3" Aeroponics Tote Supply List Parts Quantity Item 7 4 12 4 12 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1/2" PVC Tee 1-2" PVC Elbow Sprayer (180 degree) Sprayer (330 degree) 3" Net Cup 3" Neoprene 1/2" Grommet 1/2" Tube 1' 1/2" 90 degree barb elbow 27 Gal Container 1/2" PVC Pipe 10' Tools Pump Bag 6" (we used an ActiveAqua pump bag) Tape Measure 400 GPH Pump (We used an ActiveAqua 400 pump) PVC Cutter 1/2" PVC slip to thread adapter Drill 3" hole saw Additional Items 5/32" drill Bit Light with leg support if growing inside 10-24 Tap 10 gallons water Crescent Wrench Hydroponic nutrient solution Bamboo skewer 3/4" Spade drill bit 1" spade drill bit For an assembly video go to FamilyPlotGarden.com