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ECON 211 Mikroekonomi I Ders Programı - AYBÜ

Fall, 2019-2020
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Cemil Özbuğday
E-mail: fcozbugday@ybu.edu.tr
Class Hours/Location: Thursday 09:30-12:20/B338-D1
Office Hours/Location: Wednesday 14:00-15:00 or by appointment/B311
Course Load: 5 ECTS
Course Content: This course builds on your knowledge of microeconomics from ECON 101
and calculus from ECON 143. The general themes are (1) choice behavior of consumers and
firms, and (2) equilibrium of the interaction of these choices in markets. The course relies on
differential calculus techniques. For each topic we cover, we first describe the theory, and then
the theory is accompanied by applications and discussion of relevant cases.
Course Objectives: After completing this course, students should have developed a range of
skills enabling them to understand economic concepts and use those concepts to conduct microlevel analysis. By the end of this course, students should be able to (1) study consumer and firm
behavior in a more technical and advanced setup, and (2) conduct positive and normative
analysis of their interaction in markets with different characteristics. Students are then expected
to evaluate real life situations from a microeconomics perspective. Finally, the course is also
expected to serve as a preparation for succeeding more advanced micro-thematic courses in the
third and fourth years of undergraduate education.
Required Textbook: Pindyck, Robert S. and Rubinfeld, Daniel L., Microeconomics, 8th ed.,
Grading: There will be one midterm exam and a comprehensive final. Exams are cumulative.
However, topics that have not been covered in previous exams will be given more weight (2/3)
in the following exams. Weights for grading are as follows:
: 25%
: 75%
All exams are closed-book and closed-notes exams. Students will be responsible for the material
covered in the assigned chapters of the required textbook and the other material covered in
Course Policies: The students are expected to know and follow the relevant legislation by the
University concerning attendance, academic honesty, and academic integrity.
This course will follow the textbook closely, so it is highly recommended to read the material
before lectures, go through questions and problems at the end of each chapter. You are expected
to be on time and attend each class regularly. Attendance is mandatory and you will be
required to attend 80 % of the classes due to the university regulations. Otherwise, you will
directly fail the course irrespective of your scores from the exams. There will be no make-up
for the exams and quizzes. A missed one will receive a grade of zero unless you prove your
excuse with an official document.
Questions are always welcome. Please do ask any point that is not very clear to you. Remember
that there are no stupid questions. Feel free to come and visit the Instructor during the office
hours. You are also welcome to make appointments if necessary. You can also direct your
questions to the Teaching Assistant.
Teaching Assistant: Önder ÖZGÜR
E-mail: onderozgr@gmail.com
Recitation Hours/Location: To be announced (TBA)
Remember that this course is taught in English.
Any action that prevents the Instructor from effective teaching and the students from effective
learning will be punished. You are expected to keep your cell phones silent during each class.
Plus, you are not allowed to use cell phones or any other electronic devices instead of calculators
during any of the exams. Also be aware that cheating or attempting to cheat is a very serious
academic dishonesty, and misconduct will be punished by failing the course and suspension
from the courses for at least one semester.
Reminder from the Code of Conduct of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) (in Turkish)
Kınama cezasını gerektiren disiplin suçları
MADDE 5 – (1) Kınama cezasını gerektiren eylemler şunlardır;
b) Ders, seminer, uygulama, laboratuvar, atölye çalışması, bilimsel toplantı ve konferans
gibi çalışmaların düzenini bozmak,
d) Sınavlarda kopyaya teşebbüs etmek.
Yükseköğretim kurumundan bir yarıyıl için uzaklaştırma cezasını gerektiren disiplin suçları
MADDE 7 – (1) Yükseköğretim kurumundan bir yarıyıl için uzaklaştırma cezasını
gerektiren eylemler şunlardır;
e) Sınavlarda kopya çekmek veya çektirmek,
Yükseköğretim kurumundan iki yarıyıl için uzaklaştırma cezasını gerektiren disiplin suçları
MADDE 8 – (1) Yükseköğretim kurumundan iki yarıyıl için uzaklaştırma cezasını
gerektiren eylemler şunlardır;
d) Sınavlarda tehditle kopya çekmek, kopya çeken öğrencilerin sınav salonundan
çıkarılmasına engel olmak, kendi yerine başkasını sınava sokmak veya başkasının
yerine sınava girmek,
Resit Policy: Students who haven’t received the grade they wanted from the final exam can
take the resit exam. However,
They can’t see the resit exam questions unless they sign the exam attendance list. Once
they sign the list, they officially take the exam and cannot leave the exam room. If they
leave, they get a grade of 0.
The resit exam’s grade replaces the final exam’s grade even if the resit grade is lower.
Course Outline:
Week 1
Week 2
Introduction & Review
Chapter 2: The Basics of Supply and Demand
Chapter 2: The Basics of Supply and Demand
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior
Chapter 3: Consumer Behavior
Chapter 4: Individual and Market Demand
Chapter 4: Individual and Market Demand
Chapter 5: Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior
Chapter 5: Uncertainty and Consumer Behavior
Chapter 6: Production
Chapter 6: Production
Chapter 7: The Cost of Production
Chapter 7: The Cost of Production
Chapter 8: Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply
Chapter 8: Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply
Chapter 9: The Analysis of Competitive Markets
Chapter 9: The Analysis of Competitive Markets
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14