Preliminary Biology Module 1 - Cells as the Basis of Life Module 2 - Organisation of Living Things Module 3 - Biological Diversity Module 4 - Ecosystem Dynamics Working Scientifically Skills Module 2: Organisation of Living Things Chapter 1: Organisation of cells Chapter 2: Nutrient and gas requirements Inquiry question: How are cells arranged in a multicellular organism? Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Chapter 3:Transport Inquiry question: How does the composition of the transport medium change as it moves around an organism? Give me... 5 4 3 2 1 Specialised animal cells Red blood cell, nerve cell, sperm cell, egg cell and white blood cell Organelles found in cells Nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall and cytoplasm Differences between plant and animal cells P – cell wall, vacuole and chloroplasts Differences between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell E- have nucleuses, P- unicellular and multicellular Specialised plant cell Root hair cell Module 2 – Organisation of living things Chapter 2: Nutrient and gas requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Chapter 2: Nutrient and Gas Requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Investigate the structure of autotrophs through the examination of a variety of materials, for example: - dissected plant materials - microscopic structures - using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure All living organisms require many different substances for their efficient functioning. Inorganic and organic materials are essential nutrients for both autotrophs and heterotrophs. These nutrients are required to: supply energy to the organism and provide the raw materials to be used in building the structure of cells and living tissue. Majority of autotrophic organisms are plants. Structure of plants A. i. The root system is responsible for: The root system anchoring the plant and absorbing both inorganic and organic nutrients from the soil. Roots have: Structural adaptations that help them absorb water. Specialised cells that increase surface area and maximise water and mineral uptake. Internal root structure Cross section (Transverse section) root hair epidermis transport vascular tissue cortex phloem xylem Longitudinal section root hair cortex xylem phloem epidermis zone of cell elongation cell division occurs here root cap ii. The shoot system (Stem) The stem provides: structural support and acts as a transport pathway between the roots and the leaves. Revision The stem contains three types of tissues: 1. Dermal tissue: Makes up the outer layer of the stem and provides waterproofing as well as protection and control of gas exchange 2.Vascular tissue: Consist of the xylem and phloem tissue organised in vascular bundles. They provide structural support and enable transport of materials. 3. Ground tissue: Fills in around the vascular tissue. It is used for Photosynthesis, stores photosynthetic products and helps support the plant. Internal stem structure The position and shape of the vascular system changes due to the different requirements of a plant from root, to stem, to leaf! The shoot system (Leaves) iii. The main function is to: absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide and produce glucose through the process of photosynthesis. Leaves have specialised cells that can be divided into 3 distinct layers: Upper epidermis and lower epidermis A layer of cells covering the entire leaf. Secrets a water proof waxy layer called the cuticle. Forms a protective barrier. Prevents water loss. Mesophyll Photosynthesis takes place here. Thin, waxy waterproof layer. Transparent and usually thin. Epidermis and cuticle (combined) Photosynthesis Transports water and products of photosynthesis. Internal leaf structure Let’s label! Video Activity Watch the previous video again and suggest why a vascular system in plants may be an evolutionary advantage. Classwork/Homework KISS Worksheet 4 – Test-Style Questions Investigate the structure of autotrophs through the examination of a variety of materials, for example: - dissected plant materials - microscopic structures - using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure B. Plant structure – Imaging technologies Development of technologies that are much more advanced than light and electron microscopes has led to a greater depth of understanding of not only plant structure but also plant functioning. Advancements have allowed scientist to: 1. 2. 3. capture an image manipulate it process it using advanced computer models i. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) Uses radio waves and a magnetic field to take a series of images of the plant structures that are used to produce a computer-generated 3D image of the structure. Can be combined with other technologies such as PET (position emission tomography) to provide greater detail as well as functional information about transport and processes. Both MRI and PET involve the detection of radiation produced by a radioisotope. Image of maize roots produced by MRI and PET technologies. ii. X-ray computed microtomography (micro-CT) Used to gain a much deeper knowledge of the internal structure of a plant. Non-destructive process and like the CT scan used in hospitals, but smaller Images produced from different angles are reconstructed into a 3D computer-generated image which is then analysed from every angle and spatial arrangement, allowing all internal tissues of the plant to be studied. Research Task Gather, process and analyse information from secondary sources (the internet as well as the handout provided) to discuss the use of radioisotopes in increasing our understanding of plant structure and function. Classwork/Homework Complete the following worksheets from the worksheet booklet: 9.1 – Gas exchange in plant leaves 9.4 – The role of roots 9.5 – Plant structure and adaptations 9.6 – Transport in plants Example 1: Phosphorus-32 Plants take up phosphorus-containing compounds from the soil through their roots. By adding a small amount of radioactive phosphorus-32 to fertiliser and then measuring the rate at which radioactivity appears in the leaves, it is possible to calculate the rate of uptake of phosphorus from the soil. The information gathered could help plant biologists to identify plant types that can absorb phosphorus quickly. Example 2: Carbon-14 Radioisotope carbon-14 was used to explain the details of how photosynthesis occurs. Plants were exposed to CO2 containing a high concentration of radioactive carbon-14. At regular intervals, the plants were analysed to determine which organic compounds contained carbon-14 and how much of each compound was present. From the time sequence in which the compounds appeared and the amount of each present at given time intervals, scientists learned more about the pathway of the reaction. Investigate the structure of autotrophs through the examination of a variety of materials, for example: - dissected plant materials - microscopic structures - using a range of imaging technologies to determine plant structure Dissected plant materials Microscopic structures C. D. i. ii. Part 1: Dissecting Celery Part 2: Observing plant cells under the microscope i. Part 1: Dissecting Celery Background Information: Xylem is specialised vascular tissue for the transport of water and dissolved mineral nutrients from the roots to the leaves. Movement occurs in only one direction- upwards from the roots. Water that is taken up travels to the leaves and can escape through stomates, causing low water pressure at the leaves. Water from the roots is constantly replacing water lost from the leaves - this is known as the transpiration stream. Aim: 1. To observe the movement of water through plant xylems. 2. To observe dissected plant materials under the microscope and identify microscopic structures which are present in autotrophs. 3. To identify that transpiration rate is greater when leaves (macroscopic structures) are present (Chapter 3). Hypothesis: If celery is kept in water with red food dye, then water transport will become evident by redstained stems and/or leaves after some time. If celery stems are cut across after being placed in red-coloured water, xylem in the vascular bundles will be found to be stained red. If celery is kept in red-coloured water, those stems with leaves intact will have a faster movement of water to the stem i.e. Faster transpiration rate. Equipment: Celery with leaves still attached – similar size (20cm) Beaker 500mL Red food dye Water Scalpel Ruler Microscopic slide Light microscope Cover slip Stopwatch Paper towel Method PART A: 1. Wear disposable gloves. 2. Fill the beaker with 300 mL of water and add a couple of drops of red dye. 3. Choose 4 celery stems of the same length remove the leaves of 2 and place them in the beaker upright in a shaded, but well-ventilated area. 4. Leave in beaker for ~ 40 minutes. 5. Cut across each stem at 1cm intervals up the stem to determine the distance that the coloured water was transported. Record data in the table. 6. Calculate the rate of transpiration for each treatment. PART B: 1. Leave the stems in the stained water overnight. 2. Cut the stems longitudinally and vertically to determine where the water has travelled, 3. Slice thin sections and mount them on a microscope slide. 4. Focus the section of the xylem under the microscope and record observation. Results: Table 1: Rate of transpiration in a celery stem with and without leaves With leaves Without leaves Stem 1 Stem 2 Average Stem 1 Stem 2 Average Distance travelled in 40 minutes (cm) Transpiration rate/minute 22 23 22.5 17 4 10.5 0.55 0.58 0.56 0.43 0.1 0.26 Discussion: 1. Explain the transport of water through plants. 2. Construct diagrams of cross sections of stems to illustrate xylem in vascular tissue. 3. Explain why transpiration was faster in the celery with leaves. 4. Describe the appearance of xylem tubes. ii. Part 2: Observing plant cells under the microscope Background Information: The shape and position of the vascular bundle changes from the roots, through the stem and to the leaves due to the varied requirements of these organs. Aim: To use the light microscope to observe and identify the xylem, phloem and stomata in prepared slides. Equipment: Light microscope Prepared slides Method: After you carry out the experiment write up a method! Results: Fill in the table on page 14-15. Investigate the function of structures in a plant, including but not limited to: - tracing the development and movement of the products of photosynthesis - the movement of water (added) Photosynthesis is the process whereby most autotrophic plants use inorganic materials in the environment to produce organic materials which are broken down to produce energy. Photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplast of cells. Each chloroplast has an inner and outer membrane which together regulate the movement of materials in and out. Inside there is a fluid called stroma and a highly complex inner thylakoid membrane which fold to form a system of stacks called grana, between which are flat membrane sheets called lamellae. Chloroplasts are found mostly in palisade mesophyll cells with some found in the spongy mesophyll layer. The development of products from photosynthesis Photosynthesis requires: A. Carbon dioxide Used by plants for photosynthesis. Obtained from the air surrounding the leaves. Exchange of gases takes place through the stomata and can be temporarily stored in the air spaces within the mesophyll layer. Rate of photosynthesis depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide available in the environment. Water Used to keep the cells in the plant alive. Water molecules are split to form molecules of oxygen gas and hydrogen ions which produce ATP energy and can be used later in aerobic respiration to produce further ATP molecules. Light energy Energy from the sun is absorbed by the pigment found within chloroplasts called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll (or other pigments) is necessary for photosynthesis to occur. When water levels are low in the plant, the stomata close to reduce excess water loss, this reduces the amount of carbon dioxide available for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces: Oxygen Produced as a by-product of photosynthesis. Required for aerobic respiration. Oxygen that is not used up is then transported out of the plant via the stomates if the guard cells are open. Glucose The main product of photosynthesis. Stored in plants as starch if it is not used up in aerobic respiration. Travels around the plant to its required location or storage space via the vascular bundle (transported by the phloem). Investigate the function of structures in a plant, including but not limited to: - tracing the development and movement of the products of photosynthesis - the movement of water (added) The movement of the products of photosynthesis The products of photosynthesis are moved around the plant through: i. the phloem or ii. exists the plant leaves either through stomata or lenticels. B. ii. Stomata Gas exchange occurs through a structure called stomata. Stomata are the openings to an air space usually located in the lower epidermis of a leaf. Each stoma (singular) consists of two highly specialised epidermal cells called guard cells. Stomata regulate the exchange of gases between the plants internal and external environments, by changing shape which causes the pore to open or close. When plants have open stomata, there is an exchange of photosynthetic gasses (CO2 and O2) as well as the loss of water vapour due to transpiration. Lenticels are pores through which gaseous exchange occurs in the woody parts of plants such as the trunks and branches of trees. The diffusion of oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour take place through lenticels, relatively slowly. Chapter 2: Nutrient and Gas Requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Investigate a range of secondary-sourced information to evaluate processes, claims and conclusions that have led scientists to develop hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants, including but not limited to: - photosynthesis - transpiration-cohesion-tension theory Poster In groups of 4, use the information provided to analyse the claims and hypotheses, theories and models about the structure and function of plants in relation to photosynthesis and the transpiration-cohesion-tension theory. PART 1: You will choose either photosynthesis OR transpiration-cohesion-tension theory and create a poster which covers the points on pg 25 of your booklet. PART 2: You will be given a copy of another groups poster, which you will need to critique using the points provided. Resources provided on pg 26 of your booklet! Chapter 2: Nutrient and Gas Requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants through the collection of primary and secondary data and information, for example: - microscopic structures: alveoli in mammals and leaf structure in plants - macroscopic structures: respiratory systems in a range of animals Gas exchange is an important function for both plants and animals. Gas exchange removes waste products that can affect metabolism or alter the functioning of organisms and provides the organism with gasses that are required for it to survive. Plants and animals have evolved various microscopic and macroscopic structures that assist in gas exchange. Investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants through the collection of primary and secondary data and information, for example: - microscopic structures: alveoli in mammals and leaf structure in plants - macroscopic structures: respiratory systems in a range of animals A. Leaf structure in plants (microscopic structures) Gas exchange in plants occurs through a structure called the stoma (plural stomata) - the opening to an air space located in the lower epidermis of a leaf. Each stoma consists of two highly specialised epidermal cells called guard cells, which surround a pore, creating an opening through the epidermis and cuticle. Stomata regulate the exchange of gases and water between a plant’s internal and external environment. They change shape, which causes the pore to open and close. When plants open their stomata to allow carbon dioxide gas in for photosynthesis, oxygen gas is released, and water is lost as water vapour during the process of transpiration. Stomata are usually open during the day to increase the rate of photosynthesis when sunlight is available. The stomata close when light levels drops and the plants do not need any more carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. When the guard cells are: Turgid (swollen) The stomatal opening is large, allowing water and gases to enter and exit the leaf. The guard cells become swollen when potassium ions (K+) accumulate and the potential water potential of the guard cells decreases. Flaccid When guard cells loose water, the cells become flaccid and the stomatal opening closes, preventing water and gas from leaving the leaf. Investigate the gas exchange structures in animals and plants through the collection of primary and secondary data and information, for example: - microscopic structures: alveoli in mammals and leaf structure in plants - macroscopic structures: respiratory systems in a range of animals Respiratory systems of animals (microscopic and macroscopic structures) Gaseous exchange occurs in all animals and involves the movement of gases between their internal and external environments by diffusion across cell membranes. B. Organisms must exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with their environments to maintain normal cell functioning. Oxygen is essential for all cells to carry out cellular respiration to release energy from the nutrients they have consumed. As a result of this process, carbon dioxide is produced and must be removed as it is toxic and can decrease the pH of blood and other cells in the body interfering with enzyme activity. The respiratory system enables this gaseous exchange between the organism and its environment. The respiratory system contains organs that are made up of specialised tissue. Different animals possess different respiratory organs but they all have common exchange structures to ensure efficient functioning and maximum exchange of gasses. They all: Have a large surface area that has been enhanced by folding branching or flattening. This large surface area allows a faster rate of diffusion to supply oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide. Have a moist, thin surface to ensure that oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolve for easier diffusion - thinnest decreases the distance that the gasses need to travel. Are in close proximity to an efficient transport system that will transport the gasses to and from all cells in the body. Have a greater concentration of required gasses on one side of the membrane than the other so that a concentration gradient is maintained. i. Mammals (Humans) The gaseous exchange surfaces in mammals are located in the lungs, and are known as alveoli (single - alveolus). Each thin walled alveolus is composed of an air sac that is connected to the external environment and is surrounded by tiny thin-walled blood vessels called capillaries. Capillary walls are one cell thick and they only allow one red blood cell to pass through at a time, allowing for efficient exchange of gasses. There are 3 key steps in the process of respiration before the air is able to exchange gasses with the blood: Nasal cavity Air is drawn in through the nose and passes into the nasal cavity and pharynx (the back of the throat). The nose filters, moistens and warms the air for the airways. Airways The air then passes to the trachea which then splits into two bronchi and then further branches off into bronchioles. The trachea and bronchi are lined with cells covered in cilia and secrete mucus which traps particles of dust or bacteria while the cilia push the partials towards the pharynx. Alveoli Air enters the terminal air sacs called alveoli where gas exchange takes place. Alveoli are microscopic and there are approximately 286 million alveoli in each human lung. There is a constant supply of oxygen to cells through the capillaries. Alveoli The alveoli in the lungs have all the features that allow for efficient gas exchange: The increased surface area is achieved by the approximately 286 million microscopic alveoli that are supplied by 280 million capillaries. Each alveolus has a thin lining made of flattened cells that are in a single layer, facilitating the efficient diffusion of gases across a very small distance. The surface area of all parts of the respiratory system is moist. The air inside the alveoli is saturated with water vapour and the mucus lined epithelium reduces the evaporation of this water. Each alveolus has folding of the thin interior lining, thus further increasing surface area. This ensures that the oxygen and carbon dioxide that diffuse across the gaseous change surface are in a dissolved form enhancing the efficiency of diffusion. The numerous blood capillaries that closely surround the outside of each alveolus ensure that all alveoli are in close contact with the blood. Lung ventilation The lungs are located in the chest cavity, which is completely enclosed and under a small negative pressure that keeps the lungs expanded. The floor of the chest cavity is the muscular diaphragm. Malfunctions of the respiratory system in humans Asthma A condition in which the cells lining the airways are sensitive to foreign particles in the air such as pollen. Small airways swell and fill with mucus and become constricted. Emphysema Caused by the breakdown of air sacs in the lungs. Reduces the lung surface area available for gas exchange. Pneumonia Caused by an infection that causes the lungs to become inflamed, and the air sacs to fill with white blood cells and fluid. Classwork/Homework Complete the following worksheet from the worksheet booklet: 8.7 – Gas exchange in humans Gas exchange worksheet ii. Insects Insects do not have lungs or blood capillaries because they are small, they can achieve the exchange of gases using a much simpler system. Insects exchange gasses directly through a network of tubes called tracheae which branch through the body. They take in and expel air through structures called spiracles (breathing pores). Spiracles have valves to regulate their opening and closing. This ensures they are not continually exposed to the drying effects of the environment. Abdominal muscles and the insects overall body movement, controls the movement of air into the insects’ body through these spiracles. iii. Fish Gases such as oxygen, have a low solubility in water so their concentration in water is much lower than in the air. As a result, fish have evolved features that allow the maximum amount of oxygen absorption from their aquatic environment. Fish possess gills which are formed from infolding of the body wall. They consist of curved bony gill arches with rows of folded gill filaments that form an increased surface area for gas exchange. They use the oxygen dissolved in water. 1. 2. 3. As the fish swims, it opens its mouth so that water enters and flows over the gills. The fish then lifts its gill coverings, called gill slits to let out the water. As oxygen-rich water flows over the gills, gaseous exchange takes place with the blood vessels lining the gill filaments. iv. Amphibian – Adult frog Frogs are partly aquatic (tadpole) and partly terrestrial (adult). Adult frogs have retained certain respiratory characteristics, typical of simple aquatic organisms as well as developing terrestrial features (e.g. simple lungs). Adult frogs use three surfaces for gaseous exchange: The skin is the main site for respiration when the frog is in water or when it is relatively inactive on land. The skin is very well supplied with blood vessels. The floor of the mouth is large and well supplied with blood capillaries. It serves as a pump, ventilating the lungs. Some gaseous exchange may also occur across the inner lining of the buccal cavity. They have two simple, sac-like lungs and, although internal they are not greatly folded like those typical of mammals. Frogs only use their lungs for gaseous exchange when they are physically active (e.g. during hopping and when on land). The nostrils have valves which close to prevent the entry of water into the lungs during swimming. Classwork/Homework Complete the following worksheet from the worksheet booklet: 8.8 – Gas exchange in animals Lung Dissection - DEMONSTRATION Background Information The lungs make up part of your respiratory system. When you breathe, oxygen travels into the lungs to be used by the rest of the body. When you inhale, the diaphragm contracts and the lungs inflate. Aim To observe the structure of the lungs and its movement when breathing occurs. To relate the structure of the lung to how they work when we breath. Materials Sheep’s lung Dissecting tray Scalpel Forceps Safety glasses Safety gloves Electric pump Risk Assessment What is the risk? Why is it a risk? How do we reduce the risk? Method 1. Place the lungs facing forward on the dissecting tray. 2. Observe the structure and texture of the lungs. 3. Identify the different components of the respiratory system you are able to observe. 4. Insert an electric pump into the trachea and exhale to fill the lungs with air. 5. Observe and record the changes that occur when modelling inhaling of the lungs. 6. Dispose of the lungs and gloves into the bio-hazardous waste bag. Results/Discussion 1. Describe the texture of the lungs. What is the reason for this? 2. Identify 3 different structures of the respiratory system. 3. What change was observed as air was blown into the lungs? 4. How does this organ (lung) change the composition of the red blood cells passing through capillaries around it? Building a model to demonstrate breathing Aim To model the action of the diaphragm in inhalation and exhalation. Materials 1L Soft drink bottle Sticky tape 2 Straws 2 Balloons (medium) 1 Balloon (large) to cover the end of the bottle Retractable utility knife/Scalpel Blue-tac Risk Assessment What is the risk? Why is it a risk? How do we reduce the risk? Method 1. Watch the YouTube Video “How to make lungs with balloons”. 2. Build a model to demonstrate how the actions of the diaphragm inflate and deflate the lungs, using the instructions in the video and the diagram. 3. To ensure your model works, pre-blow the balloons to stretch them before placing them on the model and ensure that your model is airtight. Results Draw a diagram of your model and label each of the parts of the model with the name of the actual part of the respiratory system that it represents. Chapter 2: Nutrient and Gas Requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Trace the digestion of foods in a mammalian digestive system, including: - physical digestion - chemical digestion - absorption of nutrients, minerals and water - elimination of solid waste Digestion is the breaking down of large and complex food particles into much smaller and simpler particles. The aim of digestion is to break down the particles into substances that are small enough to be absorbed through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. There are 2 types of digestion: Physical Chemical Digestive enzymes can only act on the external surface of food particles. The smaller the particles are, the larger the surface area to volume ratio is, resulting in faster breakdown of food and absorption of important nutrients. As large food molecules are broken down, salivary enzymes are added to begin the chemical process of digestion. Physical digestion continues along the digestive pathway through the mechanical movements of the muscles (churning) which further assist in the breakdown of food. Pathway through the digestive system i. Mouth After food enters the mouth, physical/mechanical digestion begins the process of breaking down food. Teeth break the food up into smaller pieces with greater surface area for the more efficient action of enzymes. The salivary enzyme, amylase is released into the mouth, mixed with the food and begins the breakdown of complex carbohydrates such as starch into the simple sugar, maltose. Saliva produced from the salivary glands, lubricates the food and along with the tongue and action of chewing, form a ball shape called the bolus - this is easy to swallow. ii. Epiglottis As the bolus moves from the mouth, it passes the entrance to the trachea which is closed off by the epiglottis (flap of skin). This is essential to prevent food from passing down in to the respiratory system and directs the bolus into the oesophagus. iii. Oesophagus As the bolus enters the oesophagus, it travels along the soft-walled, muscle-ringed tube to the stomach. The bolus of food is pushed down due to muscular contractions (peristalsis). Chemical digestion of starch continues along the oesophagus. iv. Stomach At the entry and exit of the stomach, there are narrow openings whose opening and closing are controlled by circular sphincter muscles. These control the movement of substances into and out of the stomach. Once inside the stomach, relaxation and contraction of the stomach walls continue the mechanical digestion. The bolus breaks up into pieces that combine with gastric juices found within the stomach to form a mixture (chyme). Gastric juices secreted from the wall of the stomach contain: water hydrochloric acid (HCl) pepsinogen (released by cells in the stomach wall, and upon mixing with HCl activates to become pepsin) pepsin (begins the breakdown of protein into peptide) The chyme remains in the stomach for approximately 6 hours. v. Small intestine The chyme from the stomach enters the small intestine gradually through a sphincter. The small intestine facilitates the absorption of nutrients such as glucose into the blood stream through tiny projections called villi which line the intestinal wall. Villi increase the surface area for much more efficient diffusion. Villi are moist and once cell thick with a large supply of capillaries. The highly folded small intestine is approximately 7 meters long in an adult and can be broken down into 3 regions: 1. Duodenum (start of the small intestine) Food entering this section stimulates the release of a hormone which intern simulates the release of pancreatic juices into the area. This juice contains enzymes amylase, trypsin and lipase which continue the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. Here bile can also be added if there are lipids present. Jejunum (middle section) 2. Most absorption of digestive products occurs here. Has adaptations which increase the surface area available for the adsorption of essential nutrients. The products of digestion move into the cardiovascular system via diffusion or active transport into the surrounding capillaries. The tiny projections along the wall of the small intestines (villi), are moist and are once cell thick; they have a rich supply of blood through capillaries that are wrapped around it. Ileum (end region) 3. Passes the remaining material into the large intestine. During the process of absorption in the small intestine: The liver produces bile for the breakdown of fats which is stored in the gall bladder until needed. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes, hormones (insulin and glucagon) and sodium bicarbonate. vi. Liver Acts on the bloodstream coming from the small intestine. Converts excess glucose into glycogen and removes absorbed toxins from the body. Large intestine When all of the required digestive products have been absorbed in the small intestine, the remaining materials move to the large intestine. vii. This material is composed of substances such as water, salts and dietary fibres. The large intestine has 2 main sections: 1. 2. Colon Rectum Colon 1. In the colon, water and some salts are absorbed back into the blood stream, compacting the undigested material into a more solid structure. Vitamins A and K are produced by bacteria in the colon acting on the undigested matter and is absorbed into the blood stream. Rectum 2. The remaining waste material known as faeces moves into the rectum and is egested from the body through the anus. Classwork/Homework Complete the following worksheet from the worksheet booklet: Activity 2: Digestive system diagram Activity 3: Chemical and mechanical digestion Chapter 2: Nutrient and Gas Requirements Inquiry question: What is the difference in nutrient and gas requirements between autotrophs and heterotrophs? Compare the nutrient and gas requirements of autotrophs and heterotrophs Diffuses through the respiratory surface Not required Diffuses into roots Produced by photosynthesis Move into the plant through the roots by diffusion and active transport Activity – Summary + Questions i. ii. Create a summary in your booklet, using the information on ‘Comparing nutrient and gas requirements’ to compare the nutrient and gas requirements of autotrophs and heterotrophs. Use your summary, to answer Q1-3 on pg 163, in your booklet.