Any information used by the auditor to determine whether the information being audited is stated in accordance with the established criteria. Which audit procedures to use? What sample size to select for a given procedure? Which items to select from the population? When to perform the procedures? Is the detailed instruction that explains the audit evidence to be obtained during the audit. An audit procedure is the detailed instruction for the collection of a type of audit evidence that is to obtained. They are the instructions to be followed in accumulating evidence, they must worded carefully to make sure the instructions are clear. Once an audit procedure is selected, auditors can vary the sample size from one to all items in the population being tested. List of audit procedures for an audit area or an entire audit, the audit program always includes audit procedures and may also include sample size, items to select, and timing of the tests. An audit program for AR is a list of audit procedures that will be used to audit accounts receivables for a given client, the audit procedures, sample size, items to select and timing should be included in the audit program. The principal record of auditing procedures applied, evidence obtained, and conclusions reached by the auditors in the engagement. It involves the auditor’s examination of documents that have been prepared and used within the client’s organization and are retained without ever going to an outside party. It involves the auditor’s examination of documents that have in the hands of someone outside the client’s organization. Internal Documentation External Documentation It is prepared and used within the client organization without ever going to an outside party Either originated with an outside party or was an Internal document that went to an outside party and is now either in the hands of the client or is readily accessible Internal Documentation External Documentation • Check request form • Vendor’s invoice • Receiving report • Cancelled check • Payroll time record • Cancelled note • adjusting Journal entry