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System Analysis & Design Assignment: Agile, Risk, Charts

CIN603 – System Analysis & Design
Assignment 1 (Weighting 10%)
Due Date: 18/03/2020
Part A
1. Based on thorough search, discuss about agile system development approaches and spiral models. Prepare a
summary of the findings/results. [8m]
2. As an owner of a travel agency, you have noticed that you have many corporate clients, but growth has slowed
somewhat. Some long-term employees are getting discouraged, but you feel that there might be a way to make
technology work in your favor. Use your imagination and suggest at least one strength, weakness,
opportunity, and threat that your business faces. [8m]
3. Discuss why project risk management is critical for any project. Identify some of the risks and its associated
impact in an information systems project. [5m]
4. Consider the example of a construction project consisting of 8 steps with the work breakdown structure as
 Prepare the foundation (10 days). Then assemble the building (4 days).
 When the building is assembled, start two tasks at once: finish the interior work (4 days) and set up
an appointment for the final building inspection (30 days).
 When the interior work is done, start two more tasks at once: landscaping (5 days) and driveway
paving (2 days).
 When the landscaping and driveway are done, do the painting (5 days).
 Finally, when the painting is done and the final inspection has occurred, arrange the sale (3 days).
a. What is the total time required for the project? ([2m]
b. What is the critical path? [2m]
c. Create a Gantt chart that shows the WBS. [5m]
d. Create a PERT/CPM chart. [5m]
*Use proper referencing for all works cited.
What to Submit
Submit all answers in a Word document.
Submit MS Project files for the charts.
For all written work students must ensure that they submit their own original work. Submitting the work of
others as their own, or copying or failing to fully acknowledge the source of ideas, concepts and quotations
constitute unacceptable academic practice. Any act of plagiarism will be severely penalized.