ARTICLE IN PRESS Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 Corine land cover change detection in Europe (case studies of the Netherlands and Slovakia) Jan Feraneca,, Gerard Hazeub, Susan Christensenc, Gabriel Jaffraind a Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Stefanikova 49, 81473 Bratislava, Slovak Republic b Alterra b.v., P.O. 47, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands c Via Marconi 38, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy d IGN France International, 39 ter, rue Gay-Lussac, 75005 Paris, France Received 1 February 2005; received in revised form 19 January 2006; accepted 17 February 2006 Abstract We present a land cover change detection methodology in the framework of the IMAGE and CORINE Land Cover 2000 (I&CLC2000) project managed jointly by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy. The generated data layers CLC2000 (land cover for the year 2000) and CLC90/2000-changes (land cover changes between the years 1990–2000) cover 29 European countries with a total area of about 4.5 million square kilometers at scale 1:100 000. The variants of computer aided visual interpretation of satellite images referred to as updating and backdating were applied in the I&CLC2000 project. This makes use of the revised CLC90 data layer and the Landsat ETM satellite images from 2000 (71 year) for generation of the CLC 2000 data layer. The CLC90/2000-changes data layer is generated by the overlay of the CLC90 and CLC2000 data layers with the change area of minimum 5 ha. This approach may overestimate and underestimate identified land cover changes in some specific situations described in the paper. As an example of land cover change, identification obtained by applying the updating method in the case of the Netherlands is presented. An area of 1681 km2 of land cover change was identified for the period 1986–2000. Backdating was a suitable methodological tool applied to the land cover inventory in Slovakia for the years 1970–2000 (3156 km2 of land cover changes were identified). Thematic accuracy of derived data layers is X85% and the geometric accuracy is better than 100 m. The CLC methodology and results are widely used in several other projects and are of relevance to policies in land management, nature conservation and water management. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Land cover; Land cover changes; Land cover detection; Computer aided visual interpretation; Updating; Backdating; CORINE Land Cover Project; The Netherlands; Slovakia Introduction Environmental protection has become a major challenge and concern within the European Community. The European Community/Commission introduced environmental action programmes in 1972 (Statement from the Paris Summit, 1972). However, the real breakthrough occurred with the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1992, where environmental protection was set as a priority. In support of environmental assessment, the need for updated information on land cover (LC) has become important both at the European and national levels. The Corresponding author. Tel.: +421 2 52495587; fax: +421 2 52491340. E-mail addresses: (J. Feranec), (G. Hazeu), (S. Christensen), (G. Jaffrain). 0264-8377/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2006.02.002 growing interest in such information can be ascribed to the important role of LC in processes taking place on the Earth’s surface, such as absorption of solar radiation, utilization of carbon dioxide by plant associations and evaporation. Landscape changes at the national and global levels are becoming even more topical, and their importance acquires new dimensions not only in research, but also in environmental management. That is why harmonized and standardized spatial reference data are considered mandatory in support to the following environmental management in the European Union policies: Environmental assessment and sustainable development (European Union Strategy for Sustainable Development COM (European Commission, 2001)). ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 Territorial impact assessment and regional planning (Structural Funds, European Spatial Development Perspective). Impact of agricultural policies on the environment. Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection (the Natura 2000 network and LIFE programme). Water Framework Directive. Integrated coastal management. Strategic environmental assessment of the TransEuropean network. In response to the need for environmental assessment, the IMAGE 2000 & CORINE Land Cover 2000 (I&CLC2000) project was launched by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC). The I&CLC2000 project aims to provide a satellite image mosaic of Europe (IMAGE2000), an up-to-date LC database for the year 2000 (CLC2000), and information on general LC changes in Europe between 1990 and 2000 (Steenmans and Perdigao, 2001). The I&CLC2000 is a joint 3-year project between the EEA and the JRC, co-funded by the European Commission and the participating countries. Initiated in 2000 in Member States, the project was extended in 2001 to accession countries and currently covers 29 countries (Büttner et al., 2004). As the stated aim suggests, its solution will bring information on LC changes in Europe for the 1990–2000 period. This study addresses: (1) the methodology of LC change detection in the context of I&CLC2000 project and, (2) presents results obtained in the Netherlands and the Slovak Republic, and (3) applications of CLC methodology and data. Approaches to LC change detection: a brief literature review The basic prerequisite of LC change detection by application of remote sensing (RS) is the existence of changes in spectral response registered by airborne and/or spaceborne sensors (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1979). LC change can be identified by the comparison of a minimum of two images from different time periods. The results of comparison are, for example, polygon, line or point features of LC which represent the size, shape or occurrence of changes in the framework of the temporal horizons in question. In this context the spatial resolution of the images is important, because it determines to which level of detail changes can be detected. Several approaches have been developed for LC change identification by RS data application (Coppin et al., 2004). The quoted study reviews the state-of-the-art of digital change detection—confined to bi-temporal change detection methodologies (comparing the same area at two points in time) and multi-temporal trend analysis (comparing the same area over longer time intervals with multiple imagery). CLC change detection is one of the bi-temporal methods. 235 Treitz and Rogan (2004) and Rogan and Chen (2004) also provide a comprehensive view of the remote sensing technology for mapping and monitoring of LC and land use change. These studies are important for cognition of so far used applications, above all digital approaches related to change detection. The computer aided visual interpretation treated in this study is their counterpart. Despite the wide use of the digital change detection approaches, the method of the computer aided visual interpretation of satellite images (Büttner et al., 2004; Steenmans and Perdigao, 2001) was applied in the process of updating the 1990 European LC to 2000 (71 year) and the LC change detection for the interval of 1990–2000. This method was applied because while mapping the heterogeneous LC classes (example of CLC nomenclature classes, Heymann et al., 1994; Bossard et al., 2000) by application of satellite images, it must be borne in mind that: CLC classes are very heterogeneous regarding their spectral characteristics. Objects that fall under one class can be fairly different (e.g. artificial surfaces, urban greens, small water bodies, etc.) and such varied objects cannot be classified by computer approach into one class only on basis of spectral signature or texture. Translation of interpretation element association (Feranec, 1999) as a classifying criterion in the framework of the corresponding algorithm of image processing is difficult. Natural conditions can modify the spectral properties of objects. The identification of LC classes is affected by those conditions. The same LC class can have a different spectral signature due to, for example, a different level of ground water. The LACOAST (LAnd cover changes in COASTal zones) project determined the past LC changes of the European coastal zones from 1975 to 1990 at 3–5 historic dates using the CORINE land cover 90 (CLC 90), historic aerial photographs and Landsat MSS data (Perdigao and Christensen, 2000). Historical CLC data for the 1970s were also produced for Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia by backdating (see below) CLC 90 using Landsat MSS imagery (Feranec et al., 2000, 2001). The results obtained allowed the expansion of possibilities of landscape change analyses that applied the traditional statistical data collected from the territorial-administrative units. The use of satellite data proved invaluable for providing more accurate spatial information with respect to the morphological and biophysical characteristics of landscape types, as they also show spatial distribution of the individual LC classes in contrast to the classical statistical data that only refer to administrative units (the area of forest, arable land, etc. is quoted only in, for instance, a district). The study of Kalensky et al. (2003) presents an extensive overview and comparison of all studies focused on LC mapping. Most of the studies are based, unlike the ARTICLE IN PRESS 236 J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 approach applied in this study, on automated processing of satellite data. The Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Forest (EOSD) Project which aimed to produce a LC map of the forested area of Canada, is another one that applies automated processing of satellite data. Nine out of the 23 classes characterize the forest landscape (Wulder, 2002). A second-generation 2001 National Land Cover Database (NLCD, 2001) for the United States contains 29 classes of land cover data derived from the Landsat 5 and 7 imagery (processing methods include: spectral clustering, expert systems, neural networks, and decision tree classifiers), ancillary data and derivatives. The database should be completed by 2006 (Homer et al., 2004). In spite of the fact that visual change detection relies on subjective aspects of analysis, it is a reliable methodical tool for change identification of inherently highly heterogeneous LC classes with thematic accuracy X85% (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002; Büttner et al., 2004). Table 1 Physiognomic attributes relevant for identification of CLC classes Urban fabric areas Agricultural areas Forest and semi-natural areas CORINE land cover nomenclature Although the comprehensive characteristics of the CLC nomenclature were published already 10 years ago (Heymann et al., 1994), we consider it necessary to emphasize its dominant attributes which should be taken into account in its application. The CLC nomenclature is based mainly upon physiognomic attributes (shape, size, colour, texture and pattern) of landscape objects (natural, modified–cultivated and artificial) and spatial relationships of the landscape objects (association, Feranec, 1999). These attributes are crucial for identification of LC classes on satellite images. Artificial surfaces and agricultural areas are also discerned by functional (user) attributes and are related to land use (LU). Please note the principal differences between LC and LU. Humans perceive landscape as a combination of physical objects of natural character and objects (re-)created by them (agricultural land, artificial urban objects). LC represents the biophysical state of the real landscape which means that it consists of natural but also modified (cultivated) and artificial objects (see Feranec and Otahel, 2001; cf. Barnsley et al., 2001), whereas LU refers to the purpose for which land is used (function). On one hand urbanized objects (artificial surfaces) or intensively used agricultural objects (arable land, permanent crops) are LC, but the terms also indicates their LU, their societal function. On the other hand, the nature and appearance of the natural or semi-natural objects do not mean that they are not used or that they do not have a function. For instance, coniferous forest can be used in the framework of forest management, recreation and nature conservation or for military purposes (Feranec et al., 2004). These reasons explain why the CLC nomenclature does not consistently discern LC from LU. However, the mentioned functions do not have to be, and often are not, visually identifiable, especially from remote sensing data. Satellite images are Wetlands Water bodies Size, shape and density of the buildings, share of supplementing parts of the class (e.g. square, width of the streets, gardens, urban greenery parking lots), character of transport network, size and character of neighbouring water bodies, arrangement of infrastructure, size of quays, character of the runway surfaces, state of the dumps and arrangement and share of playgrounds and sport halls Share of dispersed greenery within agricultural land, arrangement and share of areas of permanent crops, relationships of grasslands with urban fabric, occurrence of dispersed houses (cottages), arrangement and share of agricultural land (arable land), grasslands, permanent crops and natural vegetation (mainly trees and bushes), irrigation channel network Character (composition), developmental stage and arrangement of vegetation (mainly trees and bushes), share of grass and dispersed greenery (composition density) Character of substrate, water and vegetation Character (shape) of water bodies sources of information on the physiognomic attributes (Table 1) of landscape objects, by means of which CLC classes are identifiable. The CLC nomenclature (Table 2) comprises three class levels characterized by quoted attributes: the first level (5 items) indicates the major categories of LC on the planet, the second level (15 items) is for use on scales 1:500 000 and 1:000 000, the third level (44 items) is for use on scale 1:100 000 (Heymann et al., 1994). CORINE land cover change identification methodology A LC change is interpreted as a categorical change, when one LC class or its part(s) is a replaced by another LC class(es) (cf. Coppin et al., 2004). An example of conversion is the change of a broad-leaved forest area into a mineral extraction site area, or a pasture area into a discontinuous urban fabric area. The basic condition for identification of LC changes by application of satellite images is the existence of changes in spectral reflectance. Such changes are manifest on images due to changes of characteristics of interpretation elements (shape, colour, texture, pattern etc.). From the methodological point of view it means that images acquired in two or more time horizons are used in identification of LC changes. Three basic approaches are ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 211 Table 2 The CLC nomenclature contains 44 classes (Heymann et al., 1994; Bossard et al., 2000) 112 3. Forest and semi-natural areas 3.1. Forests 3.1.1. Broad-leaved forests 3.1.2. Coniferous forests 3.1.3. Mixed forests 1.2. Industrial, commercial and transport units 1.2.1. Industrial or commercial units 1.2.2. Road and rail networks and associated land 1.2.3. Port areas 1.2.4. Airports 3.2. Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations 3.2.1. Natural grasslands 3.2.2. Moors and heathland 3.2.3. Sclerophyllous vegetation 3.2.4. Transitional woodland-scrub 1.3. Mine, dump and constructions sites 1.3.1. Mineral extraction sites 1.3.2. Dump sites 1.3.3. Construction sites 3.3. Open spaces with little or no vegetation 3.3.1. Beaches, dunes, sands 3.3.2. Bare rocks 3.3.3. Sparsely vegetated areas 3.3.4. Burnt areas 3.3.5. Glaciers and perpetual snow 1.4. Artificial, non-agricultural vegetated areas 1.4.1. Green urban areas 1.4.2. Sport and leisure facilities 2. Agricultural areas 2.1. Arable land 2.1.1. Non-irrigated arable land 2.1.2. Permanently irrigated land 2.1.3. Rice fields 2.2. Permanent crops 2.2.1. Vineyards 2.2.2. Fruit trees and berry plantations 2.2.3. Olive groves 2.3. Pastures 2.3.1. Pastures 2.4. Heterogeneous agricultural areas 2.4.1. Annual crops associated with permanent crops 2.4.2. Complex cultivation patterns 2.4.3. Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation 2.4.4. Agro-forestry areas 4. Wetlands 4.1. Inland wetlands 4.1.1. Inland marshes 4.1.2. Peat bogs 4.2. Maritime wetlands 4.2.1. Salt marshes 4.2.2. Salines 4.2.3. Intertidal flats 5. Water bodies 5.1. Inland waters 5.1.1. Water courses 5.1.2. Water bodies 5.2. Marine waters 5.2.1. Coastal lagoons 5.2.2. Estuaries 5.2.3. Sea and ocean 211 112 211 112 211 211 112 111 112 Time T-n 1. Artificial surfaces 1.1. Urban fabric 1.1.1. Continuous urban fabric 1.1.2. Discontinuous urban fabric 237 T-2 T-1 backdating T T+1 T+2 T+n updating Fig. 1. Basic principle of updating and backdating (Feranec et al., 2005). The referential layer, copy of which—the template—is modified in updating or backdating subject to the changes of LC shape, for instance in the T þ 1 time horizon or T 1, etc. is in red. known, by which information on LC changes can be obtained from images: visual and computer aided visual interpretation, digital methods of change identification (Jensen, 1986; Rogan and Chen, 2004), use of a combination of these two methods is frequent (e.g. the Finnish CLC methodology approach, Sucksdorff and Teiniranta, 2001). The approach of computer aided visual interpretation of satellite images is applied in the I&CLC2000 Project. The method makes use of the CLC90 data layer and the Landsat ETM satellite images from 2000 (71 year) referred to as Image 2000 (I2000) (Steenmans and Perdigao, 2001, I&CLC2000–Technical Reference Document 2002). The CLC90 data layer represents the LC of a substantial part of the European countries in the 1990s, which was produced by the method of visual interpretation of the Landsat TM images. Generation of the CLC2000 data layer is based on the updating approach (an opposite of backdating, see Fig. 1). The primary purpose of updating is to minimize the chance of introducing inaccuracies into the data layer of changes, which are common to the independent generation of data layers (e.g. the inaccurate drawing of the same LC class borders in two related data layers). Instead of generating a completely new data layer, the adopted approach uses the copy of the corrected (revised) CLC90 template (reference data layer) as the initial CLC2000 data layer for updating or in case of, for example CLC70 for backdating (see Feranec et al., 2000). All needed modifications are performed on this initial CLC2000 data layer which is altered only locally in areas of the identified LC changes. The common boundaries of all unchanged areas (polygons1) are maintained without any modifications. This approach is known in the GIS terminology as an update. The basic principle of this approach is shown in Fig. 1. It is evident from Fig. 2 showing an example of the CLC2000 generation that the updating method reduces to a minimum the possibilities of generation of spatial discrepancies during identification and interpretation of CLC classes. 1 Polygons (also called faces in topological terminology) describe areas bounded by lists of arcs (sometimes called links) (Jones 1997, p. 34). ARTICLE IN PRESS 238 J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 Fig. 2. Generation of the CLC 2000 by the computer aided visual interpretation method: two different approaches–A, B. ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 In addition to the facts mentioned above, as only the areas representing CLC changes are the subject of identification and interpretation, the updating method saves time as well. It minimizes the time needed by an interpreter to generate a new data layer. This approach (Fig. 2A) makes it possible to check the minimum mapping unit and amalgamation of the residual parts of polygons smaller than 25 ha with neighbouring polygons (by using the priority table, see EEA-ETC/TE, 2002). The approach (Fig. 2B) when the CLC2000 data layer is completed according to the formula: CLC2000 ¼ CLC90+CLC change is characterized in: CORINE land cover update. I&CLC2000 project (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002). It should be emphasized that after adding the residual parts of polygons to the neighbouring polygons, their shape and area change, not in the consequence of e.g. human impact, natural development, etc. but as the result of amalgamation (technical–unreal change). Technical changes, which overestimate the actually identified changes constitute a part of the new thematic layer of CLC changes–the result of the CLC90–CLC2000 overlay. Labelling of technical changes may result in the possibility of distinguishing them from real changes and to eliminate them in final statistics. Refer to Büttner et al. (2004) and Hazeu (2003), as also underestimation is possible (because an isolated polygon appears as a change but smaller than 25 ha and it is not incorporated into CLC2000; see Fig. 3–the last example: appearance of a new polygon). Spatial characteristics of areas Identification respects the requirement of spatial characteristics of the generated data layer in terms of the CORINE LC project methodology (Heymann et al., 1994), e.g., the resulting new area will comply with the criteria of the minimum area of 25 ha and the minimum width of 100 m. The identified change in the CLC2000 data layer can be accepted only if the area of the change area is larger than 5 ha and the width of change is X100 m. Possible changes between the initial data layer and that of CLC2000 are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002; Büttner et al., 2004). Methodological procedure The methodological procedure A (see Fig. 2) of updating is characterized by the following steps: preparation of the IMAGE 2000 (satellite images) for identification of CLC classes of 2000 at scale 1:100 000, creation of the initial CLC2000 data layer by copying the corrected (revised) CLC90 template, identification of CLC2000 data layer by modification of the initial CLC90 data layer using the IMAGE 2000, detection of LC changes by overlay of the CLC2000, CLC90 data layers (the minimal area of polygon change is 5 ha). 239 Note that the polygon smaller than 25 ha arises after the change delineation is amalgamated to the neighbouring polygons by applying rules of the priority table (EEAETC/TE, 2002). General quality control of CLC data Quality assessment of the CLC data was essential to ensure an integrated, harmonized and consistent European database. Quality control was realized at national and European levels. At the national level, internal quality checks were performed under the responsibility of each National Team leader. At European level, a CLC2000 Technical Team was mandated by the EEA to organize regular visits (verification missions) to the countries in support to the National Teams and to carry out external quality control on all CLC deliverables. The first visit consisted of training of the National Teams and focused on nomenclature explanation, change detection and specific interpretation problems related to the country. This allowed for a common understanding of the methodology and the interpretation rules for updating, specific to the project. Two verification missions were carried out in each country to harmonize the European CLC products. The first verification mission was realized during the interpretation phase, when about 50% of the coverage was realized. The goal of the first quality control was ‘‘corrective,’’ with the objective to detect errors at an early stage of the interpretation phase in order to avoid systematic errors throughout the data and hereby enhance the overall accuracy of the datasets. The second quality control mission was carried out on the completion of the interpretation with the objective to assure that both the thematic accuracy X85% and the geometric accuracy better than 100 m (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002; Büttner et al., 2004) were reached by each country. The external quality control was carried out on a randomly selected sample covering around 8% of the total territory. An overview of verification scheme per country is shown in Table 3. From a grid of a 10 10 km a minimum of one verification unit was selected per working unit (see Fig. 5). The quality assessment focused on both the qualitative and quantitative information of CLC2000 data layer and CLC change data layer. The verification units were selected from both the CLC2000 data layer and the CLC change data layer based on following criteria: amount of the LC changes (important changes, few changes or no changes), different CLC class changes and taking into account any unusual or specific changes, landscape features and the complexity of the landscape within the main landscape types: agriculture, urban, natural, etc. (type of CLC). ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 240 CLC90 CLC2000 243 CLC Changes 243 311 311 222 211 231 211 231 211 211 211 222 112 112 Change of the CLC code: the polygon with 211 code has changed into 231 311 211 311 211 112 211 112 112 Area > 5 ha 242 242 Area exchange between two polygons: 112 has increased, 211 decreased (change > 5 ha) 211 311 211 311 324 311 324 243 243 Disappearance of a polygon: 311 has increased, 324 disappeared 211 211 243 243 311 222 222 243 311 Area > 25 ha Appearance of a new polygon: 311 appeared inside 243 (area must be >25 ha) Fig. 3. Examples of simple LC changes (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002). CLC90 CLC2000 311 243 112 CLC Changes 311 243 311-112 13 ha 211- 112 4 ha 112 211 243-112 3 ha 211 Fig. 4. Examples of complex LC changes (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002). Total increase of a polygon (45 ha) can include several contiguous elementary changes, some of them smaller than 5 ha. The example illustrates the enlargement of a settlement. A similar process is the diminution of polygon. ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 Examples of landscape/land cover change detection by application of CLC70, CLC90 and CLC2000 Table 3 Overview of the first verification step by countries Countries Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy Latvia Luxembourg Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom Austria Bulgaria Estonia Finland Hungary Lithuania Poland Portugal Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Total Country area Real area to be verified for the (km2) first verification mission (km2) Area No. of checked checked verification (%) units 30 520 78 860 43 090 551 500 356 755 70 229 301 270 63 700 2600 33 940 449 960 244 880 13 730 42 510 11 565 132 037 104 728 37 285 152 909 34 194 2600 21 600 192 784 74 855 14 35 15 62 63 33 105 22 3 23 115 50 10.19 8.23 12.97 4.69 6.01 8.85 6.86 6.43 11.50 10.64 5.96 6.68 83 850 110 993 45 226 338 130 93 036 65 200 312 685 92 300 237 500 49 035 20 273 504 780 37 000 30 364 23 000 27 660 29 973 37 572 143 565 33 040 106 000 26 720 10 000 321 600 30 24 24 22 24 32 115 24 79 17 12 111 8.10 7.90 10.40 7.95 8.01 5.52 8.01 7.26 7.45 6.36 12.00 3.45 4 180 312 1 647 291 1054 6.39 The quality control consisted in verification of: 241 consistent application of nomenclature: right codes, enough details, right application of generalization rules, that the minimum area limit of 25 ha is respected, accurate delineation of changes: delineation of changes should have an accuracy within a pixel size (25 m), consistent delineation of changes: only changes larger than the limits (5 ha, 100 m), topological consistency of data layers: no invalid codes, all polygons are closed, only a single code per polygon, no neighbour polygons with the same code, control of meta-data. The thematic verification has been done on screen comparing the satellite images from 1990 to 2000 overlaid with CLC2000 and the CLC change data layer as the main information source. Beside these basic data, other reference data such as topographic maps, aerial photographs and thematic maps in digital or paper format were used according to the availability, but in some countries also results of field checking were available. A verification report was produced for each country. In order to the demonstrate applications of the computer aided visual interpretation, two examples have been chosen. Results obtained by applying the updating method are presented on the example of LC change identification in the Netherlands for the years 1986–2000 as obtained in the framework of the CLC2000 the Netherlands Project (Hazeu, 2003; Hazeu and de Wit, 2004). Backdating was a suitable methodological tool applied to the landscape change inventory in Czechia, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia for the years 1970–1990. This task has been accomplished as part of the Phare Topic Link on Land Cover Project (Feranec et al., 2000). CLC90/2000 changes in the Netherlands The total area of LC changes in the Netherlands, identified by using CLC90 and CLC2000 was 1681.2 km2 (4.8% of all country surface). Table 4 shows the LC changes at CORINE level 2. The most important LC change was the conversion of agricultural land into artificial surfaces (11, 12, 13 and 14–mainly sport areas). This process of urbanization has been mainly restricted to the class 211, 231 and 242 which had changed into classes 112, 121, 133 and 142, also the conversion of almost 75% of the construction sites (133) into the classes 112, 121 and 123 in 1986 was part of this urbanization process. In the Netherlands there exists a large demand for housing and industrial/commercial units. Various governmental plans (VROM, 2003) are trying to regulate the expansion of urban fabric and industry. The conversion of agricultural land into artificial land is concentrated in VINEX locations which are the main reasons for the large concentrated development of new urban or industrial areas (VROM, 2003). Some examples include the creation of the Almere city and the VINEX locations in the provinces of Utrecht (Amersfoort, Leidsche Rijn), Zuid-Holland (Ypenburg, Pynacker, Zoetermeer) and Gelderland (around Arnhem & Nijmegen). The transformation within cities from old to new housing is also important (VROM, 2003). However, this is difficult/impossible to monitor by the CLC approach. The change of pastures (23) into arable land (21) mainly represented by the conversion of pastures into greenhouses, was also a very typical change in the period 1986–2000. One of the reasons for the conversion of pastures into greenhouses is the transformation of land with pastures and relatively isolated greenhouses into artificial surfaces. The greenhouses are replaced and concentrated into new areas. The scale of enlargement/intensification is another reason to increase the area occupied by greenhouses (profits are higher) (VROM, 2003). Other important changes for the Netherlands were the conversions of agricultural land into forests (31), shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation (32) and inland wetlands (41). The conversion of agricultural land into forest or ARTICLE IN PRESS 242 J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 Fig. 5. The example of the verification scheme (Romania). other semi-natural CLC classes is an important issue in spatial planning. Accessible greenery (recreation areas/ forest) in the neighbourhood of cities and the construction of green corridors are the main issues taken into account in the development of new urban areas (‘‘nature compensation’’) (VROM, 2003, LNV, 2003). The Netherlands has to fulfil its biodiversity goals as defined in the Rio Convention. One of the most important concepts to reach these targets is the construction of the main ecological structure (EHS) in the Netherlands (Opdam, 2002). The idea is to connect ‘isolated’ areas of high natural value by conversion of agricultural land into forest and/or seminatural land (LNV, 2000). The use of land for agricultural purposes is no longer stimulated in the areas designated to the EHS. Farmers are subsidized to convert agricultural land into forest and semi-natural areas and to participate in management of their semi-natural areas (DLG, 2003). The area of these changes is slightly overestimated (by 9%). The accuracy assessment carried out indicates a producer’s accuracy of 91% (Hazeu, 2003). The reason is explained in part 4 of this contribution. Nevertheless, the total amount of CLC changes is comparable with the number of changes found in the National Land Cover database (LGN) of the Netherlands. Changes in LC calculated between 1996 and 2000 (of 41 500 km2) were nearly 390 km2 (equalling nearly 1%, De Wit, 2003). Extrapolation of this to the period 1986–2000 shows that the figures are similar. A small overestimation of changes can be expected. CLC70/1990 changes in Slovakia The area of the identified LC changes for the abovementioned period in Slovakia is 3156.4 km2 representing 6.4% of the total area of the country (see Table 5). Collectivization of agriculture was initiated first in the lowlands in the 1950s. It continued into the basin and mountain localities until the 1970s. The structure of smallsize plots of fields and meadows was replaced by large fields, mainly arable land, while the proportion of meadows and natural vegetation on the meadows or balks dropped. Table 5 confirms changes of pastures (23) into arable land (21) and heterogeneous agricultural areas (24), as well as diminishing of heterogeneous agricultural areas (24) and pastures (23) in favour of arable land (21). They are the most extensive LC changes identified in Slovakia in the study period. Changes of forest (31) into transitional woodland shrub (32) were the second most extended ones. This type of change is the result of the anthropogenic impact–timber extraction and various calamities in forest. Changes, mainly those of arable land (21) and heterogeneous agricultural areas (24) into urban fabric (11), industrial, commercial and transport units (12) and construction sites (13) were identified in favour of urbanization and industrialization. Their occurrence is linked above all to the principal urbanizing axes of Slovakia (Váh, Nitra, Hron valleys and the construction of water works in Gabčı́kovo) (Feranec et al., 2000). These results were not compared with National Statistics. Applications and policy issues of the CLC data layers EEA (Steenmans and Perdigao, 2001, EEA-ETC/TE, 2002) identified the main areas of CLC data application among users at the European level. The results indicate that the data can be used especially in land management, nature conservation and water management (e.g. for various analyses in agriculture, forestry, spatial planning ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 243 Table 4 Land cover changes in The Netherlands for the period 1986–2000 (in km2) The Netherlands 1986’s classes 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 41 42 51 52 Total 2000 2000’s classes Total 1986 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 41 42 51 52 — 0.2 36.7 5.9 112.5 2.0 175.8 111.7 2.8 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.4 — 448.9 6.7 — 47.2 1.6 65.9 0.7 80.7 58.1 3.5 2.5 0.7 — — 1.6 0.1 269.4 — 2.2 — 0.3 38.4 0.1 45.3 14.8 3.2 1.6 1.0 0.8 — 6.2 1.5 115.5 0.4 — 3.4 — 40.3 1.3 42.8 23.5 8.9 1.3 0.5 1.6 — 0.3 — 124.4 — 0.4 2.3 — — 2.7 203.3 13.0 0.8 — — 1.1 — 2.4 — 225.9 — — — — 9.9 — 3.4 0.3 — — — — — — — 13.6 — 0.1 — — 18.6 — — 0.2 0.8 — — 0.2 — 0.2 — 20.1 0.1 — 0.2 — 23.4 0.3 45.7 — 1.3 — — 1.5 — 0.3 — 72.7 0.1 — 1.9 0.3 58.9 0.3 23.9 9.4 — 12.1 — 6.0 — — — 112.9 — 0.3 7.4 — 37.3 — 13.9 5.0 9.8 — 3.8 — 14.5 0.2 — 92.3 — — — — 0.3 — 0.9 — — 0.0 — — 10.4 — 4.8 16.4 — 0.2 2.3 — 12.6 0.6 25.4 0.0 — 0.8 — — 6.3 6.8 — 55.1 — 0.4 — — — — 6.2 — — — 20.0 — — — 14.1 40.7 — 0.3 3.5 0.3 7.5 0.1 15.6 8.8 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.3 12.7 — 2.0 53.5 — 0.1 0.5 — 0.4 — — — — — 11.6 — 7.2 — — 19.8 7.4 4.2 105.5 8.5 426.1 8.2 682.9 244.8 32.2 19.1 38.7 11.6 51.2 18.4 22.6 1681.2 Classes 423, 522 and 523 were not taken into consideration. and in lesser extent in transport, tourism, coastal management and development of spatial indicators based on LC changes). CLC data are also used in several research and applied projects. Some of them are presented here. CLC and BIOPRESS The CORINE Land Cover database and methodology (Feranec et al., 2005) has been used in the BIOPRESS (BIOPRESS Project, 2005)–Linking pan-European LC change to pressures on biodiversity. This is a European Community Framework 5 Project (http://www.creaf.uab. es/biopress) funded under the framework of the GMES programme ‘Global Monitoring for Environment and Security’ ( The aim of the project was to assess the impact of LC changes on biodiversity by linking these changes to pressures on biodiversity (e.g. urbanization, land abandonment, deforestation). The project has produced LC change information for the period between 1950, 1990 and 2000 from 73 windows 900 km2 and 59 transects of 30 km2 containing Natura 2000 sites and distributed across 17 countries to represent the major biogeographical regions of Europe (see an example of the Netherlands, Hazeu and Mucher, 2005). graphical regions, boreal, temperate and Mediterranean countries. The two first levels of CLC nomenclature indicate the major and common classes of LC on the Earth surface, which are detailed at the third level. Several practical projects of LC data base implementation have been set up since 2000 by the French National Geographic Institute (IGN FI) and concerned some tropical, subtropical and Sahelian countries (e.g. Guadeloupe, San Salvador Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, Burkina Faso). These projects have proved the perfect adaptability of the CLC nomenclature to these different LC types. After workshops and discussions with local experts, some classes have been added and other classes have been eliminated at the third level (according to the national landscape specificity) such as, in the agricultural areas, olive groves, vineyards were replaced by coffee, cocoa trees, palm trees, etc. In the natural domain, the aspects of savannah, steppe, evergreen forests, mangrove swamps should be more explicit and detailed than in the European standard nomenclature. Today, standard LC information is recognised by decision makers as a reference dataset for spatial and territorial analysis and CLC data at the second level could be a core design for the whole world. Extension of CLC concept in other biogeographical regions LC accounts The particular values of CLC methodology and data layers come from the merging of general with local topdown vision summarized in a simple and standard methodology, single detailed and hierarchic nomenclature, precise definition of geographical object and scale. The European CLC nomenclature includes 3 levels and 44 classes at the third level and covers 3 different biogeo- LC accounts are currently being produced at the EEA on the basis of CLC data layers 1990–2000 (EUROSTAT integration of geographical and statistical data in the environmental accounting framework, Weber et al. (2003) and an implementation by IGN-France International within a framework of Burkina Faso study; Jaffrain et al., 2005). ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 244 Table 5 Land cover changes in the Slovak Republic for the period 1970–1990 (in km2) Slovak Republic 1970’s classes Total 1990s 1990’s classes 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 41 51 Total 1970s 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 41 51 — 0.1 12.6 0.1 38.9 0.2 1.5 20.7 0.6 — — 0.2 — 74.8 1.3 — 3.1 — 18.2 — 0.2 4.2 1.8 0.7 — 0.2 0.1 29.8 0.3 0.7 — — 25.5 — 2.0 4.1 31.2 1.3 0.1 0.6 3.9 69.6 — — 0.0 — 0.5 — — 1.2 1.4 0.5 — — 0.4 4.0 0.1 0.1 1.9 — — 15.3 157.5 371.5 14.1 3.4 — 1.8 0.1 565.8 — — 0.0 — 65.4 — 1.1 22.4 0.1 — — — — 89.0 — — 0.9 — 127.7 0.2 — 417.1 10.1 2.8 — 1.4 0.2 560.5 1.3 0.1 3.4 0.1 183.0 4.3 431.9 — 41.3 22.2 0.1 1.9 3.1 692.7 — — 0.3 — 3.6 — 2.7 14.7 — 54.8 — 2.3 3.8 82.1 — 0.2 1.4 — 1.5 — 25.1 11.4 871.6 — 6.6 3.3 1.3 922.4 — — — — — — — — 0.1 9.9 — — 0.0 10.1 — — 0.5 0.1 0.4 — — 1.2 2.1 0.1 — — 16.4 20.8 0.5 0.1 6.3 0.4 6.4 — 3.4 8.7 3.5 1.0 0.9 3.5 — 34.8 The main goal of LC account is to provide an easy and comprehensive access to LC data showing the ‘stock’ available for each LC class in the different LC data, and providing also the changes occurred in the periods between different LC works. LC accounts interpret LC changes and convert them (group them) into flows that explain the processes, driven either by human activities or by natural conditions that take place. They measure on the one hand the consumption of LC of the initial year and, on the other hand, the formation of new LC. The nomenclature of flows built on CLC for Europe has 9 top level groups, 37 classes at second level and 24 additional subdivisions at the third level (the most detailed list being of 51 items). LC flows are subsequently linked to the social and economic processes that have generated them in land use accounts that analyze functions such as housing, transport, food production, forestry, tourism and recreation. In land use accounts, data on surfaces are supplemented with data on other variables, including in monetary terms. LC accounts are as well interpreted as one group of stress factors on ecosystems, in the third dimension of the framework, so-called ecosystem accounts. In ecosystem accounts, data on surfaces and spatial patterns are supplemented with data on fauna and flora, nutrient cycling and pollution. The LC and ecosystem accounting framework creates novel statistics that help describing the interactions between human activities and their environment, taking into consideration the place where things happen and possible conflicts. Discussion The European landscape has been monitored by means of the CORINE Land Cover project and its two branches, 3.5 1.2 30.4 0.7 471.1 20.0 625.5 877.2 977.8 96.6 7.7 15.3 29.5 3156.4 one of them referred to as CLC90 and the other, almost finished, referred to as I&CLC 2000, since 1985. The I&CLC 2000 projects demonstrate the possibilities of LC mapping by satellite images at scale 1:100 000, but also those of detection of LC changes applying the CLC data layers of two time horizons (the 1990s and the year 2000 71 year, or also the 1970s in four countries of Central and Eastern Europe). The generated data layers concerning LC changes offer the possibility to analyze and assess the changes that have occurred in Europe over the last decade. CLC90, CLC2000 and CLC90/2000-changes data users should be informed about some aspects that ought to be taken into account in further use or refinement of the data. CLC nomenclature is based on physiognomic characteristics of landscape objects discernible on satellite images with thematic accuracy X85% (EEA-ETC/TE, 2002, Büttner et al., 2004). These cannot be quite separated from their functional properties. For instance, urbanized objects (artificial surfaces) or intensively used agricultural objects (arable land, permanent crops) also indicate the land use–their social function. This is the reason why it is considered desirable to take into account physiognomic and functional attributes of landscape objects together (above all in the more detailed itemization of the CLC nomenclature) and to choose an adequate name/designation for them. The applied methodology facilitated classification of all LC objects of Europe in one of 44 classes of the CLC nomenclature. Table 6 lists the inaccuracies and problems found. Identification of heterogeneous LC classes, such as those that are parts of the CLC nomenclature require the preference of computer aided visual interpretation of satellite images. This approach differs from Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes (LUCC) studied in the framework of the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and International Human Dimensions ARTICLE IN PRESS J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 245 Table 6 Inaccurancies in identification, classification and delimitation of CLC classes found during the verification missions in 29 European countries CLC classes Problems Continuous urban fabric (111) Discontinuous urban fabric (112) Overestimation; occurrence more than 20% of urban greens within calss 111 Missing some areas of this calss; reasons: 300 m distance between houses; rural settlements with area around 25 ha (71–3 ha) missing Misinterpretation with classes 31x or 324 Distinguishing from the class 231 (or abandoned land)—serious problem because both classes have very similar spectral characteristic Frequent confusion with natural grasslands (321); not considering human impact and specific natural conditions (e.g. steep slopes, high mountains, etc.) Overestimation caused by inaccurate discerning of the class 243 (presence of small parts of tree, shrub vegetation, swamps); areas of annual or permanent crops larger than 25 ha Overestimation caused by a presence of parts (e.g. arable land, natural vegetation, etc.) larger than 25 ha Confusion or erroneous determination of these classes represented by bushy vegetation; separation of the climax stage of bushy vegetation (e.g. Atlantic and Alpine heaths, sub-Alpin bushes—322; Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean evergreen sclerophyllous bushy and scrub vegetation—maquis, garrig, mattoral, etc—323) and vegetation representing either woodland regeneration or degradation, e.g. clear-cuts, forest calamities by air pollution, etc.—324 is problematic Underestimation in some countries mainly in the CLC90 Ambiguities in distinguishing of these classes; they are very similar in terms of spectral characteristics Green urban area (141) Non-irrigated arable land (211) Pastures (231) Complex cultivation patterns (242) Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant areas of natural vegetation (243) Moors and heathlands (322), sclerophyllous vegetation (323), transitional woodlands/shrub (324) Transitional woodland shrub (324) Inland marshes (411) and peatbogs (412) Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) (Lambin et al., 2003), which apply the digital methods of change detection. The grounds for applying the computer aided visual interpretation in the CLC methodology were stated earlier in this paper. The question of overestimation of identified changes was commented in the fourth part. Analysis of its possible solution will require a separate study. The quality assessment process concerning the obtained data goes on. It is based on the use of field photographs taken in the framework of the LUCAS (Land Use/Land Cover Area frame Statistical survey) Project. Conclusions The generated data layers cover 29 European countries with a total area of about 4.5 million square kilometres at the original scale 1:100 000, which is a unique information source on European LC. The data layers are accessible at the web site: and represent an important contribution to the existing trend of global monitoring of LC and its changes. The dissemination and use of mentioned products is defined in an agreement between the EEA, the European Commission, and the participating countries. Several policy-related applications were foreseen by the European Commission Services, as well as in EEA and its European Topic Centres (Büttner et al., 2004). CLC data layers have also been used in various research and applied projects. Application of the described CLC methodology in 26 European countries (and digital methods of change detection were applied in two countries and the combined method was used in one country) confirmed that the use of computer aided visual interpretation of satellite images in mapping of hetero- geneous LC classes at scale 1:100 000 is justified. The characterized methodology should contribute to deeper insight into the nature of data that were derived by it. The use of the quoted data in the examples of LC change identification in Netherlands and Slovakia showed that they help to identify such trends as enlargement of urbanized areas, structural changes in agricultural landscape (changes between arable land, grassland and complex cultivation pattern) but also those in forestation or deforestation. Consequently, the existence of CLC data layers is the tool for landscape assessment and identification of landscape changes at national and European levels. The acquired accessibility to the CLC90, CLC2000, and CLC90/2000-changes has in addition created new conditions for analysis of trends, causes and consequences of natural and social processes ongoing in the landscape, and for the assessment of its ecological stability at the European, national or regional levels. Such information can comprise inputs for varied environmentally oriented projects and will certainly represent an essential component of the landscape management. Acknowledgements The CLC2000 project was part of the work programme of the European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment (ETC-TE) working under the European Environment Agency between 2001 and 2004. The authors express their gratitude to Chris Steenmans EEA project manager, Adriana Gheorge EEA-EIONET coordinator and Stefan Kleeschulte ETC-TE manager for their continuous cooperation and support. ARTICLE IN PRESS 246 J. Feranec et al. / Land Use Policy 24 (2007) 234–247 The study is also one of the outputs attained in the framework of the project Identification and assessment of landscape changes by application of remote sensing data, CORINE land cover databases and the GIS, No. 2/4189/24 at the Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2004 supported by the VEGA Grant Agency. Authors are grateful to Hana Contrerasová for linguistic revision of this contribution and to Magda Nováková for help with its technical aspect. 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