T.C. MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ İİBF İŞLETME 2019-2020 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI BAHAR DÖNEMİ BUS 384 LOGISTICS & SCM ARA SINAV SORULARI Sınav Tarihi: 21 / 05 / 2020 Saati: 23 : 59 SORULAR / AÇIKLAMALAR SINAV BAŞLANGIÇ TARİHİ: 20 MAYIS 2020 SAAT 00:01 SINAV BİTİŞ TARİHİ : 20 MAYIS 2020 SAAT 23:59 TESLİM ŞEKLİ: ue.mersin.edu.tr adresinde yer alan dersimizin ödev portalı. E-mail ile gönderilen sınavlar kabul edilmeyecektir. Açıklama: Metin içerisinde numaralandırılmış boşluklara, aşağıda verilmiş olan kelimelerden uygun olanı yazınız. Cevaplarınızı size ekte sunulan cevap kağıdına yazınız. (Diğer yerlere yazdıklarınız değerlendirilmeyecektir). Herkes kendisi çözmek zorunda ve Cevaplarda benzerlik olması durumunda KOPYA işlemi yapılacaktır. Başarılar Dilerim. Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Ender Gürgen SCM MIDTERM EXAM 2019-2020 SPRING FILL-IN-THE BLANKS QUESTIONS Globalization in trade requires to produce goods and distribute in a very efficient way with the lowest cost and highest quality. The products can be produced anywhere in the World; therefore, companies need to receive _____1______ and semi-raw materials from any where in the world to the production facilities; at the same time, they have to distribute the finished products to the final consumers. ___2_____ companies provide moving, storing, creating value added materials services to take the raw materials from origin (land) to all the way to the final consumers. They are all connected each other in order to use the limited resources efficiently. We call these infrastructure and its management as ____3______. The classical business concept focuses on the lowest cost and maximum profit in micro-level. But, today this business perspective changed to the lowest cost and acceptable profit in the supply chain. Businesses can ask profit from their customers if they perform at least one of the four ways: ___4_____ exists when the business changes the form of the raw material to a different format; _____5____ exists if there is a difference between production time and consumption time; ____6_____ exists if there is difference between the production and consuption facility; and finally, ____7____ occurs if the business is a mediator between buyer and seller. Logistics departments become very crucial position in any organizations because since the industrial revolutıon, the businesses have focused on reducing the operations and production cost with many techniques, but, when the year 1990s come, this perspective changed to focus on logistics costs. This requires managing activities before the production facility (____8_____), and after the production facility (___9______). Any particular logistics department interacts the key functions of business: finance, operations/production and marketing. Therefore, most activities in logistics can be considered with these key functions. ____10_____ is the key function of logistics. The products must be moved from the production facility to the final destination all the way through final consumers. There are 5 major transportation modes: trucks, airways, seaway, ___11____, pipelines. The most commonly used mode in global trade is the seaways. In todays seaways, the products are carried by large standardized boxes, called ____12____. Their size are 20-feet and 40-Feet, and rarely 45-feet long. That is why the total size of a ship is calculate as 1 TEU (____13_____) = 20 feet. ______14_____which is the second highest cost in logistics deals with the storing, ____15____, and discharging the products with efficient way within the facility. MEÜ.EÖ.FR-212/01 Sayfa 1/2 Yayın Tarihi : 08.04.2011 ____16_____ is the type of decision where, how many, in what capacity can a facility be located. ______17____ focuses on how many units a business should order to the suppliers in order to make the total stocking cost minimum. ____18_____ activity focuses on how to provide the materials from the suppliers. This system makes the connection between the customer and business functions. It manages the transactions to receive raw and semi-raw materials from the suppliers as well as the company and its customers. How many units to order is one of the key issues in supply chain management. Depending on the customers’ order, the company gives orders to the suppliers, and then the suppliers orders to the suppliers’ suppliers. The _____19____ is a distribution channel concept which is created by misleaded forecasts by analyzing the customer demand wrongly. It creates an extreme inventory level for every level in supply chain, but mostly the major problem occurs in the last tier of the supply chain. Good communication is the crtical part in order to stop this ineffieiciency. The other business concepts in logistics and supply chain management are ____20_____ related with marketing , informations management, related with the information technologies;therefore, most of the logistics and SCM department managers are eligible to be a CEO. Kullanabileceğiniz Kelimeler: Form Utility Twenty-Equivalent Unit Raw materials Inventory management Transportation Possession Utility Customer relations management Marketing channels Stockouts Big data Time Utility Materials Management Economic Utility Order Management Railways Warehouse management Logistics Landed cost Data warehouse Humanitarian logistics Place Utility Physical Distribution Containers Bullwhip effect Materials handling Supply Chain Management Sustainable products Location decision Cloud CEVAPLARINIZI SİZE EKTE SUNULAN CEVAP KAĞIDINA YAZARAK SİSTEME YÜKLEYİNİZ.. SON MEÜ.EÖ.FR-212/01 Sayfa 2/2 Yayın Tarihi : 08.04.2011