Biology 2 Ethics Arguments What is Ethics [Moral Philosophy]? The branch of philosophy which deals with questions about: Good & Bad, Right & Wrong, “Should’s” & “Should not’s” [Value, Rights, Responsibility, etc.] Ethical Theory What is morality? What does it mean to say something is ‘good,’ ‘right,’ etc? How do we know [or can we know] what is right or good? Which kinds of things [actions, motives, consequences] are morally right or wrong, good or bad? Applied Ethics Which actual things [actions, motives, consequences] are morally right or wrong, good or bad? The question/formation of ethical principles & rules. [P: Causing needless pain is wrong. R: Do not kick people.] Application of principles and rules to specific situations. Where is the point of significance? Motive Act Consequences 1 Sam 16:7 “…man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” Romans 2:28-29 Matt 5:21-22; 27-28 Moral Rules Universal Rules All lying is wrong Qualified Rules Some lies are wrong Problem Qualified but Universal Some lies are wrong This act is an act of lying This act is wrong [invalid] All lies are wrong, except to prevent harm All lies are wrong, except to prevent harm This act is a lie, and it was not to prevent harm This act is wrong Religion and Ethics Broader issue: What grounds ethics? What is the foundation? Where do the why’s stop? That act of kicking is wrong. Kicking is wrong. Causing needless pain is wrong. ??? For you to have an abortion is wrong. Abortion is wrong. Killing the innocent is wrong. Life is sacred. ??? For me to have an abortion is OK. Abortion is permissible. The right to choose. Freedom is an inalienable right. ??? Where does the most basic principle come from? A Christian Worldview: – revelation – God’s nature [not “just because God said so”] Some will say that religion is really no better than relativism; that we just accept religious rules “by faith” without any good reason. Christians would [should!] say that there are rational reasons for accepting revelation; for knowing who God is and why good & right are defined by His very nature. Moral principals in a Christian worldview Love God Honor God—and not other gods Love your neighbor The sanctity of life—humans are created in the image of God Honor your parents Honesty Fidelity Moral rules in a Christian worldview Rules against: Idolatry Murder Adultery Deceit Coveting Stealing Drunkenness Sexual immorality Envy Slander