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Lesson 10.3

Grade 8 – Lesson 10.3
Absolute-Age Dating
Essential Questions
1. What does absolute age mean?
2. How can radioactive decay be used to date rocks?
New Vocabulary
English Word
Arabic Word
English Definition
Absolute age
Radioactive decay
Carbon Dating
Absolute ages of rocks
Scientists use the term absolute age to mean the numerical age, in years, of a rock or
object. By measuring the absolute ages of rocks, geologists have developed accurate
historical records for many geologic formations.
Scientists have been able to determine the absolute ages of rocks only since the beginning
of the twentieth century. That is when radioactivity was discovered. Radioactivity is the
release of energy from unstable atoms.
An atom is the smallest part of an element. Each atom contains smaller particles called
protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are in an atom’s nucleus. Electrons
surround the nucleus.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
Radioactive Decay
Some isotopes are unstable. These isotopes are known as radioactive isotopes. Radioactive
isotopes decay, or change, over time. As they decay, they release energy and form new,
stable atoms. Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable element naturally
changes into another element that is stable.
The rate of radioactive decay is constant for a given element. This rate is measured in time
units called half-lives. An isotope’s half-life is the time required for half of the parent
isotopes to decay into daughter isotopes. Half-lives of radioactive isotopes range from a
few microseconds to billions of years.
When half the parent isotopes have decayed into daughter isotopes, the isotope has
reached one half-life. At this point, 50 percent of the isotopes are parents and 50 percent of
the isotopes are daughters. After two half-lives, one-half of the remaining parent isotopes
have decayed so that only one-quarter as much parent remains as at the start. At this point,
25 percent of the isotopes are parent and 75 percent of the isotopes are daughter. This
process continues until nearly all parent isotopes have decayed into daughter isotopes.
Radiometric Ages
Because radioactive isotopes decay at a constant rate, they can be used like clocks to
measure the age of the material that contains them.
Radiocarbon Dating
One important radioactive isotope used for dating is an isotope of carbon called
radiocarbon. Radiocarbon is also known as carbon-14, or C-14, because there are 14
particles in its nucleus—six protons and eight neutrons. As long as an organism is alive, the
ratio of C-14 to C-12 in its tissues remain constant. However, when an organism dies the C14 present in the organism starts to decay to nitrogen-14 (N-14). As the dead organism’s C14 decays, the ratio of C-14 to C-12 changes. Scientists measure the ratio of C-14 to C-12 in
the remains of the dead organism to determine how much time has passed since the
organism died.
The half-life of carbon-14 is 5,730 years and is therefore not very useful to date any
organism older than 60 000 years.
Dating Rocks
Radiocarbon dating is useful only for dating organic material—material from once-living
organisms. Most rocks do not contain organic material. For dating rocks, geologists use
different kinds of radioactive isotopes.
Dating Igneous Rock
One of the most common isotopes used in radiometric dating is uranium-235, or U-235. U235 is often trapped in the minerals of igneous rocks that crystallize from hot, molten
magma. As soon as U-235 is trapped in a mineral, it begins to decay to lead-207, or Pb-207,
Different Types of Isotopes
The half-life of uranium-235 is 704 million years. This makes it useful for dating rocks that
are very old. Radioactive isotopes with short half-lives cannot be used for dating old rocks.
They do not contain enough parent isotope to measure. Geologists often use a combination
of radioactive isotopes to measure the age of a rock. Radiometric dating of rocks from the
Moon and meteorites indicate that Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Scientists accept this age
because evidence suggests that Earth, the Moon, and meteorites all formed at about the
same time.
Radiometric dating, the relative order of rock layers, and fossils all help scientists
understand Earth’s long history.