Elements of HRP HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING 1. Forecasting Demand Ex: Estimate personnel need by using past or future sales volume , number of customers etc. using regression Process of anticipating and carrying out the movement of people into, within, and out of the organization Estimating the number and types of people needed to meet organizational goals The goal is to achieve the optimum use of human resources Quantitative Approaches Statistical and mathematical techniques Forecasting shortage, surplus, career paths 1. Estimate the demand for labor for the future 2. Estimate the supply of labor from inside and outside the firm 3. Match the projected labor supply and demand Qualitative Approaches Judgmental, subjective Management forecasts (Opinions of supervisors) Performance appraisals, promotability 1 2 3 4 2. Forecasting Supply of Employees Determining the availability of the number & types of employees needed • Internal Labor Supply Staffing tables (Firm’s jobs, numbers of employees occupying them & future requirements) Employee profiles (Qualifications of current employees) Replacement charts (Current jobholders & potential replacements) 1 3. Balancing Supply and Demand Considerations • External Labor Supply Shortage of employees Recruitment Overtime Temporary employees Recall laid off employees Surplus of employees Reduction/downsizing Layoffs Early retirement Hiring freeze Reduced working hours Transfers/reassignments Forecasting economic and demographic changes Industry and technological trends Published documents A layoff is the temporary or permanent discharge of an employee for business reasons, such as personnel management or downsizing an organization. 5 6 Criteria for Layoff Decisions Downsizing • Performance Some healthy companies use it to reduce costs and increase earnings • Seniority Research shows it doesn’t lead to improved financial performance, productivity, and long-term gains last hired, first out first hired, first-out Use it as a last resort (not as a quick fix) Use legitimate layoff criteria (performance & replacability) Manage survivors effectively Communicate openly and honestly • Salary • Company strategy 7 8 2