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4-Year-Old Development: Milestones & Brain Development Strategies

4-year-olds, amirite?
Gabe Lozano
March 2020
Physical Examples of 4-year-olds
▪ They can dress themselves
(with help)
▪ Can hop on one leg 4 - 6
▪ Can jump a distance of
about 2 - 3 ft
Social Examples of 4-year-olds
▪ are more open to playing
with all kinds of children,
including kids with special
▪ starts to initiate social
interactions with their
friends (without your
▪ can share much better than
a younger child.
Cognitive Examples of 4-year-olds
▪ Begin to recognize and name
colors, starting with primary
▪ Forming and understanding
the concepts of "same" and
Cognitive Examples of 4-year-olds (cont.)
▪ Have words for
comparing quantities
(such as bigger and
▪ They begin to pay
attention to a stories
sequence (the beginning,
middle, and end)
Strategies to Promote Brain Development
You can have your child help you with chores, like sweeping or wiping
down the table.
Begin asking your child to tell you about their day.
Give your child choices and prompt him/her to make thoughtful
Desfosse, R. (2017, June 8). 4-Year-Old behavior: Social milestones before age 5.
Care.com. https://www.care.com/c/stories/3394/4-year-old-behavior-social-milestones-before/
OwlingC, T. K. (2017, July 21). 4-Year-Old cognitive milestones.
Care.com. https://www.care.com/c/stories/3395/4-year-old-cognitive-milestones/
Walsh, E. (2017, July 4). Physical development. A million mums, one spot. Kidspot. https://www.kidspot.com.au/parenting/child/child-development/4-5-years-physicaldevelopment/news-story/aa4a7b97c76d6d4e862bdcf231b43b53
Ways to Encourage Cognitive Development. (n.d.). Refer a Child - Help Me Grow
MN. https://helpmegrowmn.org/HMG/HelpfulRes/Articles/WaysEncourageCognitiveDev/index.ht