Name_____________________________________ Circuit Analysis and Ohm’s Law 1. Construct the following circuit. Are the components arranged in series or in parallel? Voltage Rules Measuring voltage with a voltmeter (If you have a multimeter at home, you can the voltage on all of your batteries by simply touching the leads to each end of the battery try it in the sim) 2. Use the virtual Voltmeter to measure the voltages across. a. The Battery _______________ (move the black probe into the contact circle) b. The Switch ________________ c. The Lamp (lightbulb) +________________ (shown to the right)) d. The pencil +________________ Total of b+c+d = ________________ a c How does the voltage supplied by the battery compare to the voltage used by the other components added together? Use what you know about voltage to explain why that happens. Current Rules Measuring current with an Ammeter (current meter) 3. Remove the component listed and use the Ammeter to re-connect the points to measure the current through the segment of the circuit. a b. c. How do you think you would find the current on the right side of the lamp? What is the current coming out of the battery-when the ammeter replaces the switch? What is the current coming out of the pencil-when the ammeter replaces the wire between the pencil and the lightbulb? What is the current coming out of the lamp? What do you notice about the current coming out of the battery, compared to the current coming out of the pencil, compared to the current coming out of the bulb? Use what you know about how current moves in a circuit to explain why that happens. What happens to the components in the circuit if one component is removed if the opening is not bridged by the ammeter? Use what you know about current and circuits to explain why this happens. 4. Lamp Analysis a Use the current going into the lamp and the voltage b. Use the current going into the lamp and the drop across the lamp to calculate the power voltage drop across the lamp to calculate the (brightness) of the bulb? Calculate using P= IV, resistance of the lamp. Calculate using V=IR 5. Pencil Analysis a Use the current going into the pencil and the voltage drop across the pencil to calculate the power (heat) dissipated by the pencil? Calculate using P= IV, b. Use the current going into the pencil and the voltage drop across the pencil to calculate the resistance of the pencil. Calculate using V=IR 6. ____What circuit parameter do all series components have in common? a. resistance b. current c. voltage d. power Another type of circuit 7. Construct the following circuit. Are the components arranged in series or in parallel? 8. Use the Voltmeter to measure the voltages across. a. The Battery _______________ b. The Pencil _________________ c. The lamp ________________ How does the voltage across the battery, compare to the voltage across the pencil, compare to the voltage across the lamp? Why do you think this happens? 9. Remove the component listed and use the Ammeter to re-connect the points to measure the current through the segment of the circuit a. Remove the switch to find the current coming out of the battery _____________ b. Remove the wire to the left of the pencil to find the current going into the pencil _____________ c. Remove the wire to the left of the lamp to find the current going into the lamp ____________ What do you notice about the current coming out of the battery compared to the current going into pencil and into the lamp? Use what you know about how current moves in circuits to explain why. Complete the following equation by placing a +, -, or = in the blanks. There is more than one right answer (The letter I is used for current) Ibattery _____Ilamp______Ipencil What happens to the components in the circuit if one component is removed if the opening is not replaced by the ammeter? Use what you know about circuits to explain why. 10. Lamp Analysis a Use the current going into the lamp and the voltage drop across the lamp to calculate the power (brightness) of the bulb? Calculate using P= IV, b. Use the current going into the lamp and the voltage drop across the lamp to calculate the resistance of the lamp. Calculate using V=IR 11. LED Analysis a Use the current going into the LED and the voltage drop across the LED to calculate the power (brightness) of the LED? Calculate using P= IV, b. Use the current going into the LED and the voltage drop across the LED to calculate the resistance of the LED. Calculate using V=IR 12. ____What circuit parameter do all parallel components have in common? a. resistance b. current c. voltage d. power