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Final Assignmnt

The concept of elasticity for demand is importance for determining the prices of various factors of production. Discuss the various
factors that influences the price elasticity of demand
The price elasticity of demand (PED) is a measure that captures the responsiveness of a good’s quantity demanded to a change in
its price. More specifically, it is the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a one percent change in price when all
other determinants of demand are held constant .
the first one is nature of groups which of course you can take take nature of
goods means some goods are consumable
goods some Goods are durable goods and
some words are costly good some words
are cheaper goods so like based on the
nature of goods demand will be more or
consumable and regular basis good these
Goods demand will be always stable
whatever will be the changes in the fact
that does not make much difference
changes in the income that does not make
any difference what makes difference is
nothing so because of the GU versus
consumable and the boots which are
luxury then that makes the difference
luxury goods if the prices are
increasing then demand will be less
price is decreasing then demand will be
more so like and in the same way another
goods also you can take like seasonal
Goods according to season it makes
difference so based on the nature of
goods the demand become more or less
taken with availability of close
close substitute product a is our
product there are substitutes like BCD
many products have their this is our
product substitutes are this BCD or the
then any changes in our product which
makes difference to the other products
price is decreasing by ourself
then the other products word is using
they'll come down to our product if we
are increasing there
the product so based on the other
products also so our ability of close
substitute no substitutes then we have
one Apple II so whatever we say people
have to a consumer has to follow it
once upon a time it was like butter but
I was having horrible use and some of
the products also one of our
technologies you will find a lot of
competition anyway this is about the
availability of close substitutes and
third one is complimentary
what other complements since we are
giving if you are giving compliment as
in the sense like if we are purchasing
car do we learn and there are item Utley
we have to go for the Patrol so both are
if car rate is introducing if two
wheeler four wheeler any vehicles
consumption is more petrol price is also
going to be demanded and god price will
be whatever it may be price demand will
be more for that products so that's what
complimentary and goods having several
useless and sometimes few goods will be
using in many ways when we use it in
many ways automatically that demand will
be more or less according to usage less
there're usages demand weakness more we
can use it many times so in the same
postponement of purchases some Goods can
be postponed
and some goods cannot be postponed first
affordable Goods not luxury items not
required not much argent
so these are like AC car inverter this
kind of product are can be postponed not
require gently this demand will be
different and where we need to some
products regularly how to purchase it we
have to use it so that cannot be
so demand will vary it between the
postponed able-nan forceful items and in
the same way proportionate up in those
who spent this already means put in the
previous talk they install the income
will have demand more areas elasticity
of demand will be increasing at
facing because of income income is more
demand will be more income is less
automatically demand will be less the
best example which we have taken already
the real estate business is a good time
according to the time also demand will
increase or decrease elasticity of
demand will be very ating say for
example season and time you can take
somewhere for products some few products
you have more demand winter few products
will have more defined within the rainy
season with have more demand for rain
course some real of something like that
so based on the time also the demand
will increase or decrease the price
level whenever price is increasing to
decreasing most of the time that makes
the difference in the demand the price
levels increasing demand will be more so
when our price is increasing then demand
will be decreasing inverse relation
whenever fries is decreasing then divide
will be more its River inverse relation
so based on the price level also you
will find elastic demand there's a lot
of negatives the same habits habits will
be changing habits fashion technology is
changing once upon a time for pew-pew
product there was a lot of demand now
trend has changed little demand for
another product best example which you
can take telephone muncipal used to use
landline phone there was no cell phone
at all now land land has decreased
because of the technology cell phones
got increased passion technology are
changes in the taste that also makes
difference and the next one is income
group income group few people income
will be more when income is more so
according to that demand will be more
income is less demand also will be less
so these are the 10 factors which makes
difference in the elasticity of demand
The price elasticity of demand (PED) is a measure that captures the responsiveness of a good’s quantity demanded to a change in
its price. More specifically, it is the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a one percent change in price when all
other determinants of demand are held constant .
Factors affecting price elasticity of demand
Nature of the Commodity Influence Elasticity of Demand - It mainly depends or the nature of the commodity and the degree of
necessity. The elasticity of demand depends on whether a commodity is necessity, comfort or luxury. Normally the demand for
necessaries of life such as rice, wheat, salt, etc., will be inelastic as these are essential for existence. So, everyone will demand a
minimum quantity whatever be the price. On the other hand the demand for comforts and luxuries may not have inelastic demand.
When the prices of these fall, generally, more of the commodities will be demanded.
The number of close substitutes – Commodities having substitutes will have elastic demand and goods with no substitutes will
have inelastic demand. When the price of a commodity rises, the people would shift their preference to substitute commodities and
demand the substitutes with the hope that the price of substitutes will not rise. Consequently the demand will fall heavily for the
commodity for which the price has been increased. Suppose the commodity does not have substitute at all like salt, any change in
price will not affect the demand and so the demand will be inelastic the more close substitutes there are in the market, the more
elastic is demand because consumers find it easy to switch. E.g. Air travel and train travel are weak substitutes for inter-continental
flights but closer substitutes for journeys of around lower distance e.g. between major cities in a large country.
The degree of necessity or whether the good is a luxury – Electricity is an essential component of modern life. Just one day
without electricity, a big city can turn into a living hell. Regardless of the price increase, people will keep using it. Therefore,
electricity, as many other necessary goods, is relatively inelastic. However, merely the necessity of a product do not tell us much
about its elasticity. Well, the product may be a luxury one, and yet still inelastic. Talking of a jewelry brand. Necessities tend to have
an inelastic demand whereas luxuries tend to have a more elastic demand. An example of a necessity is rare-earth metals which
are an essential raw material in the manufacture of solar cells, batteries. China produces 97% of total output of rare-earth metals –
giving them monopoly power in this market.
Whether the good is subject to habitual consumption –. If the consumers are addicted to some habits and customs, then, the
demand of the commodity will be inelastic. But if the rise in price persists for a long time, even addicts would try to reduce the
demand either by resorting to some alternative substitutes or curbing the habit. Generally, commodities and drugs which are
stimulants will have inelastic demand. Consumers become less sensitive to the price of the good of they buy something out of habit .
Number and Variety of Uses of the Product - The more the number and variety of uses of a good, the more would be its elasticity
of demand. One such good is electricity that is used in a number of ways. For example, use of electricity for the purposes of lighting,
heating, cooking, ironing and also use electricity as a source of power in industries. That is why when the price of electricity
diminishes (increases), its demand will increase (decrease) in all these uses, and so, in totality, its demand will increase (decrease)
considerably, giving us a high value of the (numerical) coefficient of price-elasticity of demand.
Proportion of a consumer's income allocated to spending on the good – As this ratio increases, people become more pricesensitive for that particular product. Especially if the same product is sold on other online stores, customers will try to catch the best
price. Meaning, a change in the price will be detected by customers and reflected in demand. Products that take up a high % of
income will have a more elastic demand . It is concluded then that if the buyers spend a small proportion of their income on a good,
then its price-elasticity of demand would be relatively small. On the other hand, if they spend a large proportion of their income on a
good, then its elasticity of demand would be relatively high. That is, elasticity of demand for a good depends upon the proportion of
income spent on the good.
Price of the Goods - The elasticity of demand for a good also depends on its own price. As price changes, quantity demanded of
the good changes, owing to the law of demand. Also, at different prices of the product, i.e., at different points on the demand curve
for a good, the coefficient of price-elasticity of demand for the good would be different. Generally, the smaller the price of a good,
the less is the elasticity of its demand. For, when the price is very small, a change in price would have no considerable effect on
demand. On the other hand, the larger the price, the more would be the elasticity of demand. For, when the price is relatively large,
a further rise in price would have a considerable dampening effect on demand and a fall in price would have an encouraging effect
on demand. Elasticity of demand will be high at higher level of the price of the commodity and low at lower level of price.
Time allotted for consumption -When people can’t afford the existing solution of a problem, they manage to come up with a
cheaper solution in the long run. A cliché but a good example is the gas prices. A lot of people drive to work. Suppose there is a
sharp increase in gas prices. They have to keep going to work, therefore they can’t react to the price change quickly. But in the long
run, people will start moving into nearer places to their work and walk there. Therefore, in the long run, elasticity increases.
Commodity whose consumption can be put off experiences elastic demand whereas the commodity whose consumption cannot be
postponed, like medicine, has inelastic demand.
Postponement of consumption - Commodity whose consumption can be put off experiences elastic demand whereas the
commodity whose consumption cannot be postponed, like medicine, has inelastic demand.