JOIN mySQL join.pptx Trang 1 / 9 join.pptx Trang 2 / 9 join.pptx Trang 3 / 9 The relationship between the two tables is specified by the customer_id key . It is the "primary key" in customer table and the "foreign key" in order table. CI firstname lastname email 1 George address city state ZC Washing gwashington 3200 Mt Vernon ton Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121 Quincy MA Charlottesv VA ille 2 John Adams jadams@usa 1250 Hancock St .gov 3 Thomas Jefferso tjefferson@u 931 Thomas n Jefferson Pkwy 4 James Madison jmadison@us 11350 Constitution Orange Hwy 5 James Monroe jmonroe@us 2050 James Monroe Parkway OrI order_date amount CI 1 07/04/1776 $234.56 1 02169 2 03/14/1760 $78.50 22902 3 05/23/1784 $124.00 2 4 09/03/1790 $65.50 3 5 07/21/1795 $25.50 10 6 11/27/1787 $14.40 9 VA 22960 Charlottesv VA ille 22902 join.pptx Trang 4 / 9 3 The relationship between the two tables is specified by the customer_id key . It is the "primary key" in customer table and the "foreign key" in order table. CI firstname lastname email 1 George address city state ZC Washingt gwashingto 3200 Mt Vernon on Hwy Mount Vernon VA 22121 Quincy MA Charlottesv VA ille 2 John Adams jadams@us 1250 Hancock St 3 Thomas Jefferson tjefferson@ 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy 4 James Madison jmadison@ 11350 Constitution Orange Hwy 5 James Monroe jmonroe@u 2050 James Monroe Parkway OrI order_date amount CI 1 07/04/1776 $234.56 1 02169 2 03/14/1760 $78.50 22902 3 05/23/1784 $124.00 2 4 09/03/1790 $65.50 3 5 07/21/1795 $25.50 10 6 11/27/1787 $14.40 9 VA 22960 Charlottesv VA ille 22902 join.pptx Trang 5 / 9 3 Inner Join SELECT firstname, lastname, amount FROM customer c INNER JOIN order o ON c.CI= o.CI first_name last_name order_amount George Washington $234.56 John Adams $124.00 Thomas Jefferson $78.50 Thomas Jefferson $65.50 join.pptx Trang 6 / 9 Left join SELECT firstname, lastname, amount FROM customer c LEFT JOIN order o ON c.CI= o.CI first_name last_name order_amount George Washington $234.56 John Adams $124.00 Thomas Jefferson $78.50 Thomas Jefferson $65.50 James Madison NULL James Monroe NULL join.pptx Trang 7 / 9 Right join SELECT firstname, lastname, amount FROM customer c RIGHT JOIN order o ON c.CI= o.CI first_name last_name order_amount George Washington $234.56 Thomas Jefferson $78.50 John Adams $124.00 Thomas Jefferson $65.50 NULL NULL $25.50 NULL NULL $14.40 Right joining the orders table to the customers table join.pptx Trang 8 / 9 Left vs Right join • The order in which the tables are joined is important. • Right join the customer table to the order table? The result would be the same as left joining the order table to the customer table join.pptx Trang 8 / 9 Full join SELECT firstname, lastname, amount FROM customer c FULL JOIN order o ON c.CI= o.CI first_name last_name order_amount George Washington $234.56 Thomas Jefferson $78.50 John Adams $124.00 Thomas Jefferson $65.50 NULL NULL $25.50 NULL NULL $14.40 James Madison NULL James Monroe NULL join.pptx Trang 9 / 9