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AHL-Boat Ramp Access Procedures Change

At the February 27th HOA Board meeting, the Board approved a new policy regarding access to/from the
lakes via boat ramps:
Beginning April 1st, the gate lock combination will be removed from the web site and changed.
Homeowners will have to make an appointment to have their boat delivered or removed. AAM
has a contractor who will supervise each appointment and inspect the boat using a standard
The HOA will absorb the cost of this new policy during normal business hours of 8:30 – 5pm
Monday through Friday. The contractor will charge $25 per hour for an appointment with 3
days’ notice. The contractor will charge $40 per hour for an appointment with less than 3 days’
notice or for emergency calls from homeowners. This charge will not be absorbed by the HOA
and shall be charged to the homeowner.
Only qualified vendors will be allowed access to the lakes.
Vendors must be registered with the HOA in order to gain access to the lakes.
Please see the HOA’s website (www.arrowheadlakeshoa.org) for the revised rules and the new
Watercraft Vendor application under the “Documents” tab; homeowners must log in to see some
items. The revised rule is available for public viewing under the “Governing Documents”
section and “Boat Information & Forms” section. The Watercraft Vendors application and
Community Approved Watercraft Vendors list is under the “Boat Information & Forms” section