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Building Material & Technology Quiz: Brick, Timber, Tiles

Batch 1
CEP 204 Building Material and Technology Practical
Date: 07/11/17
Time: 25 min
Roll No:_____________
Common data for questions 1 to 4
Three traditional bricks (230 x 110 x 70mm) were tested for compressive strength. The failure load
corresponding to three bricks were 210kN, 210 kN, and 220 kN.
1. The average compressive strength for the bricks is___________N/mm2 (Upto two decimals)
2. As per the average compressive strength, the bricks can be classified as
a) First class
b) Second Class
c) Third Class
d) Fire resistant
3. As per the average compressive strength, the bricks can be graded as
a) AA
b) A
c) Both AA & A
d) None of these
4. The above bricks can be used for fire resistant building construction. (True/ False) _______
5. The compressive strength of any individual brick should not fall below the avg. compressive
strength specified for corresponding class of brick by more than
a) 10 %
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25%
6. The sulphate attack in brick masonary is due to
a) Presence of soluble salts in earth
b) Contact with moisture
c) Both a & b
d) None
7. Match the following:
Liability of
a. Serious
1. Less than 10% area covered with salts
b. Slight
2. 10%- 50% area covered with salts
c. Nil
3. More than 50% area covered with salts
d. Medium
4. No perceptible deposit
e. Heavy
5. More than 50% area covered with salts accompanied by flaking and
a) a- 1, b- 3 c- 2, d- 4, e- 5
b) a- 5, b- 1 c- 4, d- 2, e- 3
c) a- 5, b- 4 c- 3, d- 4, e- 5
d) a- 1, b- 4 c- 2, d- 5, e- 3
8. The depth of immersion of bricks in water in efflorescence test should be
a) <2.5 cm
b) > 2.5 cm
c) >5 cm
d) >2 cm
9. On application of external stress on timber, it behave like
a) An elastic material
b) Rigid material
c) Viscoelastic material
d) Brittle Material
10. The deformation is measured upto____ mm, while applying load in perpendicular to grains
a) 2 mm
b) 2.5 mm
c) 3 mm
d) 1.5 mm
11. Timber is strong when load is applied parallel to grains compared to load applied
perpendicular to grains. (True/ False) ____
12. A type of bond in the brick masonry in which each course consists of alternate headers
and stretchers is
(a) English bond
(b) Raking bond
(c) Dutch bond
(d) Flemish bond
13. If the portion of brick is so cut such that half width is maintained at one end and full width
maintained at other end, then it is called as
a) Mitred Closer
b) Bevelled closer
c) Quoin
d) King Closer
14. Number of modular bricks required for construction of 1.5 m of brick masonry is________
15. The moisture content in a well-seasoned timber is
a) 4% to 6%
b) 10% to 12%
c) 15% to 20%
d) >50%
16. Impact energy of the tile depends on factors such as 1) Weight of ball, 2) Diameter of steel
ball 3) Height of free fall, 4) Thickness of tile. Which of the factors are correct?
a) 1, 2, 3 & 4
b) 1, 2, & 3
c) 2, 3 & 4
d) 1, 3 & 4
17. In order to determine the impact strength of two ceramic tiles having thickness 3 mm and
4 mm, two steel balls weighing 28 g and 30 g and diameters 2 cm and 1.75 cm respectively
were used, the height of free fall recorded in both the cases was 65 cm. The impact strength
of two tiles in Kg.m/cm is
a) 0.061 and 0.049
b) 0.046 & 0.065
c) 0.046 & 0.049
d) 0.061 & 0.065
18. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1) Cement mortar are used for high rise buildings
2) Construction with irregular size bricks proves to be economical on account of consumption
of mortar.
3) The amount of lap should be min. ½ brick along length of the wall.
a) All
b) Only 1
c) Only 1 & 3
d) Only 3
e) None
19. First class bricks, when immersed in water for one hour, should not absorb water more
than_____ of their weight.
a) ½th
b) 1/6th
c) 1/4th
d) 1/3th
20. The vertical joints in successive courses should be along same perpend. (True/ False) ___
21. For heavy duty tiles, average wear and wear on individual tiles should be more than 2mm
and 2.5 mm respectively. (True/ False)____
22. Single Flemish bond requires minimum thickness of _______ bricks.
23. Portion of the brick cut across full width is known as
(a) Queen closer
(b) King closer
(c) Mitred closer
(d) Bat
24. Which of the following ingredients of the brick in which earth enables the brick to retain its
a) Alumina
b) Silica
c) Iron
d) Magnesia
25. To determine the flexural strength of cement concrete tiles (300 x 300 mm), the span
between the supports shall be
a) 150 mm
b) 200 mm
c) 250 mm
d) 300 mm
26. To study the water absorption of concrete flooring tiles, tiles are oven-dried at
a) 50 ± 1°C
b) 65 ± 1°C
c) 100± 2°C
d) 105 ± 2°C
27. Consider the following stages in the manufacturing of bricks:
1. Weathering
2. Moulding
3. Tempering
The correct sequence of these stages in the manufacturing of brick is,
a) 1, 2, 3
b) 2, 3, 1
c) 1, 3, 2
d) 3, 2, 1
28. In abrasion test, the grinding disc rotates at a speed of _________rev/min.
29. The weight of the brick at room temperature was 3.012 kg. The oven-dried weight for the
same brick was found to be 2.820 kg. After 24 hours of immersion in water, weight of brick
was 3.234 kg. The water absorption capacity of the brick is__________% (Upto 2 decimals)
30. The nominal size of modular brick is_________mm x_______mm________mm
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