5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post

Content marketing is a great way to generate
more traffic to your website, but there's
a problem.
It takes a long time to write a blog post.
Hi, everyone, I'm Neil Patel.
Today, I'm going to share with you how to
write amazing blog post fast.
The first thing you need to do, and I know
this sounds counterintuitive, is take your
time writing the first few blog posts.
You'll figure out your style, what you like
writing about, you'll figure out what readers
like, what they don't like.
Once you have that, you can start templatizing.
When you start templatizing, the first thing
you need to do is figure out the structure
of all your blog posts.
You create a basic template, introduction,
body, conclusion.
Now that you have your template, what you
want to do is fill them in every time you
have a new blog post.
For example, when I read a blog post, what
I do is I first write the introduction.
I know that I always have in my template three
to seven headings for my body.
I take the main ideas and I turn them into
Then, I write my conclusion because every
one of my blog post has a conclusion.
Then, I go back to the body and I fill in
each heading with content.
It could be a few paragraphs, it could be
a few bullet points, it's whatever I decide
I want and that's what I fill my template
The next step is images.
You want to figure out a way to get images
There's a lot of free stock photography sites
out there.
I love using Fotolia.
I pay for images, but I can run a few quick
searches, find an image, and add it within
my blog post with speed.
Without images, your blog post won't do as
well because a picture says a thousand words.
No one just wants to read text.
The next thing you need to do is create rules.
Here are some rules that I use for my own
blog, and you can copy them if you want for
your blog.
I always use the words "you and I" within
my blog post.
It makes it feel like it's a conversation
between you and I.
The next thing that I do is I always use paragraphs
that are short.
My paragraphs typically are never longer than
six lines.
I try to keep them around four or five lines.
Sometimes I even have one line paragraphs.
The next thing I do is always use six or seven
images, if not more, throughout my blog post.
I also link out to sites that cite my research.
Those are my main rules.
You can create your own.
If you follow those tips, you'll be able to
templatize your blog writing process and it
shouldn't take you more than two hours to
write a blog post.
If you're spending more than two hours, there's
something wrong.
It could be, "Hey, I don't know how to come
up with ideas."
If you don't know how to come up with ideas,
I've talked about this in past videos, use
BuzzSumo, type in keywords, it'll show you
what's hot and what's not.
If the issue is you have writer's block, then
you know what?
Go outside, go do something or some activities,
then come back and write.
It could be that you're distracted.
If you're distracted, go find a different
place to write your blog post.
Follow all those tips and you'll be able to
write amazing blog post fast.