Solar System Project Using Flipgrid You will be using the internet to research the following information about your planet. Take notes as you research. This project will count as two science assignments. Once you have found all needed information, you will organize your thoughts and notes into a presentation. You do not have to write a formal paper about your object. Using Flipgrid you will record a “speech” or presentation. Be creative, have fun, maybe make signs, show your model, speak clearly and loudly so you can be understood. Some tips when recording your presentation: - Pay attention to lighting - you must be seen! - Pay attention to your volume level and clarity of speech - you must be heard! - Watch your recording before submitting. You can edit, add text and do a second retake as needed. - Share your drawing of your planet at some point during your presentation. Grading Rubric and Presentation Requirements Required information about your planet to be shared in the presentation: Each item is worth 8 points. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Name of planet Mass of planet compared to Earth - (ex. “My planet is 3 times heavier than Earth”...) Size/Diameter of planet compared to Earth Surface features - ex. rocky, gaseous, land and water...what is the planet mainly composed of? Number of moons Does it have an atmosphere? What gases make up the atmosphere? Location in our Solar System in relation to the Sun - (ex. Earth is the third planet from the Sun) How long is a rotation of your planet on its axis? This would be the length of a DAY on your planet How long is a revolution around the Sun? This would be the length of a YEAR on your planet. Create a model/drawing of your planet to show during your presentation. Before you make your recording - double check the list above to make sure you have all the needed information. After you make your recording - watch it and triple check that you didn’t leave any information out of the presentation. The grading rubric for the presentation is below along with the planet assignments for the project. FLIPGRID: presentational speaking rubric - Planets Set up and Presentation 10 8 5 2 My face is in the center of the computer screen. My face is partially in/on the computer screen and lit. My face is partially in/on the computer screen and lit. I did not video myself giving my presentation. I have good lighting. I am able to be heard but did not speak clearly or slow enough. Volume was poor but words could be figured out from context. Volume was very poor and content was not able to be understood. I am well prepared; no hesitations; only momentary glances at notes I am well prepared; slight hesitations or minimal reading of notes. I am not well prepared; hesitations and glances at notes are prevalent.. I did not prepare well. I hesitate often and/or read almost entire response Maintained eye contact throughout most of speech. Good eye contact. Minimal eye contact I am able to be heard clearly. Excellent and correct pronunciation Preparedness Planet Assignments: Abigail - Mercury Jeffrey - Venus Hannah - Neptune Hunter - Mars Lane - Jupiter Joselyn - Saturn Christian - Uranus Colton - Neptune Kevin - Jupiter Savannah - Mercury Jacob - Mars Sadie - Neptune