Uploaded by Md. Fariq Khir

8086 Assembly Instructions & Addressing

1. (a)Value of immediate operand 0110H is moved into AX.
(b) Contents of AX are copied into DI.
(c) Contents of AL are copied into BL.
(d) Contents of AX are copied into memory address DS:0100H.
(e) Contents of AX are copied into the data segment memory location pointed to by (DS)0 +
(BX) + (DI).
(f) Contents of AX are copied into the data segment memory location pointed to by (DS)0 +
(DI) + 4H.
(g) Contents of AX are copied into the data segment memory location pointed to by (DS)0 +
(BX) + (DI) + 4H
2. MOV AX,1010H
3. Destination operand CL is specified as a byte, and source operand AX is specified as a
word. Both must be specified with the same size.
4. PA = 10750H+0100H+0010H = 10860H
5. MOV AX, 0200H
MOV DS, 0202H