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Master's Program Motivation Letter Sample

Motivation Letter for Master application
I was looking a couple of weeks ago for a model of motivation letter , in order to apply for a
master programmer in Sweden.I didn't have to much luck, and that is why i have decided to post
here a sample of motivation letter, the one which i personally used .
Motivation letter
Chalmers University, Master Degree Programme in International Project Management
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in applying for a Master's Degree Programme in *******
starting in autumn 2009. I believe my educational background would enable me to make a strong
contribution at the University. I mention that I have graduated in year 2008 *************,
from Business Information Technology programme and got a bachelor degree in Business
My academic performance has been always on top of class. I have been an active member of the
IT League Academy for the North Region of Finland where I have been involved in the
development of several software projects. Moreover I can say that I would like to continue my
studies in order to gain knowledge and experiences by academic research and I believe a Master
Degree Programme in Interactive Systems Engineering would offer me the possibility of
receiving the complete picture of all aspects of this field.
The reason for choosing this specific Master Programme comes from the fact that in the near
future I would like to get to know more things regarding for example Artificial Intelligence
studies. I already got some ideas in my head, but unfortunately until now I did not have the right
knowledge and the right tools for putting them in practice and that is why I know that this Master
Programme would be an excellent starting point for me. Also if I will get selected for this
programme I will have the opportunity to learn from the best and the fact that I will study in an
international environment will give me the privilege to create new relationships with people from
different cultures. I am also aware of the kind of dedication and perseverance I will need to have
for achieving the best results in the field and I believe my background will qualify me for such a
Master Programme.
Finally I can say that I look forward to join this Master Degree Programme in ********* in
order to prove my abilities and gain new skills and I will be patiently waiting for a positive reply.
Since I was in Senior High School, I have believed that mathematics is an important
factor in a life. All human activities in several fields such as information technology, economics,
physics, social and others will run well if they are cited in a good mathematics framework. This
circumstance stimulated me to attend faculty of mathematics and natural science. I choose
statistics as my specialization even though at this time, there weren’t many people know about
statistics and few students choose statistics as their specialization. I saw in several developed
countries such as The Netherlands and Belgium, the mathematics degree-holders not only have
many opportunities but also were cited as important scholar in their societies.
As a student at XXXX Department faculty of XXX of XXX University, I had numerous
opportunities to do many activities. From XXX to XXX I had chances to become a lecturer
assistant in mathematics and statistics laboratory. My resposibilities are taught and supervised
students in the following subjects; Basic Programming, Computational Statistics, Statistical
Methods and XXX.
Besides studying, I was active in the student senate and became the head of research and
development division. In XXX I, in a team, became the third winner of Indonesian student
research competition. Overall I am pleased with my academic record and I believe that it has
prepared me very well for graduate school.
Presently, I work as a XXX for XXX. My responsibilities are teaching, conducting research
individually or in a team and etc (mention your responsibilities)…… Working as a statistics
lecturer needs deep knowledge of fundamental mathematics and experiences in advanced
research of applied statistics. Even though my undergraduate programme has given me a strong
background in the fundamentals of various mathematics especially statistics, this is not enough
for me to be a professional lecturer. I have to continue my study to enrich my skills and broaden my knowledge.
Currently, our institution which one of the functions is to XXXX to the government of
Indonesia, has formulated its Long Term Plan known as the XXX PLAN, which directed toward
the establishment of the Integrated National XXX System. This plan is including the
development of statistics in various fields such as economy, demography, agriculture, and health.
It leads the need of statistician who expert in those fields. Today, there is no Master of Science in
XXX in our institution. These circumstances persuade me to apply Master of Science in XXX
under XXX Scholarship programme.
Master of Science in XXX is needed in Indonesia because of the following reasons:
1. It will improve education in XXX and Indonesia in general, and strenghten the
establishment of the Integrated National System
2. I will fill the masters of XXX scarcity and strengthen the sustainable development of
Considering all factors above. I believe that the chosen study will benefit Indonesia in general
I consider myself to be a good candidate for XXX Scholarship because I am young,
energetic, hardworking, visionary, and motivated person who believes that I can do something
for the benefit of my country to whom I have been working. I did my best with all maximum
efforts I could give for my institution. But this is not enough. Frankly, I am not satisfied yet with
what I did. I believe that I can do much better if I am trained and developed through a master of
science in Belgium.
During the past four years, I studied industrial engineering (with specialization in?) electronics at
Ostend. The emphasis of my studies was understanding the fundamental electronic principles that
govern modern day electronics. But I also learned about other diverse topics such as safety, economics,
and industrial management. I found the last topic, industrial management, to be very interesting and
exciting, because one of my career aspirations is to participate in the senior management of an
To further my career aspiriations of becoming part of a senior management team, I want to obtain a
Master's Degree in Industrial Management. Having this knowledge will allow me to better understand
management principles. With all the uncertainty and changes in with world, political, economic, and
technological, I believe that management must have a solid understanding, supported by a strong
academic foundation, of how to guide companies through these challenging times.
No education is complete without experience. Armed with a solid understanding of academic principles,
I can begin my career where I will add to my experience. Because I will be well versed in the theory, I will
be able to adapt and modify the theoretical constructs as required in order to meet my company's
needs. I fully recognize that our political, economic, and technological environments are constantly
changing, and thus management needs to be able to adapt quickly and accurately to the new conditions
if the company is to survive, let alone prosper. I believe obtaining a Master's Degree will provide the
necessary background for me to be to anticipate and react to ever-changing environments.
I look forward to launching my new career. Should you have any questions, please contact me at....
Possessing considerable theoretical background in economics and business administration and 3 years
of work experience, I am more than interested in expanding my academic and professional horizons by
applying for the Master of Science in Financial Economics degree at AAAA. I see this degree as an
opportunity to bridge my current portfolio of skills and knowledge with my ambitious future career
Already in my high school I had a childish dream to be a manager in The Finance World. Eventually, an
abstract vision started taking shape. Honourable mention inI nternational Physics Olympiads raised
confidence in my analytical skills and led to decision to pursue a degree in economics. During the
demanding studies at BBBB Is aw my interest and energy strongly shifting towards the subjects having
financial aspects in them. I started applying just acquired theoretical knowledge in real life situations –
trading stocks, bonds, funds and currencies– which ultimately resulted in bachelor thesis on the topic
“Testing the efficiency of Neural Networks optimization: application to Foreign Exchange”.
As for the “manager” side of the dream, besides my academic program I have also served as a catalyst
for business development initiatives and as a coordinator of goal-driven teams. For example, I have
provided outstanding leadership and teamwork performance for CCC Ltd, resulting in a fivefold increase
in sales during 2.5 years;T he “Guide to Life in BBBB” proved to be a 100 page thick example of my
coordination and skills and the initiative is still continued by new generations at the university.
Combination of strong financial knowledge and business leadership skills can lead to extraordinary
results, especially in today’s markets of the , where corporate finance is still in an early stage and
opportunities for the qualified managers are vast. I feel like having acquired significant business
leadership skills, however studies in AAAA would provide me with the lacking knowledge in finance and
help me to pursue my career aims in corporate finance, where my education, my previous experience
How do I know that education in AAAA is exactly what I need? Graduates of your institution, Xperson
and Yperson (they both also finished the same bachelor degree as me), gave me more insight about the
subjects taughtand quality of the studies. Having also seen how their careers progressed afterwards, I
feel confident that Master of Science in Financial Economics is the right choice for me.
As nothing comes for free, in return for the perfect education I will get in BBBBI can assure to provide
you with the top academic performance, remarkable analytical talents, natural interpersonal and
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of
goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek οἰκονομία (oikonomia,
"management of a household, administration") from οἶκος (oikos, "house") + νόμος (nomos,
"custom" or "law"), hence "rules of the house(hold)".[1] Political economy was the earlier name
for the subject, but economists in the latter 19th century suggested 'economics' as a shorter term
for 'economic science' that also avoided a narrow political-interest connotation and as similar in
form to 'mathematics', 'ethics', and so forth.[2]
A focus of the subject is how economic agents behave or interact and how economies work.
Consistent with this, a primary textbook distinction is between microeconomics and
macroeconomics. Microeconomics examines the behavior of basic elements in the economy,
including individual agents (such as households and firms or as buyers and sellers) and markets,
and their interactions. Macroeconomics analyzes the entire economy and issues affecting it,
including unemployment, inflation, economic growth, and monetary and fiscal policy.
Other broad distinctions include those between positive economics (describing "what is") and
normative economics (advocating "what ought to be"); between economic theory and applied
economics; between rational and behavioral economics; and between mainstream economics
(more "orthodox" dealing with the "rationality-individualism-equilibrium nexus") and heterodox
economics (more "radical" dealing with the "institutions-history-social structure nexus").[3]
Economic analysis may be applied throughout society, as in business, finance, health care, and
government, but also to such diverse subjects as crime,[4] education,[5] the family, law, politics,
religion,[6] social institutions, war,[7] and science.[8] At the turn of the 21st century, the expanding
domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism.[9]
Economics is the science of decision making. In economics, students learn how to identify the
costs, benefits and consequences of a decision. Economists in private industry work largely for
marketing research firms, management consulting firms, banks, investment firms, and insurance
companies. A degree in economics is also highly desirable for students who plan to attend
graduate school or law school. The College of Business and Economics has an excellent record
of placing economics students in both. The entire discipline of economics—and all economic
activity—arises from a scarcity of goods and services in comparison to human wants and needs.
If there is not enough of something for everyone who wants or needs it, society faces a serious
problem: How do we decide who gets that something and who goes without it?
Throughout history there have always been people who obtained what they wanted or needed by
force. The barbarians who sacked Rome practiced this form of “economic activity,” and in
modern times it is practiced by armed robbers. But a society worthy of the name requires an
orderly system of producing and distributing the necessities and luxuries of life. Such a system is
essential to a stable society. Economics is the study of systems of production and distribution—
which are called economies—and of their fundamentals, dynamics, and results.
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