Wellbeing Message 6 from Claire the Counsellor Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain - Vivian Greene I hope you have all had a good week and are enjoying watching nature around you coming to life. There has been some news this week that we can be outdoors more often now, not just for exercise, but to sit and relax for a while enjoying our surroundings. I think this will be good for everyone. I’ve put together some more wellbeing activities and pieces of information for you to try and explore at home… The Feather Game Try and find a feather outside and then take it in turns to blow it to another person. This is really good for practising our deep breathing and having fun with others. See if you can keep it from landing on the ground! Hair brushing Taking turns to brush someone else’s hair and then having yours brushed can be incredibly relaxing and bonding. Book a time with someone in your family to do it as a gentle activity, get yourself sitting comfortably and enjoy the pamper. The Blob Tree The Blob Tree can be a helpful way for us to express how we are feeling. Look at the Blobs and see which one you think expresses the most how you are feeling. You could just point to them and share with someone else or print it out and colour in the various ones you feel each day, you could even date them so you can track your mood. Flight/Fight/Freeze and Anxiety It can sometimes help us to understand why our emotions can change and how it can affect our thinking and create changes in our body. This clip explains what anxiety can feel like and how our brains work. It can help us understand why we can feel overwhelmed sometimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfSbWc3O_5M Laughter Yoga How about trying laughter yoga? It can be really good for us to laugh, it triggers a nerve in a body that makes us naturally relaxed and releases ‘happy hormones’. Robert Rivest is a specialist teacher who has created some fun videos, why not try one. You may want to warn your families first though! https://www.robertrivest.com/video/laughalongwithrobe/ The Lego Challenge This is a great little challenge for anyone who likes Lego. Why not try ticking off each day and see how far you get? Parents – Your wellbeing is extremely important too! This is a helpful booklet with ideas and tips for parents working from home (and also those who are not) from the Charlie Waller Trust. https://74fa8c0e-59f4-4e39-806af511b0f9fadb.filesusr.com/ugd/b5791d_c659f0f7fa4248ac90c17d5b786f1953 .pdf I hope you all have a lovely week ahead