Yesterday was very hard day. I awaked and got up at seven o’clock. I made a breakfast yourself. It were two eggs with toasts and a vegetable salad. Then at eighth o’clock I went to my cabinet to work. My cabinet room is in second floor of my home. I have very interesting but difficult job. At my work I protected the project, which l created (made). It is a big build of the police office. I tried to do very well. In this office will be three floor and zero technical floor, special room for street- polismen, for road- transportation police and criminality police. The experts were very solid and exacting. I’m tired very much and corrected all my mistakes. Even I had not dinner, only light lunch at a worktime. At the evening my friend and his wife came to us for weekend party. We made grill meat and drank red semi sweet georgian vine called kindzmarauli. The party went very funny. We were talking about all news, about our joint friends and of sure about coronavirus. We went to home very late/ The hard day changed fanny night.