1 LAST NAME: ________________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________________ Professor: DR. N. Santos CLP1006 – FALL 2018 - EXAM 2 – 50 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This is a TAKE-HOME EXAM. THIS IS EXAM IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY Please transfer your answers to the answer sheet on page 11. Stress can affect your a. b. c. d. 2. The fight/flight response a. b. c. d. 3. 5. is an ancient survival mechanism. is a response developed to cope with the stress of modern times. is only present in anxious individuals. has been eradicated by modern medicine. Your mind and body a. b. c. d. 4. physical functioning emotional functioning occupational functioning All of the above function separately. are profoundly interconnected. are profoundly disconnected. work in opposition. Positive stress has been called a. Distress b. Fortress c. Eustress d. Mistress Most heart attacks occur a. during sex 2 6. 7. b. around 9:00 a.m. on Monday mornings c. during arguments d. one week after a very stressful event Endorphins are a. an alien race from outer space b. our bodies’ natural painkillers c. stress hormones d. aphrodisiacs Cortisol is a. b. c. d. 8. The relationship between stress level and illness is not straightforward because of a. b. c. d. 9. individual differences in coping ability. good luck vs. bad luck. placebo variations. widespread modern usage of vaccines to prevent illness. The _____________ are brain structures that play a primary role in the processing and memory of emotional reactions. a. b. c. d. 10. a neurotransmitter a stress hormone an external toxin produced by the thyroid gland ovaries medulla oblongata amygdalae spleen Which of the following is not a component of wellness? a. financial competence b. stress mastery c. good nutrition 3 d. high IQ 11. FM Which of the following is not a component of wellness? a. satisfaction with your career b. a good social support network c. being independently wealthy d. being physically fit 12. Which one of these is not a benefit of proper diaphragmatic breathing? a. b. c. d. 13. It helps you overcome anxiety disorders such as phobias. It helps to counteract fight/flight activation and relax you. It helps you to focus on past problems. It helps you be in the here and now. All of the following are effective stress reducers except a. b. c. d. exercise proper diet perfectionism relaxation 14. Which of the following statements is true? a. Inactivity = relaxation b. Passive relaxation restores homeostasis in the body. c. Active relaxation is more effective for reducing stress than passive relaxation. d. Active relaxation involves increasing the amount of time spent watching good movies on TV 15. Stress hardiness is not associated with which of the following a. b. c. d. Optimism Psychological health High arousal only during exposure to a stressor Low arousal when exposed to stressors 4 16. Whether something is stressful to you depends the most on a. b. c. d. how much it will cost to fix it. how you view the problem. how much you can directly control the stressor. how much time is involved in dealing with it. 17. Stress researchers discovered that the relationship between stress and illness was not as clear cut as previously believed. They found out that whether an individual ultimately became ill as a result of stress depended upon a. b. c. d. 18. Stress hardiness describes a. b. c. d. 19. 20. personality variables such as introversion-extroversion personality variables such as stress hardiness attitudes intelligence income toughness resilience defensiveness being physically fit The neurotransmitter associated with relaxation, feelings of well-being and lower sensitivity to pain is a. cytokein protein b. NK cells c. cortisol d. serotonin e. Tanya decided to be really aware of all the thoughts and sensations she has while lying in the sun and sunbathing. She became aware of the feeling of heat on her body, and the particular sensation of her skin beginning to burn on her shoulders and face. She slowly focused her awareness on each part of her body from head to toe, stopping to take in every sensation and savor it. She was practicing a. b. c. d. psychological sunbathing mindfulness meditation wishstorming sun sensitivity 5 21. Proper ______________ and getting plenty of regular _____________ are vital for your health and for mastering stress. a. sleep, medication b. nutrition, exercise c. language, carbohydrates d. etiquette, sun exposure 22. Savoring is a way of maximizing your pleasure in the a. b. c. d. past present future restaurant 23. To facilitate savoring it is recommended that you practice a. b. c. d. mindfulness. chewing your food but not swallowing it. clearing your mind of all thoughts. flossing your teeth regularly. 24. Studies of lottery winners one year after their windfall typically find that a. b. c. d. many have committed suicide. they are thrilled with their new lifestyle. they have spent all their money. their happiness level has returned to whatever level it was at prior to the lottery win. 25. Positive emotions a. b. c. d. distract us from achieving effectiveness. serve an evolutionary purpose. are related to longevity b&c 26. The hedonic treadmill refers to a. b. c. d. lowered expectations following a lucky break. the pleasure you feel after physical exercise. going nowhere in an endless rat race. the tendency for humans to adapt to fortunate circumstances and take them for granted. 27. Which of the following is not recommended for boosting your happiness? a. b. keep a gratitude journal strive for perfection 6 c. d. cultivate family and friendships discover your flow 28. Low self-esteem is a result of a. b. c. d. 29. being overweight a big discrepancy between your real self and your ideal self being unattractive a big discrepancy between your self-concept and your self-worth Your paradigm about yourself is your a. b. c. d. self-worth ideal self self-esteem self concept 30. An inferiority complex refers to an individual with a. unrealistically high self esteem b. a real self = ideal self c. high self worth d. chronically low self esteem 31. Ideally your self-worth should be based on a. b. c. D. your accomplishments your wardrobe your weight Nothing-you are worthy simply because you are human 32. What differentiates an individual with high self esteem from a person who i conceited? a. being stuck-up b. nothing-they are the same c. bragging d. a&c 33. Which of the following statements is true? 7 a. Children can develop healthy self esteem even if raised in very dysfunctional environments. b. Your self esteem is purely a function of your genetic heritage. c. People with low self esteem are typically not very competitive. d. People with healthy self esteem often give themselves negative internal messages. 34. The pathological critic a. is an inner voice which evaluates and judges your actions b. provides internal criticism based on shoulds c. reflects the quality of your relationship with yourself d. All of the above 35. What is the primary difference between how self esteem is developed in Eastern vs. Western cultures? a. Asian cultures stress the importance of academic achievement for self esteem more so than western cultures. b. American culture puts more emphasis on the importance of physical appearance than eastern cultures. c. Western cultures stress the importance of the individual while Eastern cultures are more focused on the importance of the collectivehow others feel about you rather than how you feel about yourself. d. Western culture puts more emphasis on financial/material success while eastern cultures put more emphasis on spiritual values in determining self esteem. 36. If you want to raise children with good self esteem, it is recommended that you adopt a _________________ parenting style. a. authoritative b. authoritarian c. permissive-indulgent 8 d. permissive-indifferent 37. Which of the following is characteristic of the permissive-indifferent parenting style? a. lack of involvement in the child’s life b. failure to set meaningful limits or controls for the child c. very strict- sets overly harsh limits for the child d. a&b 38. The “tyranny of the shoulds” is 39. a. a self fulfilling prophecy b. a set of positive expectations c. a subset of irrational beliefs d. a blueprint for effectiveness To help you avoid future mistakes it is suggested that you a. b. c. d. criticize yourself resolve to never make that mistake again expand your awareness None of the above 40. A trait is best defined as a. b. c. a talent that is fully developed. a strength developed by proactive choice. a psychological characteristic reflected by consistent behaviors across time, place and situation. D. a core virtue 41. Your self-esteem can be enhanced by a. challenging your “pathological critic”. b. overcoming the tyranny of the shoulds. c. developing your signature strengths. d. All of the above 42. Stress can affect your e. physical functioning f. emotional functioning g. occupational functioning h. All of the above 43. The fight or flight response is triggered by a. b. danger laughter 9 c. perceived danger d. a&c 44. The fight/flight response e. is an ancient survival mechanism. f. is a response developed to cope with the stress of modern times. g. is only present in anxious individuals. h. has been eradicated by modern medicine. 45. Eustress refers to a. b. c. d. stress so severe it can kill you positive stress a stress free situation financial stress 46. Illnesses that are triggered and exacerbated by stress are referred to as a. autoimmune disorders b. homeostatic disorders c. psychophysiological disorders d. gastrointestinal disorders 47. Wellness refers to a. not being physically sick b. being physically fit a. d.. a multi-dimensional concept covering many aspects of well-being mental health. 48. The road to ______________ involves specific stages from awareness, to commitment to behavior change. a. wellness b. purgatory c. stress mastery d. exercise 49. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) studies have clearly established a link between a. b. stress levels and susceptibility to illness in humans stress and the incidence of natural disasters 10 c. d. 50. the effects of climate change on health the effects of climate change on mood. Studies have shown that laughter a. b. c. d. increases cortisol levels because of the tensing of the facial muscles. decreases cortisol levels and improves the functioning of the immune system. has no effect on cortisol levels or immune functioning. has little, if any, relation to stress mastery. 11 LAST NAME: ________________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________________ Professor: DR. N. Santos CLP1006 – FALL 2018 - EXAM 2 ANSWER SHEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 12 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __