Spanish III La casa de mis sueños Design your dream house! Part I: The floor plan (20 pts.) Your house must include the following: A. INTERIOR a. Your floor plan must have 8 rooms b. Each room must have 3-5 pieces of furniture c. Everything should be clearly labeled in Spanish with appropriate definite article. B. EXTERIOR a. Garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled (Ex. a fountain, a pool, Jacuzzi, balcony, sauna, tennis court, b-ball court, etc.) b. Be creative with your design and color the house plans. Part II: El anuncio (30 pts.) Write an advertisement (anuncio) to sale or rent your house: A. Explain where it is located, how it is, how many rooms, how many pieces of furniture does it have B. Use many details to describe your house (including the exterior) using adjectives such as: magnífico(a), lujoso(a), acogedor(a), etc. C. Include a for rent or for sale price: (ex. $500 per week, per month, etc. or 350 K) D. Date(s) available. E. Your anuncio must be a 20 sentences (minimum) paragraph. Must include transition words, such as también, sin embargo, y, porque, etc. (For transition words in Spanish visit F. Your final “anuncio” must be framed to a separate piece of colored paper. Due Dates: The Rough draft counts as a HW assignment and must be turned in before the final is accepted. _____01____ ___27-28____ Floor Plan: Exterior and interior drawn and labeled in pencil ____01_____ ___27-28____Anuncio: Typed double-spaced in 12 pt. font for editing. ____01_____ ____31____FINAL PROJECT DUE You will be graded on neatness, organization, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and content. Follow the above directions and do your best!!! Spanish III Final Rubric: La casa de mis sueños Anuncio Content Length Grammar Vocabulary Conventions (punctuation, capitalization & Spelling) Framed Anuncio 5 4 3 2 1 Description of house includes all of the elements: Interior, exterior, price, date of availability, location Description of house is missing one of the elements: Interior, exterior, price, date of availability, location Description of house is missing two of elements: Interior, exterior, price, date of availability, location Description of house is missing three of the elements: Interior, exterior, price, date of availability, location Description of house is missing four of the elements: Interior, exterior, price, date of availability, location Description has 20 or more sentences Description has 1917 sentences. Description has 1513 sentences Description has 1210 sentences Description has 10 sentences or less Excellent use of grammatical structures i.e. subject/verb agreement, noun/adjective agreement, correct word order and ser/estar verbs. Good use of grammatical structures i.e. subject/verb agreement, noun/adjective agreement, correct word order and ser/estar verbs. Fair use of grammatical structures i.e. subject/verb agreement, noun/adjective agreement, correct word order and ser/estar verbs. Poor use of grammatical structures i.e. subject/verb agreement, noun/adjective agreement, correct word order and ser/estar verbs. Excessive errors on grammatical structures i.e. subject/verb agreement, noun/adjective agreement, correct word order and ser/estar verbs. Errors impede comprehension. Interesting & natural. Vivid expression. Creative & varied. Clear images. Accurate and specific. Excellent use of adjective & transitions Effectively conveys message. Varied and functional, Unnatural at times. Good use of adjectives & transitions Ordinary expressions. Seems forced or overly simplistic. Some inaccurate word usage. Fair use of adjectives and transitions Monotonous expression. Distracts from meaning. Poor imaging, lacks specificity. Poor use of adjectives & transitions Limited vocabulary. Misused words. Vague and inappropriate. Impedes meaning. Excessive error in the use of adjectives & transitions Strong control of conventions. Description has no more than 4 errors Basic control of conventions. Minor errors don’t affect readability. Description has 5-8 error Limited control of conventions. Distracting errors. Description has 1015 errors. Errors overwhelm the message. Description has more than 20 errors. Anuncio is framed in a separate piece of paper. Excellent presentation, neat well design and organized. Anuncio is framed in a separate piece of paper. Good presentation and design; good layout. Anuncio is framed in a separate piece of paper. Layout is good, but design is bland. Little control over conventions. Mistakes make the description difficult to read. Description has 1619 errors. Anuncio is framed in a separate piece of paper. The presentation is disorganized &/or layout is absolute Anuncio is not framed in a separate piece of paper. Poor presentation. Spanish III Floor Plan 5 4 3 2 1 Content: Interior The floor plan has all the interior elements: 8 rooms, 2 pieces of furniture p/room (12 diff. pieces of furniture) are labeled The floor plan is missing no more than two interior elements: 8 rooms, 2 pieces of furniture p/room (12 diff. pieces of furniture) are labeled The floor plan is missing 3-5 interior elements: 8 rooms, 2 pieces of furniture p/room (12 diff. pieces of furniture) are labeled The floor plan is missing 6-8 interior elements: 8 rooms, 2 pieces of furniture p/room (12 diff. pieces of furniture) are labeled The floor plan is missing more than 9 interior elements: 8 rooms, 2 pieces of furniture p/room (12 diff. pieces of furniture)are labeled Content: Exterior The floor plan has all the exterior elements: garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled The floor plan is missing one element: garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled The floor plan is missing two elements: garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled The floor plan is missing three elements: garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled The floor plan is missing more than four elements: garage, garden, and 3 other features labeled Creativity Excellent original floor plan; detailed, attractive, creative & consistent. Floor plan relates to text. Original floor plan; detailed, attractive, creative & consistent. Floor plan relates to text. Original floor plan; somewhat detailed, attractive & may lack color, but it relates to text. Floor plan may not be detailed, attractive or colorful. Floor plan relates to text on page, but may not be consistent. Floor plan is neither original, nor detailed nor relate to text, or all of above. Neatness Neat, colorful, obvious effort, well design and organized, excellent layout. Neat, colorful, mostly identifiable figures, very good layout & organization Colorful, may have an unidentifiable, objects, layout is good, but design is bland Sloppy, but colorful, a couple of poorly made items, disorganized &/or layout is absolute Unidentifiable, not much thought put into design, incomplete, poor design Anuncio: ____________________/30 pts. Floor Plan: _________________/20 pts. Total: _______________________/ 50 pts.