Spanish cooking project Proyecto de cocinar comida española Project Due: ______________________; 50 puntos Checklist: 1. Choose a Spanish dish to make. Here are a few links to help you get started: You may choose from the list below or research a different Spanish dish. Popular Spanish dishes: Tortilla española/tortilla de patatas: Gazpacho: Paella: Crema de Catalán- 2. Turn in the page with the parent signature, name of food that you will be making, name of partner (if you choose to work in partners) by ___________________. 3. Make a list of ingredients needed for the recipe so that you can make sure that you have all of the ingredients that you need. If you are making a half recipe, rewrite the appropriate amounts for each ingredient. 4. Research the history behind the dish as well as the region where it is most commonly served. 5. Arrange a time to prepare the dish with parent supervision. 6. Make the dish and have someone take pictures or video of the process. Take a picture of… …all ingredients needed for the recipe laid out on the counter/table …you adding ingredients to the dish- at least three pictures of this process …you with the final product/tasting the dish 7. Taste the dish. Fill out the following evaluation form. 8. Serve the dish to at least one other person. Record his/her thoughts about the dish on the evaluation form. 9. Create a digital presentation or poster with your pictures/video (see rubric) Spanish cooking project Proyecto de cocinar comida española Project Due: ______________________; 50 puntos READ OVER THE PROJECT CHECKLIST WITH YOU PARENTS AND FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW. TURN IN YOUR PROJECT DECISION BY ______________________. I _____________________________ have decided to make ______________________________ (name of Spanish dish) Recipe links: Tortilla española/tortilla de patatas: Gazpacho: Paella: Crema de Catalán- Other: _______________________________________________ I plan to work: (circle one) individually With one or more person(s)* *name of partner(s): ____________________________________________________ I have read through the cooking assignment in detail and discussed my project option with a parent or guardian. Signature of student: _________________________________ Date: ____________ Signature of parent/guardian: _________________________________________ Date:__________________ Spanish cooking project Proyecto de cocinar comida española Project Due: ______________________; 50 puntos Nombre: ________________________________________ Spanish dish: _________________________________________ History of dish: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Region where it is typically found: _____________________________ MAIN Ingredients: ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _________________________ ________________________ _________________________ (PUT THE ABOVE INFORMATION WITH YOUR PICTURES IN A DIGITAL PRESENTATION OR ON A POSTER) Spanish cooking project Proyecto de cocinar comida española Project Due: ______________________; 50 puntos Nombre(s) ________________________________ Project Rubric ___/50 ___/40 -Digital presentation or poster -10 pts: Includes title of dish, region, and history -30 pts: Pictures with explanations ➢ main ingredients listed in Spanish with picture(s) of the ingredients (5pts) ➢ at least three pictures of the process with explanation of each step-be sure you are in the pictures to show you making the dish (20 pts) ➢ one picture of you taste testing the dish (5 pt) -10 pts- Overall presentation ___/10 Taste testing evaluation form (includes your critique + someone else that tried the dish) Spanish cooking project Proyecto de cocinar comida española Project Due: ______________________; 50 puntos Nombre: ______________________________________________ Hora: _____ Taste-testing evaluation form 1. Student critique of the dish Name of Spanish dish: _____________________________________________ Do you like the dish? Why or why not? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Compare the dish to another food that you have eaten before. How is it similar? How is it different? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What is your opinion of Spanish food in comparison to Mexican food after trying this Spanish dish? _________________________________________________________ 2. Critique by someone else that tried the dish: Name of taste-tester: ______________________________________________ Name of Spanish dish: _____________________________________________ Have you tried food from Spain before? If so, what have you tried? ________________________________________________________________ What is your opinion of Spanish food in comparison to Mexican food after trying this Spanish dish? _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Additional comments: _________________________________________________ Signature of taste-tester: ______________________________________________