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Daystar University Practicum Report: Business Administration

Practicum report in fulfillment an award of Bachelor of Commerce in
Business Administration
Submitted to the School of Business and Economics, Daystar University, in partial fulfillment
of the requirement of the Bachelor of commerce.
i. Student
I hereby declare that this practicum report is my original work and has not been presented for a
degree or any academic qualification in any other university.
Hiwot T. Woldeamanuel
The report has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor.
Mr. Maurice Onyango
Lecturer- Department of Commerce and School of Business and Economics
Daystar University
This work is dedicated to my sponsor U. Oton who lives in Brooklyn, New York, USA for his
continued motivation and support in paying my schools fees and other expenses towards
completion of this program and to my family for their constant prayers that have helped me. The
report is also dedicated to my loving parents, teachers and friends whose consistent support and
encouragement enabled me to make perpetual efforts for my dream accomplishment.
This report is part of the requirements for the course, Practicum (BUS 520), which is an Internship
Program, a requirement for the degree program for a Bachelor of Business Administration. This
course has at its main purpose the desire to expose students to practical experience in the corporate
world and in the process allow them to apply the classroom theoretical teaching to a supervised
corporate work environment.
This internship report is focused on my seven weeks practical training at Daystar University in
Kenya. This report is focused on the operations of the Services department of Daystar University.
In this internship report I have tried to give details about operations of service department and how
it functions and works with the other departments within the university.
As a commerce student doing my practicum at Daystar university, it is very important for me to
write and compile this report as I give a comprehensive view of my experiences, knowledge and
skills acquired in the department and organization as a whole during this period of attachment
which is outlined in this report.
This attachment report was made possible by the intervention of different people and departments
at Daystar University. I am grateful to them all, and specifically would like to express my
appreciation key persons.
‘Dr. Samuel Murithi’ my HOD of commerce department for giving me the opportunity to
undertake internship at Daystar University.
‘Mr. Boaz Bichange’ my practicum Attachment supervisor in service department at Daystar
University, for encouraging me and exposing me to all areas of service in service department . I
am sincerely indebted to him for supporting and assisting me thus contributing to the success of
this practicum attachment assignment at the university.
‘Mr. Maurice Onyango’ My lecturer and academic supervisor from Daystar University, who has
helped in understanding how to structure the report and coordinating with the administration staff
from the university. He also set aside his valuable time to assists and guide me on how to complete
my daily diary and report writing.
I wish to thank the Almighty God for giving me strength and good health to overcome all
circumstances during my study. Let his holy name be glorified. Last but not least, more thanks go
to my classmates, fellow workmates at service department for their constructive criticism that
enriched my way of thinking as a student and an intern.
This report covers a seven week internship program, part of a course taken as part of requirements
for all undergraduate students in the school of business and economics at Daystar University. By
taking this course and after obtaining my workplace assignment as an intern in the Service
department at Daystar University, I got a practical application of all things learned in class. I had
an opportunity to interact and learn from the experienced staff as they shared with me their
viewpoints and skills. I was thus exposed to a real life organization’s work environment. The major
objectives of this internship was to enable me apply the theoretical knowledge from my classroom
education and see how it is done practically, to enable me engage in analysis of the work
environment and summarize my experiences in the organization. This report has been planned in
five major sections. Section one is the description of daily activities, and departments assigned to
carry out the studies in the organization. Section two concerned with work description, department
worked, coordination/relationship of the different departments in the organization and who
benefits or suffers in case of success or failure within the department. Section three detailed the
organizational description in terms of goals and objectives and organizational strategies on how to
achieve them, organizational structure inclusive of organization culture and climate. Section four
and five were concerned with the industry in which the firm operates, the organizational set-up,
competition, SWOT analysis of the organization, conclusion, and recommendations.
DVC: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
DVC-AA: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and Quality Assurance
DVC-IA: Deputy Vice Chancellor Institutional Advancement
DVC-FA: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration
DUAA: Daystar University Alumni Association
HOD: Head of department
ICT: Information and communication Technology
VC: Vice chancellor
SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats
Board: A long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building
A division of a large organization such as a government, university, or business,
dealing with a specific area of activity.
A practical section of a course of study
A permanent administrative office or department, especially a governmental one.
The action of helping or doing work for someone.
A high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and
academic research is done.
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. iii
PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. vi
ACRONYMES ........................................................................................................................................... vii
DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS ............................................................................................................... viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. ix
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................xiii
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Table 1: Schools and academic programs ................................................................................................. 2
SECTION I: THE DIARY ............................................................................................................................ 5
Daily activities ................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2: Daily Activities ............................................................................................................................. 8
Departments Worked during internship.................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Co-operation from section colleagues.................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Interruptions ........................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
SECTION TWO.................................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
WORK DESCRIPTION .....................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Department .............................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Office work and Records management ...............................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Telephone transfer during communication .........................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Customer care .................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Notice Boards..................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Keys management and testing.............................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Maintenance ....................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Room booking .................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Offices and classroom cleaning ......................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Security ...........................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Table 3: Security plan ......................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Work relations with other departments ......................................................................................... 14
Student development department ................................................................................................ 14
Academic Department................................................................................................................. 14
Finance Procurement............................................................................................................... 15
Procurement ............................................................................................................................ 15
Human Resource ......................................................................................................................... 15
Vi. Corporate affairs .................................................................................................................................... 15
Beneficiaries of the work ....................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Suffers in case anything goes wrong from my part who .............Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
SECTION THREE ...................................................................................................................................... 16
ORGANIZATIONAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 16
About Daystar University ................................................................................................................ 16
b)Goals and objectives of the organization ........................................................................................... 17
1. Organizational Goals....................................................................................................................... 17
b.) Vision statement .................................................................................................................................... 17
c.) Mission statement .................................................................................................................................. 17
d. ) Core values ........................................................................................................................................... 18
i. Christian Values ............................................................................................................................... 18
Effective Communication ........................................................................................................... 18
Excellence ............................................................................................................................... 18
Integrity & Honesty ................................................................................................................ 19
Professionalism ........................................................................................................................... 19
e. The Mandate of the University ........................................................................................................... 19
Core Functions ................................................................................................................................ 19
2.) Organizational objective ..................................................................................................................... 20
Student ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Faculty and Staff ......................................................................................................................... 22
Finance ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Resource Mobilization ................................................................................................................ 23
Programmes ................................................................................................................................ 24
SECTION FOUR ........................................................................................................................................ 25
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE......................................................................................................... 25
a) Introduction
................................................................................................................................................. 25
b) Overall structure ..................................................................................................................................... 26
c) Organization Hierarchy Chart.............................................................................................................. 28
d). Organizational climate and culture ........................................................................................................ 29
SECTION FIVE ......................................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
INDUSTRY .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Organizational set up ........................................................................................................................ 34
c. Daystar university competitors ........................................................................................................... 37
Porter’s Five Forces Framework for Industry Competitiveness ...................................................... 37
Competition support ......................................................................................................................... 38
SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................................... 39
Future of daystar university............................................................................................................. 41
X) RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ............................................................................... 44
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 45
REFERENCE......................................................................................Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Table 1: Schools and academic programs ................................................................................... 2
Table 2:Daily Activities .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 1.Organization structure................................................................................................. 28
The aim of this practicum report is to present and cover in a detailed form my experience as an
intern at Daystar University, with an emphasis on skills, knowledge I acquired and the tasks
accomplished in the past seven weeks between September 2nd and 18th October of 2019. The report
details daily activities organized in the weeks I carried out during the time I spent as intern. It also
includes a work description of the department I worked in, as well as the goals and objectives of
the organization, industry overview, SWOT analysis, recommendations and conclusion for
Daystar University.
Internship Program is a required course and is designed around practical sessions as required by
Business Administration and Management Department at Daystar University. Every student in
this department is expected to do an assigned task in an employer’s business organization, based
on that employer’s needs and the student’s training has to enable him or her to apply the theoretical
skills and knowledge acquired over the 4 years of schooling.
As an intern at Daystar University during this internship attachment, I learnt many things such as
time management, decision making, division of work, interacting with workers, supervision other
employees, working in a team, workplace communication, working under pressure, and culture
differences at workplace. I also learnt how to plan for my day at the workplace and how to serve
Daystar University is an inter-denominational Christian institution that is well known for its exciting
approach to higher education, its high standards in teaching, and its vibrant community life. Students
come from all over Africa, Asia and North America for the programs offered by Daystar. The University
aims to be a distinguished Christ centered institution of higher learning for the transformation of church
and society. The university has two campuses, the main campus in Athi River, a scenic setting less than
two hours from the city center and the other campus in Nairobi on Ngong Road, Valley Road junction.
The history of Daystar University can be traced back in 1964, when Dr. Donald K. Smith and Mrs.
Faye Smith an American missionary couple, and Motsoko Pheko a political refugee from South
Africa founded Daystar University in Bulowayo, Zimbabwe. Following the eruption of civil war
in Zimbabwe in 1974, Daystar relocated to Nairobi in Kenya where the institution was
incorporated as a non-profit organization.
Daystar University began short-term training programs in 1971, then expanded in 1976 to a twoyear post high school diploma program. A four-year degree program was started in 1984 and in
the same year, Daystar University College started a second campus at Athi River situated on 300
Acres of land at the foot of the Lukenya Hills. The government of Kenya granted the University
its Charter on September 29, 1994, and set its governance vested between the Daystar Company,
the sponsor, and trustees of the University. Daystar University currently has an enrollment of over
more than 4,400 students distributed among 15 undergraduate majors, 7 masters programs, and 2
PhD programs. Daystar University has six schools with 14 academics department, and this can be
seen in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Schools and academic programs
Language and performing Arts
Theology and biblical studies
Peace and international studies
Performing Arts
School of Arts and Humanities
School of Science, Engineering and
Computer science
Development studies
Psychology and counseling
Institute of child development
School of Human and Social
School of Business and Economics
Institute of leadership and
professional development
School of Law
Degree Programs
Bachelors Level
Law (LL.B)
Education (Science )
Education (Arts )
Early child development and Education
Master Level
In Business Administration
M.A .Communication
Master of Arts
Master of education
PHD Level
In communication
In clinical psychology
As will be described in more detail later, apart from the academic departments which have been
discussed in the introduction, there are various departments in the institution. I was assigned to the
Services department, which is a department that interphases with all other departments in the
institution and provides support to them. My immediate supervisor was Mr. Boaz Bichage, the
Administrator. My work location was at the Daystar University Nairobi campus. On my first day
when I joined the team, as a way for me to meet and interact, my supervisor formally introduced
me as a intern of the services department, first to the supervisors of the cleaning, security and
maintenance units, and then to all the staff. I was given an initial overview of duties and
responsibilities and offices of different departments and what was expected of me as intern of the
a) Daily activities and workstation description
As stated earlier, I was assigned to the services department of the University and the hours of work
there was from Monday to Friday between 8 am to 5 pm. The services department handled consists
of the following units: (a) Cleaning, (b) Food/cafeteria, (c) Security, (d) Maintenance, (e)
Transport, (f) Key Management, and (f) Customer care. After being introduced to the staff, I was
then given my initial assignments. I was initially tasked to report to the Intern room in the morning
and would be dispatched from there to take care of the various tasks assigned to me for that day.
My assignments involved tasks in all the seven units under the services department. Within these
units, I had responsibilities in facilities inspection, maintenance, keys, room booking, office
management, notice board, supervision of the University services providers and customer care.
b) Cleaning: Cleaning unit handled cleaning at both campus locations. This consisted of
outsourced workers and their supervisors and their activities were managed by the services
department. There was a regular and systematic cleaning schedule by the cleaners and we funneled
requests to them based on events, mishaps, accidents and inspections. The regular schedule for
these activities in the Nairobi campus facilities expected to be done at least twice per day in the
lecture rooms, washrooms, offices and compound/grounds. They also were to scrub and clean the
open areas on Thursday and to scrub and clean the administrative entrance, cafeteria and third
floors on Tuesdays, while the general cleaning was performed on Saturday when the stairs and
walkways were scrubbed and cleaned. Additionally, supplies like bathroom tissue and hand soap
were restocked by the cleaning unit.
c) Food/cafeteria: Food/cafeteria unit operated the two cafeterias on the Nairobi campus and
was outsourced. They provide food for events and other activities in the institution. We interfaced
with them on utility bills such as electricity bill, water bills and maintenance.
d) Security: Security unit handled security for the institution and also was outsourced. They
checked all identification of students, staff and visitors manually. They assisted in coordinating
with parking of vehicle by making sure that all the vehicles in the compound have daystar stickers
and check each vehicle as they come in and out of the campus to ensure that no unauthorized items
are brought in and no assets of the university are taken out. The security guards also help lost and
found report to the service department office. We interfaced and directed their activities through
the customer services unit of the services department.
e) Maintenance: The Maintenance unit coordinated all preventive and emergency repairs for
the institution. The routine inspection is includes the availability of power, water and any identity
breakages. We performed regular inspections and all breakages and issues found were reported to
the maintenance unit to be repaired or replaced, either as an emergency repair or a scheduled repair.
f) Transport: The Transport unit has outsourced and handled transportation between the two
campuses. Normally, Daystar University buses transport all staff and faculty between the Nairobi
campus and the Athi River campus on a regular daily schedule. These buses have strict departure
times and all are required to adhere to the shuttle program to avoid being left at the pick-up points.
Additionally, this unit coordinated delivery of mail and documents between the two campuses on
a standard schedule on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
g) Key Management: This unit holds keys for all campus offices and classrooms. It arranges,
holds, and inventories all original keys for the entire university and arranges the replacement of
keys and locks when original keys are lost or broken.
h) Customer care: The Customer care unit handled and coordinated most of the activities
within the service department and coordinated the activities of the other departments and handled
other activities not contained within those units. It also managed all the outsourced activities
including some like the bookstore. This was done to ensure that the outsourced service providers
such as security, catering, photocopying services, and bookshop maintained a high level of
customer care while providing their services to clients. As I started, I was assigned to do inspection
at least twice per day in the washrooms, classrooms and offices to ensure that they were clean. I
also inspected the grounds to ensure that they were properly mowed.
To ensure proper
maintenance, I provided reports on the availability of water, power, and any breakages within the
premises. I also assisted in the management of campus keys. I also handled the room booking
system to schedule and provide rooms for events and other activities. I performed office work
such as filing, typing, running errands, record keeping, and maintained the weekly report. I
inspected the notice boards to arrange, update and remove stale notices. I also conducted inventory
of items owned by the institution for correct location and correct coding.
i) Skills and issues learned during attachment
The services department impacts every department at Daystar University. As a result, despite
being nominally assigned to the Customer services unit in the department, I was able to see, learn
and develop a whole range of skills in this internship attachment. The department was well
organized with a few challenges. I attended staff gatherings as well as the weekly chapel held for
staff on Tuesdays. I was trained by Daystar University employees in all of the tasks that I was
involved in. They also helped me learn principles that I had not previously familiarized myself
before I started my internship. Time and division of work initially was a problem for me to manage
but as the time went while I worked with my colleagues I was able to successfully overcome the
challenges with guidance and instruction from my colleagues. A second issue involved cultural
differences among my other intern colleagues. The interns, of which I was one, were all from
different countries, and consequently as we all began working together, it took time for me as well
as the other interns to understand each other and for each of us to comprehend and fully understand
the assignments we were given, especially when we were assigned work to complete as a group.
However, by the end of the internship we were all on the same page. Finally, during my internship
period, we also had one holiday which was observed on a weekday and consequently on that day
no work was carried out.
This required us to carry forward some tasks and even work extra-
ordinary hours to ensure that objectives of the Daystar University were realized. My daily log book
in the diary form is presented on a weekly basis as outlined in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Daily Activities
Week one
Work done
September 2019
Orientation to different areas and department
DAC customer service
Delivery of mails
Daily inspection
Compound inspection
DAC customer service
Filling documents
Daily inspection
Document fillings
Positing notices on other notice boards
DAC customer service
DAC customer service
Daily inspection
Classes and compound inspection
Letter Delivery
DAC customer service
Week Two
9th September -13th
Filling documents
September 2019
Letters delivery
Daily inspection
DAC customer service
DAC customer service
Compound inspection
Assisting staffs
DAC customer service
Filling and arranging documents
DAC customer service
Filling documents
Daily inspection
16th September -
DAC customer service
Room booking
Daily inspection
Compound Inspection
Assist staff
Week Three
Daily inspection
Classroom and daily inspection
Filling of documents
Letter delivery
Cafeteria inspection
Meeting with corporate affairs manager
Filling documents
23rd September- 27th
Filling documents
September 2019
Facilitate in arrangement for cooperate manager office
facilities and compound inspection
Daily inspection
filing of documents
Classrooms inspection
Compound inspection
Supervision at radio station
Week Four
Assisting the administrator
Library inspection
Counting classroom seats
Arranging classroom chairs
30th September -4th
Daily inspection
October 2019
Organizing seats for hospital customer event
DAC customer services
Supervision of workers in studio construction
Assisting staffs
Booking room for project
Filling documents
Compound inspection
Assisting staff
Daily and compound inspection
Deliveries of keys to chaplaincy office and document to security
Week Five
Daily inspection
Classroom inspection
Testing Keys
Compound inspection
Removing notices on notice boards.
Typing utility bills
Office errands
Classroom inspection
Facilitating cleaning team to clean up auditorium for Media
Meeting with evaluation committee ,procurement manager,
Week Six
October 2019
consultants, dean of school of communication and administrator
Moi day
Compound inspection
Office errands
Week Seven
14th October -18th
October 2019
Classroom inspection
Office errands
Daily inspection
Office errands
Allen grove inspection
Classroom clocks check
Allen grove repairs follow ups
Assisting staffs
Allen grove inspection
Compound inspection
Office errands
Allen grove inspection
Supervising of repairs
Deliveries of letters
a) Support services and coordination with other departments
All the services provided by the services department were in a support role to accomplish the goals
and objectives of the institution. As a result, careful and seamless coordination with other
departments in the institution was essential. A simple task such as the delivery of mail between
offices for academic departments between the two campuses required transport services and mail
delivery within each campus. Proper management by the administration of the services department
is critical and collaboration and cooperation with other departments in Daystar University is
needed as without this the academic objectives of the institution cannot be realized.
departments which the services department supports and collaborates with include the following:
Student development department
The student development department provides the environment and activities for students, staff
and visitors to grow spiritually by offering opportunities for personal growth, interaction, and
fellowship in a conductive Christian environment. This is done through the chapel, the campus,
the serene grounds, as well as recreation and sporting activities. The services department through
many of its service, such as security and cleaning, supports and collaborates with the student
development department.
Academic Department
Teaching and research is the primary activity of Daystar University. All the services provided by
the services department exist to support the academic department. Collaboration is essential to
complete simple tasks such as cleaning the offices and washrooms of the Lecturers. Understanding
the needs of its clients (students, lecturers, staff and visitors) is critical as a critical function of the
services department is to anticipate the services that will be needed now and in the future.
Finance Procurement
The Finance department provides a budget for every department in the University. The Services
department has to work with the Finance department to obtain funds needed to carry out its
activities such as funds for status repair, funds to pay services providers such as water, power,
among others.
The University has a centralized purchasing system with the Procurement Department
coordinating all purchasing and supplies. For more details on procedures please see the
Procurement Officer at Nairobi Campus. The University procurement department coordinates all
purchasing and supplies.
Human Resource
For the Services department to function well, it has to co-operate with human resource department
especially when the university is hiring outsourced services providers like cleaners, caterers,
security, healthcare among others. As an example, candidates working for these outsourced service
providers have to interviewed and screened by staff at the Services department to ensure that they
are qualified to the job because staff at the Service department will be the ones supervising and
working with these vendors. Additionally, in the case of Daystar staff management, the Services
department and human resource department have to co-operate when new staff is hired, as the
Services department has to be informed so that it can provide for the new staff services such as
office space, office furniture, telephones, cleaning. Stationary supplies, etc.
Vi. Corporate affairs
When the university is organizing events and general meetings the services department and
Corporate affairs department have to collaborate for these events and general meetings to take
place without any issues. Some of these events and general meetings are a strong part of the culture
of Daystar University..
b) Effects of services provided by the services department
Efficiency and proper coordination of services provided by the services department results in the
institution being able to work smoothly and achieve its goals. Growth, another of the objectives of
the institution will be able to be realized when things are running smoothly allowing for the
resolution of problems with minimal effort. On the other hand, as an intern, it was easy to see the
results of poor services. Shoddy inspections of classrooms meant that maintenance work was not
performed or classrooms remained dirty and did not receive the cleaning that they needed. If
anything goes wrong the whole University suffers. When the university properties are not being
taking care of other departments may not function well and also it may affect the profit of the
organization. This effects can lead to the university losing its market shares to other public or
private universities within the region.
j) About Daystar University
Daystar University seeks to develop managers, professionals, researchers and scholars to be
effective, Christian servant-leaders through the integration of Christian faith and holistic learning
for the transformation of church and society in Africa and the world.
The University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and
research. Daystar University strives for excellence in its teaching and research methods. The
University is well known for quality in teaching. Training is personalized and by highly qualified
Daytime undergraduate programs are offered at the Athi River Campus situated on the edge of the
Athi plains on the slopes of the Lukenya Hills, about 40 kilometers from downtown Nairobi.
Diploma courses, postgraduate programs, day and evening undergraduate programs are offered at
Nairobi Campus. Built on 300 acres of land, the University’s Athi River Campus is home to over
1,500 students both local and international
b) Goals and objectives of the organization
1. Organizational Goals
The Daystar University philosophy statement affirms the triune God, God the father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit, as the creator of all that is and the source of all truth. The University
exists to develop managers, professionals, researchers, scholars to be effective, Christian servant
leaders through the integration of Christian faith and holistic learning for transformation of church
and society in Africa and in the world
Its mission, vision and core values are:
b.) Vision statement
Daystar University aspires to be a distinguished, Christ-center, Africa institute of higher learning
for the transformation of church and society.
c.) Mission statement
Daystar University seek to develop managers, professionals, researchers and scholars to be
effective Christian servant- leaders through the integration of Christian faith and holistic learning
for the transformation of church and society in the Africa and the world.
d.) Core values
i. Christian Values
The university is believed to have strong Christian values where everyone is seems to be a
believer in Christ. The Christian values for Daystar University are listed as follows
Commitment to the Bible as the Word of God (II Timothy 3:16);
Commitment to expand the Kingdom of God. The furthering of the Kingdom of
God is the benchmark against which all goals are to be measured;
Promoting individual and community growth to Christian maturity;
Mentoring students and modeling Christian lifestyle;
Personally and corporately committed to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
Personal commitment to participation and service in the local church and in society
Holding to Christian doctrines embedded in the Apostles’ Creed;
Valuing, caring for and honoring others;
Effective Communication
As an integral part of all disciplines and critical to the running of the university
Scholarship -teaching, learning, research and publication;
Efficiency and productivity;
Corporate governance and management practices;
Integration of faith and learning or service;
1. Servant leadership
Empowering and equipping the worker for the specified duties;
Customer centered processes and practices;
Work and learning at Daystar University is seen as a service to God;
To foster a culture of stewardship and accountability by mentoring students to emulate
Christ in leadership (Mark 10:45).
Non-discriminatory in terms of gender, ethnic background, race or physical ability;
Fairness and equity in areas such as remuneration and workload;
Integrity & Honesty
Be committed: Set high standards for your behavior and stick to them, even in difficult
Be courageous: Stand up for what you believe is just and good.
Be honest: Choose words and actions that are sincere, not misleading.
Be disciplined: Remain dedicated and self-controlled, even when challenged.
Be resilient: Learn from mistakes and losses; seize the opportunity to improve.
Facilitating each individual’s achievement of goals for function, health, and wellness.
Involved in professional activities beyond the practice setting.
Promoting the profession of physical therapy.
Mentoring others to realize their potential.
e. The Mandate of the University
The philosophy of life, conduct, teaching, training and research in Daystar University is founded
on Biblical principles, values and practice. As per the University’s charter, the mandate of Daystar
University is to provide Christian based higher education, training and research for the expansion
of God’s kingdom.
1. Core Functions
The core functions of the University are:
To provide a balanced programme and experiences for harmonious and holistic
development of students and staff.
To assist in the preservation, processing, transmission and dissemination of knowledge and
in the stimulation of the intellectual life and cultural development of the students and the
African church and society;
To determine who may teach, what may be taught and how it may be taught;
To conduct examinations for and grant degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards of
the University;
To provide resources for education, training and research and for establishment of colleges,
faculties, schools, departments, institutes, centres and other institution
In order to implement its vision and mission statement and fulfill its core values the university has
several goals that have put in place to be able to obtain and achieve the long-term objective.
The following are the overall goals that the Daystar University is striving to achieve:
Cultivate Christian faith and values by reflecting Christian servant –leadership in all
policies, procedures and personal interaction.
Provide Christian higher education at all levels in Africa context for sustainable national
development and the goal market
Provide opportunity for research consultancy and publication.
Actively recruit and mentor students and staff thought the world
Build capacity to deal with emerging issues, such as HIV and AIDS, community health,
gender, and the environment.
Create structures and platforms for effective resource mobilization to fully fund the needs
of the university
Provide short courses, outpost programmers and online training.
Implement the use of the information Communication Technology (ICT) in the education
and training process to enhance learning.
2. Organizational objective
The Daystar University Main objective is to become a one of the best educational institutions of
higher learning where the core programs necessary for meeting the development needs of this
country is taught while retaining our philosophy of instilling biblical values in those who pass
through our hands. For as you well know life is holistic in nature and it is therefore required of us
to always have a balance between the physical and spiritual, philosophy and conscience, and
individuality and communality. This can only be achieved when we all embrace a biblical
perspective to life. That is why Daystar University has categorized its different aspect of its
members and function within the campus have to come together in order to achieve their objective
of the university.
The students
Faculty and staff
Corporate or organizational culture
Resource mobilization.
The following are specific objectives that the areas above want to achieve as time goes by support
the University achieve its objective:
To attract, retain and develop quality Christian faculty and staff who mentor student, both
academically and spiritually ,while encouraging the staff and faculty to reach their full
To expand and improve the university educational, spiritual, sports and recreational
facilities, equipment’s and infrastructure to match the projected needs.
To attract and sustain high quality, Christian students and help them gain and create
knowledge, skills, and attitude that will enable them serve God and society with excellence.
To achieve and sustain financial health, provide effective and efficient service delivery,
and promote stewardship of all university resource through prudent management while
being sensitive to the needs of all stakeholders.
To develop a community where, the behavior and attitude of individual members align with
Daystar university core values.
To provide relevant, quality, holistic, tertiary and higher education for lifelong learning
and success. The program should enhance the university role as a leader and trendsetter in
the community and nation.
To establish effective policies and procedures that respond to the changing needs of the
university and its external environment while sustaining the university charter and
leadership role at all levels.
3. How is the organization attempting to meet the above goals and objectives.
The organization is attempting to meet the above through the following strategies; the different
ways on meeting the targets have been divided into several sections in the university that work
together to achieve the mission of the university.
a) Student
The following plans are in place to check and monitor the students’ behavior and also improve on
the facilities that will enhance students’ relation with the staff and faculty hence obtaining a healthy
and favorable environment.
Implement a process to measure students’ satisfaction with the services provided by the
university and take corrective action when required.
Establish a career guidance and placement office.
Establish and implement a plan, policies and procedures to streamline and improve student
recruitment, admission, orientation, retention, and mentoring.
Establish a mechanism for evaluating the graduates overall employment status and
b) Faculty and Staff
Daystar university comprise of the Daystar Company Ltd ,the council ,the senate ,the management
board ,academics and non- academics staff ,students, and any other body formally admitted into
association with the university as the council may from time to time.
The university plans to raise the overall educational level of the faculty and staff through
recruitment of qualified people having high academic ability and who understand and
promote the Christian values of Daystar or through staff development by establishing a five
year plan and an adequate budget line item for staff development.
Reduce the number of part time lecturers from the current 28% to 20% in order to provide
quality mentoring of the students.
Expand the existing program of faculty exchange to tap into the specialized skills of our
visiting lectures and broaden our exposure to new and relevant ideas .In particular, see that
faculty have teaching and research opportunities in other universities.
Strengthen the role of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) to
Provide in-service education for faculty development to improve their skills in teaching,
computer usage, and integration of faith and learning .Such in-service education will be
strongly encouraged to ensure quality lectures.
Implement a performance appraisal to justify monetary and non- monetary rewards, this
will help individual improve on their performance and increase effectiveness.
c) Finance
Daystar University has developed policies and plans that has led to the achievement of the
university’s vision and mission; through improving financial management and reporting system
that ensure that all conflict of interests and procedures are known to every individual within the
The following are some of the strategies put in place;
Establish an efficient budgetary management, control, and reporting systems
Enhance computerized financial management information systems to increase efficiency
e.g.: student registration, use of GP to make orders, paperless office.
Implement the system of reporting expenditures against the approved budget to each
department on monthly basis. For example empowering the heads of department to manage
their own budget.
Reduce dependence on the overdraft facility by identifying and eliminating areas of
inefficiency in operation that cause increased costs
d) Resource Mobilization
The university aims to expand externally and locally sourced funds and other resources for capital
development, endowments, and scholarship.
The following are the plans put in place;
Establish and staff a high-level resource mobilization office reporting to the Vice
Chancellor office.
Build and establish relationship with existing and potential donors for scholarships and
Encourage departments to establish income generating activities.
Establish local and international fundraising activities for capital and other projects.
Build and establish relationship with existing and potential donors for scholarships and
Encourage technological transfer from the university partner since embracing technology
reduces administrative cost, going paperless.
e) Programs
The university has put in place various plan to ensure that the programs within and outside are
integrated and correlate with one another. It has a plan for moderate growth of the students’
population by approximately 7% per year. Based on the research, there is a desire to develop new
programs and revise existing programs to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the students
and the market place. They have also established policies and procedures for evaluating each major
and individual courses and program annually and adjustments as appropriate.
They have established in corporate affairs, strategies that would enable in carrying out market
analysis both in terms of identifying emerging opportunities related to new programmes and
maintaining up-to-data to evaluate the university competitive position with respect to their
By developing and implementing programs and systems that will ensure that the students are
competent speakers and writers in the English language.
Daystar university has several facilities that enables the smooth running of its to function and more
so spacious lecture rooms to facilitate favorable learning environment .The following are the plans
set to ensure that its core function is meet and the vision of the university is obtained. It has
therefore developed and implements a plan to ensure that every student has the specified textbook
for every class places in both reserved section and text book loan in the university library.
Assure that the library has sufficient budgetary allocation for automation, relevant book holding,
reference materials, and audio-visual material .assure that the library allocation from the budget is
used each year for library materials.
Expand the use of ICT in education for Example: e-learning, distance learning networked
campuses to improve and expand the university teaching and learning.
a) Introduction
The organization hierarchy or structure is a system that is used to define a hierarchy within an
organization. It describes how the chain of command flow from the top to down within the
organization. It provides ways of clarifying and communicating the lines of responsibility,
authority, and accountability.
It consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed
towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass or
perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.
An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The
structure of an organization determines the modes in which it operates and performs. The hierarchy
affects organizational action in many different ways;
Accountability and responsibility, here members of the hierarchy are given
different roles by their bosses.
Coordination and organization of different departments of the company: the
structure brings together the different departments and defines the relationship
among them therefore enhancing each to perform their work this allowing them
attains the company’s objectives.
Determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making
processes, and thus to what extend their views shape the organization’s actions.
b) Overall structure
For Daystar University the overall structure begins with the office of the VC, DVCs, Deans of
schools, HODs for the academic divisions and the managers of functions for the administrative
wing in different departments.
1. The Vice Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal academic and executive officer of the university
responsible for the development of academic programs of the university. He/She has the following
duties and responsibilities.
Have the power to convene meetings of any of the authorities, or bodies or committees
when considers it necessary so to do .
Act as the representative of the university and its spokesman to the external public.
Assume administrative responsibility for the day to day operations and management of the
Preside over Senate and Management Board.
Participate in fund raising.
Responsible for general welfare, conduct and discipline of staff and student.
Ensure realization of University objectives.
2. The office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs
This office has the following duties and responsibilities
Academic programs and their concomitant regulations.
Planning and development of curricula and research programs.
Quality and content of instruction and research programs.
Marketing of programs
Research and consultancy programs
3. The office of Deputy vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration
Has the following duties and responsibilities to the university;
Establish and maintain effective Budget planning.
Management and administration of University finances and financial resources.
Management of human resources matters.
Procurement activities and outsourced services in the University.
Provision of ICT to the university staffs and students.
Secretary to the management of the board.
4. The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Institutional Advancement
Has the following duties and responsibilities to the university
Planning, business development and general institutional development
Resource mobilization
Financial aid
Constituent relations with donors, churches, sponsors and alumni.
c) Organization Hierarchy Chart
This structure indicates the chain of commands during discharge of services and functions at Daystar
University. It was structured in the figure below which indicates each section and its chain of command
within the university. The university council is at the top followed by the chancellor and vice-chancellor.
Many of the employees within the university report to the vice-chancellor as in the figure below
Daystar University
DUAA Board
DUAA Chapters
DUAA Secretariat
Figure 1.Organization structure.
d). Organizational climate and culture
Culture is the way of life or a pattern of responses discovered, developed, or invented during group
history of handling problems which arise from interactions among its members, and between them
and their environment. Culture determines what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or
unimportant, wrong or right. It encompasses all learned and shared, explicit or tacit, beliefs,
knowledge, norms, and values, as well as attitudes, behavior, dress and language.
Organizational culture also represents the collective values, beliefs and principles of organizational
members and is a product of such factors as history, product, market, technology, strategy; types
of employees, management style. Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that
contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.
Organizational climate may be defined as the shared perceptions of and the meaning attached to
the policies, practices, and procedures employees experience and the behaviors they observe
getting rewarded and that are supported and expected (Ostroff et al. 2007, Schneider & Reichers
1983, Schneider et al. 2011).
Climate and culture are both vital aspects of the overall context, environment or situation.
Organizational culture tends to be shared by all or most members of some social group; is
something that older members usually try to pass on to younger members; shapes behaviour and
structures one’s perception of the world. Cultures are mostly understood and studied at a national
level. The main distinction between organizational culture and national culture is that people are
usually born into a national culture whilst in organizational culture people have the autonomy to
choose the place that they want to join to work; this is a basic examination of culture at a national
Motivation strategies aim to create a working environment and to develop policies and practices
that will provide for higher levels of performance from employees. They include the development
of total reward systems and performance management processes, the design of intrinsically
motivating jobs and leadership development programmers. Once the employee is motivated by the
employer then he will be satisfied with his job knowing exactly what they will achieve from hard
work and working towards the organization objectives.
1. Determinants of Organizational Culture
Organization culture can be a set of key values, assumptions, understandings and norms that is
shared by members of an organization. Organization values are fundamental beliefs that an
organization considers being important, that are relatively stable over time, and they have an
impact on employee’s behaviours and attitudes. Organization Norms are shared standards that
define what behaviours are acceptable and desirable within organization.
Daystar University culture is defined by people oriented not job oriented that why it has put in
place welfare committee which is concerned about the welfare of employees, students, and the
communities around.
Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of the Daystar
community. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to
retain the employees for longer duration and to attract customers which are the students. The
welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. The University
welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through
infrastructure for health, industrial relation and insurance against disease, accident and
unemployment for graduate’s students. Welfare entails all those activities of employer which are
directed towards providing the community with certain facilities and services.
Welfare has the following objectives:
To provide better life and health to the University community
To make the workers and students happy and satisfied
To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material
conditions of living of the workers.
The welfare schemes that Daystar University has implemented include the following provisions:
Drinking Water: Daystar University has water dispensers in most of the offices to
ensure that its staff are taking clean water for their health and has also put in place water
filtrate around the campus. At the Ahti River campus, there has been new boreholes
drilled to provide water for the facilities there.
Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable seating
arrangements are to be provided. Daystar has provided its members with the best and
quality seat to provide them with comfort.
First aid and clinic services :The sport officer has been provided with the first aid kit
to ensure that its members are protected whenever playing or injured within the
Campuses, also we have the clinic within the University to provide both inpatient and
out-patient services..
Latrines: A sufficient number of latrines has been provided in the offices and
organizational premises and are also maintained in a neat and clean condition by one
way cleaners.
Cafeteria: Cafeteria/canteen has been outsourced by the employer so as to provide
hygienic and nutritious food to the employees.
Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights has been provided for employees so that they can
work safely during the night shifts. However, ventilations in some offices need to be
reviewed and restructured.
Reception: The University has organized and in a strategic location in the front of the
university the reception with several university guidelines and catalogue inside the
reception is the entertainment facility to make its visitors relaxed and informed as they
wait for other services.
The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied
labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life
better and also to raise their standard of living.
The University has also made way through job opportunities in order to encourage internal
application for any vacancy within the University through the staff and students mail or through
the notice board within the University and talk.
Daystar University has put in place teamwork and Effective communication in the workplace to
ensure job satisfaction, involvement and commitment. Teamwork in the work place and
communication are important in building morale and increasing productivity and loyalty, it
enhances the extent to which one's work unit coordinates efforts, solves problems and works
together effectively. Daystar University has put such mechanism whereby staffs and student are
put together to discuss and interact with word of God in small groups. The university has also a
domain whereby staffs can interact about the matters surrounding the University exclusive of
student that enhance effective communication among them.
2. Organizational climate
The culture and climate of an organization are the natural forces which leave an imprint on the
organization. Both have a strong impact on the organization, particularly during transformational
change. Climate is a label used to describe the dimensions of the work environment that can be
measured with relative precision. An institution like a school or university has a unique climate
with distinct image and personality (Douglas, 2010) just like an individual. The factors that
influence climate are the following:
i. Leadership: Day-to day leadership style of the leader is the most important determinant of
the organizational climate. This influences the expectations and behaviors of everyone in the
ii. Organizational structure: The feeling that employees have about the constraints in the
organization. Organizational structure refers to how many rules, regulations, procedures have been
implemented in organization and is there an emphasis on “red tape” or is there a loose and informal
atmosphere. In areas where there was risk such as maintenance and security, the structure in
Daystar was fixed but in other areas, it was informal.
iii. Standards: It measures the feelings of pressure to improve performance and the degree of
pride employees have in doing a good job. However standards refer to clearly defined high
standards for performance.
iv. Responsibility: The feeling of become one’s own boss, not having to double-check all
decisions in organization. A sense of high responsibility signifies that employees feel encouraged
to solve problems on their own. For us interns, we had a high degree of responsibilities.
v. Support: Support reflects the feeling of trust and mutual support that prevails in
organizations. Support is high when employees feel that they are part of an organization and when
they sense that they can get help from their managers.
We received a lot of support from
colleagues, supervisors and employees.
vi. Commitment: The feeling that you belong to a company and you are a valuable member of
an organization. Commitment reflects employees’ sense of pride in belonging to the organization
and their degree of commitment to the organization’s goals.
vii. Reward: It indicates employees’ feelings of being rewarded for a job well done. Reward is
the feeling of being rewarded for a job well done; emphasizing the perceived fairness of the pay
and promotion policies.
Risk and Conflict: Conflict refers to feeling of managers and other employees want
to hear different opinions; the emphasis placed on getting problems out in the open, rather than
smoothing them over or ignoring them. Risk refers to people avoid risks to protect themselves in
organizations and employee’s risk taking encouraged by organization.
ix. Warmth: The feeling of general good solidarity that prevails in the organization. In other
words, warmth working conditions emphasis on being well-liked; the prevalence of warm and
informal social groups.
a) Introduction
Daystar University is an institution of higher learning that provides quality and affordable
education in Kenya; therefore, it is in the industry of education providers. It offers a variety of
courses in diploma, undergraduate and post graduate. These courses have been carefully selected
to suit and accommodate every students dream and talent in regard to what each individual aspires
to be in future in relation to their career path.
Daystar has experienced a steady growth since its inception in the year 1964. Enjoying this steady
growth has been as a result of the strong foundation laid and the skillful materials used in building
the institution. The institution is ranked among the top ten best universities in the academic and
education fraternity, achieving this kind of status hasn’t been easy but it’s through the joint efforts
of all the stakeholders that have made it possible to achieve this lifelong dream for the institution.
The academic department in the institution has been on the fore front in helping Daystar achieve
it set goals and objectives by constantly revising and developing new programs to align them to
current and emerging issues plus the challenges that accompany the same. The academic division
has taken challenges positively by adjusting accordingly but still maintaining consistency to
Daystar University mission and vision. The division has not only embraced sound policies and
academic structures but also ensured that strong academic programs and quality learning is
maintained. Relevant quality programs have been developed to keep its graduates at the cutting
edge of innovation and knowledge.
b) Organizational set up
Daystar University is a private multinational institution of higher learning as explained during the
introduction. The institution is headed by the chancellor who is the Chief Executive and is assisted
by DVCs. It is a private institution under the ministry of Education and government directives are
implemented through the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry. The institution has a Board of
Directors which is the decision making body.
The information in the institution is communicated through circulars, memos, letters, e- mail,
committees and meetings.
The main source of information is from the Vice Chancellor to the heads of departments or to all
staff depending on the content. The institution has a total of 6 departments namely Academic,
Finance, Administration, Registration and Admission, Human Resource, Marketing and IT. The
institution has over 150 staff members who are gifted with a wide range of skills and
professionalism. The day-to-day operations of the university are overseen by what is currently a 7
member Management Board.
PESTEL Analysis
PESTEL Analysis is an important tool in the educational sector has it make possible to improve
the process of decision making .This especially true if taken into consideration world demands are
changing and there is a need to ensure education matches up to those changing needs.
The following is an outline of the political, economic, social, technological and environmental
factors that affect and influence the education industry
Political Factors
Economic Factors
Changes in skills needed for one to become a Material shortages on international and
tutor or teacher
national market
The expectation of to become self-financing
Local industry closure can affect the industries
Government initaitivies that create risk of the
industry failing
Cost of resources such as books or papers,
Curriculum changes that come with shorter
lead times
Privatization of school
fund raising plans
teaching and support staff and teaching
solutions ,such as laptop etc.
Parents ability to raise funds need for optional
Risk of high valued staff members moving
from the low institution low performing to
high performing ones.
Local or central government funding decisions
can affect the general performance of the
Social Factors
Technological Factors
Changes in the local population-This can either Out of date computer hardware
be an increase or decrease in the numbers.
Shift from paper based to e-book readers.
Inability for the industry to attract qualified
New computers viruses that affect the
operation of the universities
Demographic changes can affect students roll
Risk of choosing the inappropriate technology.
or nature of the needs of students.
Change of equipment or standard required
Inability of the staff to acquire or access
training that is needed to insure the industry
continues to flourish.
Legislative Factors
Environmental Factors
New legislation that creates non –compliance
Reduction in green space that is availed for
with low and also creates administration
Use of huge amount of photocopy toner and
Change in the opening hours of schools
paper to deliver printed information
development that
pose a threat to
students in the industry
Lowering or raise of age starting age
Disposal of waste
Safety and health legislation
Changes in the local buses routes
c. Daystar university competitors
Kenya has 22 public universities, 14 chattered private universities, and 13 other universities with
a Letter of Interim Authority (LIA). These other universities are the direct competitors of Daystar
University. A key observation about these universities is that understanding elements that lead to
competitive advantage would result to better service delivery. Thus, a company, in this case, an
institution, must carefully analyzes and gather information on competitors’ strategies and
programs. Ultimately, this will allow the institution to choose its competitive marketing strategy
typically based on its’ industry position and its objectives, opportunities, and resources. A more
detailed way to do this is discussed further below.
D) Porter’s Five Forces Framework for Industry Competitiveness
The ultimate aim of competitive strategy is to cope with and ideally to change those rules in the
firm’s favor (Porter, 1998). Pearce II et al., (2011) commented that Harvard professor Michael.
Porter propelled the concept of industry environment into the foreground of strategic thought and
business planning. Robbins et al., (2009) expounds on this saying that in whatever business the
organization is in, there are five competitive forces that influence the regulations of competition.
The rules of competition in a service are embodied in entry of new competitors, threat of
substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers and the rivalry among
existing competitors. In a service business like a university, the focus should be on two out of the
five forces of Porter (1979): the threats of new entrants (internationalization of traditional
universities, corporate universities, virtual universities) and bargaining power of customers
(students with more option choices). These two forces directly impact the financial results of
universities and the niche strategy or focus (market segmentation) seems to be the key to win to
defend and amplify the market position of any university (McElwee and Pennington, 1993).
Another option is the differentiation, when universities assumes to offer innovative educational
services, distinguishing from its direct competitors (Tam, 2007). Regardless of the five forces,
one has to bear in mind a sixth factor to take into account (Porter, 1991), the governments’
influence and other types of organizations. Since in most countries, including Kenya, the
educational market is usually controlled by the government, this force (government regulation)
cannot be disrespected when it deals with the development of competitive strategies in universities.
a) Competition support
Competition is an important, critical and viable factor in any business venture as it ensures
production and provision of quality goods and service. Daystar University being an institution of
higher learning that provides the service of education to its customers who are students from across
the globe, benefits greatly from the competition it encounters. Such competition enables the
institution be on the lookout on the various ways and means of improving their programs to best
match the current and emerging trends so as not to be defeated by their competitors.
Healthy competition ensures organizational growth and sustainability with the vision of enjoying
perpetual existence which is an important aspect in any business venture. Every organization wants
to be in business for ages to come and not die after few months or years.
Daystar University benefits from competition in the following ways;
Helps it grow its business and market
Reminds it to focus on keeping its key customers
Provides it with opportunities for creative thinking
Stops complacency
Enables it work together on common industry or market issues
Motivate it to a higher standard of customer service or innovation
Provides it with ideas it can adapt for its products or services
Helps identify potential threats to its business
Helps its strengths and weaknesses
Provides it with an alternative for customers who are not a good fit for its business
Helps it work smarter
This industry has more competitors with upcoming of many colleges and short courses offered by
b) SWOT analysis
SWOT analysis is a process that identifies an organizations strength, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats. Specifically, SWOT is a basic, analytical framework that assesses what an entity
(usually a business, though it can be used for a place, industry or product) can and cannot do, for
factors both internal (the strength and weakness) as well as external (the potential opportunities
and threats). Using environmental data to evaluate the position of a company, a SWOT analysis
determines what assists the firm in accomplishing its objectives, and what obstacles must be
overcome or minimized to achieve desired results: where the organization is today and where it
may be positioned in the future.
a) Strengths
Strengths are characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others. It
includes internal factors. The internal strengths of Daystar University include:
There are strong management capabilities, experienced staff and a dedicated workforce that ensure
that the institution’s activities run effectively.
The Institution ensures that it directly reaches its customers through advertisements using flyers,
brochures, media and referrals from loyal customers across the globe. Due to its extensive
knowledge knowhow in the field of communication and its production of the best media personnel
in Kenya, Daystar has a competitive advantage over the other universities that provide the same
service. Daystar is not just any typical university; it’s also a Christian university that has programs
in place which provide its students with spiritual nourishment a great ingredient in proper and
informed decision making. Some of its key strengths include
Daystar University’s facilities include new and well maintained buildings and grounds. The
institution is also known for its equipment and technology. The institution has commenced new
projects to keep Daystar ahead technologically so as to attract students to its programs. This
strength allows Daystar University to provide quality and affordable education to its students.
Daystar University is known for its excellence in certain academic programs. As an example, in
the communication field in Kenya, Daystar is the go to place. This reputation allows Daystar to
hire and retain faculty particularly since most of its classes are small which is attractive to faculty.
This reputation gives Daystar an advantage over other universities and attracts students.
b) Weaknesses
Weaknesses are characteristics that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to
others. As a relatively new University, the institution has not had the time to fully expand and
develop a wide variety of programs. This is especially evident in the number of graduate degrees
offered by Daystar. This is also seen by the mismatch between research expectations and support
for research by students and faculty. Finally, there is an over reliance on the standard revenue
sources of tuition and new revenue sources need to be developed.
c) Opportunities
Opportunities refer to elements that the project could exploit to its advantage. It includes external
factors outside the organization. Below is a list of areas Daystar University can explore;
Partnership in support of university initiatives
External community and university relationship
Interest in academic program expansion
Interest in expansion of cultural activities
Growing demand for graduates
Match between curriculum and societal interests
Expand on square footage in years to come
Increased interest in global initiatives by using technological advances
Increased interest in university connections and use of e learning platform
Involve more faculty members in research through incentives
Increased external funding in an opportunity to increase revenue through indirect cost
d) Threats
This refers to factors that have the potential to harm an organization. Below is a list of threats faced
by Daystar University;
State budget crisis
Private, for-profit, and online universities responsiveness to program and student
scheduling demands
Societal and student perception of education as solely a means to a job
Historical public perception/lack of knowledge about higher education except for degree
in journalism.
e) Future of Daystar University
In my own personal view, I certainly believe that Daystar University has a great future up ahead
and the future looks brighter than ever. The Daystar management team has put policies and
structures in place to enable it enjoy perpetual existence in the so crowded and highly competitive
education provision market and I whole heartedly support their ideas and projects in place. Some
of the policies put in place include the following:
a) Expansion to a multinational institution
Daystar University has opened its doors to the outside world by providing quality education to
students outside Kenya. This has seen its market share expand a decision which will enable it be
in business for many years to come. The reputation of the institution has grown and students like
myself from Ethiopia have flocked to the Christian centered education that Daystar has from its
beginnings promoted and developed.
b) Acceptance of Muslim students
Daystar University was founded on a Christian background therefore only students that were
Christian’s in nature could be admitted to the university. This marginalized Muslim students who
also wanted to quench their thirst of higher education by studying in one of the best universities in
east and central Africa. To close this gap that had branded daystar as a discriminative institution,
a policy was made and passed by the board of directors enabling Daystar to open its doors to all
religions, a decision that has seen its market share expand profusely.
c) Introduction of scholarships
Daystar has introduced scholarship programs to help the needy students who have the desire to
study in a top notch university but do not have the necessary funds to help them realize their dreams
and hearts desires. This is also a way of giving back to the community by the institution a decision
that has been welcomed well by the public. To oversee this program, students that are unable to
raise their school fess but still would love to study at Daystar are given work study whereby they
are allowed to work in different departments of choice during their registered semester. The
remuneration they were to receive for the work done is instead channeled to their school fess
creating a win-win situation.
d) Introduction of co curriculum activities
As the saying goes work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, Daystar University introduced various
co curriculum activities to help grow students both physically, emotionally, mentally and
spiritually. Different students have different talents apart from school work, therefore they would
love to be associated and join institutions that would help them grow their most treasured talent
other than studies
e) Infrastructure
The future for Daystar University is bright and the key to it is focused investment into the
infrastructure of the two campuses. For the Ahti River campus, there has been focused work
on the vision of the current Vice Chancellor to expand Daystar’s dam system to allow it to
capture rainwater and hold over 42 million gallons of water. The creation of this distribution
system will channel water across campus and to the local community. When completed, the
catchment system is expected to have an estimated reservoir capacity p roviding the
university with an average constant flow of 300,000 liters per day, twice the current water
need for the university which averages 120,000 liters per day. This expansion will allow for
an unprecedented opportunity for enrollment growth to a 5,000+ strong student body at the
Athi River Campus with many more future African leaders.
f) New Leadership
Daystar University has just recently completed its search for and appointed a new Vice
Chancellor after a search led by the Management Board of the University. The new leader
will be critical to the setting the goals and objective for the next 5 years. He is a person of
integrity, one that will practice servant leadership and ensure a corruption free environment
for the institution.
a) Recommendation
The assigned supervisors to students should provide time to check the work of the
intern on a daily basis so that they can provide timely feedback and corrective action.
The management should consider giving competitive packages to its staff members to
reduce the high staff turnover especially in serviced department.
The University should not rely solely on the part time employees as at times they do reveal
more of the organizations corporate strategies and delicate issues to their competitors hence
should consider to have more full time employees in service department that the current
figure which requires them to have more part time employees.
The Management should consider remunerating interns who do much of the work, as this
can improve their morale and motivation.
a) Conclusion
After completion of the internship, I have been able to understand more about the University
services department and prepare myself to become a responsible and innovative manager in future.
During my seven weeks training period, I have come to realize that observation is main element
to find out the root cause of a problem, and not only for an internship but for my daily activities
too. Moreover, the internship experience has been able to help me learn independently, to
discipline myself, be more considerate, trust my instincts, take initiative, and the ability to solve
problems. Additionally, my communication skills were strengthened by the interaction with and
communications with my supervisors, colleagues and other workers. During my internship period,
I have received criticism and advice from the Daystar University Service department administrator
boss when mistakes were made. However, that advice has turned out to be useful guidance for me
to change myself and avoid the circumstances of making the same mistake again. The activities
that I had learned during internship really are useful for me in the future to face a constantly
changing working environment.
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