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Persuasive Narratives & Images Worksheet

Persuasive Narratives: Persuasive Images
So far you have been studying persuasive texts that are written (speeches, editorials and news articles).
However, sometimes images can be equally (if not more) persuasive. The following are three images
specifically selected to present an idea.
Your task is to write ONE paragraph (4-5 lines long) on each of the images which explains the message
portrayed. Each paragraph must be written in formal language and also must include at least 2 persuasive
techniques. You must refer to the images in your paragraph. You may wish to discuss:
Background, Middleground, Foreground
Context (time, year, location)
Emotions/facial expressions
Conflict (if any)
Political or Ideology
Finally, after writing all 3 paragraphs you need to write one last paragraph which relates all the images.
Image ONE
Image TWO
Relationship between all images.