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Paragraph Development: Writing Techniques

Writing is always more than experience,
more than raw data,
more than a matter of who or what the
author is.
Like all art, it selects, it structures, it
integrates, it elevates raw material into
another form and level of understanding.
Jose Dalisay Jr.,
"The Knowing is in the Writing"
Support and evidence provided by the writer
can be explained in different ways:
a. narration – telling a story
b. description – painting something
or someone by use of words
c. comparison – showing how two
subjects are similar
d. contrast – pointing out how two
subjects are different from each other
Support and evidence provided by the writer
can be explained in different ways:
e. example – providing illustrations or
representatives of an idea or topic
f. classification – organizing or
grouping together subjects with the
same qualities or characteristics
Support and evidence provided by the writer
can be explained in different ways:
g. division – taking out a part from the
whole to fully discuss or emphasize
how the part is integral to the whole
h. definition – giving the meaning of a
term, idea, or concept
i. process analysis – telling how
something is achieved or came to
be; or telling how to do something