregation pattern often is compatible with viability. Adjacent II segregation ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 5 Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations Reciprocal translocation carrier 1234 Pachytene chromosomes. Unless the derivative chromosome is small, the embryo will not be viable. Other segregation products result from recombination in the centric segment, giving four other combinations; see ISCN (1995) for a more detailed description. Robertsonian translocations 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 3 4 Fertilization by normal gamete 1 1 4 4 1 2 3 4 11 3 4 Alternate segregation zygotes 13 44 1244 Adjacent I zygotes 1 134 4 1 1 2 4 Adjacent II zygotes 3 : 1 (1 of 4) zygotes (a) Robertsonian translocation carrier 1 2 3 Pachytene 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 11 3 1 3 3 Fertilization by normal gamete 11 3 3 1 2 3 Normal zygote Carrier (normal) zygote 11 2 3 1 2 3 3 Trisomic zygotes Monosomic zygotes (b) Figure 2 Segregation patterns from reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations. After Hirschhorn (1973). (a) Reciprocal translocation: a pachytene quadrivalent is shown with the results of alternate, adjacent I, adjacent II and 3 : 1 segregation, and fertilization by a normal gamete. Note that only one of the four possible combinations is represented for 3 : 1 segregation. (b) Robertsonian translocation: a pachytene quadrivalent is shown with the results of the six possible segregation patterns and fertilization by a normal gamete. 3 : 1 segregation Three of the four chromosomes move to one pole and only one moves to the opposite pole. (Note that only one type of four possible segregation patterns is shown in Figure 2a). This type of segregation often occurs when one of the derivative chromosomes is relatively small. Upon fertilization by a normal gamete, the conceptus will have 47 6 Robertsonian translocations are unique types of wholearm translocations that result from ‘centric fusion’ of the long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes with loss of the short arms, thus reducing the number of chromosomes by one (Figure 1f). They are named for W. R. B. Robertson, who was an insect cytogeneticist and studied numerical chromosome changes in several orthopteran populations (Robertson, 1916). The formation of a Robertsonian translocation may actually result from breaks in the short arm, in the long arm or within the centromere of the two chromosomes that form the ‘fusion’ product. Depending on the position of the breaks and exchange of chromatin segments, the resulting derivative chromosome may be either monocentric or dicentric. Robertsonian chromosomes formed of two homologous long arms (e.g. a chromosome composed of two chromosome 14 long arms) may be the result of a U-type exchange between sister chromatids or two homologous chromosomes, or may actually be an isochromosome with identical arms formed by a misdivision of the centromere. Participation in Robertsonian translocations is not equal among the 10 human acrocentric chromosomes. Unbiased ascertainment data from amniocenteses or consecutive newborn surveys found that a 13;14 translocation is the most common Robertsonian translocation, followed by a 14;21 translocation (Hook and Cross, 1987; Therman et al., 1989). However, many families are ascertained through children with Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), Prader–Willi syndrome (see above) or unspecified intellectual impairment, and, therefore, Robertsonian translocations that involve chromosomes 13, 15 or 21 will show an increase in these series. Other ascertainment biases may be due to detection of a Robertsonian translocation carrier through a history of multiple miscarriages or infertility. A carrier of a Robertsonian translocation will not generally show any physical effects until reproduction. Then, as in reciprocal translocations, pairing at pachytene involves both the normal homologues and the translocation chromosome. However, in the case of Robertsonian translocations, there are only three chromosomes involved; thus, a trivalent is formed at pachytene. Segregation from the trivalent results in the production of six types of gametes (Figure 2b). Two of these are normal and the other four will produce trisomies or monosomies when fertilized by a normal gamete. The conceptus may be viable, depending on which acrocentric chromosomes are ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations involved. Trisomy for chromosomes 13 and 21 are compatible with life, whereas trisomy for the other acrocentrics (i.e. 14, 15 and 22) will virtually all be lost as spontaneous abortions. All the conceptions with monosomies will also be lost prenatally. For female carriers of both reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations, there is an increased risk for abnormal offspring as well as an increased risk for miscarriages due to inviable products of conception. The male translocation carrier has an increased risk for oligospermia or complete azoospermia and often is ascertained through investigation for infertility. Sex chromosome–autosome translocation A special case exists for the X-chromosome when it is involved in a translocation with an autosome. Female carriers of balanced X;autosomal translocations may be fertile or may demonstrate various degrees of gonadal dysgenesis and premature ovarian failure. The clinical presentation is dependent on the position of the breakpoint in the X-chromosome. Two critical regions on the long arm of the X-chromosome in bands Xq13-q22 and Xq22-q27 (a small space within band Xq22 is not critical) have been identified. If the break is within these bands, the carrier may have abnormalities in ovarian function; if the break is outside this region, the carrier will be fertile. A female with a balanced X;autosome translocation will show nonrandom X-chromosome inactivation such that, in all cells, the two translocation X products will be active and the normal X inactive, probably through selection of cells that are functionally more normal during mitosis. Females with unbalanced X;autosomal translocations may be mildly affected due to inactivation of the unbalanced translocation, producing a functional autosomal monosomy. Y;autosome translocations also vary in phenotype depending on the breakpoint. Y long-arm translocations may involve an acrocentric short arm and produce no physical abnormalities, but if involved with other autosomes will result in intellectual impairment and infertility. centromere. Alternatively, a paracentric chromosome is formed when both breaks occur in the same arm and, therefore, the centromere is not included in the inverted segment (Figure 1h). This alters the banding patterns, but not the shape of the chromosome. Repositioning of protooncogenes in inverted chromosomes can activate oncogenes and disrupt normal regulation of the cell cycle causing various forms of cancer. Pericentric and paracentric inversions Both pericentric and paracentric inversions can be carried in the heterozygous state. Like translocation carriers, there is generally no phenotypic effect on inversion heterozygotes due to the inverted gene order of one homologue, except as a result of abnormalities in meiosis. Here, as in other heterozygotes for structural rearrangements, difficulties in pairing and segregation arise at the first meiotic prophase during pachytene when homologous pairing and recombination take place. In this instance, the inverted segment forms a loop to maximize pairing of homologous loci between the inverted and normal homologues (Figure 3). The inversion loop structure is formed after the chromosomes have replicated so that the bivalent is composed of four chromatids, two normal and two inverted strands. Abnormal gametes are formed only when an unequal number of recombination (crossing-over) events occurs within the loop structure. As a result of C C B D D C C A B A D First meiotic anaphase B C A D C A A C B D C C B D A D B A C B D (a) Pericentric inversion A C B D A B D Inversions D First meiotic anaphase B Inversions are formed by two breaks in the same chromosome with exchange of the two ends. Inversions are thus essentially formed in the same manner as translocations except that the breaks and exchange occur in the same chromosome. Two different types of inversion are found. One is a pericentric chromosome in which one break occurs in each arm of the chromosome and, thus, the centromere is included in the inverted segment (Figure 1g). This changes the banding patterns and may also change the shape of the chromosome due to movement of the B A B C D (b) Paracentric inversion Figure 3 Pairing and crossing-over within an inversion loop formed by (a) pericentric and (b) paracentric inversion heterozygotes, resulting in abnormal chromatids with duplications and deficiencies. Note that only two of the four chromatids participate in a single cross-over event. After Srb et al. (1965). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / 7 Chromosomal Genetic Disease: Structural Aberrations crossing-over, the recombinant chromatid has both a duplicated segment and a deleted segment, i.e. duplication of the terminal segment of the short arm with deletion of the terminal segment of the long arm or vice versa (Figure 3). Since only two of the four chromatids in a bivalent participate in a single cross-over, any recombinant event produces only two recombinant chromatids; but also present are one normal chromatid and one inverted, but balanced, chromatid. It should be noted that the terminal segments which are duplicated and deleted from crossingover are the parts of the chromosome distal to the breakpoints and are, therefore, the segments outside the loop. Thus, the larger the segment between the breakpoints (i.e. the closer the breakpoints are to the telomeres), the larger the loop, and the more likely that recombination will occur within it. At the same time, the distal segments that are duplicated and deleted will be smaller. Consequently, it will be more likely for the recombinant gamete to result in a conceptus that will be abnormal, but viable. In contrast, the smaller the segment between breakpoints, the less likely it is that a cross-over will take place in this region. But the recombinant products that are formed are less likely to come to term because of the larger duplicated and deleted segments and, instead, result in miscarriage. The major difference between pericentric and paracentric inversions involves the position of the centromere in the recombinant products. Since the region within the inversion loop remains balanced, the recombination products of the pericentric inversion each retain a single copy of the centromere and can, therefore, disjoin normally during mitosis. In contrast, because the region outside the inversion loop is either duplicated or deleted, the recombination products from the paracentric inversion receive either two copies or no copies of the centromere, neither of which is compatible with long-term survival. On rare occasions, recombination products with a single active centromere have been reported from paracentric inversions, which allow the embryo to survive. Conclusions References Borgaonkar DS (1994) Chromosomal Variation in Man. A Catalog of Chromosomal Variants and Anomalies, 7th edn. New York: Wiley– Liss. Daniel A (1979) Structural differences in reciprocal translocations. Potential for a model of risk in Rcp. Human Genetics 51: 171–182. Hirschhorn K (1973) Chromosomal abnormalities I: Autosomal defects. In: McKusick VA and Claiborne R (eds) Medical Genetics, pp. 3–14. New York: HP Publishing. Hook EB and Cross PK (1987) Rates of mutant and inherited structural cytogenetic abnormalities detected at amniocentesis: results on about 63 000 fetuses. Annals of Human Genetics 51: 27–55. ISCN (1995) An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger. Jacobs PA (1977) Structural rearrangements of the chromosomes in man. In: Hook EB and Porter IH (eds) Population Cytogenetics. Studies in Humans, pp. 81–97. New York: Academic Press. Jalbert P, Sele G and Jalbert H (1980) Reciprocal translocations: a way to predict the mode of imbalanced segregation by pachytene-diagram drawing. A study of 151 human translocations. Human Genetics 55: 209–222. Robertson W (1916) Chromosome studies. I. Taxonomic relationships shown in the chromosomes of Tettigidae and Acrididae. V-shaped chromosomes and their significance in Acrididae, Locutididae and Gryllidae: chromosomes and variation. Journal of Morphology 27: 179–331. Schinzel A (1994) Human Cytogenetics Database. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Srb AM, Owen RD and Edgar RS (1965) General Genetics, 2nd edn, p. 207. San Franciso: W. H. Freeman. Therman E, Susman B and Denniston C (1989) The nonrandom participation of human acrocentric chromosomes in Robertsonian translocations. Annals of Human Genetics 53: 49–65 Warburton D (1991) De novo balanced chromosome rearrangements and extra marker chromosomes identified at prenatal diagnosis: clinical significance and distribution of breakpoints. American Journal of Human Genetics 49: 995–1013. Further Reading Structural aberrations make a significant contribution to genetic disease. Structural rearrangements are formed from chromosomal breakage and rejoining, which affects the content and shape of one or more chromosomes and alters the distribution of genes within the genome. Heterozygous carriers have an increased risk for infertility, miscarriages and chromosomally unbalanced offspring with multiple congenital abnormalities and intellectual impairment. Partial monosomies in these offspring generally result in more severely affected infants than trisomies of the same region. There is also an increased risk for physical and mental abnormalities in carriers of de novo 8 balanced reciprocal translocations and inversions. Structural rearrangements, both balanced and unbalanced, have the potential to alter the control of cell cycling and may result in tumours and leukaemias. Gardner RJM and Sutherland GR (1996) Chromosome Abnormalities and Genetic Counseling, 2nd edn. New York: Oxford University Press. Ledbetter DH and Ballabio A (1995) Molecular cytogenetics of contiguous gene syndromes: mechanisms and consequences of gene dosage imbalance. In: Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS and Valle D (eds) The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease, pp. 811– 839. New York: McGraw–Hill. Rooney DE and Czepulkowski BH (1994) Human Cytogenetics. Chichester, UK: John Wiley. Therman E and Susman M (1993) Human Chromosomes. Structure, Behavior, and Effects, 3rd edn. New York: Springer. Vogel F and Motulsky AG (1997) Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches, 3rd edn. Berlin: Springer. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group / View publication stats