Section/division: Telephone number: Physical address: Examinations, Personnel Licensing Postal address: Private Bag X73, Halfway House 1685 Form Number: CA 61-91 011-545-1000/1158/1157/1499 Ikhaya Lokundiza, 16 Treur Close, Waterfall Park, Bekker Street, Midrand, Gauteng Website: DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT FOR PAYMENT OF PRESCRIBED FEE EMAIL ADDRESSES TO WHICH APPLICATION & PAYMENT PROOF MUST BE SENT Bank: Standard Bank SA Ltd, Branch: Brooklyn, Pretoria, Branch Code: 011245, Account No: 013007971 Online Exams: Outstation Exams: ENTRY FOR EXAMINATIONS It is compulsory to be in possession of a pilot licence issued in terms of the SA Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 or a foreign pilot license issued by an ICAO contracting state with a valid Identification document or Passport to enter for or attempt for an examination. Licence Number Expiry Date y y y y m m d d Surname and Initials Residential or Postal address Postal code ID number E-mail address Telephone number (w) Cellular phone number Examination Centre Part A: To be completed by Pilots & Cabin Crew Part B: To be completed by AMEs Part C: For all Applicants NOTE: FOR VALIDATIONS PLEASE REFER TO APPLICABLE CAR, AND TICK RELEVANT EXAMINATION SUBJECTS BELOW NOTE: Please confirm Outstation Exam times PART A: PILOTS AND CABIN CREW with schedule published on SACAA website* MIDRAND ONLY PPL PPL CPL CPL ATPL ATPL PREFERRED *OUTSTATION EXAMINATION SUBJECT OTHER TIMES (A) (H) (A) (H) (A) (H) EXAM DATE 08:30 11:00 13:00 Aircraft General Principles of Flight Meteorology Flight Performance & Planning General navigation Radio Aids & Communication Instruments and Electronics Aircraft Tech & General (A) Aircraft Tech and General (H) Human Performance Air Law Night Rating Cabin Crew General Radiotelephony Restricted Radiotelephony Instrument Rating (Ops Proc) Instructor Rating 08:30 ONLY A H Turbine Instructor Rating Applied Meteorology & Navigation Principles of Flying Instruction, Legislation & Airmanship CA 61-91 17 January 2019 Page 1 of 3 NOTE: FOR VALIDATIONS PLEASE REFER TO APPLICABLE CAR, AND TICK RELEVANT EXAMINATION SUBJECTS BELOW NOTE: Please confirm Outstation Exam times PART B: AIRCAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS (AMEs) with schedule published on SACAA website* MIDRAND ONLY PREFERRED *OUTSTATION SUBJECT / EXAM CATEGORY OTHER TIMES EXAM DATE 08:30 11:00 13:00 CARs Airframe General Gas Turbine General Piston Engine General Rotorcraft General Avionics Electrical Instruments OTHER/TYPE Exam Attempts 1st 2nd Candidates who intend to sit for a theoretical knowledge examination should have completed the following: Only applicable with 1st application. 1 Trade Test 2 All applicable General Courses 3 Civil Aviation Regulation completed (CARs) INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL CANDIDATES Report to the examination office at least 45 minutes before the scheduled time of commencement. Sign the attendance register. Produce an original license (for pilots) or ID document (other students) as proof of identity. Obey all instructions of the invigilator. Remember that only the following ancillaries are allowed in the examination hall: o pencils o eraser o ruler o computer (mechanical), i.e. protractor, dividers, whiz wheel o permitted electronic calculators Check that your examination number and all relevant information are correct on the computer. Comply with all examination instructions during the course of the examination. Ensure that you do not communicate, pass any object or look at the work of another candidate. Do not direct any question regarding the questionnaire to the invigilator. Do not retain any notes of whatever nature that you make during the examination. Do not write or make any marks on the charts or manuals that are supplied to you. Hand in the examination script, scrap papers and related documents where applicable when so required. Do not smoke or behave in an unsatisfactory manner. Do not tamper with or damage any equipment. CA 61-91 17 January 2019 Page 2 of 3 NOTE The CAA has absolute confidence in the integrity of the computer examination programmer and wishes to remind candidates that the only manner, in which an incorrect result can occur, is when a candidate’s selected answer is not accepted by the system due to the candidate’s incorrect operation of the computer mouse. If a candidate wishes to contest any result, the onus to prove an error rests on the candidate. WARNING: If the rules and instructions mentioned above are contravened, candidates subject themselves to disqualification from future examinations for a period not exceeding 36 months and the candidate may be deemed to have failed the examination to which such contravention is applicable, as described in SA-CATS 61.01.10 (7)(b) 1. I hereby request to enter for the examinations indicated and accept the above-mentioned conditions. 2. I acknowledge that the Regulations apply to the conduct of this examination(s). 3. I acknowledge that examination fraud and cheating are regarded as serious offences. PART C: (to be completed by all applicants) SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS DATE NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS DATE PART D: (For office use only) SIGNATURE OF EXAMINATION OFFICER Receipt Date Entry Confirmed CA 61-91 y y YES y y m m d d Receipt No. NO 17 January 2019 Page 3 of 3