Uploaded by Jimmy Ventriglia

NYS YMCA YAG Virtual Safety Guidelines

NYS YMCA Youth and Government
Safety Using Virtual Platforms
What is NYS YMCA YAG doing to keep delegates safe?
 Restricted screen sharing to the adult hosts and disabled the remote
control function.
 Password Protection. The password to your meetings will be emailed
directly to students.
 Each room will have an adult host who will remove or “put on hold,”
unwanted or disruptive participants.
 All delegates will be muted upon entry. They will need to take
themselves off mute when they are ready to participate.
 Video participants will be restricted to devices located in geographic
regions where we have confirmed delegates are. Delegates who are
not in New York will be able to participate, but must notify conference
staff before the conference so they can be admitted.
 All file transfers will be turned off.
 Private chat will be turned off.
 Annotation will be turned off.
 Delegates will enter a waiting room before being accepted into the call.
 All delegates (and their parents/guardians) will be required to sign a
virtual conference code of conduct.
 Disabled the “join before host,” option.
 Hosts are able to lock the meeting if necessary.
 Throughout the meeting, adult hosts will inspect the list of participants
to make sure everyone is an authorized user.
What can delegates do to keep themselves safe?
 Enter your first name and delegation in parenthesis when entering a
Zoom call to protect your identity. Example: Jane Doe(Example
 Don’t share personal information on Zoom.
 Mute your microphone unless you wish to speak to prevent
background noise or conversations from being picked up on your Zoom
 Be aware of everything that is in view of your camera before you get
on your Zoom call. Remove any personal information you don’t want
others to see or use an appropriate virtual background.
 If you feel uncomfortable, offended by someone’s behavior or are
aware of other issues that are in violation of the NYS YMCA YAG Virtual
Code of Conduct; we ask that you please report the behavior or issue
to the adult in your Zoom room or email ymcanys@gmail.com to be
addressed directly by the YMCA staff.
 Follow the NYS YMCA Virtual Conference Code of Conduct.