King, Amie M., and Allison J. Fahsl. “Supporting Social Competence in Children Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication.” TEACHING Exceptional Children, vol. 45, no. 1, 2012, pp. 42–49., doi:10.1177/004005991204500106. This article goes into detail about the issue’s children with complex and severe communication impairments and how augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems can be recommended to help compensate for the lack of use of natural communication. It explains how AAC systems depend on unaided (e.g., manual signs or gestures) or aided (e.g., pictures or orthographic words) symbols incorporated within electronic or nonelectronic devices that are used to deliver and receive messages (Beukelman & Mirenda, 2005). Often individuals who use AAC devices face problems such as feelings of isolation, difficulties upholding friendships, trouble holding conversation, and negative acceptance with peers. I really enjoyed reading this article because it emphasizes how children with difficulties communicating have been found to be more likely to be passive and communicate for limited purposes which is important for people who may have limited knowledge on the use of AAC devices and who they are intended to help. Therefore, I believe this article would be a good instructional material for parents, teachers, and professionals. It was easy enough to read through and gave important information about the issues individuals with AAC systems face. Beck, Ann R., et al. “The Development and Utilization of a Scale to Measure Adolescents Attitudes Toward Peers Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 53, no. 3, 2010, pp. 572–587., doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2009/07-0140). The purpose of this article was to assess adolescents’ attitude towards their peers that use AAC devices. In the article it states that children disabilities who are likely to face serious social difficulties that include social isolation, social neglect, rejection, teasing and bullying by their peers, and a lack of a sense of safety and belonging. The study conducted found that adolescences faced challenges in maintaining emotional and mental health stability. It also goes emphasizes how adolescents who use AAC devices have a more difficult time transitioning from childhood to adulthood due to their challenge of communicating. Therefore, this article would be an important handout to have for parents who are having trouble with their children feeling a sense of belonging with their peers. Peer attitudes are critical aspects of a person’s environment and can either facilitate or impede the production of appropriate communication. Ensuring that the environment in which communication is taking place is as supportive as possible is also important. Peer attitudes are critical aspects of a person’s environment and can either facilitate or impede the production of appropriate communication. One way of ensuring this might be to conduct programs from pre-K through high school that facilitate appropriate interactions between students who use AAC and their peers. This article is definitely a good resource that can provide parents with potential ideas to facilitate peer interactions for their children with AAC devices. . 1. PECS: Picture Exchange Communication System A. Manufacturer: NONE. This device can easily be made by parents, teachers, or other professionals. B. Highlights of system: PECS does not require complex or expensive materials and is very useful because it can be used in a variety of settings. It allows individuals with little to no communication abilities to get across their basic wants and needs by using pictures. It allows the user to communicate a request, a thought, or anything that can be displayed or symbolized on a picture card. Usually it is used in the home or in a classroom. C. Who it would be used with: This device would be used with individuals with little to no communication. For example, it can be used with a child on the autism spectrum disorder who is nonverbal or an adult with a cognitive impairment. There is no age limit. D. Type of system: No Tech/Static Display 2. Eye Gaze Board A. Manufacturer: NONE. This device can easily be made by parents, teachers, or other professionals. B. Highlights of System: This communication board is placed between two people and allows them to have a conversation. It is convenient to use because it can also be attached to a table or wheelchair. C. Who it could be used with: This system can be used with individuals with limited movement but who would be able to make choices by using their eyes. D. Type of System: No tech/Static Display 3. iTalk2 A. Manufacturer: AbleNet B. Highlight of System: It is a dual-message communicator with levels provides the opportunity for students to experience the advantage of twomessage communication, along with the freedom to choose between two activities, such as listening to music or a story. C. Who it could be used with: It could be used for asking and answering questions, telling jokes and making comments in social situations. It is also useful for individuals that need immediate positive reinforcement by adding a toy to the device. D. Type of System: Mid Tech/Static Display 4. GoTalk9+ A. Manufacturer: Attainment Company B. Highlight of System: This system has a 45-message capacity and five different recording levels. It features three core messages which stay on the same level, so the individual does not need to re-record messages. C. Who it could be used with: Children or adults with limited communication can use this device. For example, individuals with temporary loss of speech, individual who are recovering from a stroke, or individuals on the autism spectrum disorder. D. Type of System: Mid Tech/Dynamic Display 5. Tobii Dynavox A. Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox B. Highlight of System: This is a speech generated device that can be controlled using eye gaze interaction via built in eye trackers, as well as direct selection/touch and scanning. Allows users many forms of communication such as through text, chat, and voicecall. C. Who it could be used with: This device could be used to provide individuals with everyday communication that have challenges with their ability to speak due to an injury, disability or illness. D. Type of System: High Tech/Digital picture system/Dynamic Display