A LONG-TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MALE SOCCER PLAYERS TOBIAS CHRISTOPHER MATTHEWS MODULE CODE: HSPV3W-15-6 STUDENT NUMBER: 50068393 i CONTENTS Chapter Page LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………….………...iii INTRODUCTION……………….…………………………………………….….…………..1 LTAD MODELS………………………………………………………………………………2 MATURATION ADAPTATIONS……………………………………………..…………......3 PREDICTING PHV…………………………………………………………………………..4 PROGRAM RATIONALE..…………………………………………………..……………...5 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………..…...9 APPENDIX………………………………………………………………………………...…14 ii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1) LTAD MALE SOCCER PLAYERS……………………………………………….14 2) FUNDAMENTAL (FMS) PROGRAM EXAMPLE…………….………………....15 3) CIRCA (STRENGTH) PROGRAM EXAMPLE ………………….……………...16 4) POST-PHV (POWER) PROGRAM EXAMPLE…………….…………………...17 iii Introduction The goal of this long-term athlete development (LTAD) plan for soccer players is focused on highlighting training modalities for athletes pre peak height velocity (PHV), circa, and post PHV. Players will be categorized into 5 stages; fundamentals, pre PHV, circa, post PHV, and post PHV-adulthood. Additionally, this LTAD will focus on reducing gaps in the systems of player development, assisting in planning for optimal performance in an aging athlete, provide structure for programming, and align recommendations with scientific literature (CSA, 2009). Furthermore, a LTAD program should develop strong, technically competent youth, that can adequately meet and maintain the motor skill demands of any sport or activity (Moliner-Urdiales et al., 2010; Runhaar et al., 2010; Cohen et al., 2011). Lloyd and Oliver, (2020) suggest that models should not be used as a rigid structure but rather as “flexible guidelines that can then help with more detailed planning of long-term goals, and the macro-, meso- and microcycles that can help achieve those goals.” To develop proficient soccer players, it is essential to understand the demands of the sport. Current literature suggests there are specific physical abilities that determine a soccer players success (agility, repeated sprinting ability, endurance capacity and power development) (Owen et al., 2014). Moreover, these specific abilities are reported to differ between professional soccer players and their side-lined substitutes (this has also been confirmed in game analysis) (Santisteban, Impellizzeri & Castagna, 2009). On average a player performs 723 ± 203 cutting manoeuvres in a single competition match (Bloomfield, Polman & O’Donoghue, 2007). Although, sprinting and quick manoeuvres only represent 10-15% of the distance players travel, it is considered an extremely decisive factor in the outcome of the game (Gabbett & Mulvey, 2008). 1 LTAD MODELS The LTAD model created by Istvan Balyi focuses on implementing specific training stress relative to maturation and growth timing, rather than relying on chronological age (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004). Balyi’s LTAD is split into 7 stages; active start, fundamentals, learning to train, training to train, training to compete, training to win and finally an active for life stage (Way et al., 2016). This LTAD was intended to maximize athlete’s potential in their sport of choice. However, it is often criticized for its focus on windows of opportunity which is not rigorously supported in literature (Bailey et al., 2010; Ford et al., 2011). This LTAD is further criticized for its focus on physiological factors of performance, disregarding psychological, social or academic factors ( Ford et al., 2011). The youth physical development (YPD) model is very similar to Balyi’s LTAD model, prescribing training in respect to the maturation stage, specifically around the timing of PHV (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). However, it does not use windows of opportunity but rather aligns with literature’s perspective, suggesting that all physical attributes are trainable regardless of the individual’s stage of maturation. This ideology allows children to build a high level of physical literacy, not limiting their acquisition new skills, providing a holistic approach to athlete development. Furthermore, coaches will also be able to use this model as a guideline to long term development, with freedom to incorporate training that is applicable to the athlete’s weakness’s or strengths. This LTAD model for male soccer players will be based off the YPD model, following a similar prescription system and model outline. However, the training focus of each stage of maturation will be specific to the athletic success of male soccer players. The model will incorporate stages used in Lloyd et al. (2013) and Istvan Balyi’s LTAD models. Implementing training guidelines in 5 stages; fundamentals, pre-PHV, circa, post-PHV, and post PHVadulthood. Furthermore, this LTAD will not include windows of opportunity but will rather focus on implementing a training target that is most applicable to the stage of maturation, similar to the YPD model. For example, prepubescent children during the peak height of neural plasticity should focus on developing neural pathways for fundamental motor skills (FMS) and force output (Myer et al., 2013). Moreover, it is important to be attentive to an athlete’s mental and physical state. This can be achieved 2 through daily undulated periodization (Rana & Lehri, 2019). For example, if an athlete did not get adequate sleep the night before a workout. It is imperative to adjust the workout session around his present energy levels not causing too much stress on the nervous system, predisposition the athlete to illness or diminished recovery time. Daily undulated periodization will be used throughout this model. Maturation Adaptations To provide a valuable LTAD plan, it is vital to understand the effects that occur throughout the maturation process. The journey of birth to adulthood is interchangeably referred to as ‘growth’, ‘development’, or ‘maturation’ (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). One of the first effects of maturation is an increase of grey matter throughout the brain during childhood. This has been known to decrease after the start of puberty, when the development of the synaptic pruning occurs (Gogtay et al., 2004; Lenroot & Giedd, 2006). Although children have underdeveloped prefrontal activation in regard to cognitive control (Bunge et al., 2002), they possess a greater opportunity to build new synaptic pathways when a higher volume of grey matter is present (Sowell et al., 2001). Therefore, it is vital to develop motor skills at the beginning stages of development when children are young (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). Around the ages of 8-12, an increase of nearly 50% aerobic power (1.4–2.1 L/min) is experienced in youth. This has shown to further increase Vo2 max in males at full maturity (3.5 L/min) (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). 18-24 months prior to PHV an increase of limb speed occurs (Assaiante, 1998). Furthermore, close to the timing of the adolescent growth spurt (around PHV), males experience a large increase in vertical jump velocity, acceleration, and deceleration jump performance (Assaiante, 1998). Throughout development, circulating androgens (hormones) play a large role in physiological changes as well as the differentiating changes between genders. Androgens are shown to increase fat-free mass (FFM) and increase fat mass (FM). Furthermore, males at the end of their adolescent growth spurt are recorded to contain 25-30% more FFM than females, as well as half the amount of FM (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). Around the timing of 3 peak weight velocity (12-18 months post-PHV) when androgen circulation is high (Viru et al., 1999), adolescence experience a large increase in muscle mass (Beunen & Malina, 1988; Beunen & Malina, 2005). In the Post-PHV stage, youth enter a time of slow deceleration, that is characterized by a decrease in growth. In the first year after PHV, boys experience a mean growth rate of 7cm. Subsequently, in the following year their growth rate is averaged around 3cm (Balyi & Way, 2005). It is very important to understand maturation effects occur at different timings for each individual depending on their age of development (Groove, 2007). Moreover, this describes the difference between their development age and chronological age. It is very common for children to be at the same chronological age but vary drastically in their development age. Furthermore, it is important for soccer coaches to take this into consideration during talent identification and program design. Sports that require varying components of fitness, recommend athletes to specialize later in their development (soccer & basketball). This allows the individual to build a high physical literacy prior to specialization. Previous LTAD plans discourage soccer players to specialize before the age of 10. This is recommended with the goal to reduce overuse injuries, minimise imbalanced physiological development, and enhance broad foundational movement development (Grove, 2007). Predicting PHV Milwain et al., (2002) developed an equation to predict age at peak height velocity (APHV), taking into consideration sitting height, body mass, leg length and age. The maturity offset recorded is able to predict how close the child is to PHV. However, the calculation has shown a standard error of 0.56-0.59 years (7 months). The maturity offset equation is a very common method to examine a child’s APHV. However, some of the limitations to this method is a biased approach to chronological age during prediction and inaccurate calculations have been found in individuals that are further away from PHV (early or late matures) (Malina & Koziel, 2014; Moore et al., 2015). Alternatively, two new maturity offset equations were proposed by Fransen et al. (2018) and Moore et al. (2015). Subsequently, facing the same limitations as Milwain. 4 Moreover, an anthropometric method, used to predict the height of a child in adulthood was conducted by Khamis and Roche (1994). However, this study only included white American children reducing its ability to target different ethnicities. Furthermore, Milwain’s equation has an estimated error ± 1 year (95% of the time), this is considered satisfactory in its ability to predict APHV in adolescence (Milwain et al., 2002). For the purpose of this LTAD plan, Milwain’s equation will be used to estimate APHV. Program Rationale The fundamental stage in this LTAD will focus on developing athleticism long term and building the rudimentary foundations of motor skill performance and strength in the early stages of childhood. Subsequently, current LTAD models are recommended to develop fundamental and basic principles of motor skill proficiency in conjunct with strength improvement during early childhood (Balyi & Hamilton, 2004; Lloyd et al., 2012; Lloyd et al., 2015; Cattuzzo et al., 2016). Furthermore, this allows prospective training to build off the laid foundation, towards more advanced and complex motor skill development (Lloyd & Oliver, 2012; Myer et al., 2013; Kushner et al., 2015). A study completed by Radnor et al. (2017) found that youth pre-PHV responded better to plyometric training (neural adaptations) over traditional strength training. Alternatively, post-PHV youth responded better to traditional strength training over plyometrics. Furthermore, plyometric exercises are shown to mirror similar movements of intentional play in children. This stage will consist of plyometrics, body weight movements, and/or gymnastics. These exercise movements can be developed into fun, soccer specific games that keep kids entertained and motivated to participate. Literature suggest children prior to puberty should engage in a broad variety of sport and or movements, allowing children to become physically literate prior to their growth spurt (Lloyd et al., 2014; Bergeron et al., 2015; Lloyd et al., 2016). Furthermore, this has been shown to instil a long-term enjoyment of physical activity in youth until adulthood. (Grove, 2007). The FMS program found in table 2 of the appendix highlights prescribed movements in the fundamental stage. Groove (2007) suggests that basic movement skills consist of 5 balance, agility and coordination, whereas sports skills involve jumping, running, throwing, dribbling and catching (Grove, 2007). Lloyd and Oliver (2020) suggest that to develop these basic skills at a high level of proficiency, children should focus on mastering “trunk stability, balance, proprioceptive awareness and movements at different speeds and levels.” This will allow easier integration into “complex capacities (such as rhythmical, inter-limb coordination, agility movements, multidirectional strength and power movements)” (Lloyd & Oliver, 2020). Thus, the FMS training plan found in the appendix will follow Lloyd and Oliver’s recommendation. Throughout prepubescent years, literature suggested that training should focus on developing FMS, speed and suppleness (Balyi & Way, 2005; Grove, 2007). Literature suggests that sport specific movement should be taught prior to puberty (Lloyd et al., 2013). For instance, Elliott et al. (1980) noted that soccer players by the age of 11 experienced proficient muscle and sport specific movement pattern. Furthermore, Chtara et al. (2017) conducted a study on male soccer players just prior to puberty, concluding, plyometrics are the best way to improve power performance in the lower limbs. Chtara, recommended the implementation of plyometrics, agility and repeated sprinting exercises in place of certain soccer specific training to enhance youths’ explosive power, agility, speed and anaerobic ability. Subsequently, with an increase of cutting manoeuvres in contrast to linear running, the medial knee can be placed under great stress in a valgus position, predisposing the ACL to injury (Besier et al, 2001). With an increased predisposition to injury, foundational movement mechanics focusing on stabilizing the knee, ankle, hips and core are essential to LTAD training (Lloyd et al., 2013). In the pre-PHV stage of maturation, athletes will be recommended to focus training on FMS, SSS, speed and suppleness. However, strength, power, agility, and plyometric training will be implemented. In the Circa stage, circumpubertal children are going through the process of maturation. This is known as puberty, which coincides with the adolescent growth spurt (Rogol, Clark, & Roemmich, 2000). As children enter an LTAD plan they will develop motor skill fundamentals, and as they age into adolescence there can be a greater emphasis 6 placed on sport specific movement/skills within their sport. This progressive ideology of an LTAD can also incorporate strength and power development around the altered hormonal years (Lloyd & Oliver, 2012). This approach requires adolescents to utilize the FMS learned into greater application, expanding their ability to accelerate, decelerate and finally reaccelerate in a safe, controlled environment (Lloyd et al., 2013). The Circa stage should focus on developing reactive agility that is sport specific during the timeline when the sensorimotor cortex is prone to rapid improvements (Rabinowickz et al., 1986; Casey et al., 2005). The circa stage in this LTAD will target development of FMS, SSS, agility, strength, and power. Furthermore, it is important to consider, as children advance towards or experience puberty, they will undergo a large growth spurt that increases limb length. This has been known to cause “adolescent awkwardness” decreasing motor control proficiency (body control) (Philippaerts et al., 2006; QuatmanYates et al., 2012). Adolescent awkwardness has been known to affect some children, decreasing specific movement patterns because the individual is not yet accustomed to the change in limb length. Coaches should be aware of this, retraining specific movement patterns when needed (Lloyd & Oliver, 2012). The Circa program found in in the appendix (table 3), highlights a prescription of strength-based exercises. Guidelines around strength training recommend intermediate lifters to work within a 60-80% 1RM (repetition maximum) intensity for 2-3 sets x 8-12 repetitions (Avery et al., 2009). Coaches are recommended to start athletes at the intensity that is most applicable to their lifting mechanics and abilities. However, in the Circa stage youth should have developed the neural and biomechanical abilities of an intermediate lifter. Therefore, in the Circa stage an intensity of 60-80% will be implemented for strength gains, lifting for 2-3 sets x 8-12 repetitions. The exercises chosen for the strength program are designed to target the full body, incorporating knee and hip dominant exercises and horizontal/vertical push and pull movements. In the post-PHV stage, an increase in aerobic strength and power is experienced. Thus, aerobic training at a high training priority is suggested to be implemented at the start of PHV, and maximal strength training should occur after PHV (Ross & Marfell-Jones, 7 1991; Beunen & Thomis, 2000; Balyi & Ross, 2009a; Balyi & Ross, 2009b). Strength training (Julien et al., 2008), plyometrics (Meylan & Malatesta, 2009; Thomas, French, & Hayes, 2009), and a combination of plyometrics and strength training (Faigenbaum et al., 2007) has shown to produce an increase in change of direction (COD) performance. COD ability has been linked to relative (Nimphius, McGuigan & Newton, 2010) and reactive strength (Young, James & Montgomery, 2002). Therefore, the development of force production is vital for COD improvements (Lloyd et al., 2013). Furthermore, power development and strength training will be implemented in this stage to develop COD ability. However, the main training focus of this stage is aerobic strength and power, muscle strength and power, and sport specific skills. The program found in table 4, in the appendix, highlights power specific training in the post-PHV stage. Once youth reach the post-PHV stage it is assumed that they have developed intermediate to advance lifting abilities. 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Minerva medica, Torino, 42(3), pp. 282-288 NP–7. 13 Appendix Table 1. The LTAD model for male soccer players. Bolded font indicates training priority over any un-bolded font. larger font size indicates training priority over smaller font even if they are both bolded. PHV= peak height velocity; FMS = foundational movement skills; SSS = sport-specific skills *Below are program examples for a singular physical quality for pre-PHV, Circa, and post-PHV stage* 14 Table 2. Fundamentals (FMS training) Cues have children stand on BB and play catch (make into game) Jump off 2 feet and land on one The objective is to get across the field as quickly as possible, while not letting the wolf see you move, so you can only move when the wolf is looking away from you don’t let spine compensate, keep it straight/braced Drive low back into the ground at all times throughout movement Sit in a deep squat and stomp the floor as loud as you can (add in sound affects) Warm Up: Exercises Jump Rope or Obstacle Course 10mins Sets Reps/Duration Weight Goal Bosu Balance 3 30s per leg Body Weight Proprioception/Balance Bilateral Jump to Unilateral landing 3 10 reps per side Body Weight Landing Mechanics/ Balance What time is it Mr. Wolf 4 30 Metres Body Weight Bird Dog 3 20 Body Weight Dead bug 3 15 Body Weight Sumo-Wrestler 4 15 Body Weight Cool Down: Simon Says (instructor leads cool down) Develop control of movements at various speeds, and incorporate reaction time training Trunk stability (posterior chain) Trunk stability (anterior chain) Hip mobility/Squat mechanics/Balance 15 Table 3. Warm Up: Cues Brace Core/body prior to lift, Hip extension & Trunk Extension occurring simultaneously, Keep spine straight Create power through Hip thrust, Plant feet hip width apart, catch weight overhead in squat, squat up Hold Dumbbell or Kettlebell at chest level, squat down, keeping spine straight and upright Control movement at all times, starting with a slow tempo and pause at the bottom of movement Drive chest towards bar, retract scapula’s, squeeze and pause at top and slowly lower body down Arms Shoulder width apart, drive chest up to bar, do not let shoulders anteriorly rotate Exercises Circa (Strength) Turkish Get ups (4 reps per side/Focusing on movement mastery and control) Sets Reps Weight/Intensity Goal Trap Bar Deadlifts 3 8 80% 1rm Hip Dominant movement Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches 3 10 per side 75% 1rm Posterior Chain/Vertical Push Goblet Squats 3 8 80% 1rm Knee Dominant movement Dumbbell Chest Press 3 12 65% 1rm Horizontal Push Inverted Rows 3 10 Body Weight Horizontal Pull Pull ups 3 8 75% 1rm (use weight belt if needed) Vertical Pull Cool Down: Active Mobility 5-10mins 16 Table 4. Post PHV (Power) Warm Up: Cues Exercises Jump Rope 5mins Sets Reps Weight Keep a straight line from your hands to your hips keeping spine straight, keep body movement in the sagittal plane Prowler Push 3 4 55% 1rm Hip width stance, Drive through hips, after thrust receive bar in a split stance (lunge stance) Split Cleans 3 6 50% 1rm Be aware of knee/ankle landing mechanics keeping knees and ankle align lateral single leg bounds 3 5 per side Body Weight land each jump as smoothly as possible, try to get as much distance as you can per jump Horizontal Broad Jumps 3 5 Body Weight Drive through hips and brace core throughout movement Med Ball scoop Toss 3 6 30% 1rm Place hands at shoulder width, control eccentric, explode through concentric and absorb the landing Plyometric Pushups 3 6 Body Weight or use weight vest to increase intensity Cool Down: Active Mobility 5-10mins Goals Increasing sprinting power in the Horizontal plane Hip Thrust power/velocity development Lateral power/velocity development Horizontal power/velocity development Core/rotational power Core control and horizontal push power/velocity development 17 18