2020-04-28T23:25:46+00:00Z _S THE SIMULATION OF A JUMBO JET TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT VOLUME II: MODELING DATA D6 -30643 Prepared C. Rodney Hanke by and Donald R. Nordwall THE BOEING C_PANY Wichita Division Wichita, September Kansas 1970 for NATIONAL Ames Research AERONAUTICS Center AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Moffett Field, California 'j PREFACE This report summarizes all work conducted by The Boeing Company under Task II of Contract for the Simulation Aeronautics of Advanced Hanke Flying Company Project Qualities dynamics Leader Division Organization. in Everett, The National Monitor Sciences Division. was Mr. C. Roduey Stability, Technical by Mr. Robert A Curnutt Staff "Design Technical of the Simulation of the Wichita was provided Aircraft". and Space Administration was John Dusterberry The Boeing NAS2-552_, Control and assistance of the 7_7 Aero- Washington. D6-30643 __'fJ_'_ REV LT'R: E-3033 R| ISECT IN O. Vo i. II IPAGE i TABLE OF CONT_TTS SECTION INTRODUCTION 1.0 AIRPLAI_E FLIGHT DESCRIPTION CO_fROLS DISCUSSION OF 1.! SYST_IS THE 1.2 SIMULATION 1.3 LIFT FORCE COEFFICIET{T 2.0 DRAG FORCE COEFFICIENT 3.0 PITCHING MOMI2_T ROLLING YAWING SIDE MOM_ENT MOMENT FORCE LANDING SD_UI_TION APPENDIX 5.0 COEFFICIENT CONTROL LIFT PROPULSION COEFFICIENT 6.0 7.0 CONTROL DIRECTIONAL HIGH 4.0 COEFFICIENT LONGITUDINAL LATERAL COEFFICIENT SYSTEM 8.0 SYSTEM CONTROL 9.0 SYSTEM 10.O SYSTEM ll.O SYSTEM GEAR 12.0 SYSTEM z3.o z4.o Ct-]ECKOUT B - BUFFET CHARACTERISTICS 16.0 NO. REV LT'R: E-3033 RI I SECT Vol. II I PAGE _-3o6_3 _ ;_J. SECTIO[_ APPenDIX C - AUTOTHROTTLE APPk_,FDIX E - P_-_SED APPENDIX REV LT'R: E-3033 R_ F - AIRPLANE SIMUI_T!0N RESPONSE 17.0 DATA TO CONTROL 19.0 INIr0TS ISECT 20.0 NO. PAGE _V !.0 P_ INTROIECTI_[ m General Arra_4_ement Summary of Areas Limits and Placards Center of Moments Dimensions 1.1-3 i.I-_ Limits 1.1-5 of Inertia 1.1-6, 1.3-_ Equations Sign 9 1.2-7 System Systems Flight 1.3-5 1.3-6 Convention Maximum Control Maximum Values 2.0 and Gravity Hydraulic Axes 1.1-2 Surface Deflections and Rates 1.3-7 1.3-8 LIFT FORCE _IEFFICIENT Effect of Angle of Attack on Basic CL Effect of Angle of Attack and Number Effect of Flaps on Aeroelastic EfTect (ACL)=w.a on Mach 2.0-7 on Basic 2.0-8 CL. 2.0-9 R . Oe (ACL_=..ap.. 2.0-10 0o Effect of napso,. A(,Jc./d=) Aeroelastic on Effect A(dCL/_ 2.0-11 2.0-12 ) Effect of 2.0-13 Effect of 2.0-1_ Effect of Flaps Effect of Normal Effect of Stabilizer on dCa/dn Load 2.0-_ = Factar 2.0-16 O ! I REV 5YM D [PAOE" _4- _.>. @.?000 % 2.0 J LIFT FORCE (Cont'd) PAGE m Effect of Inboard Effect of Outboard Effectiveness Effect of Spoilers Effect of Mach (6 aud Number Effect 7) 2.0-22 on Spoilers 2.0-23 on Lift Force or 5, Aeroelastic Effect on Lift to Spoilers Aeroelastic Effect (9, on lO. Lift to Spoilers (12 of Outboard Aileron Landing REV 2.0-21 (8 Effect 2.0-20 Spoilers Spoilers Due • - Spoilers to Due 2.o-19 Elevators Factor of Due 2.o-18 Elevators Effect Aeroelastic ¢ COEFFICIENT Gear or Coefficient 7 and 6) 2.0-24 Force Coefficient II or 2, Force Coefficient 3, 2.0-25 4) i) 2.0-26 2.0-27 Effectiveness 2.0--28 Factor Effect of Landing Gear Effect of Mach Ground Effect Ground Effect Effect of Flaps on 2.0-33 Effect of }'laps on 2.o-:_ Number Height 2.0-29 on ACtS_A Factor. of Attack for Stick A_le of for Initial SYM E 2.o-)I - K_Z 2.0-32 An_le Attack 2.o-_,o M Shaker Actuation 2.o-35 2.0-36 Buffet a_a_N_ NO;Vol. I! ' .;. '- .::;- 2.0 L_ FOR_ COEFFICIENT PAGE (Cont'd) n Certification Buffet Stall Speeds Boundary u: 2.O-38 _LMAx. and 3.0 DRAG FORCE 2.0-37 COEFFICIENT 3.0-5 Effect of Angle of Attack on Basic CD Effect of Angle of Attack on Stabilizer (Flaps Up, i, Effect of Angle of Attack on Stabilizer (Flaps 20, 25, 30) Effect of Math Number, M _ Effect of Mach Number, M Effect of Spol]ers Effect of Angle Effect of Spoilers Effect of Mach Gro_md Effect Effect of Landing Effect of Mach Number Ground Effect 5, i0) 3.0-6 3.0-7 .7 3.o-8 .7 3.o-9 _ 3.O-lO of Attack 3.o-n on S_oilers (6 and 7) Number 3.O-le 3.o-13 on Spoilers Lateral Control Factor , FD 3.0-I_ Gear Height 3.0-15 on _CD___ 3.0-16 M Fr_ctor, K_E 3.0-17 Ground Effect 3.0-18 Effect of Sideslip Effect of Flaps Effect o_ Flaps on on and Rudder 3.o-19 3.0-20 F(_Co)_W._RmO'IFLAPFAILURE 3.0-21 A _dCo/d_ _n C .,L % %.'_ REV S'fM E _i'O_IN_ NO Vol. I! o6-3o6 -AG,, _iL- 3 4.0 PITCHING MOMENT PAGE OOEFFICIE_T Effect of Angle of Attack on Basic Cm_5(Flaps Up, i, 5, I0) Z,.o..8 Effect of Angle of Attack on Basic CmA_(Flaps 20, 25, 30) _.0-9 Effect of Angle of Attack and Mach Effect of Flaps on Aeroelastic Effect Number Cm. _ (ACre _)_R _.o-1o 11.o-.ll • O" (AC_._)_p. on on Basic = Oe z,.o-_ z,.o..zS Aeroelastic Effect ,,(dCm,,/d,() on z,.o-zp Effect of O_ Effect of Effect of Flaps Effect of Normal z,.o-_ Effectiveness on .o-17 dCm.zs/dnz .o-18 Load Factor Factor - Stabilizer Aeroelastic Effect on Stabilizer Aeroelastic Effect on Inboard Aeroelastic Effect on Outboard Effectiveness Factor Effect of Spoilers Effect of Spoilers Effect of Mach Aeroelastic Aeroelastic Due to Aeroelastic Effect Spoilers Effect Elevator Effectiveness Elevator Effectiveness _.o-2o 1_.o-21 _.o-22 _.o-2k Number Due _o Spoilers Effectiveness _.o-z9 - Spoilers (6 Effect and Elevators and on or 5, 10, Moment 7 and on Pitching (9, _.0-26 Spoilers on Pitching (8 _.O-2p 7) 11 or on Pitching Coefficient _.o.27 6) Moment 2, 3, Moment Coefficient _) k.o-28 Coefficient O ! Due to Spoilers (12 0:' 1) .o-29 O e[ D6-30___M3 REV SYM NO. :Vol. II PaGZ V|_L 6-?000 •4.0 PIT_TING MC_',_ Effect of I_oard Effect of Outboard Ground Effect Effect of Effect of Mach Ground Effect Effect of COEFFICIE_ PAGE (Cont'd) m 4.o-30 Aileron 4.o-31 Aileron Lateral Landing Control Factor, 4 .o-32 Fm 4.o-33 Gear _.o-34 Number on ACm.z56_ a 4.o-35 Sideslip and 4.0-36 Rudder _ D/fect of F:aps 5 ..0_ROLLLNG MOMENT Effect of Effect of Mach Sideslip Effect Effect of Roll Aeroe!astlc toRoll to 5- 0-7 dCi/d d Cl/d 5.0-8 _ 5.0-9 _ dCi/d Sideslip Factor 5.0-lO _ 5.O-ll _ FI_ 5.0-L9 Rate on Ro_llng Moment Coefficient on Moment Coefficient Rate Yaw Rate Effect Yaw on on Effect Aeroelastic Due on Effect Effect of 4. o-38 ,A,L,,Z COEFFICIENT Number Ground Effect (dCm._/d_)]FLA, Sideslip Aeroelastic Due [A on 4.0-37 Rolling Rate f Effectiveness CJ Factor - Spoilers us C) REV SYM E _#A#'_ No. Vol. P_GE iX II 5-0 ROLLING MOMENT (Cont'd) COEFFICIENT PAGE era.rammeD Effect of Spellers Effect of _ach Aeroelastic Due to Effect to Due to of Inboard Effect of Mach Aeroelastic Effect of Due Effect of Aeroelastic t-0 Effect E Moment 3, 4) _.O_0 Coefficient 1) 5.O_I Ailerons 5.O-22 5.o 3 on Inboard Rollin Ailerons E Moment Coefficient - Outboard Ailerons 5.o 6 Aileron on Rolling 5.o 7 Moment Coefficient 5.o 8 Ailerons Lateral Control Factor, 5.o 9 F_ Rudders 5.0-30 Effect Aeroelastic Due Factor Outboard Effect 2, Coefficient Ailerons Outboard Ground DUe on Effect to 11 or Rollin or Moment - Xnboard Number Inboard Aeroelastic 5.o-19 Aileron Effect Effectiveness Coefficient 5) lO0 (12 Factor Effect to on Spoilers Moment Rolling (9, Effect Effectiveness Due on Spoilers Spoilers Rolling (8 or Effect Aeroelastic on on Spoilers Aeroelastic Due Number Upper on Rolling Moment Coefficient 5.0 r Rudder Effect on to Lower of Asymmetric Rolling Moment Coefficient Rudder 5.oa2 Inboard Flap Failure For a Flap REV $YM D Extension 5.0_ .o. Vol. II I PAGI[ D6-306__3 X 6-?OOO _.0 ROLLING Effect of Flap MOMENT COEFFICIENT Asymmetric Inboard of Flap Effect Effect For Outboard Failure For 5.O-3_ Asymmetric Outboard Flap Failure For 5.o-36 Retraction Asymmetric L.E. I, 2, 3, _, 5 or Effect Flap Extension of 7, 8 or 19, 5.o-_ 23, 2_, 25, 26 5.o-_ E1 COEFFICIENT 6.0-6 Effect of Ground Effect Effect of Effect of Roll Effect of Taw Rate Sideslip Sideslip Factor, 6.0-7 FN_ 6.0-8 Effectiveness Rate 6.0-9 6.o-1o Factor Effect of Spoilers Effect of Mach Ground Effect Effect of Inboard Effect of Outboard Effectiveness Segments L.E. Flap Segments 20, MOMENT Flap 22, of Asymmetric 6.0 YAWING t Failure 5.O-3_ Asynnnetric of Flap REV SYM Flap Retraction Effect 6, PAGE m (Cont'd) 6.O-ll - Spoiler8 6.o-Ia Number on Lateral 6.o-i_ Spoilers Control Factor, 6.O-I_ FN Aileron Factor 6.o-15 Aileron - Upper 6.O-16 Rudder 6.O-17 BOfJNO j D6-306__3 .o. Vol. II PAG,. X A ->I-?O00 ,6.0 YAWING MOMENT COEFFICIENT PAGE (Cont 'd) u Effectiveness Effect Factor of Effect to Upper Aeroelastic Due Effect Effect of Asymmetric 6.0-20 Yawing Coefficient Rudder 6.O-21 Inboard Flap Failure For 6.0-22 Asymmetric Inboard Flap Failure For 6.O-e_ Asymmetric Outboard Flap Failure For 6.0-24 of Asymmetric Outboard Flap Failure For Retraction of 6.0-25 Asymmetric L.E. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, of Asymmetric 6, 7, 8 or % Moment Extension Flap 7.0 Coefficient Retraction Flap Effect Moment Extension of Effect Yawing on Lower Flap Effect Rudder Rudder to of Effect on Effect Flap Lower Rudder8 Aeroelastic Due - SIDE of Ground Effect Effect of Roll Effect of Yaw Segments 23, 24, 25, 26 L.E. Flap 6.0-26 Segments 6.o-2? 19, 20, ?-I FORCE Effect Flap COEFFICIIRT 7.o-5 Sideslip Sideslip Factor, 7.0-6 Fy_ Rate 7.0-7 7.0-8 Rate i REV SYM 0 _P'O,L_"JN_ ' J.o. Vol. II IP,,G, xD, -.>@-?ooo 7.o s_ F_cE Aeroelastic PAGE COmrF!CU_T Effect on Side Force Coefficient Due to Taw Rate Effectiveness 7.0-9 Factor 7.o-11 Effect of Spoilers Effect of Mach Number Effect of Rudders Aeroelastic Effect 7.o-Io - Spoilers on Spoilers 7.0-12 7.0-13 on Side Force Coefficient 7.o-m_ Due to Upper Rudder Aeroelastic Effect on Side Force Coefficient Due to Lower Rudder Effect Flap Effect of Asymmetric Effect Inboard Flap Failure For 7.o-16 Extension Of Asymmetric Flap 7.o-15 Inboard _ Failure l_r 7.o-17 Retraction of Asymmetric Outboard Flap Failure l_r 7.o-18 Flap Extensiou Effect of Asymmetric Outboard Flap Failure For 7.o-19 Flap Retraction Effect 1, 2, Effect of Asymmetric L.E. Flap Se_nent_ 3, 1_, 5 or 22, of Asymmetric 6, 7, 8 or 19, 20, 23, 2_, 25, 26 7.0-20 L.E. Flap "Se_nents 21 7.0-21 O D O REV SYM D BO_='JAS'O D6-306_3 ,o. Vol. II PA_E xlli 9@-7000 8.0 LONGI_IDINAL Elevator and Stick Force Forward Feel Quadrant Unit SYSTEM System PAGE 8.l-3 Schematic 8.l-_ Travel 8.l-5 Torque Mechanical 8.l-6 Advantage Column Force Gradient at qc = 0 8.z-7 Column Force Gradient qc Limit 8.1-8 Inboard Elevator Outboard Inboard Elevator Force 8.2_3 Blowdown 8.2-4 8.2-5 Float Angles Trim Rate LATERAL Lateral 8.2-2 Float Angles Elevator Stabilizer 9.0 Blowdown Elevator Outboard CONTROL Control 8.3-2 SYST_4 System Schematic 9.1-2a 9.l-3 Due to Spring and Cam Mechanism Lateral Trim 9.l-4 Aileron - Wheel Program 9.2-3 Intermediate Flight Spoilers Inboard Outboard Aileron 9.2-4 Program 9-2-5 - Wheel Program Program at Combined Lateral - Speed Brake Program Aileron Aileron Blowdown Blowdown Control - Speed Brakes 9.2-6 9.2-7 9.3-2 9.3-3 NO. Vol. II iPAGED6-3o643 xi,J REV LTR: R Outboard Spoiler Spoiler E-3033 CONTROL I 9.0 LATERAL CONTROL SYSTEM (Cont'd) Spoiler Blowdown (Panel Spoiler Blowdown (Panels 2, 3, Spoiler Blowdown (Panels 5, 6 or Inboard Aileron Outboard 10.0 Float Aileron Force Due to 4 or 9, 10, ll) 9.3-5 7, 8) 9.3-6 9.3-7 and 9.3-8 SYSTEM System Spring 9.3-4 Angles CONTROL Control 12) Angles Float DIRECTIONAL Directional 1 or PAGE Schematic Cam lO. 1-2a Mechanism i0.1-3 Rudder Trim Rudder Pedal Rudder Travel Rudder Hinge Moments - Segments Deflected Together 10.2-2 Rudder Hinge Moments - Segments Deflected Separately i0.2-3 Rudder Hinge Moments - Effect 747 Yaw lO.l-4 Motion 10.i-5 Limits Damper lO.1-6 Transfer II.0 HIGH LIFT High Lift System Flap Screw 12.0 PROPULSION of Mach Function and Number Block 1o.2-4 Diagram lO.3-2 SYSTEM Schematic Travel SYST_4 Engine Pressure Thrust Lever EPR Due EPR Correction Ratio and to Power Simulation Power Lever Lever Angle Due to Speed Schematic Lq.l-2 Angle ].2.1-3 12.1-4 and Altitude le.l-5 NO. Vol. REV LTR: _-3033 RI ±s. iPAGED6-3_._3 xv 12.0 PROPULSION SYSTEM Engine Transient Engine Thrust (Cont'd) Characteristics Simulation 12.1-6 - -17 Schematic ].2.2-2 Forward Net Thrust 12.2-3, -4 Reverse Net Thrust 12.2-5 - -8 Engine Gage Display Exhaust Schematic 12.3-2, -3 Gas Temperature Low Speed Compressor Windmilling Drag Aerodynamic Effects 12.3-5 Ratio Speed 12.3-6 12.4-2 Due to Thrust Reversers 12.5-2 13.0 LANDING GEAR Strut Compression Strut Force Schematic 13.0-2 Schematic 13.0-3 Wheel Side Force Schematic 13.0-4 Wheel Drag Force Schematic 13.0-5 0leo Damping 13.0-6 Landing 13.0-7 Gear Air Curve I SECT IPAGE _vi V REFERENCES : 1. Boeing Document D6-20423 "Aerodynamic Data for the 747 Flight Simulator", Revision D, _rch ll, 1970. 2. Boeing Document D6-30833-I "Flight Performance Tests for Validation of the 7_7 Flight Simulator", June 3, 1970. e Boeing Document D6-13302 "JTgD-3 Turbofan Engine Operating Parameters and Performance Data for 7_7 Airplane Flight Simulator Design", Revision F, September 9, 1969. 4. Boeing Document D6-13703 December 30, 1969. 5- Boeing Document D6-30643 "The Simulation of a Large Jet Transport Aircraft Vol. l: Mathematical Model", 30 September 1970. 6. Boeing 1968. Document D6-13645, "Boeing 747 Flight Manual", "747 IEFCS System Description", April 93 -2 REV LT'R: E-3033 R I ISECT IT x_Ji I3_ PAGE Vol. _ I NO. i. 0 INTRODUCTION The Boeing matical models of the Boeing Company 747 on the NASA Flight Simulator The work performed 2. Generalized 3- The form 4. Nomenclature the Government document systems, istics Sections propulsion ll, 12 of the simulation REV LT_: E'3033 R T simulator design. and a short (FSAA). Volume data. I in- in the simulation. data are to be chooses envelope, occurs section a general of the simulation. the airplane rolling sections to treat moment, describe The final contains description character- ya_Ning moment, the control and side character- modes. of the high section first. The follow- aerodynamic operating the characteristics the of the 747 aerodynamic This introductory roll and yaw in the various gear. These Company as a summary discussion present The next three and landing used 15, 1971, whichever its flight moment, and 13 describe system rights September has been prepared drag, pitching for pitch, Aircraft to NASA. until the Boeing of the document coefficients. and approximations only limited of the 747 including lift, For Advanced for the report. or until data for use in flight force used within ing six sections and characteristics into two volumes. of the data furnished II contains of the control qualities mathe- under the contract. equations Volume a description is divided Center with of: data asnon-proprietary istics: report i. This Research the flying a description retained NASA-Ames and data to simulate The contractual cludes provided contains llft system, the results checkout. SECT i__JAIr_ I PAGE NO. V_o_.3_ 1.0-1 " " The appendices characteristics, contain autothrottle, a portion autopilot of the 7_7 Flight and revised simulation __='J,_l#_ REV LTR: E'3033 R I I SECT Manual, buffet data. INO. IPAGE D6-_O64_ 1.o-]a i. i AIRPLANE The DESCRIPTION Boeing designed the to flaps and flaps landing the side with _obtained lateral between which panels the on drawing showing 1.1-2. A wing also down from 1.1-3. only two four-wheel trucks on and are the of and each spoiler segments. pertinent and dimensions a_rplane operating inboard The aileron aileron five'spoller general necessary for and In Directional dimensions limits is speedbrakes panel. A to be stabilizer. outboard as aft each control an wing. on rotation a movable an slightly trucks pitch panels, sixth rudder controls mounted symmetrically inboard of areas The spoiler and The which and Krueger cambered Longitudinal flaps, operate the most summary five The unslotted. between seBments obtain standard trucks center To triple-slotted flaps. wing trucks. outboard flaps these the has variable are of system of elevator with obtained page pairs and is sho_aon four with a pair allows inboard each page two flaps transport airports. wing edge are four-wheel employs control on of control operates conjunction Is the nacelle equalizing travel the leading Krueger mounted limited through inboard consists A load between type intercontinental international characteristics inboard of body four-fanjet existing Krueger the gear wing. midway The and the large from speed of while a pair a very low outboard slotted main is operate necessary trailing of 747 arrangement is on page simulation placards are 1.1-4. i , REV SYM BO_rJNO -3o6_ 3 INo. Vol. JPAOE lI i.i-i s-?0o0 t / i AOflNO .D6-306h.3_ NO. VOI. II I PAOE I .I- P_ I SUMMARY OF AREAS AND DIMENSIONS VALUE ITEM DIMENSION m m Wing Area Wing Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Wing Span Wheel (b) Ft. 2 27.31 Ft. 195.68 Ft. 78.96 88.96 Ft. Base Wing Gear Body Gear Wheel 55oo (S) _Q Tread Wing Gear Body Gear _te Ft. Effective Engine .Moment Arms Inboard 39.6 Ytz _te Ft. (ground) Outboard 69.4 Yzo Fte (air) [7.3 Note The transition engine main between pitching landing arms, ZKZ gear For 0 • R _ I, __ where. and the ground and compression Zao = z_oa,_ ZaX = ZaX._a _Z_o = ZEO&ROUNO _Z_I = ZE_e.ouNo- -! -- _T E - (ground) and air values ZEo, is a function ratio, + • Ft. Ft. for the effective of the averaged _ . _'_za0 _'AZEI ZEo_t_ _ _EXA,_ =-5.@ Y_in Landing Gear 1.9 Oleo FT. FT. Compression (inches). C SEE SECTION 19 FOR REVISED DATA REV SYM D _:__-/':.f/i:.,,_ }No. _" 306"143 Vol. I! j i>_,O _" 1.1-3 _>.._ I FO_'TE.R HOLTZNER LOW LOW ODE._=ARD AD 461 C R4 REV. E. • REVISED C-ENTER D AID 461 C-R4 THE OF GR,_,VITY BOEING LIMI'I'5 PAGE COMPANY 1.1-5 _qCo]_ ® ..... ALlAN[N[ lOlL REV. O ; • •: ' • , : : i_--- -ii.. _ _-_.. ;i ---_ " "_ ----_m - _}i__,_-_ii_i I: .. ; = ............................ " .......'................. } 0..I -......... - .......... ...... __....... -.... ____ ........... __.___i_.._.- i_i .__ ;............ :;--'i.... ; .......... :..... : ___._. _ _ i : . _ .._____ " i ........ ,_- ...... .; ..... - _ i 74-7 13"_,J_ AD 4111 C-N4 THE BOEING COMPANY PAe,: l.l-g K*]_ ALllANIr NIr 1 I)ill* - i _.. __ .....:...... • _ ........... ..i....._._.__._ ....... _...1._.._ ¸ Ill __..........._ ........ i CAI.C REVISED DATE 7#7 CNECX APR "D&- _o&_(3 APR THE AD 411 C-R4 BOEINg COMPANY P_e_ I.I-7 !::!t -_.::! _!: !:1i!::._ , •! ._ _! . -:: . ..... : :_! ..:_ I",. I . _.:.!_ _..!..:_.:: i CALC REVISED i #v i iiii DATE CHECK APR _"u I,,Lv_,. AD 4111 C-R4 THE BOEING COMPANY PAes I.I-8 !_?_it_X_tlt_i!,_:_:i :_:i _i: :i:__-:: _=:!:q::-_-4__:_ " " _" : --:-[ ......... .... : =:. :. _i-_=:--_-__-_i_ !" ': --_\ :-'-T'r .......... :: .::i": 'i. r...... __: ,;---__ : _F:;::!:_: ! _ -::i • . :" _ : .................. " " i_ i i REVISED ="_- :-_-.:-_-_=_ l==i__: ._" " : ".................. ,._ CALC :i: !_:_:i!: _ 0 _ "_TTT--_-T" i BOEING COMPANY :i. O .... "'--: ..... DATE THE ., PAOE 1.2 FLIGHT All CONTROL primary hydraulic Each a flight control actuators segment single of the hydraulic system driven conventional by by schematic to the All elevators, type of the showing the unrestricted control input is on any _r_itudinal is the shown ailerons by and four on overtravel to the There the is event irreversible hydraulic is systems. driven ground spoilers are individually A hydraulic hydraulic page systems 1.2-7. capability to allow remaining surfaces no manual reversion total by various systems. of motion by actuators hydraulic input in flight cylinder inoperative. surface and powered The actuators have powered independent actuator four actuators capability four distribution surface actuator are rudders simgle control given by combinations. three control surfaces supplied "dual-tandem" supplied 1.2.1 SYS_ES hydraulic when power is a lost. Controls The longitudi_al control system and a trlmmable stabilizer. consists of four elevator se_ntl Elevators Each of the dual-tandem powered actuator _e four elevator actuators. by by inboard two one segments *Each hydraulic hydraulic elevators are is inboard systems system and as controlled independently elevator each shown from actuator outboard on the powered page aft by is elevator 1.2-7. quadrant while O I REV SYM D BOXJNO .o. pasz Vol. II _ 1.2-1 lt-'7000 1.2 (Cont'd) the outboard elevators the opposite any segment the hinge inboard moment is by a control surface. will cable If hydraulic trail system to power to at an angle where zero. is us_ of a hydraulic"_ setting is powered elevator feel system consists bilizer slaved is lost the segment An artificial which are to program ' spring and a mechanical by hydraulic number i as a backup normal feel forces. system to number modulated centering numbers 3- the feel forces with spring. sta- The system 2 and 3 normally Any one with system will provide Stabilizer The trimmable driving stabilizer a single both motors is actuated jackscrew. The power available is the same, but the trim rate with half that with both motors control by two hydraulic which varies operating. the rate with motors one or one motor Each motor for both motors has is one- a rate operating from -L 0.5 deg./sec, Simultaneous callyby at low speeds control the thumb by the control signal. of both switch motors on each stand levers The autopilot to 0.2 deg./sec, which system will at high is obtained control wheel override operate speed. either electri- or mechanically any electrical either input hydraulic motor. Lateral Controls The lateral and outboard control system ailerons comprises a combination and spoilers which also of inboard can be used as o D6-306_3 REV SYM D Bo ,.,vo vol.n IP_,_E 1.2 2 1.2 speedbrakes. (Cont'd)in Two dual-tandem the wheel wells and right wing central drive lateral control control independent control actuators each of the pilot central cable surfaces. is provided and co-pilot actuators systems to the left Pilot input by a cable control located to the system from wheels. Ailerons Both inboard actuators. and outboard ailerons are actuated by dual-tandem _'ne inboard ailerons operate in all flight tions, but the outboard ailerons operate with A lockout mechanism on the outboard aileron will is actuated flap follow-up actuators lic systems which to neutral to any aileron trailat down only. by a switch positions the outboard up. When both hydrau- are inoperative the surface flaps surface an angle where electrically linkage, with flaps condi- the hinge moment is zero. Spoilers There are six spoiler panels with lateral board panel) isactuated to prevent when control which and speedbrake the panel from system floating and one only. which from are modulated (the most The five moment handle valve angle modulated two "mixer boxes" speedbrake in- Each panel has a check up to a zero hinge is inoperative. from the pilot's five which speedbrake actuator on each wing are controlled sum the inputs inputs is an unmodulated by a single hydraulic the hydraulic panels on each wing, which and the central G I 0 ! REV SYM D AD'Of/AIrO @-?000 1.2 control (Cont'd) actuators. panels The up or down speedbrake functions. will the detent spoiler position panels solenoid Further handle only the on box other mixer Wheel forces will travel limits at the 31 41 full is reached, 6 and movement to handle to the 91 i0 which and will 81 full the raise the controlled angle. directly position remaining Before handle or blowdown detent detent are speedbrake deflection settimg. two "inflight" controlled ground spoiler into or blowdown moving are the speedbrake divided deflection the any is 7 which to move spoilers 5 and to valvel ground inputs speedbrake panels mixer "inflight" of the control the operation spoiler one raise within Moving raise through Lateral will by a two amgle. is panels possible through the box. - cam an i. 2.3 provided arrangement. electric the on are wheel the servo angle being and by shifting The control actuated by a available changer with the ratio two obtained servo spring loaded rotating this foll_er and mechanism the zero wheel force motor is operated by with datumm to a switch Controls is provided rudder motor a simple stand. directional each is desired. control Directional The Trim with a by system consists a dual-tandem "q" Programmed fr_ full comparator changers pedal circuit disagree of two actuator. gear ratio travel. to beyond changer monitor segments, Rudder Each the rudder which rudder their system llmitlmg limits has a the ratio operation. If tolerance i o REV SYM D : D_AL'JNO .o. Vol. II PAG, 1.2-4 _7_ 1.2 limits, a warning (Ce,nt'd) certain c_ditions rudder available _aller angles _e rudder light in the cockpit such as one hydraulic _ill be limited than the ratio pedal rudder knob changer between airspeed. the feel of airspeed A series stand. force _c due to the ratio feel rudder actuator. add to the inputs loaded system. required and the actuator the feel trim authority changer function. Rudder from the pedals to . inputs follower However, to obtain a given the ratio input. unit with type yaw damper and turn coordinator into each _here capability Xhis is done by installing system are off operation by a spring force trim is obtained by rotating on the control _ene allaws. to the lateral varies the pedal angle with changer Rudder changer similar system by actuat_ forces are programmed and cam arrangement the ratio is activated. the trim is also a function system from these or trim but will is incorporated systems will not fe_d back .i through the control system. 1.2.4 The flap system flaps as shown The leading powered consists edge flaps retracted motor. edge flaps and trailing edge on page 1.1-2. by a separate electric of leading _e comprise air motor leading or extended) four sets per wi_, or, as a backup_ edge flaps each by a separate are two-positioned and are programmed set being to operate (ful_ in conjunction 0 ! D q[i I REV SYM D _P'd_'lJ_VO D6-30643 .o. Vol. II. p,_E 1.2"5 ___ f @-70@0 1.2 (Cont'd) with the trailimg flap sets extend (6, edge flaps. 7, 8), fully when flaps i. As the inboard 4, 5), (9, tube extending is driven appropriate torque power. an inboard trailing shutoff tion difference flaps exceeds flaps asymmetry D flaps 161, flaps extend extend edge Each During trailing a predetermined powered system right and left amount. operates one power consists gears trailing extension 3p drive edge flap of the motor or retractionj automatically edge flaps of to a torque by the turning monitor trailing 5, fully. has an electric edge flap asymmetry to (i_ 2; system wings. Each drive to the inboard by through actuators edge flaps drive 21) to flaps flap sets coupled tube. between the Each edge (19, 20, edge flaps are actuated along both screw monitor 15, leading by another. laterally for backup hydraulic edge (see page 1.2-71 by two ball (l_, leading (22, 23, 2&, 25, 261 extend trailing edge motor A comprising trailing the remaining the two outboard a hydraulic 131 / trailing lO) / (17; 18), The two inboard REV SVM 12, the outboard group B comprising system, (3_I, Group when causes the posi- inboard trailing e_e An outboard trailing edge similarly. BO_='jNO .o. Vol.Ii P,aE 1.2-6 @-?o0o J O Q < RFV SYM E .o+.++ i.o. +oL!_ 13 DISCUSSION An OF THE aircraft resulting SIMULATION in motion is from thrust and and aerodynamic the coefficients the key to loads. of acted upon gravity These the a realistic by external effects, force airplane and landing moment equations description of forces and gear forces, components of motion, the moments comprise which aircraft's are flight characteristics. Aircraft flight solution of simulation, these representation allow This the document created of by mity of to geometry extensions. The data contained the in axes from y-axls the This plane xs-axis body through loads on axes the lles in as that by in center the of the the the an of necessary They on page and and may be and gear about Stability rotated that is, the x -axis s relative wind and the body plane of symmetry axes about attack; (x-z) . proxi- computed are functions number, ground 1.3-4. z-axes moments Mach deflections are to realism. forces gravity, sections x- accurate airspeed, control shown real-time sufficient airplane. following angle with altitude, as as characteristics the such Zs) well describe rates, Ys' continuous, as simulator including determined also and which in the (Xs, requires motion, data changes, flap stability the ro%ation and differ "fly" variables, of systems contains attack, and those aerodynamic several angle equations of pilot then, lies y-axls. of the D | O • REV / SYM ,_,a,_rjN_ I_5-3_3 INO. Vol. IPAOE II 1.3-1 9@-7OOO l.B airplane (Cont'd) by and is thus rotated sideslip system angle,_. effects While as dimensionless terms (stability of each important functions, the appropriate motion. method axes used dynamic to solve forces systems reference line This allows flow with for any axis A second moments E-3033 R1 the in which here or through to of the the aero- into body axes. Note is to the fuselage the angle _ inertias, transformations. the aerodynamic of the be resolved 1.B-5 presents are transformed any inertia must F.R.L." Ixx , lyy, Izz , Note also that the = o_ F.R.L. + 20) is used only in data curves - it is not used transformations. due to thrust. engine is the simulation Flight moment-arm testing of forces has shown representation ISEcT and that a simple accounts BOEJNO REV LT,R: showing are broken of the equations equations use of body axis item of importance effective and moments chart on Page wing angle of attack (_W.D.P. conjunction which the presentation for solution (FRL) body axes, and Ixz without derivatives) axis transformation the direct in this coefficients simplifies the dynamic and moments that the appropriate axes the forces The schematic measured wind parameter. the use of stability aerodynamic zs away from the relative Forces and moments are presented down into separate about for thrust. , D6-S06_S INO. Vol. II IPAGE z.3-a 1.3 At present, (Cont'd) 2.5 ° from the thrust the fuselage inward by 2 ° . vector may be considered reference The corresponding line, to be inclined with each thrust effects Tx = Teng. #l + Teng. #2 + Teng. #3 engine up canted are as follows: + Teng. #4 Ty = .0349 (T#I + T#2 - T#3 - T#4) Tz = -.O436 T X LT = .O_36 NT _ =(%_+_#_)" %o+ (%_+_#3 )"_ _T= (T#I + _#4)"_o +(_- %3).% The effective The thrust moment reverser effects coefficients crements Cm engine moment 2.0-1, are found on the lift, are presented are to be added on pages arm values 3.0-1 and 4.0-1 1.1-3. drag and pitching in Section to the equations on page 12.5. These in- for CL, CD and respectively. e.g. Sign conventions for the controls are shown on page listed on page maximum control a list of maximum E'3033 RI deflections and a summary of nomenclature values is given begins on page B_'_=TA#4_' REV LTR: coefficients are 1.3-7. To aid in scaling, 1.3-8, 1.3-6, while and aerodynamic on page 1.3-9. l N O. D6-30____3 Vol. i .X ) tALC CURNU'rT tt._O.(_ c.=cK .cv,m== LOW °A. =._o._ "?4.7 AXE,Co 5YSTE.M5 APPD _-306_43 Vol. TI APPID INK ¢30 TD g?J GLENN 1.12.(,_ "r.[ ,_Iljpd_I'Lc'/N_ c o. PANy ,,,,,','0,,,.*-=..-°.o,, PAGE I._-4. . . ¢ " • ,< i__l • _._1 _ _ ,_,7,,-, _1 "; • " ,-"_ ;<,+_ ,_1 "" _> - i i''_ II ' _ + i '_ ,iv w .. _ Di __1 I :_ "/ _ < l'- _ ._ ';I =:I" _4 "1.4 _1'_1__ "'., ,/ ]il]i / i '1, • "- .- _ _t_ all am M I. _,,_ _ il_ i _ ,,", <l _ ,,.<4 _1,_1.. - + 4'44 I" ";' ,, ,111,'-,_1 ltll , ! ii ii, [ , i', , i; / I.,..,,.IZ_itjl 1Tr/ I i I _t<'' I ,_' ' ' ,I I i_.* _i - . : I . < _ . I ' _ . :..1-_t ,__lgf' _'1_ _ 4 4 ,:1_ ,:l<,,i / !! i i1 tl ":_'L il' 1 i _;; I,_ , , ', .I 9 _;"',_ 4, :i, _!I'1 _: ":J "_ z ,,, ""_ _ + . -!!ll II _ , [ : I ._l,.t ., '', _ ,_ ;s.,_ _ ,..,._lH_"il I_ _ _1 - _ _ i i...l ,71 _ • ! b _ II;1<_b1',_ _ ,_ •-q_<T 4 _l+__ ,-'.,:.,o_'_ ,_ ,iij II I,,,,U[I A _, I1,1_,,,,-_1 i,,_ Illl.l. llll ,. ell!l<,o,_l _ = .. _... _,.. Q _'i _ :% _ v, + _J ," .._ _ _ • _s . ---, I H.,,.I z_ __,, II!l,,,,I I 7 Ii illi. I _ --:ii _ O _ ii f_.l .1_ ,,, Itl0 _. .r Ill il_ _,," %1 _I ,,,.._ I t <l ,,', -1 " 1,1 ,I H= , 4. I: u ,o I i/_ oI li_ _" 'l" -- _ lzl _ l_i i '_ II _ _,1 ---,I li it it is IIf ; u Ill | ' I "p,', ' , I_ I 10" , t_ _ _i ill . El "-'! • il _ I / o I I ,1 / > _1- _ - VOL Tr I i Q I,p RELATIVE " I_ WINd +r...... , , POSITIVE STABILIZER FOR INDIVIDUAL FOR AILERONS ING 4-5-(,'/ SPOILER I (_ DEFLECTION AILERONS, ON _[V,ll[o BOTH ÷6A. SIGN i a -- L.E. --T.E. WINGS,÷$_~ DEFLECTION DATr UP DOWN L.H. WING R.H. WING IS POSITIVE. (STABILITY AXES) T,-,E Lt'_L-JA/'d_ TD D71 D-RII T.E. DN. T.E. UP CONVENTION A_Pii i _, RENTON. WASHINGTOfM ' co.-.Nv 747 D6-306153 Vol. II PAGE 1.3- 6, • ?001 MAXIMUM CONTROL SURFACE }_a_cimum Control Surface STmbol DEFLECTION AND Normal (Full . Displacement Rate (deg) RATES Operation Boost) One Hydraulic. System Failure (deg/sec)_ Rate(deg/sec) Elevators 37 Inboard -23 +17 +17 -23 Outboard Stabilizer Pilot's Thumb Switch Control Stand Levers +20 -20 26 40 2?down -25 Spoilers Panels 1,2,3,4 down up 35 up 45 up +15 45 down 22 55 up 45up down 1 _p 20 (Speedbrakes !°. .I J I L 9,10,11,1R 6,7 37up {+3 -32 _utboard Panels down up down + -IO0.5 . 5,8 30 26 30 •_ F.R.I.. Ailerons Inboard Panels down 37up 37 down 25 only) Rudder Upper I_R u Lower. _RL Note The deflection flight 40 40 rates conditions. characteristics 0 Data For NASA simulation place The _ne are 74.7 ofindividual shown actual presented Flight used above a are average non-linear in values applicable deflection D6-13336_ 'Tlight rate Control to all response Systems Simulator". control control _heel rate rate limit of i00 deg/sec in limits. Db- 30o,. _, - "_r,-,_ TT" PAGE 1-3-7 f Parameter MAXIMUM VALUES Maximum Value Units 30 ftlsec cry 25 ftlsec 2 120 aL ee ft/sec 50 e deg/sec 2 30 deg/see 2 60 deg/sec & 75 deg/sec + 30 deg/sec 40 deg/see 30 des/see + + Altitude _ ft Rate of Climb 15000 ft/min Rate of Descent 15000 ft/mln 0-40 I_4AC NOTE : . of 2 deg/sec 2 130 Center 2 _X Gravity For Range complete D6-13585, center of gravity "M_ass Properties information - 7_7 Flight consult Simulator". O 8 g. Q REV SYM D _P'a_'_'P_VO , D6-30_ 3 I .o. Vol. JpAOE |.5-8 II 6-?OOO NOMENCLATURE SYMBOL DEFINITION Acceleration along b Wing spa. (_). Co Airplane drag the "i" axis , where CO coefficient. a _s CL positive drag force Airplane lift coefficient. a positive Cv C! Cm lift acts force the negative _t." --LIFT acts along the negative side force coefficient.Cy-__., positive side force acts Airplane rolling axis, X$ . Airplane pitching C_ Airplane moment the coefficient axis. I_$ axis. where positive "_i about the a axis. reference m _Jm. _sb yawing @15 " axis, along X$ , where %s Airplane moment axis,_s " Cm " C_n along about the reference M moment C n coefficient -- coefficient about the reference N %5b Airplane center of gravity the wing mean aerodynamic I m Wing meanaerodynamlc Rudder pedal pedal pull s Control moment column force as a fraction of chord. chord (ft). positive for a left rudder {llb). force Control - force, position force, positive for _ colu_m . (Ib). wheel force, positive for a clockwise wheel (ib), o % , REV SYM D ROXJMM_I.o. D6-30_3 Vol. II IPAsz 1.3-9 DEFINITION HM = Hinge moment = Pressure altitude = Airplane mass axes L,M,N = Rolling, system. number. Mach I_z = A'rplane rl z normal -Z = moment pitching axes = (ft). of inertia about the reference j (slug-ft2). i, M (lb-ft). and load yawing factor 5 C.O_,(X-X.351NO( moments along +.043f.T-IZdu about the a reference z-axis. _ ,=, ll.d,n_ r"-'-*" -e-__-__,_ m9 p:i_jr = Roll, pitch system = Dynamic and yaw = pressure Impact pressure a reference axes (lb/ft2). 9,c" P','o',',,L- vt" a95.4 (ib/ft2). Pm'.'r,c = s[(, S = Wing area T = _tne V = 1'rue airspeed = Calibrated v_ about (radians/sec). = _ pV t . c_c rates ,] (ecZ). thrust (lb). (ft/sec). -_rspeed (knots). v_.= ,,,,_.,o_../'(_1,_,,.._.,,.,..I)"'-, = Equivalent airspeed (knotm). 0 I P O 9£ REV SYM D Bd_'EIN_ NO VOI. II D6-306__3' ,,Ao1.3-I06-7OOO SYMBOL DEFINITION = Airplane = Axial gross weight force, side reference force, = Body axes system XSj I.JS_T-S = Stability ×w, = Wind axes system YL, = Effective inboard Yto = Effective outboard Z£x = Effective inboard Z[o = Effective outboard c_, 0_F.R.L. = Airplane 2w axes angle reference _W.D.R = Airplane plane I_A z = = -- described system in Section described described engine in Section a engine arm yawing (ft). arm (ft). pitching arm engine pitching of attack 1.3. 1.3. arm (ft). (ft). relative to the fuselage relative to the wing (degrees). of attack angle design ratio. Aileron deflection Inboard aileron Control = Elevator = Inboard = Outboard = Flap (degrees). angle deflection aileron deflection column deflection movement (de&Tees). deflection elevator elevator (degrees). angle deflection deflection angle (degrees). angle angle, (degrees). positive for rearwaz_ (degrees). angle angle (de&Tees). (degrees). Setting , REV SYU D along 1.3. in Section yawing engine sideslip pressure column _V..z force (degrees). Outboard _o l_r. Air line angle Airplane g and normal system. X, tJ,Z _w, (ib). _'_'l'JN_' D6-3iO i3 JNo. Vol. JP*OE 1.3-11 e-7_ SYMBOL DEFINITION Rudder pedal deflection rudder deflection (degrees). _R Rudder deflection angle _aL Lower rudder deflection angle (degrees). Upper rudder deflection angle (degrees). _p Spoiler deflection Control wheel clockwise reference @ angle line for positive (degrees). angle, movement stabilizer positive (degrees). deflection wheel Horizontal _KR.L. angle, positive for a (degrees). angle relative to the fuselage (degrees). Airplane Euler pitch Airplane Euler roll Airplane Euler yaw angle. P Air mass density 0 Air density angle. angle. (slugs/ft3). ratio SUBS_ F.R.L. = Fuselage W._P. = Wing As used with reference line (any body water line). design plane. VE and M placards:-- Ft = Operational LO = Landing gear operating LF. = Landing gear extended - flaps extended placard. placard. gear cannot be extended to X_ ............ placard. above (Note: The the LO limit, landing but fli_t limits is possible). ; - o ..... O , REV SYM D BO_"J, AIfO -306_ 3- I NO. Vol. IY @-7O00 MO = Maximum OF = Design The this time derivative document by operation the dot operating dive flight normally derivative limit. placard. denoted by d_ dt is replaced d(_.___ . (-) notation, dt in A.O .i D t D REV 5YM . D AI'_'_TMM_ _-3_9 INO. Vol. II IPA_E 1.3-13 6-7000 2.0 LIFT The FORCE COEFFICIENT dimensionless given in terms aerodynamic of its lift significant force coefficient components by is the equation below. At C_.O.P.) a given • O(w._p " +' --dCL " _a dnt + Koc "de" + + • ",_F.tu + K,_. A C_. Seolu[_ + ACL om-_ _umo_s bCL + [_Ct c,Aoo_= dCL .&s_= u F_ . + _UjRt] . K_. de,. "_-o _ r where, C L IL_SI¢ = Basic lift _L_.=O*, in retracted. For on page plotted &CL)e(w.o.R.Oe-- coefficient Change due 2.0-7 on page in basic free • low for air and speed, For flaps the rigid with the CL_$1& up, airplane at landinz gear is plotted CL_SI & is 2.0-8. lift to aeroelasticity. coefficient For low at O_w._.p.- 0 e speed,(AC_1,_._., Oe D t m I D , REV 5YM B n_l_ ].o. Vol. ]P*"z2.0-1 II 2.0 is plotted on page 2.0- _. (Cant'd) is plotted on page 2.0-I0. i_r For flapsup, % elastic effect on the rigid airplane basic lift is %0_/ plotted = Change change on '%_Vl page = Change rate. page 2.0-IZ. in basic lift of of on angle attack• in basic llft Change to rate _C_ coefficient and are = due is of plotted 2.0- Q. where dCk__.nt coefficient plotted in basic on lift the center page to due of pitch gravity factor, 2.0-14, coefficient to due aeroelastlc dn_ inertia relief caused by normal is plotted load factor, _IZ " dCL For low speed, ----- on page 2.0-15. dnt For flaps up, dC&. is plotted on 2.0-1&. page dn I Change in basic lift coefficient due to change in d_ stabilizer angle from _F._.t w 0 b " -----dC_ is plotted a_ on REV SYM page 2.0-I'I. The effectiveness _O_l_O factor i _, for Vol. the II I'*@"2.0-2 9I-?ooO % 2.0 stabilizer elevators), is _ on plotted 4.0-19. page (Cont'd) (and _Change in basic inboard lift elevator coefficient angle from due _%_ =O _ to change . dC_ in is d6_ plotted on = Change normal T_OuLtR%: Change coefficient angle 2.0-.. is + lift "spoilers" extended while used "speed panels to determined page and 1.2-?. ground the (rigged) faired change in out- is plotted on one due wing elevator _osition. It should symmetrically be are extended to spoiler noted used or that for lateral spoilers are brakes." (_CL1s,)e 6 coefficient to BCL coefficient deflection. control, free from speedbrake where _£_0" from stick 2° in basic for due _ system deflection AC_ lift elevator page The 2.0-18. in basic board on page due 45". from is to the deflecting in basic the lift, operating spoiler The operating spoiler panels the hydraulic systems schematic (ACLsIp)4_S spoilers change on is page plotted 2.0-_land for are on spoilers page 2.0-_ ! D6-3o6_B REV SYM ]l) -_ l._t Vol. 2.0-3 II ->&.'/O00 2.0 ¸ (Cont respectively. °d) (Kis@) a is The plotted effect, asp The 2.O-23. spoiler effectiveness on page _ 2.0-20. asp _-o The is erred, aeroelastic -_actor, _ach plotted nulber on page (L-_-__ is plctt_ % on pages effect _CLouviOAa b _- Change 2.O-2_, 2.0-25, factor, F_ E in basic lift and 2.0-26. is obtained coefficient The from ground page 5.0-Zq. due to _utboard A I i., _u R, OI_I5 aileron deflection. aCL O#o A- ° . ac,.Ao. LEI:_ N_bRIGI4T ocmK_pW _u.tRowS where _CLA due to deflecting the is 0 opposite plotted one outboard on page effectiveness 5.0-Z6. is the change outboard aileron The I_l;Ao factor, effect li_t aileron 2_ e or _CL.Ao 1_ e. outboard aileron is plotted factor, coefficient up to down to 2.0-27. The ground in basic on page _a_a is obtained from page _.O-Z_. _CL- LANbiNiP = Change in basic lift coefficient due to main and nose OE&IL landing where number gear AC_l_is effect, 2.0-_0. o is 8 REV SYM extenmion. plotted plotted on page ¢Ca_^R.)pt/_L,_t)_s Theianding on page gear 2.0.-29. The plotted effectiveness factor, _c,_ on page ICGIIMt, 2.0-28. ->_-?ooo f, •j 2.0 . ACL aROUNd -Cnange in basic llft coefficient due to groun_ effect. F..FFF.CT (Cont' d ) AC ACt.RAp FAiLU_[ = - _CLr=F where effect height Change in or is basic For of from both symmetric hC L FLAP KGED lift CLG L page is , 2.0- the flap inboard ed on due to flap an which inboard position _r or both _ne =. plot coefficient outboard outboard ground page 2.0-_I. extension s_#mmetric flaps flap occurs. failure, FAILURE. (dCL_ A \ d_, / FLAP FA=LUr,_.. ¢X w.o.P. + [( AC L where _ on plot%ed ,factor, retraction failure K G_.." e = L eP_OLIND EFFECT _aR ] FLAP _AmLUMt =O" is the ci_ar_e_ tn no s yTn.metrlc basic = 00 lift Ooard ! -_ coefficient ,°. 2[ at outboard 0(w.D.p. flap due [(AC, failure. in- ° L)(XW.O.p.=O-]FLAPFAILURF,. (dc. i ..... is plotted the change of symmetric on page in basic 2.0-3_. lift inboard Ak--_---/R.Apr_ILURZ-0(W=.p. coefficient o___routbt_rd due flap _o failure . is the effect on _e i rigi4 airplene basic A llft coefficient A, uMe _._e above data tor limited) is inboard inboard flap failed monitor limited curve slope. I , • also applicable or and extension outboard _ne or for flap opposite _sy_etric (moni- failure, inb.oard retraction e,_],, flap st one Dhe position, C_ O i REV SYM NO. Vol. I! ,:,AGE2.0-5 96-7000 2.0 AC" (Cont'd) L FLAP computed Lhat I for The angle of attack angle for 2.0-35. The 2.0-36. Certification the inboard fw_ctions ! of is FAILURE of stick attack to inboard flap flap posltion flap in shaker for Oe this _o c_,.ca- posiblon. should De CL Note used for all docunen%. actuatior, i_litial added is plotted o_ oa-Se buffet is plosted on plosced on p%_,'e 2.C,-[_ p_e $ stall speeds are The t initial page buffet boundary and trimmed CLMAx" values are plotued on 2.0-38. l REV SYM E _'_',E'$'N_' NO Vo1. II 9iPAGE -3o6% 2.0-6 6-7000 [.fi! :;;t ![, t;-2 I t i :::.::_ -,4- li _2 == F:._:: , i ::_ f_ N ÷t. REYIS£D LOW kTi 2 5W LIFT EFFECT OF COEFFICIENT ANGLE OF ON BASIC d 7z17 /_TT._CK CL I THE BOEING V'I: T PA_E COMPANY 2.0-7 _i[@ E N ¢ IIEL ® ......... ALIllANI[ REV. D F t,<¸ ili+i!i ++++ _:iil!!i_ii',!_+_ i..21i i h,.._ .... h'" .........:":_" q*,l._;iII!_, , I_ _, :_L ' i_F[ iiil _::. m. _. I ;,. ;_.._ m' ':" :,, +;'.i ::r .. ',_:+ :.' ;_ _i _ _.::T1'"'?-+" _+"+I '+:ii_k!i i:i' ....... : , .... , ::_; E !i ' ;Hh,+; L _. '" i..'i , , :; : Ii :i! , . : ".* HII;I!_ 'ffiifi+; !RI'.L_ p,, ........ ::;U;' r .... ;_ " _'1;' + _ 11 l:tt't :h :!t!': i ip;"+'"+'.... .all:dJ _,;: ........2il;;; !.:h!++ , I... ,:.+ii++..:' I ...... :_i !:i L! u4|.t-:: ',i';_" ..!:l:;:t ,+_+:.::.1 !+?p.,.7:+.::: ....... Lti!_:. i1_-1 • ..++..+ ; r,l_. i • ,_i ,y..j._ + +++ .......... &\ +... ......... II+PII_++ • I: ,+.++!:....... ;.+++ .... o, ,., t+'. ....?I !7i':\ "tTT. I.+ -.. _::l:.::i.. '.:i •i * ...... :, ....... q ,:_ : q=:!i!_' ? -J;. tr . !-:. I. 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" is K- I "_'[ACDFLAP fo _ the rigid air with and _lotte,J for airplane the at landing on page 4"fans, i, FAILUP. _ gear 3.0-5. _., i0, 20, 2> ".0. ana dCO A CO RUDOZR. _ coeYficient rcuracted. K "}" 2hanEe in b:,,niu dr'-/ ,:oefficier, t due co change in d_ •"a : ....bLlizer ant;le from '_F.R.L. = dCo O* is plotted d_ o:-: oa6e _.0-(- ant p_r,e ;.0- v. o ion] M -->-_v _n coefl'ieienU _age ._it" NOT REV SYM - _.@e Tr,T_,;]I_A_'r','lrr_,.Tn_ 3.0-8 Lerms of at _'_ci, numoer, and _.0-9. the lift CL force _ M. [CO] H is given ig oy the coefficient plotted first equation on 2.0-i. B_-gAM_ _o Vol. II i_A_E DG-306h3 3.0-1 3.0 (Cont ACDspoIL 'd ) =Change in drag coefficient due to spoiler or speedbrake deflection. _Cospo,.zRs = Z_Cos p [I + Fo" KssL] ' +.OS-Fo-K_• 45n Z " _"r_" " OPCR/mNG "_,ImOII.E,R ACDsll where spoiler D is the in drag or speedbrakedeflection ,..., where change coefficient in free coefficient "°" o is at _w.D.R-4" spoiler _ne!s. due change the to to air. •- (_CD_ID)_I_I_._4 due Cl in drag deflecting the operatlug (_Co_) _w°.'*"isplotted for spoilers on page 3.0-10 spoilers on page 3.0-1E and . is d tabulated {AC°_I for is the ground rate of d_ change with angle of attack of drag coefficient due to deflecting theoperatin_ spoile_ p=els,d IAC=_) i. do( plotted for for ground effect, spoilers on page spoilers on page (C°sP)M 3.0-II 3.0-I_ is plotted ) ground effect on page is plotted spoiler 3.0-14 on panels. The page control ground 2.0-51 _ is The . page tabulated Mach number 3.0-13 The on lateral • and is . effect . the Fo factor, I"I is height the , is factor, number spoiler panel plotted of K_ operati_ deflection o I IQ o D6-3061_3 REV SYM B JP'47_='IAYd_ ' NO, PA_ VO1. II 3.0-2 @-?oo@ angle 3.0 (C_nt (degrees). 'd) ACo L_NO,Nm =Change in drag coefficient due to main and nose landing gear extension. : AC-DLAND|N6 KBF.A R " _COe, F.A.m_ " (CD6F..N_)M F°.,.,.,)..o where /ICoo_m _ is plotted on page 3.0-1S. number effect, ICDeam_) M _ is plotted The on page _ch 3.0-I_,. (C'D,ba,_) M. o The landing on page plotted _,C_ GROUND gear effectiveness :Change factor, Kr,_a_R1 is 2.0-Z8. in drag coefficient rJ'FEC'r due to ground effect. A ACD r:_OUNO EFFECT where _CDe _ is plotted effect height ACD Sl DF...%LI p "-Change factor, P is plotted On page where A_.,OR u coefficient the lover due rudder are obtained and to " A_..OK L deflection respectively. The ground 3.0-17. of sideslip, _. 3.0-I_. due to rudder ACDR from page . on page due to angle ---Change in drag coefficient ACDRuoOF_R s 3.0-18 is plotted in drag coefficient ACDslo[_U AC. o auoDa_, on page A KE_, deflection. U "1" ACDRI. are of the the _DR changes upper u and in drag rudder and _CDR L 3.0-_. D CK REVSYM D6-30643 B I 6-7OOO L "-.0 Z_CDFLAP FAILURE. Cont'd) finds 0o_::-: . {dCo] _ _-_! + [( ) •,,."_<_e A.CD dr_, ] =O° FLAP CC"['<;_c-'-:.,. r-AlLURE _t. -_ -" _(W.D.P. ::: :"" " (XW.O.P. - (:i_.:_4.,, ]'Je I, LC .... _j_;L , t. 4 I b_S[C lXw.o.R F_P _A,..R_ iS plOCt='(: .)._ t)..,:'. , - . . A FLAP FAILU_F.." _W.D.P. , i, '.iVC ?,": S iOD:t. -< r., " "".- 0:_} "':-'_--...." ' \ cllX I :'-:'--_ FLAP .... ,_""- ,, "'""J';--,- :::-:l<'Tt i i "-:::'r"F_ FAILURE. _o L_C. D IILAI =I FAILURF ' "..... :_ ' ! ..... ""'" C 13 r, u% n R EV SYM NO. OAGE ,D6-3o6__3 701. 4 li ' TM ;! 6-"t OO0 RI_VI$CD I::OSTER. DRAG EFFECT ON COEFFICIENT OF /_NGLE ¢_TABIL.IZ.ER 01 = ATTACK (I::Lh_P_ ZO. 25,3>O) ]_': PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY 3.0-7 DRAG EFFECT COEFFICIENT OF MACH NUMBER M _ .7 PAGE THE AD 461 C.Iq4 BOEING COMPANY 3.0H-E ALlAN[N[ ® ........ ltlL REV. 8 D ----- m_ .... T't ===;;_,i .ii il .::u ;i _,! !i! ._,.=,,=,.,r._ .ff__=] = ;',_ L_ = !:i _; _i i!i!;. !i i; _; i i i !'!i ! !] !;: i:;_ii! _=.! ii .... ii .... ;ii i .......ilia! :i; i!ii iii ; ,!,ii;!iii ;i!!] :',', ii_.,, i_q ;': !!!! i ::_' '.'.; 2_,II t4_ -':_ '_-,"-- -_t ._ _ _! :_-;_ 1 _ lit _4- i,- III i'.i i! _ii U', IIi !!!! ii :::: ;:[ ',iI iiii iiii !:!! i',_ i_ii '.!!! iiil !:i_ !i!:_i:;_=i! ¢_ ;!!! ii ','._ !!! iiii iili ii.r_ !!! !!!! ii!! ;! :!]: ;._-i.,._- f:i ., !_t -'m_ "_ .*r4, __.,..._ :_L_ _" ii_i ; !!i;!! N -r_ [:)RAG EFFECT COEF OF ,-i; FICIEN'I" . 74-7 SPOILERS %_)i, ,¢ :. PAG_ TI-I£ BOEIN_ COMPANY 3.0TD._,_-,, I0 RF-V. D 222 *TR :i +_ -if ZL-._ ;3L .'..R f:-i: _2 z ..x4- .'3_" i -_22; .'L3 .+_.i 2': !!! ,._ I;i :( i21 ,r !:! 1}i i!! Ill f,'.: .r. 111 ;!r -H+ 4-_ .',--*.+ il! ,_r ;ii; ii: H4 r_ ill N _[ .i_ H4 ._-d- il! t_t DRA_ EFFECT OF _T COEFFICIENT I_,Nr_LE OF 74-7 AT'TACK _POILERS THE TD 46,_C--k4 _:. _; • BOEING ON : _' COMPANY , _Z_ l P_C,£ I 3.0- It REV. 1;I I DRAG COEFFICIENT EFFECT OF MAC.H NUM,6ER ON -_POILER_ D6-306h3 Vol. APR THE BOEING COMPANY C£) S1:'t-_, PAGE II tr2LL_T2T _2 _T-_ FT ";d?7 '" T " " "_'=" TL .... t .... := m _[:i_ii{ :: !iii}iii_! _;;!ilil}i ii!llIi! _' i:!;:I]! il ;;ii::lY :: il!i:l:i II !!!i!!_! i! iiiil;;i ?iiiiiii :: ;_ It iil}ilil i; llli:i:: iiiiiiii '!!!!:!! ii...... liiiiii2 _ :li!;i:l ii iiiiiiii _ i!!!!!!: _: iiiii ii ii i!iii !iii i[l[Illl s ii_iiii i! RI:VISI::D LOW DRAG EFFECT ilillil[ _ !'!!!!!! _; COF_FF IClEN-T LATF.RAL CONTROL -/4-/ F._'OR)F D D6;.E6_I. Vol. lNl: BOr:ING COMPANY 3 II PAGE 3.0_ _'%l 14 f_ LOW R&'VIS£D FOSTER LOW DRAG EFFECT THE COEFFICIENT OF LANDING BOEING GEAR COMPANY PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY 3.0-16 o._ "":"" h ........... _;':::'-| ........ 1 -'1"-- i .... _':=::;:::: _ .... 1"" 7_.7 Vol O, PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY S.O-I': l i .+ _::-:+.-:_ " ' - j !. + ' + + : : + + • '_ ; I ' .: : + i ........... + t..... + + 'I .... '+ • '," + i ,' .... !.:-i +._ i i ..... -+ +" + _.:_. _:. . • I .... . : - + I '+''" .--_ P. ++" +: • ..... ;+ • + ...... _-':_+J ....... +-:+++ + .... . + + _ :: : -r--T---'-+--" _x__"*" ;Z+ .......... + :+ _-'I-_r_ ; " +--.-J - : - :- -: ..... + I- :: . : • -+ ".' " '" +- ...... t +-:+ • :I i.. t .... " ', , I_':_. .! q- + t . " : • + + : • .... ':. I ..... -------t,-:-'m-1-_--:---_--- •_ • : ...... • L ' • - • +++--+ . , .... . • ; -- _y-T'r- : iz + : t • -: ..... : " I + l i +_ " . ......... _ + + . , j . ...... ..... :- i . t ' " +- ....... J ' _+ " ', +"+ ' • + ++_+A-' -+............... 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IT _ APR INK TD 461 _ OAT_ DRAG CHEC_ FO_T :_++_ PA_E K I NSM/kI_ C,.-R4 3./.,.'7O THE BOEING COMPANY "S.O- _8 _e_ ALpANEN( 15s_ TN[:: BO£1NG COMPANY E :!i:i ODE_RD TD 4_1 C_lltl THE BOEING (_OMPANY ::, ;:::if :_.!:ii:l• :! i J 4.0 PITCHING The MOMENT COEFFICIENT dimensionless given in aerodynamic terms of its pitching significant moment components coeft_cient by the is .-. equati_r b elow. At a given _W.O.P.) where, = Cm.__ Basic pitching moment airplane at landing gear For speed,C low _p._= coefficient O" , in retracted, m_ for and is with plotted free the on the rigid air, C.G. pages = with 25% 4.0- the M.A.C. 6 and _ 4.D-9. mAgl_ I w_. = Change -4D" For fi_ps in basic O<_m._.-O ° uD,Cm_w_a pitching due to is plotted moment on coefficient aeroelasticity. For , REV SYM B __MM_ page 4.0-_. at low speed, D6-306 3 I,o. Vol. | PAoz 4.0-i II 96.7000 4.0 (A,Clll.z$)_w.ap.,,o (Cont' d) For flaps Change the up, is (_Cm_s)_ in basic speed, moment f_aps plotted on in is moment from is is basic of airplane on to basic For page 25% of _Cm._ ted M.A.C. defined pitching angle p_ot low 4.0-13. on coefficient in page due The to total Section moment 4e 0-,.. center of lift 2.0. coefficient due to rate attack. dC.__._m = d_ where due slope. plotted is pitching change riBid curve __ variation Change the coefficient / coefficient,CL, of is m Oe coefficient up, = Change = on _(_CmC_. gravity dGn/'_c-'_ 4.0-11. on page moment effect \d_ CL'(C_.n_ W._P. pitching aeroelastic pitching For plotted 4.0- It. page _(d_._._r.s * K_ and the plotted on • dCm'zs' d_ center of gray-fry factor, da are = Change pitch in basic rate. Change im aeroelastic factor, n_ pitching d_m._ pitching inertia • For coefficient plotted moment relief low 4.0-1S. moment is .-V- basic page on page by due normal _ to 4.0-|6. coefficient caused speed, due to load is plotted is plotted dn_ on paBe o 4.0-I_. For flaps up, _ dn_. S D r I REV SYM _rJMM_IN_-VoI. D6-306_3 II l.,,_z 4.0-2 96-700C on 4.0 page 4.0- t_. (cant 'd) _x" _'_._L_.'- Change in basic pitching change in stabilizer moment coefficient due to F C_n_._ is effectiveness _O( _. _n._._= I _X" d_n.IS ._ Change is basic change in inboard in basic change in d_._$ Change spoiler the page 2° in basic stabilizer The (and coefficient from page 4.0-_. moment elevators), on page st'ick free from the deflection. to I . _ due to _.Om_o 4.0-_. faired brake _E_O from (rigged) moment due coefficient angle, pitching speed 4.0-ZO. angle elevator system page -_0 o 4.0-_. on pitching plotted _.eL_ moment plotted is ÷ or for elevator is deflection on on outboard normal plotted pitching is Change The from factor is plotted dCm_$ angle . _ elevator l_OSitlon. coefficient due to • where (/_C_._m moment spoiler for .._ ) _ coefficient panels spoilers to and is due 45 ° . ground the to change in basic deflecting the (_Crn._S_.._ spoilers on operating is page pitching plotted 4.0-24and n I REV SYM D _O_'JNO JNo. Vol.D6"30_3zl IpA_K 4.0-3 ..> 6-?OO0 4.0 4.0-25 (Cont 'd) respectively. factor, is The (KS_)m plotted -M---_sp Mi The The plotted on 4.0-27, effect factor, is Fm page is plotted pages page 4.0-23. aeroelastic Fro@ E on page effectiveness on 4.0-26. ground where plotted is on spoiler effect, 4.0-28, is and obtained 4.0-32. The 4.O-29. as follon: ground a effect height factor, K_ is plotted on page :'.o-31. A Cm.2S=NBOARD ---_ Change in basic pitching moment coefficient due to A t t.E.I_NS inboard aileron deflection. pitching moment inboard aileron on 4.0-30. page coefficient uP to KSA X aileron deflection is due 20 e. The factor, (C. m.z_a._l K&A_ "2"S'_" &, Nt i, | ILOII,,IS O_I_' _-- to lO deflecting one (_Cm.2sAx)_ois inboard plotted aileron to be obtained and is plotted effectivenesll for on the page inboard up _.O-ZL ill '_ plotted on Fm@E ACre ._.SOU.rtOARD AI I.. IE RO1_1$ o Change page is in basic 4.O-30. obtained pitching _'_,_ The from , ground page moment 4 rmU effect factor, 4.O-_. coefficient due to ! P REV SYM .i D ,'AO- 4.0--4 6-7O00 4.0 outboard aileron deflection. (Cont'd) _Cm._s_o-_. where _Cm._o moment coefficient aileron down up outboard plotted - on 25 ° or aileron page is basic nose deflecting is The from pitching landing _ The Mach number is plotted on factor, Change in ground effect. is outboard on aileron page 4.0-_|. _o effect " is factor, 4.0-52. coefficient due to extension. ( Cm.ts a f..s,a) o,a (Cm.,,,,_0,.o plotted on page 4.0-311. (Cm._s_)_/(Cmz$_M.o 4.0-_MF. _(CnlzAR _ basic pitching factor, ground moment effect, page one plotted page gear basic outboard .- Kc_t,- _Cm.z_- KCm._t ness in opposite 5.0-_&_ Change where the Fm_ effectiveness is obtained L_Cm._0,_ to change _Cm.1_Ao _ and the due Fm_ main /%Cm.zsr,,am.._ = is to to 15 ° . The Y-..m._,..,_.,_ 1<.8_o" ACm._. pitching The is landing plotted moment on I gear page coefficient effective2.0-211. due to ifll_'t" /XCm._61m.._ where _C = I_%.- m,.._Gl_ _,Cm._. is plotted on page 4.0-_. o I im o REV SYM ,D D6-30643 _'JMM_ .o. Vol. p,oe 4.0-5 II ->6-7000 1 • ..,.., AC . ! \ m._P¢_ _IDE_LIP S,OESL,p " " " " :-.'-3&. . AC m.z5 RUDOERS Z_Crn.ZSRuoOERS .... Z_CrlI.ZSRu = ". ACrnlsR ACltl.t-,.5 FLAP FAILURE = u + Z_Cm.ZSRL _'- ._ o ITI.Z_Ru = • _._ .... 4.. . , ACm._SRL :,_re t:-.e cY._i_L_ec, _n _, .,,_! "-," ,_ :: .... _ L 0-:_o. ITI.ISRI_ - . . . .. • " • . ... • ?L_: - ,, _- ....... '.'-'n"j _;" ; :,th c,/tbo:_rd.flaps . ' ""1','_'_ °" 7" " :" " i AC'I'FI'z5 FLAP I_AILURE. = rrl.?__ 4" A dim k ) O¢,w.O. R = o-]' FUM B FAILURE" /FI./_FAILURE " " " • _" " "_ _" ..... ..... nl. i:, _._r' w.OJ_. " :....... I = 0 FLAP ._, is the :"" OKW.O.R = FAILURE. .- -_- ::." ":'._...,..,_ .:o_/."LcLe: ['_ql Q p t_ i 6-3o6 3 i REV SYM _- I NO. Vol. Ii 6-7000 . ' • : :y_::_:'_'i_ [( ACre-Z5 ) _aP • ,. -. "o" _,, :.L._,. i:k,o;_rc A ] FLAP FAILURE __k _ p_tcn[n_ ,'4%t'_c?.. C]f o__[routooarzi 7FLAP flap is FAILURE" __lotte_ C_W.i_ R _._c,_cnt coefficier.[, ......c" in::oard d'le c,r c,a_cboard _"ji'-l,m,"_i faiia_e. o_ _s th:_ to the fl_c ch_e fa, !'.ire i 3n th:: ri_sii_ _ IP 7ne S l h_3ic _:_ove (_on-tor _m.___ Cme._" pftchin_<_ is FLAP co- r lotLed on page 4.0-3_. FAILURF_ data is limited FlAP moment ,l'_:- _'} C_ d l . ( A C;II_V'? ) . ,_i.,-_,L_:_ ! _;is_: ap_lic'ib].e inbnarf, FAILURF.. computed for or outhoaru i_ the for in_,oard tO as'rr.metric fla_ failure. be _:.i.i',_to flap position. t<_fial r,; REV SYM :; i _A_ D6-306;_3 _ .'0-7 6-7000 ;::;i: : :+,2 • :T:: :!:!:: :':: : :'_.: ............... •_......::., ..... ' :: _ :." ._ "-/_ :_ ..... "'-U:% P : _._:L:_-- - ' .... - _ "-_;:T;:- 42L:::--LS-!22; ..................... '" "_=_!!{i:- " ." _" "£.::U!_: _: --.' : 2-: _ :-'4c, :"% ............................ | .... ::_v.-_, - :" • - : i: : :'-::t::::: _ !:::::::::_"::M::' "::: .::2_. 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', 7+? F'AIU.JP.,F... Vo1. _I APR INK ODEGARE} 5-3.Gc) TD 461C-_I THE BOEING _ COMPANY _,e_ 4-.0-_ 14-_ *"'"' ...... REV. F. 5.0 ROLLING MOMENT COEFFICIENT The dimensionless aerodynamic rolling given in terms of its significant moment components coefficient is by the equation below. At a given C! D(W._R _ , dC! ._ + dCl dF + ACI d_ "_" ACI SPOILZRS . Psb zV + INaOa_O dC___t, rs__b dP zV A C l otrrsoaao + AILERONS "1" ACI RUBDEJ_ "1" _C 1 FLAP AILERONS -I" FAILURE AC 1 L__ FAILURE_ where, -- Rolling moment The complete coefficient expression due to angle dCl for of sideslip, _. is given as d# follows : where (d___ _d_ is the basic moment coefficient speed, (d__ rate of due to is plotted \d_l oo angle of on page of sideslip. rolling 5.O-7. For For flaps 5.0-8. kd_/ plotted change / up, ,. "('_,),. o on pa_e 5.0-9. ?JOT _'_ o REV SYM • D BOIJA_O D6-30643 NO. VOI. II b 6-7OOO 5.0 The aeroelastic effect, :(CAO)t is t_,.).., (Cont ' d) plotted on page 5.0-10. The effect of main and nose _ea_ extension, _"_-2,.---,,_is givenby: The landing plotted on page __F20_) where gear 2.0-28. The is obtained as the ground effect plotted factor, w Rolling factor, ground K@LaA t is effect factor, follows: sideslip factor, F_ , is on page 5.0-11. The ground effect height B _@_ t is plotted on page 2.0-_I. moment the stability for effectiveness dC_ coefficient axis, X_. is given due to roll The complete rate about expression as follows: d_ The k-_J aeroelastic page --Rolling effect, on 5.0-13. moment coefficient the stability for is plotted ___Ci axis, is given _ as due . to yaw rate The complete about expression follows: o o U% REV SYM D lPAGE D6-3o6_3 5.0-2 9@-TOO0 5.0 (Conttd) dr where IdC1__ is aeroelastic (C.i.p_Moo _dP/ plotted effect, on page {_l_IM 5.0-|_. The , is plotted on page 5.0-I_. to spoiler deflection. _Cm. P) _.o CJL spm-u_s " Rolling moment coefficient due o,:n._.s _lm,O where due _ I_CiS4w)4_ to sp_-o is deflecting the (AC,JSp_4S is the rolling operating plotted moment spoiler on page effectiveness on page 5.0-J&. is plotted ground effect R/sP factor, The pages Math 5.0-1_, factor, panels P1 _ number 5.0-20, 45 °. is plotted |_P)I_I'%M t 'CJ,--%-_IWtlO. _IS %" and i to The ' _ effect, ._ coefficient 5.0-17. (_ spoiler on \ ILILPt 5.0-ti. is The as obtained follows: [ rjt, e = where is the plotted factor, Rolling ground on K moment -] | . FjL. K.: effect page GZ , lateral 5.0-Z9. is The plotted coefficient control ground on due factor, page to effect F L height 2.0-_|° inboard aileron kt_.NONIi deflectlon. REV SYM D B_'l'J,_V_ NO. vol. II lFAGZ5.0--3 D6-3o6_3 ->6*7OOO 5.0 (Cont'd) where due I_C_X)_O is to deflecting opposite inboard plotted on one effectiveness inboard aileron page rolling the aileron down 5.0-Z3. The to Mach up coefficient to 20 ° . inboard 20 ° or the _& aileron factor, K_AXw The moment number effect, is plotted (CIAz)_ on is page 5.0-Za. plotted on {C._._,z)_. o' page 5.0-,4. plotted is AC*I Ou_OARD AILERONIb on The page obtained -----Rolling aeroelastic 5.0-_. from moment The page ' (R_._. _) effect ground is p _JAz effect factor, 5.0-Z_. coefficient due to outboard aileron deflection. _A where 0 is deflecting one opposite outboard plotted ness on aeroelastic 5.0-28. from page ground The is up down 5.0-Z7. K_Ao, moment aileron aileron effect, The rolling outboard page factor,- the to effect to 25" 15 °. outboard plotted _ coefficient on _ factor, is due or the GC.,IA 0 aileron page is effective- The 5.0-_. plotted F_G E _ tO on page is obtained 5.0-Z9. n ! Q i REV SYM D 2. Bd_'EINd_ • _ 3 D6-30o J .o. Vo I • I I -IP A_[ 5.0-4 6,.'/0oo 5.0 AC ( Cont i_OD m Rolling moment coefficient to rudder deflection. ' d) where (ACI,Jz s coefficients rudder and 5.0-30. and the The the lower plotted the page FAlUJRIr = where ACI inboard extension A_e_m_ plotted rudder rudder and ,Ns'o Fa,_Re flap or an failure. on page K_R K_R and (CIML-) M The , for (c,.j..o are plotted rudder, u L , are respectively. due or to an on asymmetric outboard the rolling asymmetric A_9",NWO flap (monitor limited) _'_,l._m[ is plotted failure. moment for on pages flap 5.0-35 and respectively. _,_, on pages for 5.0-_ flap and extension 5.0-3@ or retraction is respectively. t REV SYM upper respectively. is retraction the factor, factor, 6.0-18 5.0-3Z inboard to plotted effectiveness coefficient due are _ F,..)M.o the lower page of respectively. (C'_u)M and the :rolling deflection effectiveness 6.0-17 limited) coefficient 5.0-3@ upper and full rudder (A_i_a) moment (monitor to and rudder 5.0-51 Rolling due effects, upper are (AC, IRL)" lower on pages aeroelastic FlAP and moment (AC.JIRu)___ AC.j_ due . -3o6 3 B I 6-70O0 5.0 Rolling (Cont'd) edge pages moment flap coefficient failure. 5.0-37 and ACILa. due _sLu_ to asymmetric leading is plotted on 5.0-38. P REV SYM b NO DG-306__3 Vol. l± ,_AO'= 5.0-6 6-?000 ROLLING MOMENT EFFECT OF COEFFICIENT <_ ¢JIDF-SLIP PAGE O0 F_GAR1 THE BOEING COMPANY 5.0-'7 _e_ ALIiANEN( ........... REV. 0 SD6L. REVISED KUPCI5 LOW ROLLING COEFFICIENT BECK OOEGARO I,(o_: _'_ REVISED ROLLING MOMENT SIDESLIP COEFFICIENT EFFECT ON dC_ d_ THE BOEING COMPANY _ ROLLIN_ Iv_OMENT AEROELASTIC. £FFECT THE _ 4_,c-_4 BOEING COEFFICIENT ON COMPANY 74.7 dC._.___ da PAGE S.O- I0 REV. D 77:_ ...... ' ....... I _.÷ z-:_ :_-"x z:? :_'zx-.1 :;_'_:aq ;t: :_-= _4 _ b__ _l,,t ZT_ :mi_-_ :ii .-: i _i ill! iii _;"- iil i_,i _i iii: ii:_,!l !!i,_• i!i:!_:, ,-!! iii iii ] .... ..... !!! ii _ _ar i l _ : !i i!i !;:! iii ,_: _il i!i !!ii I::,,.... 111 i:i!! i_:,; iii iiii _,ii iiii iii .... !!!! :::t ',!!! ;:;1 ;!21 !!'.} i;;; I}_I iii iiii iii iii; :': iiii ,_ !!! :::: t::: ::1 IIi ;!_! i"ii ill: !!!! i:;i :!!: iiii ilii :i,_ ":_ '_ii;,ii',i :_:,iiili :!!' =_ li: i!i! ::ii !'T! ii!i 1;::_,:i!i !!!! iiii i!i ii!i i!!! !!r! [Y!! :!! !_!! ! !: R£VISED LOW ! ),_TE I D6-3o643 Vol. Iz 2.1' PAG£ THE BOlUlNG COMPANY 5.0-|I _V. D ROLLING AEROELA=_TIC MOMENT EFFECT COEFFICIENT THE DUE BOEING COEFFICIENT ON ROLLING TO ROLL COMPANY MOHENT RATE PA6E _:+"'::r!!7-:_i7!i I !.!i _- :::_i!:,iUl_i =_= !! if.: =r,,i- _±!pf:R.!l=_rwiIN - .:-I ::it:" -:: t ........... 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D RL:VIS(D KUP¢-IS ROLLING MOMENT EF::i:::ECTIVENESS BECK SPOILER5 THE BOEING COMPANY " I : :;: ":] !" _ :i _: :,+:: . ....... _" ':"= " _'_" ':_ • -:_-,:.... : • _ ....... ............................. ..... _......._ _.L ...... _ ..... l ...... :I ...... :-:...." - -_::--::. 'I .... t" ' _ " ' : i ...... :I -.-F, ] :: .... I "i' "I ....... :_......... 1 " " ! "......_:_. : -'T.: :: :: I.-i ...... I..n__ I...... I .; :::I=:.:'.-I ..... I ........ l*-_'' i ......... _...........l........................ " _ :__ _: _-I ...... _ ............... " _ ; _ ' -_-:-" .............. _........... __-, .................................... _-_._ ....... _ , . I ,, ; i , • _ - _ ........................ _............................................................. ............. _ ............. ,............ _-i_I ...................... I_. I................. , ........ .................................................. _ _ i --r , . t --- * ...... *............. I ......... _t- "J -_'r ....... 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KuPCI5 ROLLIklG EFFECT M01_IEklT OF COEI=FIC.IEIqT INISO/_R'_ /MLERON q I : ! THE BOEING COMPANY D6-306_3 , Vol, II PA6E S.0-23 !ii! IT': ++++ -+-_-_ F+++ +'-'" _'++ + :_ :H_ "_-_ H: -_-.H4 ,-_+ :H_ +,+ :I:I::H: ::L:H: :H_ +._ N +-,_+ +++ *._-i- +,FF _-H- -,_.+, F++,L ,++,,.:_u_ N ill iiiii_i!!!ilill iiiiiiii ',I:1'.;'.11.',I',!11 _iI',_I_I ;; I_ Ill e_LC I_UPC RGVlSGD i _ecK FosTE& [J LOW PR _IK ODEGARD i11 i TD ,Ikl I THE BOEING COMPANY PAGE 5.0- Z4 i C.-R4 REV. O EFF=ECTIVENE55 OUTBON:_,D THE BOEING i:::hCTOR AILERON5 COMPANY ROLLING EFFECT MOMENT COEFFICIENT OF: OUT'BO,_RD THE BOEING /_ILERON COMPANY ],,: !i;i ill; : r [Ii iii! ill [!ii --_2! !III -M44 I.++4- N +++* 4.++4.- -_+ ++++ N N +_.++ *-t.-t-*- 4_-++ +4.++ !!iii_ !lllll !!!!!! ;;Lllil;,1;,_ll REVISED 747 LOW LOW REV. D !!!!_i!!! 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D ROLLI NG COEFFICIENT THE DUE BOEING TO LOWER COMPANY RUDDER REVISED LOW LOW _OLLIN_ DATI 2"I770]EFFECT _.Z5-701 , MOMENT OF ASYPtMETRIC. FOR THE COEFFICIENT INBOAR0 FLAP EXTENSION BOEING COMPANY FLAP FAILUR E :;; : ; .... J _ ;ZOo+:; ........... ._:I:: '.--. I':::; -'[::::;: ":71:':_ t --T ], , :7 :;': ;:I .:;. TV', . . : -:f..! .... i :'q: : :' "r--_ : _. ...... ....... :" : :L ;l ::.'.::. -' • _ :.;t:: : " f :-i ! ! ::::: :..+ ........... .;.'. _: ....... . : ?" " ,--7:_ ' :::::-::: '-:T__ ; _:_+ : :.: :::i : : ' :::' :: '... '.:: '._'. _..................... "_:i _* ::. : : -_;_!: " :: :::' + :. ! '- : . .F.7_ILqUR+I_ _{]} :: : _ : " ' /_+ ::V :-' :7- : ; "": : :'..-.t':-:.-:]::-::L_:L:- ::L:_ . :_.:_j:._ .. I: _ ::: .... _:.:: _: .................................... : " ::- • " ::!ii_:;" :_: ::_ ]; ×fl::: x_ _ ..... _.'..: t:_ _:.:,:: . " - " . _!ili__:r::: .:._:: ....... | ; ,. '" - . _7 r:_ :7 r i :F ! .... 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I................................... _ .................... _] ............ --i_-- .......... 'i r_:-.- :I:_'_:TtT:-:F. ; : : :: i ;::[ I _ , .................... .......... _ ..... . II " _I i. _..... -l _............. ...... ................ " i" .... r _ _ ........ ...... _'_" COMPANY S.0-3_ - ::_ ::it¸ :ii::! :i:il:i:! :t f:!: t7: t: ......... , . L i!i:!l:iii!i: ¸ • LOW , • , ROLLINro EFFECT MOMENT OF ASYMMETRIC, FOR THE FLAP BOEING COEFFIEIENT OUTI_ARD EXTENSION COMPANY FLAP f ",% :!!: :I:: : LOW RGVlSL::D LOW LOW ROLLIN_ EFFECT OF MOMENT: ASYMMETRIC FOR THE FLAP BOEING I: COEFFICIENT OUTBOARD RETRACTION COMPANY FLAP FAILURE 7,+7 _-3_}6k3 1ol. IIdK AD 461 KINS_A,N C-R4 ZI THE BOEING COMPANY TT PAO,: 5.0- _7 I,(-IE %"',._:_.';.'.,_,REV. D THE BOEING COMPANY 6.0 YAWING The MOMENT COEFFICIENT dimensionless given in terms aerodynamic of its yawing significant moment coefficient components by the is equation below. At a given O( ") + A Cn _,L_s •4- ACn + _¢_ o_ + aCn z.1_a_ Ru.oru,,_ + ACn._.t. ,_RL ,Aiu.w_z'_ "K" where, = dJ Yawing The moment complete coefficient expression due for to angle _Cn is of sideslip, given _. as d_ follows where moment : C_d__)is the coefficient basic due rate to of angle change of of yawing sideslip. For lowspeed, fdC__ isplotted onpage 6.O-6. me _dP/ aeroelastic effect, C_P_M is plotted on page (c.,),.o' 6.0-6. as NOT I Ii':NASA follows The ground effect factor, _n_t is obtained : SI__!UI_%'! z0_, O R EV SYM B NO, D6-3o6h.3 Vol. II PAaz 6.0-i s-7_ 6.0 (Cont'd) Fn_s where _ the plotted Fn_," ground on effect page sideslip 6.0-'I. K6E Is factor, • .:.3 The is factor, ground plotted Fn_ effect on page • is height dC v 2.0-_|. is ap obtained from Yawing page moment 7.0-I. coefficient sideslip angle. is as The due to complete rate of expression change of for _p given follows: fJ_% where I_--_J aeroelastic_;ll is plotted effect, on page _ 6.0-B. : is The plotted on page 6.0-8. Yawing moment stability coefficient axis, X_. due to (_Cn rollrate about is plotted yaw rate the on page about the 6.0-9. Yawing moment stability dC_ coefficient axis, is given Z s as due The to complete expression for follows: dP where " %_aCn_L_ -- and the center of gravity factor, K e , _dr/ REV SYM A" _J_,_ NO. _oi. 11 jp*_ -3o64_3 6.0-2 .._ l- 6.0 are (Cont'd) plotted on (Cn_)M page is (Cn ) Yawing 6.0-IO. plotted The on page aeroelastic effect, 6.0-_. ' moment coefficient due to spoiler deflection. %_muu_ where due _Cn_4% to deflecting on spoiler page plotted is 6.0-Ii. on The page as the factor, _ - Yawing The ground KGZ moment 6.0-I_'. (K_n , is effect, ground to plotted _ effect , is factor, FI%GE t follows: B on number panels on page factor, 6.0-1B. coefficient spoiler plotted Mach Fn.K plotted moment operating effectiveness obtained where _Cn_ the yawing is FnG,- is the {_Cn_4_ 45 °. The is ] effect lateral page 6.0-14. , plotted is coefficient control The on due ground page to factor, effect _n i height 2.0-_I. inboard aileron deflection. where (ACI%AX)_ is. the'yawing moment--coefflclent.:- o due I to deflecting one inboard aileron up to 20 ° or I Q REV SYM A _'JMM_ INO. vo i. Ii I PA°'6" 0-3 9- 6.0 ° (Cont' d) is plotted on page effectiveness 5.0-=. 6.0-#S. K_A factor, The Mach The number z j inboard is effect, aileron plotted on page (C'n&z)_sis plotted (c.,,)... on page is AC'n OUTIIOARO 6.0-15. obtained ==Yawing The from moment ground page effect factor, Fn6E 6.0-14_. coefficient due to outboard aileron AILIrNOkrl deflection. _'CnourrmoAR D =_--_'_ AII-ERON_ K_o . &C, nA yawi_L_ moment ° - Fnel [ 1.1Pr ARO Ittret4T OU'flIO_lID A|iJ[NONm GC.rtAO where to is deflecting opposite one on page effectiveness 15"0--_" The from AC n Ruootws page ACnRuooE_ moment upper aileron aileron down 6.0-I_. ground The K_A factor, effect coefficient up to to the 15 °. G_hAois outboard O _ 25 ° or due is factor, aileron plotted FnO on L , is page obtained 6.0-_. -----Yawing moment where outboard outboard plotted the coefficient due to rudder = K_Ru'IACnRu_'_q" (AC_rt.u)lt$ and coefficients rudder and the K_ R -{ACn I_.nRL)I_ due deflection. to lower are full the *_ yawing deflection rudder _ of the respectively. Q ! REV SYM D BO, E'INO I .o. Vol. II [PA=Z 6.0--4 6-700 (" ) 6.0 CrlRu (Cont'd) (,,:o.,.). _ 6.0-19. The and the are plotted upper lower rudder on The on effectiveness 6.6-|7_ , for page factor, factor, and aeroelastic )M (CnRL •plotted effectiveness page respectively. and rudder are on H_Ro' _R page L ) 6.0-18 effects, the upper rudder and the olower (Crt._M.o rudder, are plotted on It should respectively. deflection with rudder one _Ap FA_U._= = Yawing be is obtained FA,U.JR¢ == ACn A_n 'NB_ coefficient due flap extension or 6.0-Z5 ACnoov_D L.[. FAI I.IL, IRE. flap 6.0-ZA D to outboard an page to an flap is the retraction is rudder appropriate by 1.12. ?.0-3. asymmetric (monitor failure. OR yawing asymmetric ACn for 6.O-El the ,NSO ra,,u,m. failure. ACnourm moment (monitor limited) INS'O V_ILUR_ plotted o a_=ua,ae for on pages flap 6.0-EE respectively. on pages moment failure. and due FA,I.URI_ _ILURa plotted --Yawing or page multiplied from coefficient ACnFLAP inboard A_'I that should inboard is noted contribution limited) and be inoperative, moment where and 6.0-ZO rudder A_yRu_ ACn page for 6.0-Z@ coefficient _Cn flap L I" extension and due FAILAJR to 6.0-Z5 or retraction respectively. asymmetric leading is on plotted edge pages 6.0-ZT. ! REV SYM B _D6-306M3 ,,AOE 6.0-5 6-7000 Ilrl .Trr 2"- :2: ,.4; g!_" LT-_; . ._ ._ Li! 372 '-"_4.-. FL-.I -._ :?M iC II :r: ._ T.<! _ ::15 ..c '.7 !2!:i ' :7; J][ ;_ -- !m,!_n _J_c 5TIRLING I_.1¶ :HI-c'x I; ,1¶ KUPCI5 YAWING MOMENT EFFECT J_R OF COEFFICIENT 51DESLIP i ,PR INI_ ODE6ARO AD 4111 _ Z_ THE BOEING COMPANY C-R4 J_el_ ® ..... ALIANI'N[ l_ik REV. D REVISED YAWING MOMENT COEFFICIENT 747 LOW GROUND EFFECT THE SIDESLIP BO£1NG FAL-"TOR, Fne COMPANY 6.0-7 PAGE TD 461 C_R4 R_V, D I YAWING MOMENT EFFECT THE "° "" :"" BOEING COEFFICIENT OF ,_ COMPANY K-E _"3:.',.,';.'_, REV. O RICHARDSON CURNUTT YAWING MOMENT EFFECT ODF..GARD AD 46| C-R4 THE OF BOEING 74-7 COEFFICIENT ROLL RATE COMPANY _o_ ® ........lg&k. ALliAN[N[ REV. D OF THE BOEING 'YAW RATE. COMPANY REVISED ODF._ARD TD 461 C-R4 - {_ irf £:i ::i L2- i"£ ".2 &--_ f!- ::: :!i i_ :_; £:! 2£2 _T" , 2LE 2.4 _L Jil ,i T1-I r_ _2 i:I III 4_ p_f J4,i _ i:. i_ !!! 2L_ -L ;-_ i_ iii :I II_ r÷! III t_!;_ iii iii 'i Iil _ i_ i:i i!, !L_ ill C LC YAWING MOMENT COEFFICIENT C _C A 1 % | IN EFFECT OF SPOILERS THE BOi::IN.G COMPANY _ REVISED YAWING MOMENT £OF..FFIC|EN-I" 747 EF_Ec'rOr 'MATHNUMBE_ ON S_LE_ _oi3.0__3 _ GROUND LATERAL CONTROL THE BOEING EFFECT FAC'I"OR_ COMPANY F n )ATE MOMENT YAWIN6 2.14-70 % EFFECT OF THE TD 46! ,__._R4 INBOARD BOEIN_ COEFFICIEN'T AILERON COMPANY i" ...... _'1 .... 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FA,LUR:_ where, = Side force coefficient The complete of sideslip, _. due to angle expression for _Cy_y is given as d_ follows: (_C-YI is the basic where ___j rate coefficient of sideslip. {dc l is _--_--/ effect. effect due to angle plotted (Cy_)_ of main on page of change 7.0-5. , is plotted and nose gear of side For force low speed, The aeroelastic on page 7.0-5. extension, A The cl(_-_ul_o,_ is given by: (.dCy_ HOT !1'_NASA %.% REV SYM B = -O.OO& P_ ou._.F. S_,'ZT!_TION j _-30643 ,o Vol. YI PA_e 7-O-I . 6-70_ 7.0 The landing ( Cont ' d) plotted on page The ground where gear effectiveness effect on page factor, K_ dCy. psb • -- Side force K_ is 2.0-_. the ground plotted factor, factor, effect Fy_ sideslip 7.0-@. is obtained as follows: factor, _ , is The ground is plotted coefficient effect on page 2.0-51 due to roll height . rate about the ZV dCv axis, x$ • d-_ stability dCv. r'$b zv = Side force coefficient axis, stability is plotted 7.0-7. due to yaw rate about . Z$ on page The complete the .expression for dCy as follows: is given = LdCY'._ where (cve)..o is plotted on paEe 7.0-8. The U --I aeroelastic effect, , is plotted on page 7.0-9. ACYs_,_e._ ----Side force where coefficient (ACre)4 the deflecting (ACYm-) 4s 6 is due to spoiler the operating is plotted side force spoiler on page deflection. coefficient to panels 7.0-II due to _'. . The spoiler D REV SYM B NO. Vol. Yl IpAo, D6-306_43 7.0-2 ->6-7000 7.0 effectiveness (Cont'd) 7.0-10. factor, The Hach plotted on page number = Side force , is plotted effect, 7.0-IE. Fne e , is obtained ACYRuooe_ (Kst_D) y (Cy_)_ The ground from page coefficient on page , is effect factor, 6.0-14. due to rudder deflection. YRU M-O where (ACYRu) _ coefficients rudder and (ACYRk) are = due to full deflection and the lower rudder the side force of the upper respectively. (Z_CYRu) zS and (ACy, L)m areplotted onpage7.0-,3.The upper rudder effectiveness factor, lower rudder effectiveness factor, on pages elastic _CYF_P FAlaUnE = 6.0-17 and 6.0-18 effects, upper rudder pages 7.0-14 Side force limited) where and coefficient inboard ACy i retraction REV SYM D is plotted the • are plotted The for the on respectively. (monitor flap failure. is the side force (monitor limited) coefficient izboard I'AILURF.. for flap extension on aero- FYRL) M-O are plotted due to an asymmetric |NB'0 PAtLURt &CYINB'O , and FYRL)M rudder, or outboard due to an asymmetric failure. and FY*u)M.O the lower 7.0-15 K_R L respectively. (CYRu)M and P_Ru pages 7.0-1_ az_ B_JAW_ flap or 7.0-17 Vol. ._E II 7.0-3 6-7OOO "7.0 respectively. (Cont'd) ACy LL. FAII-UI_ _CYotrr_D FAILUP4L is plotted on pages = Side force for flap extension 7.0-18 coefficient flap failure. _CYL_. and 7.0-19 or retraction respectively. due to asymmetric leadingedge FAI,,,_ is plotted on pages 7.0-_0 And ?.O-Zl. m D REV SYM B _B'_'_J_If_ No.Vol. I]Z iPA_ D6-306_3 7.0--I_ 6-7OOO BIDE FORCE EFFECT THE COEFFICIENT OF BOEING SIDEC_LIP COMPANY V4V D6-306_3, Vol, :[I P_.GE THE .A, BOEING COMPANY 7.0-& REV. O [;i :':;;Ti TF] T_i_- T]f_ ;_L7 !] !_,i_ '' T :_ !)[:![!! ?!; !i_i 2 ;:2= :;i _N iii a iii_);i !ii Ti! ::: :i _N _N ii [,:i: ,i; ii ii;_ ii REVISED Dl rE $|DE LOW ;[.2/10 EFFECT THE ill ' FORCE OF BOEING 747 lD6-306_3 lVOl. II COMPANY "/.0-'7 REV. b , m -Z _+-._ _6-3o6_3_ vol. II PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY 7.0- 8 l REV. D TD 4_1 C*lt4 SIDE FORCE COEI=:I=ICIENT E F::I:::ECTIVENE55 SPOILER5 FACTOR PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY 7.0- I0 K-E _'",:_o'-'?-_. REV. D TT_ 7 r.:*. •I I_14 -'-I :7. !?-1 J-_ 2i2 ..: _:_ ;:2. !_ _rq!-z. 2:X :21 '=T: L r L'_: m! r_t_ ii_ ..... :!_4 '--' ![! D'J _H t-_ .z TVt +'4-1 ';2 444. _tt iii iii ll_-! !! ! ii_i :!! !_ ',ii:!! .... Hi ,, ii_ r!! !!! tt ! illl 4.4-*4 _:i i_2::!i !![ ii;i iii ,,,_ _M ._i-4- REV1SED KUF_I5 SlOE FORCE EFFECT OF COEFFI,CIEN'r 747 SPOtLF..R_ LOW 0t,,-2047. THE BOEING COMPANY PA_I: 7.0-11 7_,,_,c-R, REV, D 3 __-.-_ .t" _+_ t F_ F_ 15: :i_ 2;: " - " ;L2 I :i?!! _i[ E? :il 21; 2ii i-ii::i 21:I :211 2;1 777 !!:: ::_ _ ._'_ 7- 221_X21 :::I 22; !iii:!! :.i:22 _T T:I X; ' ",_22 • :i_ _ii:_! F: N._N 2ri : 22 _11 k:: T: u] :22: ::_:1 ]--? x2 K .x:_ LX' L:. : 51: ""2!.;i_ ;IJ :Zt i:Z ;;2 _:._ :221 _2 _1,_ _.±_ _ L_i] ":Z: _r XJ_ i_ =x _S _xa _t & 7_ -TT :; m_. .444 -f_T L: :_" . x F_ , m _:rh _+ _t r _+-_-. .H_r _La_x 4-4_ r_r m t_+_h tt# :=.= _ m ill? ;2:1 2 !v 444 _., T_ _ +++._ _- _ff _frfr ;_ 444,, i[!_ Ii! IH _+*-_ &%i !!! Ill i_k >_EI !!i _* _k: _tL_t SIDE a FORCE COEFFtC|ENT 747 gI_-306k-3_ i. II THE BOEING COMPANY SIDE FORCE EFFECT THE OF BOEING COEFFICIENT RUDDERS COMPANY ,SIDE FORCE COEFFICIENT AEROELP_STIC EFFECT ON COEFFICIENT THE DUE TO BOEING UPPER COMPANY RUDDER ,: :]=;=_-_2}{-:_-: i<--_-_ {t_i,.,,:! ::i]:--1 :!:H:::: :=-]:fit ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : _-.":C. __'_ :--_ iz- :: F-: i; F_i _;_;_i!__i_ <_ii_I___ii!il i_:il::' :::- ...... _ .......... ....... ..... _ .............. :-_1:_ ::::([!iHi>i ........ .*._t ..... t::i|:.:_ :_:i_: i_::_:-::; - :=:i: _Fi::['::q_i:!i_: T*_ f<T:" ....... .__:;. :; :t _7L[: :=-:Fh= Dll _T,--i111TT TT_ ,_I" T'-ITTr SIDE /_EROEI-_TIC ! I [Z.570 COEF-FICIEkIT THE _:_'- _.-:] ::.; '.;-:; :]< ........ , ii:dq::I _4":=[:![!:_ __,. --._ ................................. FORCE EFFECT DUE [T'" COEFFICIENT" ON %IDE TO LOWER BOEING 7_17 FORCE RUDDER Vc _'._)6_ I:. PA_E COMPANY 7.0-1% _,_l_ ALIIANI[m¢ ® ......... IQSL REV. !) r_ :::::i]i.::!::.i -:,-,:--" :i_!!!! :t!i:i:{:!t,i:!ii!::_ili;:..]i .__.i::__ :._:_. :!! ;;:;4_;44_ ;_-._z__" --! _ I : :_-._--_ :-_-L;i.- __:_ : i:: !ilJ:t : i : i::i-J:=:_::-:_; _;z_ _" < ..... t," • i.:::b:.; : : :::.'. _:: x:_:_:l=_m:_: L :_.: :.: ;': ::i :.;:;_:;: _-.::f= _<d _ :__._<_ ;_-4_-L;= ::: == !:'% " .... _ -.-= : "':: • t:" !:::I ::: ::I:: '. ::4 ':: :t' ; : !:-::. j: : , : !: '.t::ii':!!:: .:- " j .: 1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,::'_:::hZ i!: ::_--_--_-:7 : _f:i-_:i:::+,- :M-:j.:-J<=-;:--¢:---,=-q,._i!_,_iL: .i:;> _:::!i-:=t:: :_::::::4__4_.. bx:::::_= ::....I- ;::_.,_., ...... .]:i ::!: t :i-' !;:i I.... _c_Rm_m_r_ _ _'.::,=::::::,::-:i :_,: :,-!._ ..:._:. _--n_l_'_,_mD.I_L_ _,_: ;p_- _;_ ....... ::..!=-. :................ ,......... .. .... _.... I. , ,_--:t:-, .1 .4. __,.-_::._-:-, =_:=:=:. " ' ...... .-_-._,_t'---_---,_[ , • ::: ":_ .................... _' _ :::-::J:::-7i:--.' .............. 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"I'Z PA_f %$ INK " KIMSM&N B'Z_._q THE BOEING COMPANY '1'.0-2.1 8.0 LONGITUDINAL A general in A the diagram of the to the program is Control the longitudinal on Pages of particular jacent 8.1 description force each SYSTEM Introduction block stick CONTROL block 1.2-1 simulated shown Column Force and Elevator travel in the 747 The column travel in the FSAA was scaled column FSAA in the and in Volume control 8.1-3 . the page on is presented system The data numbers I. and for ad- block. column the 1.2-2 elevator found The of and on Page can be system FSAA up by resulted Deflection is 12.67 ° pull is + ll ° . 1.15 (= and The -12.5 ° push. column 12.67/]_I) so in maximum column in deflection that the maximum simulated 7_7. The feel torque, unit pressure, used in determining the feel unit is Pf - ___Fs . (-12o.9) lb/in _e 2 where dFs = [-.0025.q c + Fs] >i mc d6e Pf = Feel unit pressure, Ib/in 2 dFs = Control "Fs" = Column force gradient at q_ = This is plotted on Page 8.5-7 "FQC" = column force gradient, ib/deg 0. Column force gradient qa limit. This is plotted on Page-8.1-8 D6-3o643 BO_'JN_ REV LTR: E-3033 RI ISECT I N O. Vo i • I I IPAGE _,.I - ' The stick force due to the column mass unbalance FSmass unbalance The FSAA plus = control a constant nz_ loader B + _column-5.4! ._ was programmed gradient for zero control loader preload plotter are shown on Page 8.1-9. were subtracted digital computer. incremental computed (computed force stick force. recorded The by an x-y The preload characteristics stick on the NASA The control loader stick force (-.275)lb with a breakout characteristics from the computed is: force was commanded stick force with an minus preload stick force). BOfl/VO REV LTR: E-3033 R I I SECT NO. Vo i. i II z),5_3o62_3 PAGE 9.| z | r i I I _. 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' '- BOEING COMPANY ft.t-S I -_,o ! -[5" REVISED C_ 6" Io II DATE _D6-_Z ?-_'2 - _." 461 -5 i CJJ.¢ CHGCX APR APR AD -Io THE BOEING PAOE COMPANY _._-7 C*Rdl I_*]_ ALDANI[N Ir _) TL4_***I 11)111L _LPll I --IS" !. C) O too _De) 3oo I H P_C:r i C.ALC I REVISED CONTROL CHECK III I DATE r..OLU_ _J, _'o_,.CE. ii APR ._ _-_ _T ¥_._ APR 7-2Z-'7 AD 461 PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY @,._-- 8 ¢*R4 _ql,]_ ALIIIAN[N Ir 18SL -- !ii!!iiii::i:]i: • :! Z i I i _ ! i • ..... : .... | i -- I ..... I I I SECT 8.'2 ,.-ie,:'atcr Control 8.2.1 Elevator Limits The maximum p_ges 8.2-2 S_'sta_ - Boost inboard and On and 8.2-3 and Off outboard for full elevator limits arid half boost surface with are sho_n on operation, respectively. At. inboard off wi!l or outboard trail at the elevator float angles shown on both pages hydraulic systems 8.2-4 8.2-5, and respectively. 8.2.2 Elevotor Ri_ging The elevator is The outboard elevator angle up to the downrigged blowdown at +2 ° from angle angle is equal of the the to the outboard faired position. inboard elevator elevator. O _w ..:.._. R F:V SYM A 6.-'t O(>t_ LONGITUDINA.L INBOARD THE C_OL ELEVATOR BOEING BLOWDOWN COMPANY "_ L_ 7_ ;.' L, iH ,r i_ ¸ !i' . !i, I' I '_ =i- .=+ __ 17 |.. m m il- +. ;r - _ L7 72; L_.. 71 :L2: : 111ZI_2 _r :=_:i ) K 'r'- |±r: i, • ;.. _+=A i::t2 2 _L ,, _t =: K7 ,= FT_ iN l-:: _X_472L_::{+- r_ r: ,, ,:: , 1.5- -- .. :_IXF: li-!, l_+l ++ _E ,, :7i d_ r-:-: i'-+' "_'_ ...14- -: + 211 -:IT =. _T ,_, _ L" ._ •14} -IT .... = _: _.. H + .... ',_ -'; 7,+7 _ _+_ r_ 2i ;_.p_ 77+ ;__ =2: :7|!_T -- iII_ 7 Tr .,a H. _ .+ i :±:i ?:1' i: • , _w_.77 t" _' t& =_ .... I I II II I _j :.7 7;+ ........ II I VK. t+-12 u --- _:qo :, ;i! T_ = -_!_ ! -,_ :II Vt 'V:r 7 :, '_-r ,÷ !I "77" i7 .... 77" 7"; i 44*'. "T t if: 7 xr_ _ "+ !: 57; _+ "7 7r-- _' :_ =.1 _' N *I "a m _-_ • ,+ _il at --- _IE II REVISED _T LONGITUDIMAL LDW I.i0tLTZNEit 8 2LOW OUTBOARD I I I CONTROL ELEVATOR BI..OWDOWN I. I-" THE BOEING • COMPANY I.(-l= ""''" .... REV. O FOSTE.R HOLTZNER LONGITUDINAL INBOARD OOEGARD AD 461 C-R4 ELEVATOR THE BOEING CONTROL FLOAT ANGLES COMPANY _o_ tO6& ® .......... REV. D ALlAN(N( LONGITUDINAL ELEVATOR THE BOEING CONTROL FLOAT COMPANY ANGLE5 8.3 Stabilizer A b!ocX 8.3-1. Page The 8.3-2 S_rste_._ v diagram stabilizer shows Trim the of trim _ilot _ the rate and si;_ulated trim is programmed sys_e:_ by is impact sho_ on Page _ressure_ qc" _ "_ __ tri_J ra __c_. _u __opz_o um_mnimUml. I CAB I _mmm_ NASA DIGITAL ',je-_ I'_F.R.L.J_ +A_ COMPUTER I I I I PILOT _.. INITIAL'II --_l_. PILOT _! POSITION I LIMIT I _F.R.L. • BY COMPUTER STABILIZER TRIM PROGRAM TRIM m4_p_='fN_ REV LT,R. E-3033 RI ISFCT I I _1' m_mmu_ *SET | I NO. D6-3o643 I Vol. Ii 'IPAGE S.'-' I-IOLTZNER _ER PAGE THI: BOEING COMPANY B.3-?_ R_V. O 9.0 LATERAL CONTROL A general duction block SYSTEM description of the system on Pages 1.2-2, diagram 1.2-3 The data be found on the page requirements an equivalent spoiler panel. rather 9.1 Control Wheel Force 9.1.1 Control Wheel Fw = were and rather aileron was a function reduced A block is can The comby applying than to each lockout program of flap screw of time, I. system to the block. for the simulation than a function control for each particular number adjacent The outboard in the Intro- and in Volume lateral rate limit to the wheel in the simulation 9.2-8, and 1.2-4 of the NASA simulated shown on Page 9.1-2a. puter is presented as shown utilized travel, on Page Page 9.2-4. An_le Force Fw$ f F'wF _ where, Fw = Control wheel Fw 5 = wheel moment Control Friction positive for a clockwise (ib). wheel mechanism = force, force (lb). force due to the spring and cam This is plotted opposing control on page 9.1-3. wheel motion (= 2.0 Ib). ,m'OEfMMG i REV LTR: E'3033 RT I SECT N O. Vo _. z7 i I b5-3o643 PAGE 9.l-1 9.1.2 Control _w Wheel Angle "= 6warn,. + "35Fw whe_ Control Sw limits wheel (degrees). are '6 w : ± 88 degrees. Reference control not include input angle wheel the effect to the aileron The control wheel " angle (degrees). of cable stretch and spoiler This does and la the programs plotted on pages 9.2-3 and 9.2-5 respectivel_. .35 9.1.3 Iateral : Cable stretch factor (deg/lb). Trim Zero force datum This is plotted the wheel wheel force limits. The nominal wheel wheel angle due to trim on page 9.1-4. datum trim rate The trim shifts but does not charge The trim limits IE-3033 R1 the are ± 6.27units. is 2.5 degrees of control per second. _I'_EJAV'_ REV LT'P-,: (degrees). I SECT D6-3o643 INO. Voz. zz I PAGE 9. l- 2.. _ ;4 t4 ,H-:: -Li_ :fi :: t "" " !i_> _ ;T" " ii :_ :Xl ]$:: -i-! :£ _:: !".2" 27L I-- _+=??i J:':! z: :: ;.: :: . _ 2; 2; ;-" ¢_ 12.: :: ;. :T " T:. -. :4 =: i;;* _1_ :.*: ::: %t. -,i [m :_t T '&'.2 _. -_ -" F;] -" ...... i!! :: "" :h :t [/.. ._ "' ! 1_I 5 IE_ L_: +.-+. .L-- ., *+ -- :t'. % T: H- :: , - ;L _.. :: 1+, .... "!-: U! _.iZ. :: _" _2_2 4,1,1,t ;,%,, I;: ,t L;:: :2 :=: v'-" i: :: ALe iHOLTZNER! ,pRPRI'Ir_(X! _Nt_ AD &6| FOSTER JODF-_RD C-R4 IZ. , Z.I ::_:i':': ::;:_.;:_ t _ --'-['[:"t::. : :7 ::;-:_:!::=.'-!!- _,'_. 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"'7" .... ...... :.': : : ._.. : :._ : " : r- ' _ "' r :- _ . , -' '" :":: :[::" i: ::._' ' _::::I |: ; ,I :. , ::: ;::::;::.: :' il ...... ' I_ ;_ _00 cHr=<::K HOLTZNER [ _A/E.F I_ :' .L :I :;' I............. ..... , t.......... ::':,::::;: :',: ::I:: ,::_::':,_::_:: :=:::F::'" :::i I I I I Jllll I i::: ::' .,, ": _: ,_,: I. l::!,i: :::_.!;_':;'_--:_I :: --i: .-. ::.:_-.'-t -:::I: i_ CALC 7,-: ":_'::_:: _ .................... _ _: ÷ , ,_.¢ _. ........... ........ ':,; ._ . ...... I.... '_ ;: :*':: ....... I. ..... "'" ............. t ......................... :!:::'i ::_::-_/"-;".'!:":_::!:I ; m,_ :i_ :i':':: .... ''J ::: :"_:;i . . .__ ::-.E: i ............ -: F' : , :.-: :'":: : :::: ": ......... .......... : t |Z'_"_I7 R_VISED LOW ._ _ .. . ": ] " ._,..._.._:; - " .... "t ....... .... 1_-4.'(_7 ;: .... ;.......... "_-_,i- ". "7 u. • _ " __'_':-'-* ":-'-*._;:'.I:_'. :" ' ; { .....; ............... , - ". .... T"-" " :.'I:"\"I::: !: "I:: " :::t I -_.: .-.._;.._!..:=,.,:" -..',::.:';::_ , .... : :.... ": i' I : _ , ,: "_:_E__''*:= _._:._..-v T, .... , "_,'-'-, :- LATERAL _- _ - ::; :I_ :,_:T--:-:'; _IL:L: L_:11_[:1_ --,2|. '.,L :;:J',_'(!_:-_,:_.[b,._::--,"7_:_:,V._'_-':q" ;L_'_IiLI:: :.:: ::_3, :_,"_ _ _ =:;: "_-" I : " j:"_ .... :: _Ii!::_ .......... LATERAL _ : *, - :___'_--:--_ ::_. DATE Z.9-70 _.____'_'Gr*'2 + _ "- _ - "_ I " " :" ,. ,..... 3"_,: i................. , _ "I" I ........... 747 CONTROL TRIM, APR INK _D 461 ODE_ARD Z.IO'70 THE BOEING PA_E COMPANY 9.1-4- C-R4 ® ......... REV. F... 9.2 Aileron-Spoiler-Wheel 9.2.1 Iateral Control The inboard Program On_ aileron wheel program is plotted For fully unlocked outboard program on pa6e 9.2- 3 . is plotted is available Outboard aileron extension about at all times ailerons, unlocking After is available. Outboard flap retraction jackscrew locking takes about aileron authority travel this time, aileron outboard is available. aileron at outboard flap and full unlocking full outboard locking wheel authority After time, For intermediate angle (degrees). takes authority at outboard travel this jackscrew aileron is started to O_ of jackscrew 15 seconds. aileron 5, I0, 20, 25 and 30. is started to 09 of jackscrew 15 seconds. the outboard Full for flaps on page 9.2-3. and full no outboard outboard aileron authority " o " aOmu, " where, = Outboard aileron aileron mechanical limits The outboard are 25 e T.E. up and 15 e T.E. down. = Intermediate outboard is a function of flap aileron screw gain factor. travel This and is_plotted on Page 9.2-4. O ! D6-30643 REV SYM D _t_'J_ .o. Vol. II PAOE 9.2-I 9- _AORzF. = Reference from In the fully The 9.2.2 NASA intermediate the spoiler progran_ Page ailerons are locked page 9.2-_. commanded 9.2-3. out when flaps are speed and Operation remains normal program brake the same page 9.2-7. used Inflight speed as handle for as ground Spoiler speed either position speed is plotted of brakes all on brake speed brake handle positions, 9.2-6. page the speed speed brake 3, 4, brakes 7, cannot or control 5, remaining 6 and on_y, extended lateral 6, 7, (intermediate The panels brakes fully no Pan@is positions). only as inflight programwith on Cally Brake on Operation position). D program wheel Brake operate SYM (degrees) wheel is plotted Speed plotted are angle positions. brake REV With wheel For The - outboard program Control aileron Speed @ simulation spoiler-wheel handle 9.2.3 the aileron aileron retracted. Lateral The outboard fully and (ground be 8, panels which inputs 9, are inflight speed speed Ii, brake operate retracted i0 I, 2, modulated. is 12 handle symmetriThese depending surfaces on the handle. Ba, C=',/'N_ n6-3o6_3 NO. VOI. _AoE 9.2-2 IT ->@-7OOO "/4-7 -. A| i. I± i, THE TD q,I BOEIN_ COMPANY "PA_E c).?. :5 -: R_V. o ": " |.O .G USE. FOR. U_ _NO -O i CALC REVISED i nun DATE cHr_K APR APR PAGE THE AD ,461 C-R4 BOEING COMPANY _',9.- FLIG_'T U THI: TD 4&l C-R4 BOEING COMPANY SEE SECTION FOR REVISED 19 DATA PIOOIWEER LATERAL KUPCI5 KUF_.IS L--- REVIS£D 5POLLER PRO_RAH LATERAL CONTROL- THE BOEING CONTROL. AT 747 C.X:)MBINED SPEED COMPANY BRN_F..._ Vol. iI OOE_RD TD 461 C_lt4 THE BOEING COMPANY I:Z: I.IJ I.,D ¢3. 0 ,.J ,< m a <I: < z immmmmii F I m i_, mm I I I I I I d I I i L CALC CHECK APPD . APPD P,ZV LTR: " I ! I ! w_ '! ! _o_ ii_, D_,._ m mmmmmiEllm_m %q7 _ m REVISED I DATE m J LATERAL CONTROL SYSTEM MODEL o &- 5o&q3 _*'_'_'_ IcrrT _ INO. i DA_I= vo,.-. n 9.3 Control Surface The maximum Limits and Float inboard aileron and maximum for full boost and half boost 9.3-3 respectively. Angles outboard are plotted The maximum spoiler aileron on pages angles angles 9.3-2 and are plotted on pa_es 9.3-_, 9.3-5 and 9.3-6. Any inboard systems 9.3-7 faired REV SYM D or outboard off, will aileron trail at the float and 9.3-8 respectively. position, surface boost with both hydraulic angles The spoilers plotted are held off, due to the hold down BOfJ_ on pages in a check VO valves. NO. Vol. II j PA_EI_5-30_3 9.3-1 HOL'I"ZNER FOSTER INI_)/_RD AILERON THE BOEING E$LOWDOWN COMPANY , • I: I:: iii.i_=::i HOLTZNE.R FOSTER LATERA, OUTBOAFE> ODE_RO THE L AILERON BOEING CONTROL I_LOWDOWM COMPANY 7_17 I .......... J .... T ................................ -T:---r= ...... : "---_-T--_ _ .... *............. 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[+:+:, :'::,:pY: :!;; L L:-!:_t:_-;I::L .++..+:+,.,uLu_+.._- ........... ii " '.:.::;- - .... _' (PANELS THE BOEING . :. ° i; "" ':"::-:i:: -:: :'.:: .- ,';.3 ' _:--_'+_+ " ' _ .... *+ _+i.::_ -.:.. ::;.:.: _ _.: ::..+ "' ::::1:-_, +....... ....... ,+, .... 1 ........... , ::i:.:: +....... ++...... ....... , :::: :::' _-T_::::: b.; ":,'_JL::_':::.; +_. ..... +'_+ : - +.,.: _,-;-++ .... t++ _:; "4' _" _+_. ..... :;::_::::::::;._T_ 4:_ "_ _;_.:-T:+:++: ++._ _+++.L_+J-++__- :i.+ CONTROL A v SPOILER .-:_:.:++:.:,:+.,.;!+ '7 ISLOWbOWN _,/_ " _ ........ :; :: :" .... :_:!L:::E LATERAL ;:.u ++++++_+= ; |1 + ....... ,':++ I ...... ; i :. :.: .............. :, ::. ..... i ............. .+ .................... 2 ..... + :T '..I':::,L+:: _ ":!-" _ " " :++:+': : ......._--- ...................... _, ............ 1 -_: _T.-77:_: .::+ "" +.:+;-: ..: t:.q-' . +" r4-14+-L:+." _SED KUI:_I_ :. + _-: ........................ _ +:_-.-i- ".: '__++L ._. +-.+ :::_..: .. :. ... :!. - .. ,,-._ ,--::...., :+;.:::.,:+ :-:: "_. ++. --:_+ _ .......... ] • P_ +-_ ,[._ -'; "-3-:-I--:-:+-._ _ :: :.: : : _" _ 7;.+ : ' ...... ::i; .... +4- _--E-_-_ ,_ _ .... +__++, .... _ ..... t ............ ....,,l..+!+.ji. i................................... _,++ l_p_ INK :--'. : ..... + '.;:+::++:.+:+L.+: +:++_t_+-_i=++ !:u+.*::._t_+.':_'.+: cK ..... 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I -: • _: . : i--:T--i'._:'-:+'--: 7;_T: ": . : ......... !---:,--t--T:"-_'_--- i"!_ ''+':: : "]7-:!-! :7;'::_7-:'---C_: 7"3, ..... " " -_ " ..... : _ •-i-_..... -T+7:F -/--+'7--:- : ' ...... .l " ' _ _ _ : _ I : I : :'" I " i ...... : ' , --: - i .¸ : _ ] I ::-'-:¸: : I ; : -- ; Tl : _IZ_ . +:_ ::" i::: .... L _ . [ : [ :-_: :-:l::::i::-L.==L-.'i .... : : : ] . I ] ,11_[ ; "l't_[]i : " : : * . : I I " " J • " +_::--: ::::I::= I-:;:I-::4-::-+ : : _ '::I OR "/.B) COMPANY _q,_ ® ALLAN |N | IIiIIii. REV. ............ D .:.H::: !... HOLTZNF_R R_VlSI:I:) FOSTF,R KU PICI.._ LATERAL INBOARD AILERON CONTROL FLOAT KIJPCI._ : THE BOEING COMPANY ANGLE5 HOLTZNER FOSTER ODE6ARD REUSED LATERAL CONTROL LOW OUTBOARD AILERON THE BOEING FLOAT ANGLES COMPANY H*E *_'"'I,=_°'.*_,_. REV. D i0.0 DIRECTIONAL A CONTROL general description duction on Pages diagram of on lO.1-2a. Page found on the the The page Force data i0.I.i Rudder Pedal Force and -!- system 1.2-5 is presented and in Volume directional number Pedal Fps and simulated Rudder -- of the 1.2-4 I0.I Fp SYSTKM for each adjacent in the I. A block control system particular block to the Intro- is shown can be block. An_le FpF R where, Fp Rudder pedal pedal force Rudder FP s Friction (: 10.1.2 Rudder 1;.p Pedal = 6.0 positive for a left rudder _ib). pedal mechanism = force, force (ib). force due This to is opposing the spring plotted rudder on pedal and page cam 10.1-3. motion ib). An_le l_mmu. + .ozmFp where, REV LT'R: E-3033 R I ,II',l_'_='fllMdI_ _ NO. "7oi. TI IPAGE _6_3o61_ ISECT IO.I-3 | = _p = Rudder pedal angle limits are Reference _p= .OZ3 10.1.3 Rudder = Cable pedal the effect stretch factor angle (degrees). of cable This does stretch. (deg/ib). Trim PTRIM g= Zero force datum rudder pedal (degrees). This is plotted trim shifts the rudder pedal does not change the rudder limits Rudder pedal ± lh degrees. rudder not include The rudder (degrees). angle due to trim on page force i0.i-_. datum limits. The but The trim are ± i0 units. Limtter = " Sa.AX. Sam x. where, = Rudder angle ratio, This is plotted on page I0.i-5. _RMAX, _ Maximum This available is plotted rudder angle (degrees). on page 10.1-6. ,_w.Vol. REV LT'R: E-3033 R I I SECT ii i_,_ PAGE I%-306g3 _o.%-Z 4 ,.J I,LI 0 ,,,.I 0 I-- 0 (,.} ,.,-I .,el: Z 0 i t-. (,.) L,L,I i3: m Q BO_"/IV_ I SECT r_u .... V01. IT I... PAGE I_-3( Io.I- 6__3 2,o,., FOSTER DIRECTIONAL. NOLTZNER CONTROL LOW ODE6ARO AD &61 C-R4 THE BOEING COMPANY FOSTER DIRECTIONAL LOW ODEG_RD RUDDER CONTROL TRIM 747 _-3o6_3, i. THE BOEING II COMPANY K-E %_"",:Z:-'"_.;_EV. O DIRECTIONAL RUDDER THE CONTROL PEDAL BOEING MOTION COMPANY FOSTER HOL'T'ZNER RL:VIS£D KUF_I5 LOW DIRECTIONAL RUDDER CONTROL TRAVEL © LIMI'_ PAGE ODE_RD TD 461 C-R4 THE BOEING COMPANY |O.I_.S: ":'"-,=_ ':.:%REV (o O lO.P Rudder Blowdown Rudder blowdown The rudd6rs is are not included actuator in force NASA limited Simulation. below the mechanically ! . I 8vailable these rudder limits under use _h_ some flight following cor:ditio_:z. To determine ' e_uations: t = B55._- • CHR u = 8_._ • _--_sHR L" - .'. wheT'e. NM = :l: _ 800 ]b-ft for.each rudder '_;ith all hydraulic ! ,, r ,' sysCems operative/ nalf one Tnis value is by reduced one- I _ if rudder 'J_lehin_Te moment condition using with the of One becomes following data on hydraulke systems can pages be on either .: inoperative. coefficient the two calculated I0.2-2, fo_ 10.2-3;' any and flight 10.2-4 equation: c.. Note that the are different q_e rudders of the hinge from moments those deflected rudders is for with separately rudders rudders curve deflected deflected is used separately together. onZy when one operating. (] Q O R EV SYM E _='fAM_ .o6-3o6h3 NO. VOI. PAGE II I0.2-i 6-7000 - :I:-, : :l,.':',"'.:l_'.l::!: .... : ................... .::.::.. .... _ ........... ;: :i:: ..-_ :==;_. :i.:::f_; : ........ ,- ..::_;:- .................... _ , _ , .: .; " I ...... , • ! " . .......... ' . ' ; • "_'_:-'-_---_--_---1 ........... • -"_::::_:---._-;_ : :_:=I:: i'.. i":.. . I --: :': .: - - _-= -_. " ,. -7_-7- " - - ;- : " : . ,_ ... ', ' , . : _.: ---._ ..q _ .;. " " "_- ' . _...... ............ ............... • -I- I . ' - , _ _ • __:_J_L)_'__L_[_ ..... " ..t ,_ ::- :_ ...... ,. I .... .... ! :"' _ ; .... . I "-" __ I- -_- ........ . . :.. ' ',._ ;:: :L. .-: _.'" " . ::. -. [ ............... ' ! ' ..:..._: . :_:: ":._ _ .... ' ..... _ _' : , , , , ' " I "'" ==7= "!." I::" : "'; _i :::.'-" ":!_::'_ C.AL¢ FOSTEI_ A_R ,. = ::_ • " ' I II ; : : i::= RINS.,_AN ::::L:-',:.._ _'. .... : ,-I::_- _ . ...... :.: " _ .... _, .,-_. - : ..... 1.:-;::: J_.ll,..7oj I_F-.CK _ , :_¼_ _k_ _.=._.._..d -' :-)-: _ .. : ..... " . .... :!.: "- ::, _ _ " | _ d-" : .... :I :-.-i"_ ; .'._, ! ..... I II ' -:":_ , '. _' ::'. ": • :::".:- "" t..... _- . ....... i ......... _ " I ............ :I,:;.=:=:I::7_- " .: . - • - d-_-LL _- :_ _-_ "7" -'-." " __ ..... ' t...... _- _h:-; _-_,: , ._ :t..-±___ ;_................... _:_ ..4 ,._ ::"_!!!_!;._..-::--F--:_." ' " ' r-'_: "_ '--T'':_ _ .... _._ :%_ _-1_Vt__ I::: " _.. -_ _7-_=-'. _"._"-_h_ ," s _: _,. ',_4_ ,_._ +_'_:_] _ ..... : ......... --;:i!', :;: :;-_. ..... _:=:-_-_ _ :'=: DIRECTION/_L RUDDER HINGE THE . ,. _, ::i:=::,.::: C_EGHENT_ ::I=-_T_41-_ "::.;::._':_- "-'7"117-. .I. 2.1G'/0 _ _....... L_ ,_-]_....... . __. ..... ............. ...... I..... 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II pAe_ IO<'Z -Z | _._ _- , !:::.fi_il:_!::_--_ -.-:, i-_::_:"i ": i: __;!)7 ::'I: ::1 : • I::.:U: : ::i:i i :ji:![i :n: I:O_TER HOLTZNER " 10-23.&7 1.5.&B _S_D BECK -2' DIRECTIONA.L C,UI_NIJ'T'T Io._._ LAGREE %-" DATE RUDDER _4o.'m I _,-z_.'_ ! KINC31_AN 2.17-70 =_EGHENT_ CONTR.OL HINGE DEFLECTED THE BOEING _ 74? PIO_ENT5 '_EPAR/_TEL'1' COMPANY _;-3 V{,l. }61 r: _[3 PA6& IO.Z-'5 DIRECTIONAL c_c<x HOLTZNER I-5.(,8 _ LAGREE Z.Z.'/O 15E_14, I,.Z%70 CONTROL 747 RUDDER EFFECT HINGE MOMENTS OF MACH NUMBER APR t_-:; INK OOEGARD Z.I_.T0 THE BOEING COMPANY PAGI 10._-4- 10.3 Yaw Damper/Turn Dutch roll damper oscillations which The yaw the rudder they of the Turn that both systems. A is turn having gain "easy-on" smooth activates. improper (A warning operation the cannot of of to rudder. These rudder The to yaw 3.6 nor damper is independent 15 damper into rudder_ degrees exceed angle. pedals, have rate, as only and degrees system when per the bank attitude flap the rudder, rate. shown incorporated in the roll been th_ bank networks the deflecting has light yaw and yaw is the per shown iO._-2. by derived the series shaping rudders damping) a rate rudder. lower .69 degrees/degree in of limited yaw yaw the is operates circuit transients and upper proportional a of the by through movement of achieved actuator, to drives operation on paEe is attenuated fed any description diagram actually in (for coordinator a are Deflection complete block damper signal An normal are which result coordination yaw The not 747 proportional package, deflection second. in signals affect damping rate output do in the rudder actuator dualized yaw on commands damper deflections do Coordinator in the The the flaps through input block are the roll rate diagram. down, second. with signals cockpit is the flap when the provided switch flap to to switch indicate . switch). O I m O i REV SYM B BO_c'JNO .o p._ -3o643 Vol. II 10.3-1 9S-?O_ l Ill I • i i t o _ ,J O 11"-"4" E I • , _ -- _1_ _ _: """7 "1" 0 P 0 s: ._o _I_ Ull O U) o _ 4 <1 • - _ g ,, i 0 z .t. r 0 J, , : Z 0 ..G- I zi z I i_' I ! i_ Z 0 I.L uJ U. -- Z I I ILl n - Q )r_ , _ _1 , r_ . In - i _- , =_ • , I i CALC CURNtn-r l_z. B._,7 I "'_"'°°_'" 747 CHECI I I APImO AImPO ooa6_mo TO DYl CURNUTT (,-[_.(,,0 YAW CURNUTT!Z'I_TTO I, CU RNUTT [IZ.%9._," E9.).70 DAMPER • ., BLOCK _",_'_'IF_ ,,,,TO,. DIAGRAM _' CO.,ANY w...,.a.o.. .:x5-3o6_3 vol. Ii _,,.o, 10.'5- __ ).roll REV. E ll.O HIGH A LIFT SYSTEM general description duction on Pages diagram of the ll.0-2 . on page the A flap flap back to creased data for the to each the and lift to flap is presented in Volume model particular system the is 169 in the I. shown block can A block on be Intro- Page found block. in knots, 30 ° setting is designed lever 25 position. original to 164 high exceeding the system 1.2-6 adjacent With speeds and simulated number system. drive 1.2-5 auto-retraction aircraft turn The of the The as the 30 the flaps flaps when part the detent of the and with automatically automatically airspeed re- is de- knots. R4_,_='/JlfO N O. vo].. iI . I ISECT PAGE D6-30643 lI .0-i =_, 3" NASA DIGITAL CA__..EB I I I m m I m m m m _ " FLAP SCREW TRAVEL RATE FLAP SCREW TRAVEL m m e_,,. m m m COMPUTER FLAP POSITION I dFST COMMAND FLAP CONTROL LEVER ]__ FLAP " CONTROL LEVER % FST %FST i _o 1/.O-3 ?. I_.o-:_ To o_T_, 0 _lt._ ,lp _It._.t_ON F_,P SCREW TRAVF,..L P,J_,TF_..- i-IIGH LIFT ¢(1:: - _ 2.. ?... t>r=_ / SEt.- MODEL ]:_;-30E_.3 vo ..:: I,,.OC1¢.O U T ,=_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I . o tO R../_P 2.0 'PoSt't'toN "60 COMH/_I',Jb___ ° o o "70 5" to o 3o P zo dl 0 0. % r,4) o o ?.o z-to aToR.A,_ 60 _ i CALC REVISED _ |oo 'Tta,J_vLx.. i i I DATE CNECK PoStTIo_ APR 'lR.F_..t,-,_"t"l.Ot, J,_ I P vm..]_ APR PA6E THE BOEING COMPANY AD 461 It. C-R4 i_¢1,]_ ALIBAN _) IPN[ 'rlumme IIHIL. I**_[ll o-_, 12.0 PROPULSION A general duction 12.1 Pressure block shown the 12.1-2. position was NASA and Flight 1.3-3 engine is and presented in Volume is 25 was by or 30 adding and an program, modified on Pages operating pressure The flight transient lag, shown engine the simulated engine a and system in the Intro- I. Ratio Page dynamics The 1.3-2 of flap delay of the diagram on ground, The description on Pages Engine A SYSTEM IP.l-6 limitations ratio simulation idle limit, gear is down occurring incremental consisting to approximate through are is but not EPR of of the a when on 0.015. transport 747 engine 12.1-17. contained in Appendix I E'3033 R_ A - Manual. I N O. REV LTR: the ISECT _%-3o643 VoZ. T I 'IPAOE 12.l-1 z o l'- <c --l D I cg_ oI l-IJll re U./ lln Z I Z _ u L l l ............. NO. ISECT PAGE vol. II_. _-?_ __I _ I h_O'3 __"'tJ..J..O,mH.£. o,.Lrl_ ......... I r'-_l o_ (_l'_ _),.__,_/_ " I !:: ....... ! .,o SM_P 5_A 4o /_CC F-t..E _-LVF-_- R,_TIO S'i-P,TtC., I "_O ] I.'_a O THRDTTL.E. i I POStTION --, I>_ D zo I._.O IO O (3 1.00 <2> tO _ 30 Ke-.F : 06- l_"So?- f,a.?_-1 i CALC REVISED CNKCK DATE r=-_1_tN E_ -7 7 _PI_/M_S_ _t4T APR VI_I-_IT... APR PA6E D R.I,./ AD 46| C-R4 THE BOEING COMPANY IZ,.I-_ K*E _,,.t.- ,,,_ ) SE_, " ~f L_.%- _"I"_ $'T'_T¢C., D-_ " l. tO Q L,O0 D lO _.o /_'1"lt_e- _ 3o SF-C., _. 6.'z.- z ...... i, ......... , i ii iii 11 , i .... . "" ii i ........ REVISED !' DATE 7_7 CHrK_ APR APR PA6E THE BOEING COMPANY VZ., t-7 _'O P 40 L.c_o 0 0 t.'$o TH-RDT'rl..F.. po$ ('t't o t.2.0 Q D tO I,IO i I V o I. oo o _0 ?_0 _L. TI HF- "_" 5F_ 1;)6- L'_,_o'Z.. i CALC REVISED DATE F___l_,t_ IN E_ CHECK -T'R,._t_L StE.N-t'-- D6-3z_._ Vet.--Z_,. APR I APR THE AD 461 qz .q C-R& BOEING, PA_E COMPANY _.. t-i} K._: ALmANfNr lSSt. 6o 5"O I.S'O I I r 0 0 i _,ZtO D v "_.0 IO 610 0 |,_:) 0 lo 2Z_ -so _.E.F " CALC REVISED DATE CNE-CX 'D6 -'3o(_._ APR APR THE AD 461 C-R4 BOEING COMPANY PA_E Ho_=,_Lo,,,,.,,..,.L | 0 0 | S ¢) t_ ! C) ,0 () I 0 I F- all v_ I ! / i ! i I 0 I I J.J ti I / I / i :g ' F / 0 0 0 i CALC REVISED DATE ¢HECX _6--so_3 APR APR THE AD 461 C-R& BOEING PAGE COMPANY t?...l-lO K'E ,_.,.E._ _) ,,K ?IIA_oNe Mr[It _. ... I o -- ..: ° 0 ! _cL 4, U. I t ,,0 , P Vl ! I O_' O. P I d Z,3 o c) _.J =1 O _n I V) t / I O CALC REVISED o APR O DATE EN_ tNE _t,4 CH/_.C_TE._XST CHECK O S |F-_"Tt CS D6-_>(d,13 Vo_...l:E APR PAGE THE AD 461 C-R4 BOEING COMPANY _z._-t K*E ,L.,.=.= ,.._ # , 0 t () r _P 'I 0 I* L I C) O" I F- I io C_ # C) ? _D # <( , F J 4 0 0 I i _ 0 i REVISED G_J.C , ii DATE 747 i i C H _:_lad_ Cm _R..tST I_CS VoL. , APR , PA6E THE % AD 461 C-R4 BOEING COMPANY _z.1-1_ H*E ,L,A.,.,,K M II ! J ! ,,0 I I I I = \ 0" _p 0 ' J + O. i-- d 0 c/) -'@'-+" oJ o o_ I+, i CALC REVISED DATE CHECK APR APR THE BOEING AD +4161 C-R4 PA6E COMPANY K._: ALIAmCNE +*l_. 0 t i i al r,_ I P o,d r_ O 0 | •. _ o i CALC REVISED DATE _LN__ CHECK "_i:_ S__N'_- APR APR PA6E THE AD 461 C-R4 BOEING COMPANY I_..I-I__[*E ALllAN IN r 1 I)111I* 0 I! } J 2: f- 0 t! e II I J _o o_ I uJ ¢ J ol-"d ,I I & -0 0 / i CALC REVISED DATE EN_XN _.-t"PJ_, _1S XE._'T" C..HF_.I_Ar,..TF_._,.I_"I_ C S CHECK APR V(_...'_.APR _ AD &61 ¢-R4 ,,t,o/+f THE BOEING COMPANY PAGE H'E AL,,NC,,t,*_L •o P iI 11 J i I- i ; °o 11 I J D I () I ! I L] i 0 () J i I uJ z: l- C_ 0 0 i / d !I-I I -0 _0 CALC REVISED DATE __I,4_IN E. "T'i_NSt_-N't- APR THE AD 461 C-R4 BOEING PA6E COMPANY l'z..l-t KeE ALllANI[N Ir 11)•L 6 w _) li 0 I m i o_ • lU i CALC REVISED DATE CHECK APR APR, THE AD 461 C-R4 BOEING PA6E COMPANY K-E ALIAN[NE SSmL 12.2 Engine Thrust A block Page The diagram of the engine thrust simulation is shown 12.2-2. reverse thrust were a function This data was data as function 12.2-7 a and of characteristics ambient based 12.2-8 pressure on a V_ch of V_ch used and number number is of in the simulation EPR, Page .2. Reverse sho%_ on 12.2-5 E-3033 RT . thrust Pages 12.2-6 , . B_',_'TJl/O REV LTR: on I SECT I N O. Vol. I I PAGE D6-30643 12.2-1 _"_'_"_'JV_ I SECT NO. VO.L. PAGE I_- g-- 8. :i .... L : ; .: :_: 7: ! ! i [ : :i i_ .:=;i-_--_-_................ I_,P..V_R.._'E.. h_F..r" q'l_lJtIJ_'q" _o 5G 5_ _L8 F,. z.'#-- I t -z 0 .9 i ._.AL : I.o hi 1.?- 1.3 _/+ 1.5"" [,G 1.7 : _ : ', .I_3.o:.__ _ I Vo_._ R.EV £_,. S E N F..'T"THRUST t:'F_.R. Et4_INF,. . _a_ IC_O0 _ qJ_ 32. 7.,o I& 12. E_ 0 1.0 .c . I.i i._. 1,3 I. _ 1.5- I.G 1.7 i ---/* L YI 1 7@7 L 1 k_ i: ; H 1 _/o¢,.01T-j 12.,z- I ............ L ,4) I >- _f Z Q -,2, k- W _,. < C_l Ld E ? lxll -r < j Lo Z :D I.d i eq P --<p all lY bJI _,1 I.U Z -IZ D I /VI P-1'1.9 .-.I LI.. 4"1 13,, UJ H "D r_ m IY O oz 1.1.. --tO Z u/ s 8-7 oool-_ I lCAL_ I CH_CK AP_ PRIMARY REVERS JT9 REVERSER IF_ NET -I'-HRU%T D-'_ ENGItqE% i i I 74-7 _>5-3o6_3 Vol. PAGE t .... THE BOEING COMPANY I , IZ.Z-8 iI 12.3 Engine Cockpit Display A block diagram 12.3-2 and the block Parameters for engine display diagram lation is shown on Page 12.3- scaled up by a factor ature is shown for the NASA engine 3. The compressor of 8.8 to obtain in the simulation. accuracy parameters The table and the data points used gauge simu- RPM was the exhaust gas temper- on Page 12.3-4 in determining on Page shows the the scale factor. BOEI_ REV LTR: E-3033 R1 I SECT N O . vol . II I i]6_3o643 PAGE 12.3-I =o....,ol ISECT NO. Vol. _ IPAGE l__.-_- z I i mmm I mm mmm mm m mmm m imm m mmm m mm NASA DIGITAL m m m m m m mm mm m m COMPUTER m_m m mmm m mmm m' m CAB mm mmm mm | I EPR I__ ! I I / I _..__ - _'-_' I II EPR GAUGE I i I I i II KEG T _ ]I - -- - _,""-_ ! I ' o-I ! I I I I i I mm m I I I I m I I I I I lmm . _COMPRESSOR , RPM. - -I ...... _ I I I I I ---' _,_/// %N I _V_2t 2 _//" II I EPR I. ...................... %N1 GAUGE ?. L?,.."_-_' I I ,........ APPROXIMATIONS FOR NASA ENGINE GAUGE DISPLAY __JAke_ INO. Voz.D6"30_3II ISECT IPAGE It._-_ I I I I ________! "T'r6 N_ M EPR NI e_ P. 123-G }.o .| I.O _.o }.0 1.12,B I.oGl I. o 2.,5 I.O -3 1.05" I.E .I 1.0 1.5 .b.I 1.3 1.3 .5 eT_,= SF- = 14- . TT_ }.0 -!": * T_C P. J2._-5 32.0 _7 32.0 5_o _0.5 _5._ _gZ Io08 G7.5 G9.2 7_5 8_5 9hLO Io97 1.12,B _.oGI 99.5 105.8 }.O5" 1.025" 58.5 I01.0 ).O },o 83 " 5 i 83.5 735 555- 1097 12,53 IllO IIG_ 9.3 892 567 9G7 Gg_ B.3 1.12e_ I.o(,,I 93.0 99.0 101.11 1175 9 o2 9,1 I.O5" I. o25 cJO.O 92,2 IOl_j lOG5 7_2 8.¢- 2, M_ C N, _z NO. REV LTR: E-3033 R_I Vo].. J. i PAGE _3-3o6__3 IZ,.3-14 : P:::::J ! d i! i i i : :! i. 12.4 Windmillin 6 Dra 6 The windmilling cluded drag characteristics in the simulation on Page 12.4-2 as a term in the engine were in- equations. .2 I IN O. D6 Vo [o30g_3 II REV LTR: E-3033 RI ISECT 'IPAGE 12.4-] • 10000 • " . ! 9000 . . - : [_,For Flight Simulator only ] :.. REF:P&WA ..:: :'_: ,_ :_:- CURVE .............. : _ :: .... ::: - . '- . .... :--:-V--:-'. : .... .............. ............. • S600C . -" [ : • -'-: ..... _ . . _ . _ '. :, ...... / . -:: ., ....................... :-- /" _-...... !..... ,L..... :I ...... t- "; 7-:.::-- _ -; : . , . ...... .... ........ ..... " ::.-!- . .... . : __ . _ :-, 77:: :i 500_ _Z i .... _- - :....... " ................... • : ....:...... ........ -- ":-/--!i : ....t.:::i...: :.-.... , .... ..--:-:: .... " .... _. N0._5819 ' -- _ ....... ENGINE DRAG . . .___:_:z: ':_q___z/_,:;_:_ :-:-:4-!-:..----_:_:-i ...... --I- " .L. . • L....JTgD-3 TURBOFAN " " WINDMILLING ............... . m 8000 1 : • " ............................. ..: • ......... : ' , - ; " ' : i . " :::: r.. : : ".... Z ..... - .-.-7---T--'T ' -- • .... 1- : - , "-.-t :" T-:.--'._....-TT " ........ " " : 7--- , : 4000 .- " " - . ' d3 W " - ill :::'T{-: .............. . :-..:-.-:_.-:-:--:;!-!:-.--!-:.... ' - I-- U : " ....... " "! " ' .. i. il " _/: ; " . ........................ 7 ::- ...... 7--/ '7 ..... 7 " " :....7---7- .......... _ 7- -----: ....... . - " U'_:-7_:;.- ...... " 7:....... ::--i ........... . _...... _. :..... : ' . : ; -7 "_ U_ . 7- . :L..i....... ' .._i:_: . . : . : -i " ' ;.. -........ :-...............VT:-:.-.:--....... i X:i::7-:-7 ......!- :.. " -7:i--::-d./L ...... ' : "-__-d-- ::-U .... _::;: .":-: .... "U" -Y: ":-i ::-:- - --...... 7.7.... i: ..... 7-:-7-:: . .......... oo2ooo .... , :: _--_-- : 'U- _:"-_:.--!--T--._.' -T-_: .... ......... :7:..... :_---i --_-_ T _;-:-::/:--7-LY " 1000 ;.Lo " :4:-. . :........ _ *'_ _ : .... :! ....... F:_olv_# Fc_. 0.8 1.0 1.2. . .. :--::i{-.::-. :1 . . _/_ _/_/_ : + .:. .[__ : NO i. :." : .':-. " . ............ ' I . .: ............... WlNDMILLING JT9D ................ [ : ..... }_:....... -L .... }..}_i....... :........ MACH c._= 0.6 " .............................. : 7 _ ....... ] I "-- -- " [ ........................... .......... ": T 0.4 ." ..................... 0.2 ! _ 0 .... .- 3 TURBOFAN DRAG ENGINE 747 _-306k3_ vol. II - Al'll PA_E THE BOEING COMPANY . I_,.q-_. _ 12.5 Thrust Reverser The thrust moment Effects reverser coefficients approximations computer used storage are recommended approximately on Aerod_uamic effects Coefficients on the lift, are presented on Page in the simulation and j_stified because drag and pitching 12.5-2 were made . The to conserve the thrust to be in the Idle reverse position reversers by 60 knots. D6-30643 REV LTR: 1_-3033 RT ISFCT ! IPAGE 12.5-1 ! Ii : ..... : t :i. 2: .... : ................... I -' ] ..... D .i i " : : 1 . : , : ..... _ i ; i : :'T "'i'.-i:"-:';: ::_-'! 13.0 LANDING GEAR A general included description in Volume of the landing to Volume Block NASA and landing I of this report. gear equations gear A detailed is contained equations is derivation in the Appendix I. diagrams pression of system showing and force simulation Refer to Volume the method and wheel of calculating side and drag are shown on Pages I for the landing 13.0-2 forces through strut com- in the 13.0-5. gear nomenclature. D6-306h_3 REV LTR: _-3033 lq I I SECT IPAGE 13.0-1 CG DISTANCE FROM CG TO LEFT MAIN GEAR XL2 = -7+.01 (CG-25) DISTANCE FROM CG TO NOSE GEAR C XL1 = 77+ .01 (CG-25) DISTANCE TO RIGHT C XL3 = -7 + .01 (CG - 25) C YL2 = -12 YL1 = 0 YL3 = 12 ZL2 ZL1 ZL3 = 17 = 17 \ = 17 I \ \ FROM CG MAIN GEAR / OLEO STRUT COMPRESSION AND COMPRESSION RATE h .i ASTi 0B _B =h-hR+XLiSlN8 B-YLiSINq_ -ZL iCOS_ Z_ST i B = il + XLi COSe B -COS_ +SIN B q_B COSe B B COS8 B ................ _ -- _B+YLi/SINq_B COS(_B._B) COS8 B SINq_B + ZLi. (SINOBCOSq_ _B). _ F _B 8BB (_B ..... • A ST3 '_ST2 _ NOTE; LANDING _ST1 GEAR DOES NOT CONTACT THE RUNWAY _ST A ST3 UNLESS i _;'Nr=_TlVE. L_STi _ot_. <0 sA-l_.uT DETERMINATION OF OLEO STRUT ' COMPRESSION AND COMPRESSION RATE _l'47_",fAt'_ iSECT IN O. .._.--3o__3 vo±. : IPAGE 13.o- ¢OI_R.rr_S_ION _B OLEO STRU] LIMIT 0 "Z_sTi Ci 'D-ETERMiNATION OF OLEO STRUT FORCES r imm mmm mm mmm u mmm mm Imm m I_ mm mmm Im m m m mm mm lmm lm m m m I I RUDDER I I I PEDALS I I _ ' ,, % ', i m m m NOTE: m m m m mm u i _p la6s NOSEWHEEL 1 _ "(_,p ! ANGLE ,S IS USED FOR ,s T ' EQUATIONS _ ONLY f ! m !FNGi I F.. I (_h... TIRE (STi •KTi mmm COMPUTER STEERING 1I......... - mm m , , mmm NASA DI'GITAL I I I ! i I I ! I I GTi i I ! I -_DEFLECTION I !I ! . l,', E:I .6 ! (Fsi) Q _,_T KT I =- _ _ _._.. .K:.t-zv .$ = -# NO. _l:" ._ _s_, . 0"/7 Ctooo) _ _ o_ _DETERMINATION I B ¢jt E.E._tI_.I_ _0_ "O_._='L._C..TION_ _p._ vl.'2_ ° . a_ = J_e_ =._ a_r Cz.z .Oct3 I I _o "_ l MAX OF WHEEL NO. SIDE FORCE Vol. zz i PAGE _-3 13.o.0_3 -H- FuLL ?_OAL r _Imm imlm ml llmL I llm II ml mml Imml m lm mmm Ill ml m imm Ill m Ill llm iml m _ m = _ m m m _ I I I NASA I I I I " I /IB ;_ I I _ ,KB M _./Z u B . II '1 I , ; USED WITH MAIN GEAR , EQUATIONS ONLY IS ALWAYS NEGATIVE " II I , _ --I . m ', " _I.o,,L / l _ / FRICTION i / C,_,,ot_r-_ _ . II _ i " _'l II ARE _' ................. ,LIMITER i _I ) ,6 BRAKES I :FRICTION I , I I I NOTE: • i " • i" . ,I ! • _m " I ! (F--)MAX I I " I l,,_oA,-s I, ',,_, COMPUTER : = .1 (WET RUNWAY) ".......:.... " _ I . CAB I"R'_I m,,,= ...... '.l i " .I L .... ... I I DIGITAL / 'N, " ,, ', . I i ! " # = .015 vaml mw iN mmm m m m_ _m m (_,,_).,.,, - ?_(.s_@+ _IR I m _i mm Iml mm mw m m m m fm 4._(..-",y,,) - ,DETERMINATION OF WHEEL AI'OI'/_,,I_' i _m SECT I DRAG FORCE NO. v ol. i I _-306_3 PAGE 13. o - 5 mm mmm m mm m _ _ J + ,impo "I_) 60 'I_-o C.= Co_ + 40 _> (0 0 ............... 6"- _ lO iS" -:+-."t"111.=------"t"r-.-_L=--=._ ;IDP-J=_r-Ct'IOI'4 .'.,,-|I"_H6,,_, m,.r_- IE I,,,. I,,,,. I,I I IIJ CALC _ CHECK APPD APPD REV LTR: I"IV+?IIREWS+DI DATEI c_._o o_.wt_x_r_ CC_I'tPt_e-,_S+ON) o,6- m04.._7 .... p.,,_z.._'£_ _+ . ' ii I I....,_++.,. -''........ +............. ... I_,°0 _'+,..+,'_ _0 I / / / ! OI..P..O 1-OA, D "_ _,O00_IB ................ _IN ............... / t__ • " I _ _.I 15"0 " " • " IOo ....._ .... .. / ..... _ _____ . . _ 0 CALC ev I L_NVtt,,_ ....... ........... i i&i REV LTR: _F=A-_,. 72_7 AiR. C.U_VF.... ................. _'_,_'IN_ '"" ISECT IPAGE I-U. :- I I : .............:..... _r'-'s_'_ : -- v._-= r_. o -7 . 88183/2084 18:27 6586844988 PAGE AMES LIBRARY • 82 . • L • '.,.' "".'i ' '•[" ' 'i. ' "' ' . 1_,o S_ar_TZON ,. A the ac_uz_c7 results q_ali%a_±ve eo_d Boe___ _aca (i) to into adequately • that selected to and results ..." _ shuwn_ .! are applies NON" to _ =oae_ a_ conduc_e_,_%er., pages with in this the te_t contain the ?url_o_e " • &&t_ %1_inin6 Fo_ uus- _z_e:l_r.. _: ...: " D6'S08SS_I __ce# , sL_ulat_rs. . ..... _...:_ .::A:... ' of _ 7_7 _mu_io_':i_"e:._L_o_ea. re_ult_ _een eo_utatios_! :.... .. . _.:'. the _ from ..... _t_ _Bts of m_sA 7_7 test conJ be " .. _he _hat.._he conK_itions of the _itS_ o_":Dg-He83_-I 8_bst_n_iat_ ::.• : test .,. .s_mu_tion Perr0r_aee _Je_ty section, checkout ................ • ' m_ti_ comgaze to The P_n_m .- "_t_Jat _o .veril_t E%e _ flight _e (2) airplane. shown w_S. oon_ue_e_ area _ower#l_nt si_l_tor:,an_l the were and Sf_u_tor". aerodynamic represents ditioms simulator from Z_-30833-1, the the checEout NASA 747 simulation, to Boeing o_" the 7_7 Yli6ht i_lemented where (_anti_ative of the o_¢a_a _s a_sure the and _-a m_li_L_ty _ex_ Validation _ou_ :,: .....,';_:".-_i. ..=;"' .'=.: . '. .. . . . " ., . " :' ... .. ." • . . . " : • . ". ":: ': " ":" " ':" :;: ' , ..,...,_ .... ..:.'._.,'...,.... .:, " .... • '... " ,,-:.,:_,' :: :i .: /:..::: .*'. . ',,. , . " .._ , • .,', . ".: .. .'. "..,h_,.f..",":.'.' :.'." .' .'" " "P • '._,',._ • .... " t. t "" ". , i : I ..•. . , . ," , :.:!" : • '. ... .. :.. . • : ..... ' i_e:":_o__"": 'of .the non-_ilo%ed" _he_k_t_ • ! ...... ". ..' ' _._ou_ _pilo%ed..eheekoUt__'!.:_lete_. . . ,:t.._'v ' ..., <,t,:, <".,_,:,..:'':_-'!.:., • '.:: '. . . .":. ',% _:'- .:4_ ". "_" '. ' :'"' .... ....%_2"_.""' .... _._:.!_.: ..,::....:........ .' • cT . .. _ / '{'i .' :, '| , . . .'.:, :,, ii! : _ ":.';'.,y '_ :_:."...--...... 14.1.1 COCKPIT INSTH_vIENTS The cockpit the piloted checkout checks were made of the following Rate-of-climb-indicator 3. Airspeed indicator 4. Attitude indicator 5. Turn and bank 6. _ch 7. Flap position 8. Stabilizer readings smoothly tabulated during parison between largest discrepancy. to a fraction specified Rudimentary indicator position with the computer the computer values. during the simulation with values the four engine checks pitch attitude The differences and comparing comparisons checkout values. The instruevaluation. instrument test. attitude readings The com- shows is difficult are within were and all of the and piloted and cockpit and indicated on Page These climb performance However 3 the pitch of a degree. in "hold" the computed the dynamic of digital the computed in the table indicator by putting in good agreement A comparison were that indicator of times throughout operated confidence. to assure meter conducted were with checked instruments: 2. made a number statically could be conducted Altimeter the instrument ments were 1. The checks were instruments instruments the to read the tolerances 14.2-10. NO. Vol. I_ I SECT i PAGE I_.I ' 2. The stabilizer using stabilizer of the aerodynamic dicator referenced indicator to the fuselage data are in terms and stabilizer D6-30833-1 position information is in stabilizer of_FR used in the FSAA _s reference programmed line, _RL" All The 747 stabilizer L. in the flight "pilot's units", _L . P manual in- and The conversion is given by: = 3° "_FRL • - __J_ I SECT IN O. _6_3o_I13 Vol. IPAGE _., -3 I_. I, 2 A_,_0SPHERE MODEL The atmosphere _as checked for a number of V e for a number values model3 presented of altitude of altitudes and airspeed were input of M, V c (VI) , V, g . and qc were table on Page in Volume I of this conditions. to the computer. checked report 3 Values Output _rith the data in the 14.1-5. l SECT le 2. REV SYM Standard Day, No Pilot's Airspeed Wind Vl is equal to VC ¥ ALT. _T O KTS lO0 KTS iO0 169 .151 O 2OO 2OO 337.5 •3o2 135.5 138.5 O 3OO 3OO _0o._ .454 304.5 32<).5 0 4OO 4OO 675 .60_ 541.5 593 i0,000 zSO ih9.5 294 .273 75.5 I0,000 25O 248 487.5 .452 2o8.5 219.5 i0,000 350 345 6Y7.5 .629 4o3 444.5 i0,000 450 44O 864.5 .803 656 768.5 20,000 25O 245 .547 203• 5 219.5 20,000 3OO 292 675.5 .651 289 320.5 20,000 35O 338 781•5 .754 386.5 424.5 20,000 430 409 946 .913 576 695 30,000 2OO 195 538.5 .541 129 138.5 30,000 300 285 786.5 .7_1 275 3o,ooo 35o 32Y. 5 _o4 _5o 238 721 295 276 4U,O00 200 40,000 250 567 .9o9 34 '(7 jzo.5 303.5 444.5 .741 191.5 219. ) 837.5 .86± _>8 309.5 191.5 o51 .072 124 234 796.5 .823 185.5 14.1.3 kW_GINE CHARACTERISTICS Static by comparing same forward and reverse the computer condition. output The comparisons thrust characteristics data with a manual are shown were checked calculation in the examples of the on Pages 14.1-7 and -8. The transient and -10. _ere mates A sea level commanded. the engine engine static The resulting transient characteristics condition are shown on Pages was set up and throttle transient characteristics data shown in Section 14.1-9 changes for EPR approxi- 12. __fMM_ ISECT NO. I Vol. II D6-306k3 PAGE IH.% - G STA,,T ALT|TUD_-- -- "P-.OO_:::T IC "T-_t_,U = O. __ _"T- <_TPO_I:>P_I_Z._:> _/_- C_ ° POv,_iP,. _P--U E.R, P-_L-E_ _.Z'-./° _-7. o" _"& ,'_°F E_?_. {4.Cf'o_l _._ie_. _c_l._ -. O_& l.U,-T_7 "5"t _'OO U_ & ,992-9 9"_.I '% 9"s.¢'% S'7. _" _,. o?._ --,O_G -. o_&i .R e,_- .9 e,_'=t vZ._-_, _._ _ ?.._'(_ u_ F_/S Ze'S._,, CALC CHECK APPD APPD REV LTR: DR,_ _9_?o REVISED DATE ST,_T if---- _____-m_mH,m "iSECT T RT_.U ST NO. V( , _0 I PAGEDG'306_'3 I ,4. I - 7 Mc4N u/,_t.C_L?..UL_TION _£)_E. IP,.__vE.I_,.._F_T_IP, J._S't" _ "_,-( o (..I _ ?u't'_ _° _. o2_ P,, E'P'R. --. o'_G --. o'X f,:, _ .'9£'_9 LV_-O -436.9 _Z,"t Cl_>uT" ___-_ j ° -. _- _'_9 o%G, I l. _'B,'7.-G, "b _'7oo 3c t (,@_; t._ L_ - '_rZ_-_;__._ - "_N'-tZS ai..i. _-% 9_.&% CALC CHECK APPD APPD REV LTR: E 119(q _6 i • _,_ _'_ REVlSEO DATE ST/N.-_-- \C m, _m I SECT "T-_ T<.U -- -___ 'NO. % _ t0&._.o ° F_..Pt'<. F,,., uX - Z_7..7._ L_, L_ ST PAGE __;306]_3 I _. I - c._ ! i i _ i -'' i i ; . . _ ! _ z it: z iiiii:, _oo_ o oo _- " i • : : : : • . . : , ; jl _, ' i Z [--, i _ ...... : i I r t ,-_ i - , • r i T , : , _00 ° --. ! I E-N&INE_ T_:_,/k.I_SIE.I_T,._ roOF.NO IN0. lSECT IPAGE __._- 9 ' I 0 ? =ooooo_--I --i : i _= i i ; : : : I;,t_:i i :i ! ! i • i • i r ! i, ! _ : : , ........ *l:lll *1 i_i I z !:i!!_: , O0 ° TI_ILO_;TLEUF,._| 0 I __..p'l_,../_-T 1::=_cO IEI',,I_IN-E_ ,_'O,E'J,/Vg J SECT =,. _.. o_ "I-K_,,N.%_E.N_ NO. VoZ. Iz I PAGED6-3 _0__3 i_.1-1o I i " 14.1.4 LONGI_n_JDINAL TR_.I The simulated of weight, eB, c.g., altitude, and EPR/F n were Comparisons on Pages results are plotted results are tabulated -18. and flight RT values of_, test results. 14.1-12 to flight of configuration changes, computed landing and -13 and test and simulator gear up and do}m and the results are tabulated 14.1-22. of ground effect on trim is tabulated effect on Page curves on Pages 14.1-12. 2.0-31, -32, -18 and _.0-35. ,_'O_'IN_ E-_033 Computed variations thru -21. The trim data are based on the ground REV LTR: at several on Pages Comparisons on Pages 14.1-19 up and down, were The effect 3.0-17, trimmed to Boeing simulator 14.1-14-thru The effects and speed brakes vas statically speed, and flap positions. compared to simulator plotted on Page airplane ISECT z_;-3o643 I NO. Vol. II I PAOE l_..1 - 1, I.A _ W.'D._P. S0EIN_ o up t.lOO %z s" _o II q' -'_oo ,4':/'7 zs-o .4IL_ .6s ,%_ .67 ,'3:3 2.90 ?-.BLe . I7 .ZO ._B3Z 1.z6 ._o"S 4.q6 ,/-,JT ._qi, 4.S6 -,4S -._S 2. _=l 2._3 -. _o.. -,oq_ 4. _o 4 ;73 - I,'_ - I,q _._ 3.ro6 3.4A- z.4o 3.60 3,4t - (,_7 -_,_% ,z7 - 1,46 -_,o8 .30 ?_?.S" .=doZ '7,oB 7.00 -- I,_5 - I ,Li'9 3EK 2.LI-I 2.36 .I_ ._1 Zq ! , 6s" ¢' 3sS .go 3_- N_ 'z.6t _,o6 200 3Z Zo I_oEJNG z. ¢,ct4,o'/ zoo ?..=do ,_g'tq' 2._; N/_S_ !_R.L- ,725 t.zt ZZ6" ,7o3 I' 3,Off 3o 0 .2 ON UP ,r ,_ 5- _ou_o I so .z72 142 .'2.15" 'Zg'O .q It.f _a_ --,66 -I,%7 - 1,_zt i,6'Z I,g'2 6.99 _;.S3 -H.Ol -3.76 7,3I _. I5" - q.'36 -_,_( 6.ol _,99 -.'go -,go _FFECT _.E.A,e. _.T. Ir0o_i --,6t_ :3.03 64 oo o LS _t:,v< "_Wt" v L,t'X'_ lO0 _._,_ 5".0 4._6 _OS_N_ "gO N_,$/_ 6.gK %,7 l,lS? 6075-0 6.5"I 3,5"5" 1.13q 6o'B4o XO qq-'7 CALC CHECK APPD APPD "'_ REVISED DATE l-ON _, IruD ! M/kL- ,"--_,E'nA,,Dm "l_l _ I • ,_ 1)G-"506H5 I PlU. REV LTR: I SECT PAGE VOt t _¢.I - 12. "" '1_. • I ; • II d 0,1 -14 -t4 __ _- __I ...:--" ..:".C. C. -: ;! Z _'_,--_ t'-O o_ o o_ o -_. pN T ._ ..f" oo r_,-_ • ,-4 . . • • 0 . 4. O0 O0 cOcO m: O0 O0 cOCO l--o0 • O001-_(LrIT, IZ,'I V O0 "_I 0001 -_ "M'O _0 _Ol_l_Od g 0 .t'--- b..-b- o_ o_ _% _- 0 u'x_ kid 0 O-_ _- ,-i _.a" f_l oo 8_ w, u'x O'x u_ Ox _ OJ Oa OJ OJ I'% 0 O' _- _- _ _- (I• _ @ # _ ._" .l .._"_. _ ,= .:. __ ! • : ". e, ......... .......... ..... - ' : ' :, _, -=--_-=---,--_ ;: .... , .:._ 2.; ' .... ........ _ ...... " _i ....... I1=- -" ........ _| .....• I a_ I ..... . I.., I: "! "! I..._ .i:_::": ..... "t :'" " :: ":.-'L.::_: .: "'" I. " l ,: ::',-::: :" ..... " "-'I t:'.: - . t........... ......... _ ..... ................................. ' :' "' .... . " : .'I I :" ' --_.T-, ":: !" ....... ;:. "'7_ "_ ! ': _ ......... '.: _t'_ ." ........ : • t ..... - "_-,"_ : "" _' , " -' :--_ ." .-:" ="t-: ":' • =' : :t :..::.'- r,' ' "" ' , • -:-: .........I -::.:-==_ :: ::" _ ......... . _ : - :- i_. ..... I ' " I ....... ................. ' ............... ........ :::.-. ........ "- : .;: L-._____ "..... ;i: =-' "L I :._=m.=.... -:;=' ;-'.Y _.,.__.11 • ::: -:::! . a .... -..-.. ::. .:_:: • .._ ":; --_ * l_:": .... ,. . : , ' _.... ....... ,:= ....... .... _" I__ _: :[:_[_... ::-{'::: " :- .,-'.,._ : . ""- :-'::-_-:-;- ":!_[: : :-::.L :: " ::::" :! :h,_,z':, _:_: ,---=:I-- . :i ....... L_ , ...... : Z..=" _I " . _ ............ _ _.._7 ........................ :_L:= ......... /:_j__L_:_Z= P_--_,,;- ": ' .:t-:'t:= I: - ": --.... -': %= _ ......... -" _ , :- ........ _..... • --, ........... .2= :'" -:-:r : ::::::1::: :-L-t.. : ............. J .: ,..... ! ..: .... I ...... : .... :;:: : ' ..... .:::: " :_.:.:= " ; ": -: "" := = '" : _.... : "= ........... :: ...... !i_-:':':--;2- :-.::' -::._ ': [ "[:: :;I I -_-_'_ - ,.,,_.___...: .X: ' :._= ;=: 2: ::'=I:-' -_t .,.,_ ....... !-_'._:_:;'"i ............ :.::_ .................. CALC H'::" _ ......................... ....... , .... _ I .... 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D6-306l_ 3 I Vol. zI ISECT IPASE ,_.t- _'s :if:. i ;:: ;,.: ' ' : " NI/k$/k ,-oi -_o'I_ __ 0 !iii¸ ::;: ::.::::.. :::;i _:: _ii:!_!!: : _.::i! . i _ ._- _._._- _o ! _ o b.t._ t "T" u'o ISECT PAGE I 1',..1 ,_,_.-.. ,H.I- _, ! : . . ! : : 1,,,I,=,,,S P,, ,o K, , t z'°"_ LI 0 i I - t _ _ " t i _----t--4 _+ -I---'_ -- ..o i-.,--i!f yl.=.b ! _., i - ; _ -4 t,o I i 0 4.00 _ I = ...L,..e--v--r_ ) ..... "....... t 2.oo o NO. Vol. zz I PAGE _-3o___3 ,8..I- _4c,=, 0,,,J ,_.1 It i I t l+ i tit+t+ I_ 2. O. -- t t t + + Iv,..'i" il ° __J_L_LL + __ -+ 4 _ -+ 4--1tl--_ I --t_--1--------t I ! il ..... i o-q' I I ! i -+ I I _- gE i_+--- _'_ - F4.- _'6/-l-o0 ._" +-. -_.l-- o =.,.lZ,. c. ,_.- I,_ ":S¢3"ooo _.-T %?_% I .._-3o6_ I NO. vo3.. III SECT IPAGE' It. I- _ 7 N/,-_ s ,o,, ..... ! ...... i i I''ma_/N° SECT ll PAGE N°"v°'14. " Il-| - 4. 8 • _, o F_.. __.._ _ 1 i f ! [ " 'o_i .._, i [ _ [ I F'T"_-t-I II I! i _ i, o_ I !I!i it!t, I, '. [ ! li ijj, I i ' :i ' l , I ! i ] ' I'' ! i i _ I**ii ' !t ! ' T ' I_.4= .S'7 1,..ON _ C.,_ = "39.."P.., _DY_41C5 I PAGE IH'.I- 3 ½_ i I i'l ITUI> 1_,J_L. IN O. _o i_ _ ! i _i!i',i ISFCT '; ;: iI ' -o""o tl '_:_i i i_, I1!i i t I I ' t t 14.1.7 FLIGHT Force CONTROLS and Displacement The force and displacement shown on Pages 14.1-52 control in the FSAA loader cozpared to the force and 14.1-53. cab. Wheel and rudder forces These to the force were made to verify initially A condition e relationship tabulated comparisons 14.1-5_, 55. placement The data also obtained x-y plotter. Page and _col force on Page 10.1-3. in the computer loader forces and a modified to augment control the constant loader. Tests to check the _col on Page 14.1-56. obtained to a position were obtained. are tabulated to for two c.g. positions. from the column control The results the and cab column force. cab _ras also column _ras deflected of stick force, _e, The rudder Boeing and NASA simulations is plotted data in the FSAA The control were between from in the computer. was set up in the computer and the resulting obtained in the cab should be set in the column the computed and rudder are characteristics were not calculated was input to the control stick force gradient force on Page 9.1-3. The column force was calculated force increment for the wheel curves were The wheel characteristics in the cab should be compared curves are on Pages Column for this force loader on Page stick force through 14.1-55 and dis- condition. and the computed Column The values and _col a calibrated and plotted on 14.1-57. stabilizer plotted Similar comp_ted trade condition. stick force data was obtained The results are tabulated from the elevator on Page 14.1-54 and on Page 14. l- 58. _-3o6_3 REV LTR: E-3033 RI I SECT PAGE I _..I - go _neuvering column force data was obtained during the piloted checkout. 4 z_5-3o643 REV LTR" E-3033 RI ISECT IPAGE Ikl.l- 5I -,+-:-,,,+, INo.D6-30____3 +o_. ii .... [SECT IPAOE I_.1-5_ o I 1 L_ I - 2' @ I t ........ i ....... i I , : ' ! 1 I ! t ! - t .... ,-1 d _o0_q 0 .: N :.d" ; _ -k-.t 0 Z i I ; I I 0 0 'Z b-- b--_D 0 • • • • 0 I OJ er_kD ._.-:t- _1 I 0 u_O_O C_I +' 0 I I I I 0 2 0 • I-o_ 'Z _J I I _ I I I I m,, r,..) 4. o_ 2 o,_ o _ I I I I I ,6 Z 0 0 • 0 .-_' .._" 0"_ -._ (_ kD ,--I r....I I I o__ oo_o_ I I r-I u/ tl H t- I-I Z 4 D-- °Z_ I I CO _uJ O00I _" c_ o,-I D-- u_ 0 0 o °O°O "HI O001 ®M'O cO OJ k.O 0 0 _O _ tJ o _ HV_D ]_0I_I SO_ > ; • 0 ..I.3 Ii r-I M_ kO kO @ I .1" L RL'V SYM v_o-3_+3 i. "r'r \ l_VT _C_Lu M COt.A4pOTE.D ha CO l'_p O'T F..I> ",.' 'O _.._. 3.7_ IZ.73 -'3.9g -_.gG -?.3,0 - g. 9,7 -4.'ss $.g._ - xz._ 170o C. _. - --3.0 --11. _, -_.93 6.9S" - V'_.S" - _z. 6"z - _.,_ -tz._ E. g& .3 Igl g.g-L -'58 -3g.t,S" ?.'s3 -'3,7 -3"Z. uS" - --.?_ -'3.0 8._7 g,3 Fo_.c (_) 4o,7 "_Pal- '37_"?. _.3 g. F-olLc.E -,-La "- _E.& ,77 I?_ ._" C.m._IP_ T F_-t) e._.oK poT_.D -_. 'OE._ 79 '2,7 Io'_, _xH.I 6.qg -69 -Tt,Z 17,o 9,33 --75" -'?7. 1"7.0 9:33 -76 -TS 3, .o 0 6) /k$SUHIF... oF "74-'7 7 IN. 0_. COt-OH,_ FSP_.P_ COLL)HM OEFL._C.T| _)%¢'LECTIDN = _'Z.. (07 _)F.._. ON. 7_7 CALC CHECK APPD APPD '¢R.N _" _,_v,_ REVISED DATE Co PtIp._,'g.t cj o ¢d % _T_' ST t CF- COI_?UT t:::O¢,,F--E- mRKJlFJI_'_ NU. REV LTR: l SECT Vol. :[[ j... PAGEI_-3_3 tq.ii55 E.'_ i REYI$1_D DATI_ COLUMKI LONG t'TU E) It_tkL 35000 .,. AI') 4_1 Cltl4 ?. r ........ VT. FO R,C F,._ • ikX -E.% ,--+ b/i=.8>O --- , i -/47 FROZEN _O0000LB. THE BOEING COt,,4,PANY E.L_.V#_WO_... ST/_,l_lul'_-__.e.. COLu I SECT M N T[;?,.Ik'Dr=...S _-o R.CF.. S PAGE _,4.1- 5 RIGGING The lateral table on Page results 14.1-60 for various control rigging was shows a comparison combinations of wheel che eked at high of Boeing speed. and NASA and speed brake The simulation inputs. .2 I I__IF_ REV LT'R: E-3033 R I ISECT I D6-30643 Vol. zz PAGE I_._-5_ N O. I • . _ o __ o o" _ -_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 _--I ,-I 0 ................ REV SY_,-', _v,,_::IN-I-_O / (, - 7 _.,:i,'_ IA.I.7.3 BLOWDOWN The limit value blowdown for rudder simulation checkout. data for point spoiler A is a comparison between Boeing and was verified at elevator blowdown spoiler different stabilizer and and the times trade lateral the ratio changer throughout test provided rigging check the a provided data. further accelerations elevator The elevator blowdown for with of and check full on blowdown control initial _as a comparison inputs. The tabulation accelerations and control of initial on Page surface 14.1-62 positions IIASA simulations. D6-30643 IN0. Vol. II I BOFIN_ REV LTR: E-3033 R| ISEC IPAGE ,,.,- F=L._d_T CoN_ITIOD4 " Dk& tT_,L- ¢x.r'V_JT" N_jm, WL4_.F..U1 N_u'r" re4 ¢.,0UJt_N -'8_>. 0F.Z,L o 12-. 67 _9... 67 --l_.,E -- %Z,_-- t2.,, "2,. _?_._, --lq./Z. -- I%,'7.- _.99E E.O 5".0 DS_ OuT_u'r" .__%_@ CL. •_'z.;7.. _ Co . O'Z.?.4 .oZZ6 c_ . O0:E?.. .oo_3 • __"/oo .z73__ --,lT&7 --.t7 & o • oLZ:7 --. o_Z2.. .otz& • 017& . Ot'Tg C, -.o_?.._, _-r/_ -SW9 .!3zz --.oT_q -,o5-79 -7,qz_ --I&.gV --?..oZ_t_.t9 I, o_,'_ 7. 6o3 --_%7& /+7o --17. o6" tT.oo --Z.O C_ _,. o'Z. _--_. 0 9, 2_o o0 o/_._ _?otum/_. Gq%__t. 1/19- _Ao o/zo.o REVISED - ?__,_,S" 44.7 _/o o/2-S.%7 _m2/Z_,Z7 DATE COHP_SO_ (t--o) Fo_ o_= V_tOuS 2._...3.o/o z,o._ l o [NVrIP, __o,o L- VALUES COnTrOL I N?UTS D6-306_, APPD REV LTR: _0.0 -- _.-gG ,_.u -7.9z_3 _._ _..O. O _/'q h o --,oS79 I.o_o -Vb_o CALC CHECK APPD 7.. - s'_-.o9 *% e.uo'D_. ! . OZIL_ •o7-_7 1)r=6/_St.."_ vE._ .7-S I SECT I PAGE IH. I- &2. /o 14.1.8 LA_,TDINGGEAR The landing to settle gear was on the ground Dynamic responses were initial conditions. static checked by allowing and verifying made by releasing of the computer the landing simulation gear frame time of 39 milliseconds. the response to a _h initial The increase in a smoother than lecting the limit to have the same frequency limitations condition compression. from _h and _ and the overall was run at a computational The time histories in computation response of strut the airplane In consideration simulation, times. the amount the airplane on Page for two different speed, the "normal" frame frame time 14.1-64 computation to 13 ms, results time of 39 ms. cycle, the response with the 39 ms frame and slightly increased shows damping Neg- time appears over the 13 ms re sponse. The time histories initial the _ condition. The comments the frame of slowing of the limit realistic though cycle increased to the Boeing a limit was high enough by the pilot. RT response to a A_ are applicable to 14.1-66. as the computation inthe limit speed The amplidecreased. gear deflections moving in the computed of the computed speed 3 or increasing on Page due to landing test pilot cycle existed time the amplitude E-3033 the response response the computation time, are shown in the responses The aircraft REV LTR: on the _h shows responses. The effects tude on Page 14.1-65 base response felt simulation. with Even a 39 ms frame cycle was low and the frequency (3 cps) that no objectionable characteristics _'0_'_ I SECT were noted D6-3o6_3 IN O. VoW. _ IPAGE I _t.i- _3 ::_! :7 _,_,,t ----, ! I I i i:! i i I I - - _ I I ] _=:: _-_:::_ I i 3z" !:i-_i;! ! ! i i .... ! i_i ; I i i:=t 1_::! t:! ! _ i i _ t _ _ i:44 ! i:i:!:: :i!::t:fIyi:i ti .' ! t _ 't_¢ttii !!.iiiii I _z"--] i I ! I ]-::i:i i_-_ i ,, i i _'_II_,_I_.I I 1 i_ _^,,, Ul_ 7 ! • _ L I_tM.T II,_ _l•'Ir"%l _ I _ "'_ " _zt.o,y_e_._ . L i I i.i :• -: I i : i : l " I I i 1 ! i :_--4:::t:-_i_:!::_]-_ It _ _. :'_----__=_ _.'_=_: ___ I I , I i ! I I i , , I : i I !::_ : :q--l_ I l I t i l:t :X! I I I I t t I 1 I II_'] |l'lllillll'_lllll]1]lllllllll|'illlll]]l|ill|l|llll|ll :. _ _ : i i -go%_¢-- i. I ::i:-I ::::=!!i _ _ I I . I i _ I :i:I :i i I i-! 1 i i ! t :_:! ! i ! t I t _ i ! ! i i i I I t l< I ! i i ! i ' i t 1 ' _'_,_ o11_111 _ I1111 HIIII illllllilllltllllli _:_lill_ _ I I I!11' Illl I I il_ll I II111 I Illll , I I11111 I ( i i i _ I I i I -t i Illllllllllli Illll I Ilili .< -_. ;__L L_-_L] .I_._I t i i C.q#- 1 l = Eg'gi> NO. ISECT Vol. zz IP_GF I_-3_3 _.i-_ : .i: i . ,+o',•--]., i_+!_-:-_+! !'- !-= !:71 _:1<-I=-r:r _r _ i :-: • 1:: _ ::ii_ _--rv?i i_7 ; i i ; ! i 1 i:,:'_I ':i_;i ,,. :=7 7 --./afO_/_Ec..--] i ! I t • i- _ i _ :" i _ i i i i : ;::: ! t , { i ,-t- " 1 i ..... - : ] 7 I _ _ - ! ] .... I I::.- ] :i ' ! _11 i-i % --_-i lillliil,lllli$lllllllllllillli, i1_,-!-i ii illl ' ii ill ill iiiI i i i!11 i:] tlti 7 /-_5;/--_-i i i _ i - ! ! i i Rol_ i::t-" 7]7 _' ! _- ,: i _,',ll,l _ _ ] _ ii ii ! ! i t ! iI! i.i ililiXlJIlliill,llili ill iillll i iIIi i I nl, +_ L3,,_9_ = -._" D6-30_;__3 Vol. NO. PAGE II I1.,I.I- G5 ' i I ! I i I I ! ! ! I I --1 Ti ! I Illl NO. I SECT VoW. I =:_-q I I_ I PAGE _6-306__3 Ii.I.. I- GG i !-:I i i i I 14.2 PILOTED CHECKOUT The piloted simulation project as well pilot, 3 sessions. 1. as quantitative flew the motion He qualitatively Airplane simulator evaluated handling Dutch b. Spiral mode c. Short period d. Phugoid e. Roll f. Climb performance g. Flap h. Speed brakes Jack Waddell 3 Boeing for a total 747 of 5 hours the following in characteristics: mode mode rate extension and retraction response 3. Ground effect 4. Control 5- Take off (3 and 4 engine) 6. Landing 7. stall 8. Air minimum 9- Buffet and landing of the roll mode Engine The ground assessment characteristics a. Stick an overall data. 2. 10. approach checkout provided forces control speed shaker effect characteristics evaluation. The ground were modified effect during data on Pages I the 2.0-31_ -32, z_-3o643 INo. vol. zz REV LTR: E-3033 R I SECT IPAGE _. 2. - I 3.0-17, The -18, _.0-35 were •7 times the pitching •3 times the drag increment •9 the lift increment above times changes additional Boeing revisions the felt location simulator due to were in the roll above 6 feet the the pilot the stick 747 in Section 19. shaker c.g. (i0 simulator location in in the feet) drive comparable to factors: were substantiated simulation. and pilot. The frequency His by overs_l resulting characteristics comments sub- simulation. resulted than following amplitude of the the inputs data Boeing satisfaction of the increment effect included greater motion the on validity Rapid pilot testing and by moment ground are to modified the buffet tailored stantiated of to piloted The were and The reduced equations. the acceleration airplane. w_s the above lateral to an The airplane. c.g. pilots felt lateral is attributed to the vertical effective pilot The which distance the resulting acceleration aircraft flexibility. Quantitative pages contain the data results were of the obtained piloted with NASA pilots. The following tests. _O.E'INO I SECT I N O. I D6-30643 Vol. II PAGE i_.2-2 I$. 2.1 TAKEOFF Two verify the istics, takeoff thrust efficient takeoff time while Boeing the thrust. from . Boeing gross The ground weights were simulation effect inertia be compare added to average the curves Velocity results obtain in effects rotation and E'3033 RT drag attitudes_ indirectly a and lift-off to character- rolling checked stop _ratch. shown in the table started with V = 15 kt the the data two, NASA started the data. acceleration. on Pages histories versus on Pages The 14.2-7 from time to This time the on co- by timing = 0 and -8 (t = 0) is Boeing . NASA equal to The takeoff and from acceleration !_.2-8 the and determined between i$.2-$ t = 0) ta/_eoff 0 15 thrust to kt w_s 15 knots divided determined . I%_SA takeoff from Page accelerate average and data 14.2-7 time were Comparisons (at at V speeds NASA are test shown are on Pages plotted 14.2-5 with and the . __JAr_ REV LTR: performed of basic taxi are are takeoff To Time _6 and to simulations takeoff the rate, indicator simulated by acceleration. lapse airspeed EASA must different acceleration. the and at of friction The by takeoffs ISECT _-3o643 IN O. Vol. zI IPAGE Z-:3 ['3 o o 0 ii 4-' i",r_ II _" I "q I O _ 8 L,-, 0 0 OJ 0 0 r-4 -H @ _ O H _ _ F..q ou'_ '_ ..T" c_ II _J O u_ OJ +I Z 0 o_ " o O_ E_ 1-1 B m t-: i" -.1" .,_ t'N O o _o IQ OJ +; w Iii _- 2 2 ,It I1_ u_ A t_. ii1 e-4 | O O cO 0"_ 0 -- tO _z _ _.-- 2 _D o D 0 •&_ ooo_~ ,4 _q 055q %.'_ o "0 ° 0 "fl O00T "_ "M'O c_ O E_ u__ H E_ 0 ..... ISECT 6 J 0, o D- ]{OI&iS(k4 (M IPAGE ,_I. z - "i i:::: j:; ill!! o _ i A !_: i i ! : : :i i ..... I :1 : i ! I 't 1: !i:,i,'!iiii_,_li,, I .: ..... &93 _F - 707 -- I0 e...L= - ?_00 %-_ C._- 5_Fk = I.._.v F_._.... I l.I. ,9o [ T/_,K.E-- _._ NO. %'ol. zzPAGE I_ _-._" OFW J ;.i.;.,iiiii iii l_llll X'+-, G,_+ :_,V,.E. O_t t:=_._-. = -- 3. I SECT I PAGE_,4._ -(,, = ] 14.2.2 CLI_B PERFOE_NCE The purpose simulation. of this test was The pilot started to verify the test near was to fly the air speed and EPR schedule Page l_.2-10. At the check altitudes, and data was obtained The comparison on Page 14.2-10 this task from the cockpit between is to have sea level prescribed the computer instruments Boeing and I_ASA simulator and plotted on Page 14.2-Ii. the airplane the climb performance stabilized and his task for this condition, was put in "hold" and the computer. results is tabulated The difficulty when putting in performing the computer to "hold" . _6-3o6;,3 REV LTR: E-3033 R T ISECT I PAGE IN. 2 - 000000 oooo_o 0 r_ o i o o i-! p_ ! o_ i SECT _PAGE _H'._- -I0 ............... :_.,:...... ::_L........L..... ..... : i - _ • I } : ; " :" " ' ! ! I _ -- ! .!!!.-I -- _'_. i • =_ "t THE ,""l: :I :': _ t: BOEING . l .... . ffTT: ;--" ' : :i :':::-: _.., ......... " "' :. T. i , " ::;: i'i'i::" _ ,.. . " :: :: 1L_:.: COIvtPANY L.!\ AO 4r, t ,c,l-4 I_ok- A_.,..,'-,"'. 14.2.3 IICFLIGHT ACCELERATION The acceleration with maximum Speed continuous tween Boeing and NASA starting on Page 14.2-14. result simulations Y_ch and altitude high altitude The differences for the higher is shown The NASA idle thrust, to the maximum on Page The trend appeared idle EPR was made in the NASA after brakes results be- and are plotted data are the test utilized a revised the idle thrust of the results_ correct. simulation speed and Boeing affected speed. 14.2-13. with The Boeing at M = .65 The comparison simulation in the NASA to EPR which number. by starting from the cockpit. in idle EPR. correction and Mach performed check was performed at M = .85. of a difference ms and accelerating obtained The deceleration idle power, DECELERATIOE condition thrust and time data were _ at accounting The adjustment the checkout to the data were obtained. , z_;-3o643 I'o.vo ,, . REV LTR: E-3033 R T ISECT IPAGE '_. _. -_ • -:. :_ . ::'= ........ , . ....... ................................... _ ....... :iiiiii_i : "":: .=; ; : :Id '" : ..... _." 1.._...... : i-::: ............ ::::I": :: l _ ....... ...._':".= '"'"= ._::.-_-'"': ::,: ....................... *.::,: ::_: .,- " - J......... ............ . ::] .-- .: ;. ': ::; ...... :...':: I. -- : . ......................................... :t ,_;.::;I ": _.. :_:: 2: * _._'..." :- :! -- _-_. ..... _., -:I .... • :::.:. _.:: -:::,.I...: ";-:"_- -;: _ . .;.; - ........ !.. ': ...... :-I i:.. ._, _................ :'-"I-'-_:: _-:::=: = .................... ....... ...... " .,, _I_ _, ...I , _ •., , ....... ..._;., ,... !: ! -'-- ''-: : ...... .... _ ..... _-=....... _..-, ..... I...... _:_L_ ..... _- *- f .... _: - :I _._r:: :T4---:-_-=-=l_----: ......... : .... ; ' --'-::. - : _ ................... " - • : ' :- ,- _: --:=:: ::--;::: J___............................. t _ : ........ ! I" -., .... • .... ,- _-_-. ..... ;: : ::-_=- ................ . ,...+_.--t.-_._---t-.-_.---_:.: . t. i .......... '.io-:::i._-:+---+l---:_-: .... _--..-:--I.-:.,_--I .=i-.--I----.--:._--::.-.--_.... ;:-'I _--," ---;:-- ..... _.............................. =_::I:=:_--:- - I...... -_-i ........ 1............... I....... , .... I ....................... --. I "- ':'. :_-_i':_ =d._::...... : ..... :.-: ::tr:_OZ .::_l.: .... " ..... ::"- ..... _:::_ :_::: _.'=:::-:-. , ...... :_.....*-.--_---: :-.-,+......... "--I ....... _........ i ....... _ ............... i ........... !i._., I'::_: _ O:_:!':._: _I_,_:R :: = -- : _ ..... - .-._-- ._v_.._.- - . ....... t .................................... -_, ........................................... - _= ........ F-----_=-d___---_ ..................................... .:_ _!-_- ".--_'. : -:.. :: ::- : ::..-_:::. :.r.=: :-- :. , -..::: :..m-. ::,- .: :: . ::;:_ :: :" - : - , ..... 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THE BOEING COMPANY C•R4 (;? _,..., ,_,,j 14.2.4 STZADY TU_S This test required to hold airplane for coordinated to in dition was values of the when is going plotting order stabilized flight to the angle 3 or load level check flight were results rolled of results_ the A was obtained. calculated The put in value into and are The data having and a a the allowed the the concomputed tabulated are -18. was with plotted, The stabilized of _Iz = 1/cos_ elevator steady was When results 14.2-17 and trimmed airplane "hold" 14.2-16. in pilot airspeed. The on Pages difficulty then angle. on Page force and a constant computer stick The to maintain 3 the the factor. bank test "hold". to a specified and _e a result conducted and simulation with scatter at Fs, @B' Boeing along a bank straight turn descend was data condition used in data. D6-3o643 REV LTR: E-3033 RI iSECT IPAGE 3" w e) _r_ 0 -e. ,-_ V} Z - o ' N I ._. II lU cO - _ • . 4-1 I .f OJ _0 _ I I I I I L- Z 0 p4 _.o_. ,-4,-4,--4 ... OOOO em OOU% cQ I., , t--- 0 .OOO 0 0 :=: B 0 _ 2: H NO. Vol. ]:3: iPAGE 6-3o6 I,+.;_IG _3 i .... ii'- .... THE BOEING COMPANY 14.2.5 LONGI_JDINAL STATIC The airplane _as trimmed out changing speed using a rate the stabilizer the elevator. the airplane column _ras then released speed. The results for straight or throttle, and level the pilot The thrust discrepancy of climb or descent. corded when STABILITY Comp_ted values _as stabilized OfSe on Page changed _as allowed Withthe to generate , Fs, ands B were re- at the prescribed to see if the airplane are plotted slowly flight. _uld speed. return The to the trim 14.2-20. D6-3o643 oo_.A,_ INO. vo1. zT REV LTR: E-3033 R_ I SECT I PAGE I_i.z- _ t : I : " , i"i:" !"-.; "- i ::......... _ "-'-- ........... ,_.. .t, -:. , FL'T. ....... _SP,, (_) ..........; , : S_M : E] : A,/I:> R,_IOI : 4-'5 CERT. • , I FLIS,,F_ ZO ;'_; .... ,: GE/_f:L _ UP I ............. CQND. NO. I.ZZ.051.00 I-.009 I . ........ CG %M/_ 37. GW t.B. 56?.000 ALT. FT.. " TRIM _EPK 10ooo I. I'/?- I I I ......._.20 i I i 747 :_-3o6il.3Vol. II V 14.2.6 STEADY SIDESLIPS After a trimmed applied rudder to hold flight condition a steady sideslip. trol and bank angle was _sed to maintain When the airplane were recorded. was stabilized, Comparisons test are shown on Pages 14.2-22 A combination a straight computed bet_een NASA was set up3 the pilot values of lateral and level of_, and Boeing E-3033 RI con- flight _R , _w' simulations path. and_B and flight and -23. ,,4T_',E',f.ArL_ REV LT'R: slowly I SECT D6-30643 ! N O. VoI. r-r I PAGE i _.'_, - _., i!i!P!i!i:! .-k i::t:_:-'! STEADY KNOTS THE BOEING _7 D6-306_3 Vol. II i i V.,.- 143._1 SIDESLIP COMPANY 14.2.7 ROLL RATES The pilot and then pedals rolled trimmed into a 30 ° bank. were not used. input was rapidly in the opposite a stop watch were obtained required applied and held until thru through flight time histories. simulator 14.2-25 data a wheel banked to 30 ° the 60 ° was obtained roll rate and magnitude of wheel The average the change in bank angle, The NASA and level _,_s established, the airplane The time to bank in the table on Page 14.2-26 the bank angle from the computed by dividing for straight The yaw damper was on and the rudder and the maximum to bank 60 ° . results After direction. with was determined the airplane input roll rate 60 °, by the time is compared and to the plotted to Boeing data on Pages -28. ,/ _-3o643 REV LT'R: E-3033 RI I SECT N0. 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L-:..__ .....j ....._._ ........ :.zoo: ....... :zzo..... ...... - :.. --TT'/'-_."'':: - ........... !::;:!:::: "';. : ..... ..'!P-'-::. !. :., : t .-___q_ -_.::...-! _:_¢,, :.,TF---"---I ,: _'.'-:-:'h':'-:*' ....... ,'I" .... { ::2::-!-:-': " ":" ....... _,-.-n=----:--"_-__ } " '_-- _=...-." , ..,_.-"" ' ,":_..... , ,. - r .... :.,-: I:: _':- "':_"'i_._..'-_'.-, ] ._ "- t ........................ "[':':' -:_ G- ', :_ ":' " " ,' :,. /..::; ': t _ _ ]-..... :1 -;..--_:-__.. :-_:,-..-7-':_L -:: -, : -.: " -,'-":I'T--:'::I" -" -: . ROLL i. RATE CAPABILITY FL AI::_ IO _< ;:_:1. "74"7 I ] A,,. :1:_-306_3 ' A_r " ODE_ARD ' 5-14-'/0 Vol. II PAGE THE BOEING COMPANY I_._.-;_(= I +, + . i_£i ':::i'iW L_ ROLL II INK AD 4_1 RATE CAPABILITY I=LAPS 30 THE BOEING COMPANY 14.2.8 AIR IIIND_4 Minimum CONTROL control at _¢hich an airplane SPEED speed in the air is defined can maintain failed_ rudder at full high). The results deflection, from straight flight and bank angle the NASA test are plotted _th at as the lowest a critical 5 degrees on Page speed engine (dead engine 14.2-30. D6-3o643 14_IIP_IP_I_'_ INO. VOW" Z REV LTR: E'3033 R| I SECT IPAGE ,'-t-._- 2._ 15.0 APPE_,_IX A - FLIGHT _I_UAL Selected airplane will flight allow performance Part pages manual are the simulation criteria from the performance contained in this to be operated and certification section section. in compliance requirements of the FAA approved This information _rith the appropriate of FAR Part 25 and 36. D6-3o643 I NO. Vo1. z I I _r_'LL"J'_I/_ REV LTR: E-_033 RI I SECT I PAGE _.o- I .,i/c-,,,_A APP.,#_,,E_.m,//,,L='.a7 FLIGHTNANUAL / --_ ' -- JL-__ _ ...... THIS AIRPLANE MUST BE OPERATED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRESCRIBED CERTIFICATE LIMITATIONS IN SECTION 1 HEREIN .,,00rov,,_,_.,-C;__N"_ Chief, Aircraft Engineering Division, FAA, WESTERN REGION Date PUBLISHED BY THE BOEING COMPANY, December COMMERCIAL 30, 1969 AIRPLANE GROUP, RENTON, WASHINGTON U.S.A. D6-306__3 " NO. Vol. II - PERIFOlqMA_(Z AIRPLANE SE C T_ Q_ FLIGHT _- MANUAL P ERgO RMAN CE OENERA_ The information in this section is presented for compliance with the appropriate performance criteria and certification requirements of FAR Part 25 and Part 36. STARDARD PERFORMANCE All performance CC_DITI_S in this section ratings on the following: i. Approved engine sory losses. 2. Full temperature accountability within the operational limits, landing distance, which is based on standard d_7 temperatures. Trailing edge flaps positions as follows: 3. thrust is based less installation losses, Trailin_ Takeoff Transition Enroute Approach Flap and acces- except for FJ.aI_O i0, 20 I, 5 0 20 Setting Lancling 25, 30 Leading edge devices position. Y_ Ed_e airbleed FACTORS in the appropriate position for trailing edge flap A_'_'_.'C"-'A_G F_RFORMA_CE Details of the variable factors affecting performance are given under Performance configuration, but certain assumptions relating to all Performance data are as follows: ICING PROTECTION The effect of anti-iclng systems operation is shown on applicable charts. NJ_IDITY Humidity has no appreciable effect on the thrust has not been considered in the perforaance data. of the engines; therefore, it WIND The wind velocity used in calculations is factored relevant operating regulations. All charts should reported wind components. to assure compliance with the be entered with actual tower.......... FAA + APPROVED 12"30-69 --- ISECT _6 IPAGE m ...... ,, AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL G ERAL A_SPE_S All airspeed All Indicated Position and Mach Airspeeds error values in this manual are based is the instrument on normal indication assume a zero instrument static source position error error. error. due to location of static ports. Equivalent Airspeed. EAS - Airspeed indicator reading, as installed in the airplane, corrected for static source position error and compressibility. Ca_ibrate¢ A_rsoeed. CAS - Airspeed indicator reading, plane, corrected for static source position error. as installed in the air- ;_zlicate_ Airspeed. IAS - Airspeed indicator reading, plane, uncorrected for static source position error. as installed True Mach in the airplane, N_ber. for static source M - Mac_meter position reading, as installed in the air- corrected error. Critical Enzine Failure Soeed. VI - The speed at which, when an engine failure is recognized, the distance to continue the takeoff to a height of 35 feet will not exceed the usable takeoff distance; or, the distance to bring the airplane to a full stop will not exceed the accelerate-stop distance available. VI must not be less than the Ground Minimum Control Speed, VMCG, or greater than the rotation speed, VR, or greater Engine Failure for actual than Soeed Ratio. runway dimensions the maximum VI/VR brake - The ratio and conditions, Maximum B_e Enerav Speed. V_ stop can be accomplished within energy speed, VMBE. of the engine to the rotation failure speed, speed, V1, VR. - The maximum speed on the ground from which the energy capabilities of the brakes. _'_I'AL"JAI"_I'! NO. a I_- + FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 ISECT IPAGE t .o- @ AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL GENERAL AIRSPEEDS Rotation (Continued ) Speed. VR - The speed at which Takeoff Safe_.y Soeed. V_ - The scheduled foot height wlth one engine inoperative. rotation target is initiated speed during to be attained the takeoff. at the 35 Air Minimum Control speed, VMCA - The minimum flight speed at which the airplane Is controllable with a maximum of 5 ° bank when the critical engine suddenly becomes inoperative with the remaining engines at takeoff thrust. Ground Minimum Cont_l Speed, _MCG - The minimum speed on the ground at which the takeoff can be continued, utilizing aerodynamic controls alone, when the critical engine suddenly becomes inoperative with the remaining engines at takeoff thrust. Landln_ Reference Speed, VREF - The minimum speed at the 50 foot height in a norreal landing. Thls speed is equal to 1.3 times the stall speed In the landing configuration. Desl_n Maneuverin_ available aileron, Soeed. VA - The maximum rudder or elevator will speed at which not overstress application of full the airplane. 6-3 + FAA APPROVED _rJAY_ 12-30-69 I SECT I NO. IP AGE Vol. I_'.0- II5- AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL GENERAL (Continued) TEMPERA_JRE ISA - International Standard Aviation Organizatlon. Air Temperature Atmosphere, - the as accepted free air static by the International (ambient) Civil OAT - Outside temperature. SAT - Static Air Temperature - outside air (ambient) temperature as computed by the Air Data Computer and presented on the Static Air Temperature indicator. TAT - Total Air Temperature - static air temperature plus a_llabatic compression (ram) rise as indicated ca the Total Air Temperature indicator. WIND Wi_d Velocity - The actual wind velocity at a 50 foot height reported frmm the tower and corrected by the wind component chart to a headwlnd or tailwlnd component parallel to the flight path. HEIGHT 9rQss Height - The geometric height attained at any point in the takeoff flight path using gross climb performance. Gross height is used for calculating actual pressure altitudes at which obstacle clearance procedures and wing fl_p retraction are initiated, and level-off-height scheduled. _et Height - The geometric height attained at any point in the takeoff flight path using net climb performance. Net height is used to determine the net flight path which _st clear any obstacles by at least 35 feet to comply with the regular ions. IC ING Icing Conditions - Icing may develop when visible moisture such as wet snow is ]_resent with Static Air Temperature below 8"C (46"F). fog, rain, or TAKEOFF DATA Balanced distance Field L_h - The condition equal to the accelerate-stop where Vl is selected distance. to make Unbalanced F_eld Length - The condition where Vl is selected distance and accelerate-stop distance unequal. the t_off to make the takeoff t + FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 I I SECT I I No. PAGE IS.O- 6 AIRPLANE FUGHT MANUAL GENERAL GRADIenT Gross OF CLIMB Grsd/_D$ - The demonstrated ratio, expressed as a percentage, of: Chaa_e i:n Height Horizontal Dis tauce Traveled The gradients shown on the charts are true true, not pressure, rates of climb. N_t Gradlen_ - The demonstrated by regulation. BUFFET _SET gross gradients, i.e., graY,dent reduced they are based by the increment on as requlred CHARACTERISTICS The buffet boundary is a basic characteris_;ic of the airplane that is defined by angle of attack and Mach numbers. Below aj_proximately 0.85 M, the buffet is related to the wing maximum llft capability (therefore to true airplane stall). In the range above O. 85 M, buffet is rela_i to the growth of shock waves on the wing. At any flight condition, it is possible to high-speed, and maneuvering margins before Maneuvering Capability chart. ) determine the altitude, low-speed, buffet onset occurs. (See Cruise C _ 0 S S W I N D and Landing) V A L U E S The maximum demonstrated height. This component (Takeoff crosswind componer it is 30 knots reported is not considered _ _ be limiting. wind at 50 foot For performance scheduling, the corresponding crosswind the full head_ "J.nd component may be used provided component does not exceed 30 knots. MINIMUM L CONTRO SPEED _[ The Air Minim_ Control Speeds (VMCA), and (VMCG), of this airplane are shown on a chs Speeds charts where applicable. + FAA A/qIROVED the Ground Minim_ Control Speeds rt in this Section, and on the takeoff NA_'_"J,/VLW 12-30-69 that I SECT I N O. IPAGE V_o_.SO_ _5,o- 7 P_'O_E 80A ING AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE FLIGHT C OND_TIONS MANUAL AND PROCEDURES Takeoff field length performance shown in this section accounts for 115 percent of the all-engines operating distance, or the total distance considering an engine failure recognition at VI, whichever is greater. These distances are based on a smooth, dry, hard-surfaced runway. The appropriate was used. airplane conflgurati_, outlined under Performance Conflgurations, The conditions and procedures used in establishing the performance data in this manual are presented under each phase of operation. Procedures are guidance material only. TAKEOFF Conditions Prior to takeoff, a review was m_de of stabilizer and flap settings, takeoff speeds, and that sufficient field length w_s available for the gross weight and ambient conditions. Corrections were applied, when necessary, for significantly altered ambient conditions or loading. Procedures Thrust was set to i.i EPR prior to brake release, or as the airplane was aligned with the runway. With no wind, or adirect headwind, EPR was advanced prior to brake release. Thrust levers were adjusted as necessary to obtain target EPR values by approximately 40 to 80knots on the takeoff roll. Rudder pedals were used for directional control through the nose wheel and rudder. Rotation to takeoff attitude was initiated at VR. A speed not less than V2 was obtained at a height of 35 feet. The landing gear was retracted after a positive rate of climb was established. A smooth positive rotation was used to the initial climb attitude (approximately 13 to 22 degrees depending upon gross weight and thrust available). Minor attitude variations were made after liftoff to achieve the initial climb speed. Engine failure results in approximately 2 to 2-1/2 degrees lower attitude than normal climb. NOTE: With center of gravity at or near the aft limit, avoid sudden brake release and maintain forward pressure on the control column knots to increase nose wheel steering effectiveness. BO_L'JAk'O + FAA to approximately APPROVED 2-20-70 I SECT m NO. 80 D6-3000000000 Vol. IPAGE II- 8 AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE R_FUSED FLIGHT C 0_DIT_0NS TAKEOFF (Anti-Skld MANUAL _ND FROCEDUR_S Or4.) C ondit ions Calculated accelerate-stop distances account reaction times, plus arbitrary time delays. Reverse thrust for demonstrated recognition and was not used. Procedures When an engine failure occurred, recognized prior to VI. the takeoff If the takeoff was refused for any reason, was accomplished as rapidly as possible: Wheel Brakes - MAXI_ BRAKING All Thrust Levers - IDLE Speed Brakes - UP CLIMB-OUT was refused prior when the failure to VI, the following was procedure APPLIED (B or _ Enalnes) C audit ions Climb gradient and obstacle cleaxm_ce flight path performance most critical engine inoperative at VI. is based on the procedures Takeoff flap setting and V2 speed were maintained for initiation of flap retraction. Flaps were section. retracted according to the Flap to at least Retraction Enroute procedures were followed after climbing _y elevation, or after all takeoff flight path Speed the height Schedule, selected in this to at least 1500 feet above obstacles had been cleared. run- + FAA APPROVED 2-20-70 I SECT IPAGE R AIRPLANE pER_QRMANCE FLIGHT CONDITIONS MANUAL AND pROCEDUBES OBSTA_C_CE Conditions With all engines operating, a speed not greater than V2 + i0 knots was maintained until either the scheduled flap retraction height, or the minimum gross height for obstacle clearance (whichever was lower), was reached. When engine failure occured Drlor to V2, and the takeoff weight was obstacle limited, V2 was maintained up to the gross height required for obstacle clearance. If an engine failure occured afte____!r V2, speed at engine failure (V2 + i0 knots maximum) was maintained up to the gross height required for obstacle clearance. Procedures When the height selected for initiation of flap retraction was limited due to dlstant-obstacle considerations, the procedure was to initiate flap retraction and accelerate to final takeoff climb speed while maintaining constant altitude andinitial takeoff thrust setting. Final takeoff climb was continued to 1500 feet above minimum gross height required for obstacle and maxlmum continuous thrust. clearance, runway elevation, at final takeoff or to the climb speed The airplane should be levelled off, and flaps retracted at the selected level-off height, only if the limiting obstacle is beyond the Third Segment and an engine failure has occurred. The height selected for initiation of flap retraction may be limited by available performance as described under Takeoff Flight Path, this section. Vertical clearance of either close-in or distant obstacles in the intended flight path must be established clearance charts. by reference to the appropriate obstacle + FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 ISECT IPAGF '0 PERFORMANCE AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE LANDING FLIGHT CONDITI0_ MANUAL AND pRO_PUR_ FIELD LENGTH All landing field lengths shown in this section are based ca stamdard day temperatures on a smooth, level, hard-surfaced rumw_y. Dry landing field lengths are demonstrated landing distances, from a 50 foot height at VREFa divided by a factor 0.6. Wet landing field lengths are determined by multiplying the dry landing field length by a factor of 1.15. proc ecl_res Approach and landing were made with landing gear down, fl_ps in landing position, thrust reduced to flight-idle ca all engines before touch-down, and automatically set to ground-idle on all engines after touch-down. When the landing was made with anti-skld operating, full speed brakes wheel braking were applied 2 seconds or less after touch-down. and maximum When the landing was made with anti-skid inoperative, speed brakes were raised immediately upon touch-down and stes_Iy, light bra_ was used if gross weight was approximately 500,000 lb (006,800 kg. ) or less. Steeply, light to moderate braking was used if landing weight was over 500,000 lbs (26,800 k_. ). Brakes were modulated as necessary to prevent skidding. NOTE: Landing field lengths + FAA APPROVED 03-09-70 are not based ca use of reverse thrust. R PERFORMANCE AIRPLANE FLAP RETRACTION FLIGHT SPEED MANUAL SC H_D[_LE Maximum level-off heights, Third Segment distances and Final Segment climb performance shown in this m_nual are based upon retracting the wing flaps during Third Segment acceleration using the schedule below. This schedule is recommended for all normal flap retraction operations. During acceleration, select flap positions TAKEOFF Initiation V2 V2 V2 V2 Spee¢, + + + + FLAPS at the following _0SITION Knots Final Segment speeds: i0 OR _0 Select 20 40 60 80 initiation Flap Position l0 5 1 0 Climb Speed: V2 + 80 Knots. When flaps are being retracted at a constant altitude due to engine failure, with a critical final segment obstacle, begin climbing when V2 + 80 knots is achieved, maintaining takeoff thrust setting untll flaps are completely retracted. + FAA APPROVED BOIJMM_ 5-ii-70 I SECT I N O. R Vo i • II i PAGE D6-306 B _:_.o1,2.. PF_Rv,_CE AIRPLANE PERFORMANCE FLIGHT MANUAL CONFIGURATION The airplane configuration associated with the performance data in this manual is shown below. Performance conditions not shown below are on the appropriate charts. nm s TAKEOFF Takeoff on all engines to VI, and three engines subsequent to VI. Takeoff setting. Noted on charts. Down Takeoff engines on operating (3). Same as takeoff. Down Same as ist segment. Same as takeoff. Up 3nI SE T Same as ist segment. Takeoff setting to flaps up, according to schedule. Up FINAL TAKEOFF CLIMB Maximum continuous on operating engines (3). Up Up _VROUTE Maximum continuous on operating engines (3 Or 2). Up Up APPROACH Takeoff on operating engines (3). Approach setting. Noted on chart. Up LANDING CLIMB Maximum seconds Landing setting. Noted on chart. Down LANDING Ground idle on all engines after touchdown. Landing setting. Noted on chart. Down ist SE_ _d CLIMB SE(RENT CLD_ CLIMB available in 8 on all engines. Anti-skid is on for takeoff and lauding with up to two brakes deactivated, unless anti-skid inoperative braking performance is used. thrust operations. R All three Air Conditioning packs are on for final takeoff climb. For enroute climb the number of the Air Conditioning packs on is noted on the charts. R One or three Air Conditioning Wing anti-icing is off during Packs are on for all takeoff all flaps-extended operations. + F AF ROVED NO. 6-5-70 IsEcT Vol. II IPAGE D6-306 I .o- 3 AIRPLANE NQ_E FLIGHT MANUAL R CHARACTERISTICS No determination has been made by the Federal Aviation Administratlcm that the noise levels in this manual are, or ahould be, acceptable or unacceptable for operation at, into, or out of, an airport. The noise levels tabulated below part 36 certification tests: are the result Kilograms Position _eozr 3.5 nautical miles 710,000 673,000 564,000 322,056 305,273 255,830 The traded noise lO 20 30 level Aviation Regnlations, NOISE LEVEL (EPNdB) n_s Pounds of Federal _ rAm_m_ 0.35 nautlcal mile 1_5.o lOl.9 114.5 ...... lOl. 9 1.0 nautical mile ----113.6 is 112.0 EPNdB Normal all engines takeoff procedures were used, with a climb-out at V2 . i0 knots at Takeoff Thrust with no thrust cut-back. The landing approach was made at VP_F + i0 knots. ! i I -tFAA iNo. vol. APPROVED 03-09-70 I SECT 'IPAGE L_-.o- _A- "J AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PERFORMANCE I ENVIRONMENT ENVELOPE 5o FAA APPROVED 12-50- 69 0o_'#_ ISECT I NO. voz._'3°_-'3"rr IPAGE _'.o- ,_" AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PERFORMANCE I WIND COMPONENT I 6O 5O 40 _ _ _ .......... .... i....... i i.-H ........ ""r'"r"_"'!"'r''" _":r_i"_ +T""t •...i...f...4....i...._. " --_---i--.-i-,. --i--,.i----i-..._..._...i....i...;...,.. H+..f ....... ...... ' __"i--i- k._.+,,i.,-_.... _...+.._..._.. i .... , '_-"t'"_ ., _,i.li_+ ._ _...i....:....h. _..._........... _..._............ _.. ;... '.--i ....... ..---_--..i-..-_-.;....'....i..._...;. ... : _,_..._,,_, :::2::i::: i..... _ " •--_....i..-.i.-._..._..-i. !H!r!Hii_.ii._!ii..f ._...+ ......... "--i---!,._-f---! .... L.._..._. ..................................... _ - . .,._,,.__.,..._..._.__..,_,__.:,, '...i-.i..i-.._.._._., .... _..._.-,..._.-_..._...,.._. •.._...+...i-- .._-.._..._.-i..._.. ---i.--_---i--.._ ...... _,,.i---._---_,, .... i...._..._...L.._.._...__._....i.. ...._..._..._...._......_..._..._....i...,_::: 20 z •..;...:..... •"" k..+..._...._ .... L..i...;..._...k...._..._..._........_ : .i....L..$.._..:._..i......i....L. _'"_."'i''" .......... _.--i..--i..-_---_.!..4..." .......:..4.......L.._... -._...L..._-.".,...i. _..i__i....k"_.'"_. 0 I- -_-,,-_--+--_---4, _ "'""-":. _.'"t'-+"+"" .J bJ ":'"+'"-'-*-'. "+'"_-"b"_'"i'i "'!'_i_'"'*'" --_---,_-,,¢-- _..._...._. ......... •"t .... • :---._...4.-.".__i....L4..._. ";_"'_'"'i ........._'"'" +"'+'"'"'+"_.'" ""i........_"-k'" ,.,i...;..,+.....,.:.4.. _....i...._iii....i....k..f._i..._i..L.i.._. ,i._ "-.-.i......._..+.' ........L-;--.i-.-., 4""-i'"'::"" -I ..._ < ._ ,.,i-,._... IQ --__,! ....... rr_'_Fir__ ..i...._..-4---_ .... i-- "_-"(___ ..._...._....i...'..._...._...:......_ ......... _....i..4..... !....i....i..._. ..... : .._..-:...!..4... ....i...._..._ ...... i....i-.._..._ .......... _...;...:... ' " ....._.-.+.._..."..i...+..;...._....i .... :'"'_'" Z bl _-"_"-._---_----_ •.._.-_-.--..;...;...!---.i .._..._..+,,._, ..... _ " 0 .... i... : ' ...._...4.-.*---_.. ...+.._,..+..,_, ........ i....i...... _.,,.i.,.,_.,,._,. .... "ih.-i...+. i -.,h.4---_---_- !.'..+.4- .... ,,,..,_,,,,. .......... _,,,.-.., ........ _.,.,,.,..,.? -i..4..._,." .... ._..._...f...:.., ...i......._...._. ...... i..._...._...i.., . _.,,,;..._-...i.,.4,_ _ p.,+,.._....:...... ...i....i..._...'.. 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I ::: _:_:::-_ :_: D6-30___3 FAA APPROVED 12-30 -69 I SECT IPAGE _s-.o" "?_'_ _ "+'_'_ " :._:i::! :i:;: _: .,..L_+ AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PERFORMANCE I STALL NOTE• APPLICABLE ,: _i,_!i FOR i_ii TAKEOFF :!!!l: AND SPEEDS LANDING i,i:_i ALTITUDES tii!'! ONLY. :._'!i __..':_-:i:_,.!: i_!il i.i-t:i_.._.'_i:- 190 ' 7 ; ' ; i , _ ! _ _"_ : •iii!,,iii.,!+ !4i. • _ ; _; ' ._,,!.!!tt ; ;C!f _ !!_!!M"2"" i;ii..?:;;._:;;;;t!_i;t_:_ 1:!! !:_!t !:!i:_ :!:i:7 ::]I_, i:!7i;77fi:,T!-i:;;:i!_ _ ; c .... : ; ' + ..._...1..__ _.: ....... _ _ .... : T!f _:t:!::i:!':!:: i: 7777:{: !!: i:_=! _}i:!i' _!_7:, _, :_. _ !!!':: _ _.'._-i..._- i i! i i _. ':l;;Ti_iiT:;: :::::: $ i !i ::::::::::::::::::::::: _i::: r];:]7711i{!7 :; i !)i:7 i:!!:i i i il (.) .... _ i,-, o z i:_., _: +iil: :_i :!-: :i_:::i :_::T:;:::i:::_:!__:.ii_:::l"i::i. I :!:!: :: i::: 'i::: :_.ii:::::: ;_: _:; : _...,+ : ::_ _ ,-,r-_- _- ,_ ¢1 3 .-,t_.-;' : i.t;., _- .....!;i_t:;_ ":. _ _' • t : " ' ' I _ i .... :: :: : : _: _ ; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9(: .T ::i:: ::iiTii:i l{ ;550 400 450 !::::!Ii77 '500 GROSS FAA APPROVED 12-_69 !i 550 WEIGHT-- !';:! 600 I000 : :17!7 650 700 750 LB. I SECT IP_(:;E_.o- z._- _RPLANE FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 FLIGHT MANUAL :_p,O_rJA#'4_ CT NO. PAGE v01. __'.o-z-_ ,, P]_:_OR4ANCZ AIRPLANE MAXIMUM NORMAL ALLOWABLE TAKEOFF CHART READ_G WEIGHT FLIGHT MANUAL TAKEOFF WEIGHT ANALYSIS PROCEDUI_ The following steps w_ll be adequate for most takeoff situations. _ dotted gulde-lines on typical charts and the Illustrative Exmmples are for guidance purposes. I. Select most 2. Runway Len_h Co_rectlo_ (A_I Engine@) cha_t_ - Enter with actual available. Make slope and wind corrections. Read correcte_ _7 e 4. 5. e probable takeoff flap setting. l_v Length and V1 A_lu_DSs char_ available on both the Run_ Length, and Make slope and wind corrections from the the two corrected distances intersect on read VI/VR , add corrected _umw_7 length. runway length length. Enter with actual runway leugth Accelerate-Stop Distance scales. respective reference lines. Where the "web" portion of the chart, M_xlm_ T_keoff Weight. Fie_d Length Limits c_art - Enter with the lesser of the corrected run_ lengths from Step 2 or Step 3, airport pressure altitude, and temperature. Read gross weight. MaYim_ Tak_ff Weight, C14mb T.Imlts chart - Enter altitude and temperature. R_a_ _ross weight. IF 200 MPH TIRES ARE INSTAI/_, USE: Mmximum Takeoff Wei_t, T_._e Speed chart and temperature. Make wind correction. NOTE: If obstacles are present, proceed with with airport - Enter with airport Bead _ro_s weight. Steps 7 through pressure pressure altitude i0. - _3061 3 .+ FAA APPROVEO 1 2-_O-_O ISECT IPAGE o-z6 - _ P]_FO_C_ AIRPLANE MAXIMQM NOBMAL A_OWAB_E TAKEOFF CHART HEADING e , PBOCEDURE TAKEOFF MANUAL WEIGHT ANALYSIS (Continued) Takeoff Climb 9hart - Enter with leas_____t gross weight determined by Steps _, 5, 6, structural limits, or operational requirements, then proceed to temperature and airport pressure altitude. Read Second Segment _radient. Correct the gradient for wind, if applicable, using Gradient Corrections chart. Obstacle C_eara_ce (Close-in from end of takeoff distance ceed vertically to zero-wind (a) (b) , WEIGHT FLIGHT Obstacles) chart - Enter with obstacle distance required. Correct the distance for wind. Progradient available, from Step 7. If this exceeds obstacle height, obstacle is cleared. If obstacle height is no___t exceeded, follow dashed field-length-trade guide lines to obstacle height. Read _radient require d for obstacle clearance. This gradient accounts for the shorter takeoff distances required when gross weight is reduced. (See SLOPED RUNWAY EFFECT ON OBSTACLE CI_ICE ). Obstacle Clearance (Distant Obstacles ) chart - Enter with obstacle distance from end of takeoff distance required. Proceed vertically to wind-corrected gradient available, from Step 7. (a) (b) If this exceeds obstacle height, obstacle is cleared. However, now drop back down to obstacle height, then move left (horizontally) to windcorrected gradient available. Read _ross height. If obstacle is not cleared at wind-corrected gradient available, follow dashed field-length-trade lines to the obstacle height. Bead gros_ height and gradlen._ required for obstacle clearange. Correct the gradient required to zero-wind gradient, on the Gradient Corrections chart. (See OBSTACLE IN THIRD SE_T, and OBSTACLE IN FINAL SEGMENT. ) + FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 ISECT IPAGE tS". o - Z7 P_e0R_J_CE AIRPLANE MAXIMUM N(M_AL AL_QWA_LE TAKEOFF CHART READING 10. ll. L_e FLIGHT WEIGH_ P_ MANUAL T_EOFF WEIGHT ANALYSIS (Continued) Takeoff C_imb 9ha_t - Enter gradient scale with the largest zero-wlnd gradient required for obstacle clearance as determined from Step 8 or 9. Proceed to airport pressure altitude, and temperature. Read _ross weight. Takeoff Soee_ chart - Enter with airport pressure altitude, temperature, and the _ gross weight determined by Steps h, 5, 6, i0, structural limits, or operating requirements. Read VR, a_ V2. Read VI at the V_/yR ratio from e_. The resulting VI must exceed the minimum V1 (VMCG), (See V1 Less than VMCG), and the resulting VR must exceed the VMCA limit. (See VR Less than VMCA Limlt). Max_ Brake Energy L_m_t S_eed chart - Enter with airport pressure altitude, temperature, and gross weight used in Step ll. Correct for _ slope, and wind. Read VM_E. This speed must exceed VI of Step i0. (See VI Greater than VM_). 13. Gross Height - Pressure Alti_d_ Co_ver_ion _hart0 - Enter with gross height obtained f r_n Step 9. Correct for temperature and altitude. Re_d _ressure _ltitude increment. Add this value to the airport pressure altitude. Acceleration and flap retraction should not be scheduled below this altimeter reading. lb. Determine flap retraction SPEED SCHEDULE. .. FAA and final climb speeds from the FLAP RETRACTION Lo-306 3 NO. Vol. Ti Ar_'_"J,_V_ APPROVED 12-30-69 I SECT i _r PAGE 4 I_'. o - ?__, AIRPLANE MAXIMUM TAKEOFF ALLOWA_E WEIGHT ANALYSIS FLIGHT MANUAL _A_OFF WITH IMPROVED CLIMB W_IGH T PERFOI_CE The following steps describe the procedure for finding the maximum allowable takeoff weight when using Improved Climb Performance. Improved Obstacle Clearance wlth speed increase is considered under a separate paragraph heading. The term, "normal", refers to the weights and speeds based on no increase in takeoff speeds. 1. Steps 1 through 6 of the Normal Takeoff Analysis are unchanged. e Maxim_ Takeoff Weight and the weight portion of this gross weights. Follow the section, read _ross weight climb limited gross weights weight and speed increase. e Takeoff Spe@dS chart - Enter this chart, as in Normal Analysis, with pressure altitude and temperature, and with the gross weight determined from Step 2 above. Read VR. V2. and Vl for the VI/VR ratio Ip Step _ of Normal Analysis. e Maximt_n Takeoff Weig_ a_ Speeds (Imoix_ged C_$m b Performance ) chart - Enter the speed correction portion with the VR, V2 and V1 speeds determined in Step 3 above. Follow the guidelines to the speed increase determined in Step 2 above. Read Corrected VR, %"2. and VI. V1 must be less than V_H_E. (See VI Greater than VMSE). 5. Determine above. flap-retraction Soeeds {Imorovcd Climb Perfo_mapce ) 9har% - Enter chart with normal field length and climb limited guidelines until they intersect. At the interand speed increase. Repeat, using tire speed and if 200 MPH tires are installed. Use lesser speeds based on the V2 speed derived m m,,A, l FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 ISECT from NO. Step Vol. IPAGE ii _s.o-z.9 3 AIRPLANE MAXIMUM SELECTIC_ A_OWAB_E FLIGHT MANUAL TAKEOFF .WEIGHT OF V_ When the calculated or scheduled takeoff weight is not field-length limited, V1 may be raised or lowered to suit operating conditions within the restrictions imposed by the available runway length, VMCG, VR, and VMHE. Even when takeoff weight is field-length limited, a small reduction in V1 is available if the 3-engine field length requirement is shorter than the all-englne requirement. This is generally true for this airplane. The following additional Steps are required to determine the V1 limits: in the Normal Takeoff Weight Analysis Maximum Takeoff Weight (Field l_n_th Limits ) cha_t - Enter with airport pressure altitude, temperature, and actual scheduled takeoff weight. _ad corrected runway length reauired. le , Runway Length and V1 A_lustments chart - Enter, in upper right portion of the chart, with the corrected runway length obtained from Step 1. Where this runway length intersects the slope and wind corrected takeoff distance available line as determined in Step B of the Normal Analysis procedure, read minim_ V1/VR. Where this runway length intersects the slope and wind corrected accelerate-st0p distance line as determined in Step 3 of the Normal Analysis procedure, r_ad maximum V1/VB. If either intersect occurs off the limits values shown on the chart. 3. , of the chart, use minimum or maximum Takeoff Speed chart - At the actual scheduled takeoff weight, and the VI/VR ratios determined In Step 2 above, read minimum V1 and maximum _ri. Choose a suitable, single value of VI between the limits determined in Step 3 above. The speed selected must be greater than VMCG, and less than the VR and V_ determined in Steps 11 and ]2 of the Normal Amalysis procedure. _I'_'_L'JMM_ + FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 ISECT _6-306h3 I NO. i VO_ . _ _ IPAGE 0- o AIRPLANE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FLIGHT MANUAL TAKEOFF WEIGHT Vl LESS Usually this will only occur when the takeoff weight is not field-length limited: Ts/_eoff Speeds chart - Read Vl at the field-length limited gross weight obtained from Step 4 of Normal Analysis procedure, and at the V1/VR ratio obtained from Step 3 of Normal Analysis. Use a V1 between VMCG and the maximum V1 so determined, but not exceeding VR. V_G_TERTHANVMBE If the minimum VI, as determined exceeds the brs/_e energy speed, Maximum Reduce weight. VR Brake gross Energy Limit weight as by Steps i through 3 under SELECTION OF VI, the takeoff weight will have to be reduced: Sp@_d indicated chart - Determine and redetermine A VR, VI, V1 as defined and V2 for on the the still chart. lower _STHANVMCAL_T On this airplane, VMCG is greater than 1.05 VMCA; therefore, mini_mAm VR is equal to VMCG. This implies that the available runway length _,st be sufficient to permit a V1 equal to VR. This condition will be satisfied if the slope - and wind-corrected accelerate-stop distance exceeds 4500 feet on the Runway Length and VI Adjustments chart. OPERATION WITH ONE AIR CONDITIONING PACK R ON Performance limited takeoff weights and takeoff climb gradients available can be increased by scheduling takeoff with only one air conditioning pack on. Performance increments are shown on the Takeoff With i A/C Pack On chart; these increments are applied to the weights and gradients obtained in steps 4, 5 and 7 of the Normal Takeoff Weight Analysis procedure. The gradient increment _,St be subtracted from the gradient r_quir_d for use in step l0 to find an obstacle limited weight. ÷ FAA APPROVED ROI/NO IN O. D_-306_3 vol. II IPAGE _s.o-3_ 6-5-70 ISECT AIRPLANE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE sumPz FLIGHT _A_EQFF MANUAL WEIGHT mmWAX Wet or icy runway conditions have the same effect on takeoff field length requirements as an inoperative anti-skid system; namely, reduced braking effectiveness. This makes the one engine inoperative condition critical. The operator must review the existing runw_ conditions, decide how much additional stopping distance is desired, then proceed with the followir_ steps to determine the changes in the field length limited takeoff weight, and V1 speed: i. Omit Step 2 of the Normal Weight Analysis procedure. _unwav Length and V1 Ad_lus_ments char_ - Determine V1/VR as usual, except that the accelerate-stop distance must be reduced by an arbitrary amount equal to the desired extra stopping margin before making corrections for slope and wind. At the intersection of the corrected takeoff distance available and corrected accelerate-stop distance lines in the "web" portion of the chart, read correct_ d _v ler4Eth and Vl_ R. . 3. Maxlmtm2 Takeoff weight chart - Enter the appropriate runway length from Step 2 above. Rea_ _ross weight. NOTE: chart with the corrected If the V1, determined by using the VI/VR ratio from Step 2 above, is greater than the minlmun VI as determined under SELECTION OF VI, no reduction in field length limited takeoff weight is necessary. In fact, the use of minimum V1 in this case will give a greater stopping distance margin. + FAA Takeoff APPROVED 12-30-69 I NO. Vol. I± PAGE D6-3o6_.3 I _'. o -'Z, ?_ AIRPLANE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FLIGHT MANUAL TAKEOFF W_ IG_T EXAMPLES Example lines ILLUSTRATIVE Given: shown on the EXILE Airport charts do not necessarily reflect these examples. 1 Conditions Runway Length Run Slope : O.5% (Uphill) Available = 12,000 ft. Airport Elevation (Pressure Altitude ) = 2000 Obstacles: 120 ft. high at 3400 ft. 500 A_mospheric Reported ft. high at 25,000 ft. ft. C ondltions Wind (at 50 ft. ) = i0 kt. (Headwlnd) OAT = 20°C (68°F) Airplane Conditions T_keoff flap position I0 This example illustrates the general use of the charts, and clearance charts in particular, and is restricted to normal tion. See See example 5 for improved chart reading procedure From Runway 12,070 ft. le 1 . 4e e e Length Corrections From Runway Length and ft. and VI/VR = .970 obstacle clearance for chart titles (All Engines) V1 Adjustments chart, with speed and methods chart, increase of use. corrected corrected the obstacle speed opera- runway method. runway length length = L_,570 From Maximum Takeoff Weight the corrected runway length weight = 683,000 lb. (Field Length Limits) chart, using the lesser of from Steps 1 and 2, field length limited takeoff From Maximum Takeoff = 649,000 lb. (Climb Weight Limits) chart, climb limited takeoff = weight From Maxi_im Takeoff Weight (Tire Speed Limits) chart, 200 _H tire speed limited takeoff weight = 743,000 lb. Maximum Takeoff weight = 649,000 lb. From Takeoff Climb chart, using field length limited second segment gross gradient at 400 ft. = 2.30% weight Using for Gradient Corrections chart, gradient corrected of wind 683,000 lb, = 2.37_ (Continued) + FAA APPROVED 2-20-70 BOIJN_ I SECT NO. I Vol. II _-30643 PAGE 15". 0 - E'_ PERFORI_J_ AIRPLANE MAXIMUM FLIGHT ALLOWABLE E MANUAL TAKEOFF WEIGHT EXA/_LES ILLUSTRATIVE e 1 (Continued) From Close-in Obstacle Clearance chart, second segment gross gradient required for close-ln obstacle clearance = 4.50%. Obstacle is not cleared with gradlent available (uncorrected for wind). Change in reference zero - 5100 3400 = 1700 ft. due to the decrease in field length required for the reduced takeoff weight. In this distance, reference due to runway slope. The obstacle the required . zero shifts 1700 x .005 = 8.5 ft. (vertical) height is now 128.5 ft. at 5100 ft. from reference gradient is 3.08_. From Distance Obstacle minimum gross height. Clearance chart R determine gross zero and gra_lient required and Gradient capability (from Step 6) = 3.08% (corrected for wind = 3.17%) Corrected obstacle distance = 25,000 + 1700 = 26,700 ft. Required gross gradient = 2.89_ (less than gradient available). Distance from reference zero to reach obstacle height of 500 ft. is 23,300 ft. Minimum gross height for flap retraction is 770 ft. 1 I0. lie From Takeoff Climb chart, gradient of 3.08%. obstacle limited weight = 638,500 lb. at a gross From Distance Obstacle Clearance chart, maximum level-off height is 940 ft. Therefore extended final segment climb is unnecessary in this case. From Gross Height - Pressure Altitude Conversion chart, the pressure altitude increment for a gross height of 770 ft. is 750 ft. Therefore, the m_nlrmlm pressure altitude for level-off and flap retraction is 2750 ft. 12. From Takeoff Speeds chart for Vl_R = .970 and VR = 152.5 kt. V1 = 147.5 kt. 13. Determine flap retraction final climb speeds. __='f#IM_ + FAA APPROVED and 638,500 lb. V2 = 159 kt. 5-11-70 ISECT INO. IPAGE D6"3061_3 Vol. II o- R AIRPLANE FAA APPROVED 12-30-6S FLIGHT MANUAL AIRPLANE i FLIGHT MANUAL .+ ++_ , X.T_+c m +-..+ V'_. .÷_.. -.++ .÷++.o.,..+. FAA APPROVED 1-20-70 _o_..,,,_ lNo._k_o_3 ISECT IPAGE ,s.o-'_eo _RPLANE FAA APPROVED 1-20--70 FLIGHT MANUAL _,_ ISECT iNo. _15". o_ PAGE 0-_7 _RPLANE 0 0 W m I'- -I FAA APPROVED IZ-30 -69 FLIGHT MANUAL FAA APPROVED O0_rl_I/'O ISECT lNO. _o_.3('_Z _3 IPAGE,_.o-_ AIRPLANE FAA APPROVED 17.-30-6S FLIGHT MANUAL AIRPLAN lr FLIGHT MANUAL _._ .'..:_+.:+._ .+++. i+iti!!::i ::::::_ !!+!+! iiii!iii!!i!_!i! 55!:!!i555 iiii!i+!iiE!!i_i_i : ::::::] :.::::: ,;.,j ..... !::::!:.:!+: :i_:i: :.K!!:.!i:.i! _+i_+i ii!!+i ::::; ::::::5:+:::!: ... ...... :::::-+: i+ii _ ::::i:_ ._ ........ ItlN :;_ :_ :::!+I. ,++++.: :,.'_ :::_ .-+.:_ :::::',_::::: _[ii .+_.__::::: r_::: i!iN ....÷... ::i:_ _:;:;: .... _:::_ _:_ i!_ ',:_ ::::._ ',:_ ;:_:i_ i_:-:_._:__ :::_ +_:i+. _,_ _:: :++.+:+ _._: _ :::::::_,_ +.++.+.+ _ r . _i"-' +4.+-+ +_++P+P+ iJ_" '++++++ ,p ;i-!_ _++4+ -+44+ ,, k++,._ ::;+++.+: +.++-:: +++......... FAA APPROVED IZ-30-_ oo*'-N ,I IsEcT ,,,+ +_+++ ++++ ,_ i+-++'+ +;++ +.pp.+ NO.vo:.._:3'_6_-3]:z IPAOE _-. o- W AIRPLANE FAA APPROVED IZ-50-_ FLIGHT MANUAL AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL I- FAA APPROVED 5-11-70 __L'J_b'_ i SECT ]NO. D6-3064_3 I PAGE vol. zz _.o--LI3 _,, - ,UFII_Ld,NI,: FLIGHT MANUAL 'i ! FAA APPROVED 12-30-69 __L'JAV"I_ iSECT INO. D6-30643 Voi. II IPAGE I_'.O - V'-/ FAA APPROVEO 12-30-69 _XI_VOINO" _-3o643vol. T_ ISECT IPAGE,_.a-@G- 18 ! FAA APPROVED 12-30- 69 I SECT • Vol. II I NO PAGED6-_30643 t_-o-_6 I AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL "_'":i!i:::iKdl !ii!!l!i::i:: _! ii::;i::Ii::i! iliiiiI;ii(::::i i_!:i_t;;ii_i !:_;_;! :F:ii:: i:!::;!iiiii!'"'l ..........._' ...... ...... ::_ I :::::::;X: :I:: :::: ............................. I................... ::::! ::i::! ::i!ti ! iiiiii::i::::_::: :,.:.::_::i _i:ii:: ::i:::_:::_: !i i!iiil)lii!i!! i!2! E_ziiii!_: E!!I: 2i::.:: .: i:::i:1:::i:_::: :::::::t:: : : ::: :i::_::::::;: : : :_ : t:i ::: :!: ::::::::: . ..... _............................... ,........................................................................ t.......................... .................................................................... ,.................................., I......................... I ................ • ,. ............... t ........... l+,_+,_ " • --_,_÷÷, '....... ' - ,+-÷,,÷,,,,,-,+ ,-; -;- .._-,'....... _-,;" _ ............. • ' ........ 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IPAGE ii AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL I .... *-t,: ::=;: : ......... : : : : ; : : : : ::::;:t,.: .._.. _!iiiiiI:::::: ::m !::::::; ..... • i:::::::: I ..... iiii!i iiiiiii=: _...., ..t.. ..o.. :2:::: !: ::::: ::':.::::':: e_m =:.! ::i:_:: !iiiEiiiiiii:! ::::::!: :::::::: Iiii!N :::::::: ::::::: iiii!iii!iii!iill I:i_i_i_tii:•i :=iiiiii_ii :::::_: !!!!!!!!! _i:i:ii ::::::: ::::::::: l*...f .... _!iiiiii!!!ilil liiiili!i • ..... t..• ._... ._,,. !::::I'" ! ..... ....... 1..iT ! N :_:::: ! .... 6 i !ii:ii _I _:;::::] ii_iii ........ :; ::::::::J ::::;]:!:i:!l ._.I:Z: ] _ - .%. :I:;::: :::_ ,:::,:::: • .: ..... Jr ..... :::::;;'/: I .= iiii!ii,. ::ii! _ili!fli_i ...... FAA t .... APPROVED '_r 12-30- 69 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL !!:iiiiii ..,_ ,. ..,..., i:iiiii :.:::.: i ::i::.:: i_i!i!it ::;44 :_.:-; O" bl _:_:_:_ .... _.° i_i!:!: :;:_T -_"_--,-,.8,? :::::::1 :::;:;: .t.t. t - i:;;i! ;:;i :;4;: iii;ii: °_. /; FAA APPROVED NO. 1Z-50-69 I PAGE Vol. Iz D6-3064_3 _9. o- g_/ PEl_OI_G_ 80EJN_ AIRPLANE APPROACH AND FLIGHT MANUAL LANDING Charts on the following pages present approach and landing gradients, maxia_un landing weights as limited by approach and landing performance, landing field length requirements, and landing weights for the maximum brake energy at which wheel thermal plugs will remain intact. The speed schedules shown on the Approach and Landing Climb charts are those at which the gradients were calculated in accordance with FAR 25.12_1(d) and 25.119, and have no operational significance. The minimum landing approach speeds are shown on the Landing Field Length and Speed charts. The ICE CORRECTION on the charts accounts for maximum probable performance effects of ice remaining on the airplane surfaces without _uti-ice protection. The correction applies when operating in icing conditions during any part of the flight, unless the forecast temperature at the destination airport is high enough (above 8°C or 46@F) to ensure that the ice will melt off prior to approach and landing. The Maxlmum Landing Weight, Climb Limits, can be increased for one air conditioning pack on operation. This information is included to permit a showing of compliance with FAR 25.1001 (c) at the increased allowable takeoff weight. R This information may also be used to schedule higher allowable landing weights provided approach and landing procedures are modified to have only one air conditioning pack on prior to the point where a go-around might be initiated. See Normal Procedures. 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O00|t . + :1.i ££I + :+I :+! • OI )01_1 c O| 01- O! + 17.0 APPENDIX C - AUTOTHROTITZ The block diagram block diagram for use in This data is provided on Page 17.0-2 small perturbation for information is a simplified 747 control purposes and ms autothrottle simulation. not incorporated in the simulation. . B_IIIM_ REV LTR: E-3033 R I I SECT D6-30643 IN O .Voi ° I I IPAGE ,7. o-_ o - (,. d _ E, l- i e I .( u/ I..II > j 7_7 CALC CHECK APPD ,_PPD REV LTR: -t/_[?,-, REVISED DATE S IM'PI,.-I FI E..b I SECT i E 1 19_ R6 A, UTO T H 1R.OTTI..E. PAGE I"-/. o - 2. 18.0 APPENDIX This flight director, aircraft. D - AUTOPILOT section contains yaw dsm_er, and autothrottle This data is provided pilot and autothrottle were a description of the automatic systems for information not incorporated pilot, for the 7_7 purposes. The auto- in the simulation. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover ])6-3o643 ,,,,F,_ I.o. vow. zz REV LTR: E-3033 RI ISECT i_ IPAOE i PAGES 3 - 40MITI_D -.c D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover ! |NO. REV LT'R: E-3033 R| D6-30643 Vol. II IsEct:,s IPAGE' Page F. G. II. III. PITCH AUTOPILOT i. Engage 2. F_nual 3. Turbulence 4. Co,_d YAW DAMPER Synchronization h5 ........................ , .... ............................................. 45 ......................................... ......................................... 45 45a ... b7 a. Altitude Hold b. Altitude Select c. Vertical Speed d. IAS Hold e. _ch f. ILS Mode ....................................... 52 g. Land ..................................... 53 TRIM UNIT 61 AUTOMATIC FACH TRIM ......................................... 47 ................................ ................................. 51 52 ..................................... 52 Hold Mode ?$° 47 ...................................... STABILIZER SYSTEM ................................. ........................... (Section Deleted) SYSTEM 69 ............................................ A. GENERAL ................................................. B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Io Dutch 2. Band 3. Dutch 4. 5. Turn 6. Yaw Da_per 7. Self Test ...................................... Roll Damping Pass Filter Roll Damper Signals Gain Circuit 70 70 ......................... ................................ Coordination Easy On-Off 69 •.. 70 ............................. ................................. . and Confidence Test Servo 71 ................. ................... 71 71 ................................ Electro-Hydraulic 70 ... 72 O D6 - 30643 D - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM _( 18 NO. i PAGE Vol. II D6-306_3 6 6-7'_,_ Page 8. Performance 9- Tolerance i0 IV. • Failure AUTOTHROTTLE A. GENERAL B. SYSTEM ................................................. .................................................. Mode SYSTEM Design Features DESCRIPTION 2. Accelerometer, 3. Computation _. Throttle 5- ADI Signal 6. Airspeed 7. Disengage 9. Test 73 eeeooeeDeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@eeoe ........................................................ Command Flare 72 ................................................ I. e 72 ............................................. and Airspeed Error Attitude, Signals ......................... and Elevator Signals .............. ................................................ Control and Limits ................................ ................................................. Error Warning ...................................... .................................................. Ioaei•e•eooeoeee•eeeooeee•ooo•eeeo,oeooeoeeoeoeoeeoeee 83 83 83.,,. 83 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 ....................................................... 88 O ! 1)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover p REV SYM (_ BOEINd_ |8 No Vol. II iPAGE D6_30643 7 fr-7000 SUMMARY This document provides a Aascription _f _he _ _ Flight Director, Yaw Damper, and Autothrottle Systems for the 747 aircraft. It contains block dia_rs_m, _i_t_r_al_, xnd _ables _o _n-l_e _ration of e_ch of these systems as they are planned for i_ti_ in the aircraft. Two autopilots give the flight crew a choice of fail-safe systems, each of which can provide all manual and path modes except LAND. Both autopilot channels are used to give "fail passive" control at low altitudes during the automatic landing sequence. Two separate dual-channel automatic pilot pitch trim systems and two yaw dampers give a high level of system integrity. 0 D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover f_ REV SYM ¢_ BOEING IB NO. Vol. II ip,_,E _-3o643 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Titl_____e I Autopilot/Flight la 747 Cockpit Flight 2 Mode Panel 2a Control 3 Preset Course 4 Flight Controller 4a Control 4b Flight 4c Typical 4d ILLS Deviation Warning 5 Basic Autopilot 6 Force Detent 7 INS Mode Sequence 8 True 9 Radio Select Director Controls BITE Test Force 747 Autopilot/Flight lla Roll 12 747 Lateral 13 LAND Wheel Flight 15 19 ................ 19a 20a 21b Servo Mechanization Characteristics 21d ..... 23 ........ ............................. Pitch Steering Control Block 15 Attitude 16 Pitch 17 Altitude 18 Glide 19 X_ml-Channel 20 LAND Mode Sequence 21 LAND Mode Interlocks 22 Elevator 23 Autopilot 23a Block Wheel 39 •. .........•................. Roll Axis Computer Block Diagram 40 ............... ...................... Diagram .................... Autopilot Steering and Mach 41 ........ System 42 42a 43 • 44 ................... Hold Options 25 33 ................................ Mode - Pitch 14a 46 ...... 46a - Path Nodes ........................... 48 Mode Gain Schedule .......................... 49 Select Mode Slope Mode Control ................................... Gain Schedule Pitch Stabilizer Landing System 54 ........ ..... : ............................... 55 • 56 .................................... 57 ................................. Schematic Gearing Trim 59 ............................ Elevator-Autopilot to Column 50 ........................... Axis Automatic System Elevator Diagram, Automatic Control Director Mode Monitoring Control l_a ........................... Gain Program ii Elevator System Gain Program Control ............... ................................ Gain Program Hold 14 ...................................... Time-Based Control 13a ...................................... i0 Path Transducer and Servo Operating Altitude .............. ....................................... Steering, Airspeed 12 ................................. Mode Annunciator Attitude and Indicators Mode Select Panel Switching Lateral ........................ ....................................... Wheel Steering, Wheel System Mode 60 .................. 60a ............................... ................................ 60b 62 D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover , D6-306_43 REV SYM le I p_cE 9 :$o Titl___Re 25 Deleted ........................................................ 26 Deleted ................................................. 27 Yaw Damper 28 747 Yaw Da_per 29 Mathematical Pictorial Diagram 66 ...... 67 .................................. and Turn Coordinator in Block Model of the 747 Yaw Damper Diagram and Turn Form 74 ..... 74 Coordinator Systems ........................................................ 76 30 Deleted ....................................................... 77 31 Frequency 32 Phase Angle 33 747 Yaw Damper 34 35 Response of Yaw Damper Plot of Yaw Damper System Root Bandpass Bandpass Locus Filter .............. 78 Filter-. ............... 79 .............................. 80 Tolerance Effects on Landing Approach Condition Flaps 33° Down ........................................................ Tolerance Effects on HaximumDynamic Autothrottle Speed Control 37 Autothrottle Controls 38 Autothrottle System System Pressure ...... . 82 ............................. 84 ........................... 85 and Monitors Implementation Condition 81 Block Diagram .............. 86 LIST OF TABLES Table i Autopilot/Flight Director Mode Chart - Pitch 2 Autopilot/Flight Director Mode Chart - Roll 3 Flight 4 5 Summary 6 Flight V Autopilot Mode Annunciator of Autopilot SummarTof Flight Director Chart Roll Axis Director PitchAxis Pitch Axis _II Mode Mode ..... •....... 17 ........... ... 18 •................................ 21 ................................ 37 Axis 38 .......................... .................................... 45b .......................................... 45c O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover Q REV SYM i BOE/NO D6"306_3 NO. vol. 18 p^GE I0 II .I$ o I. 747 INTEGRATED A. Ab_OPILOT AND FLIGHT DIRECTOR GENERAL The Sperr_ SPZ-I integrated autopilot flight director system was developed for the Boeing 747. The autopilot is used for path or manual con•-r_l via the _ _rh_el _d turn ku_rb:* Flight director commands are provided and may be used to monitor autopilot operation, or to be tracked with the autopilot manual mode, or to be tracked manually. '_The basic 747 is equipped with a dual autopilot syst_ and a triple flight director system. Each pitch or roll computer contains all of the circuitry necessary to compute the respective pitch or roll autopilot and flight director co,ands. Each mutopilot or flight director channel consists of two computers: one roll, and one pitch. The general autopilot flight director systa_ layout and interconnects used on the basic Boeing 747 are shown in Figure I. A dual set of sensors provide flight director navigational computers. and performance signals to the autopilot Only autopilot computers of channel A and B are connected to hydraulic servos. Computer C is used only for computing flight director co_ands and cannot be switched in as an autopilot. The number i sensor group serves both the A and C computers while sensor group 2 supplies information to the B computers. Instrument switching allows either the pilot or co-pilot to select any one of the three flight director computer signals for display on his ADI. _2 The autopilot can be used as a single-channel system in the navigation, cruise, and manual modes Of operation. Either channel A or B can be selected for these single-channel modes. For automatic landing only, fail passive operation is obtained with the dual channel system. Both A and B autopilot channels must be engaged for this mode of operation. The cockpit location of the controls and indicators for the autopilot/ Flight Director, as well as the other systems of the IEFCS, are shown in Figure IA. *Maneuvering control for certain airlines will be via control wheel steering instead of turn and pitch knob. O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover Q REV SYM & BOEJNO No. Vol. II iPAGE Ii -30643 6-7000 /LI r.... -I r .... 7 I _, I , I I _=_ _w _ I J I I , _o I L_ _.___J I , _ l" I 1 ...... :] t i _"_w _ I L J 1 I _ L___ I I _1 L _ . I _1 _E ill i)iv 0 IU IAJ r_ I-r-I 0 o. 0 bl i Z 0 U ----7 ' I I I 13 ! iii I I I I • .,_ L .... J b6 - 30643. ' I I I "7 ' r_ _° ziii z ,4 L .... I I I J RESTRICTED USE. See Notice on Cover D6-306_3 REV SYM .o. Vol. II P_GE 12 6-7000 B. SYST_2_ INTRODUCTION All components associated with each flight axis of each channel are packaged in separate computer units. The elements which comprise a basic autopilot/flight director system are: 1. Mode I) One mode 2) One flight 3) Two flight mode 4) One monitor 5) Three accessory 6) Three roll computers 7) Three pitch 8) One automatic Select selector panel controller or optionally 3 force sensors. annunciators and logic unit boxes computers stabilizer trim unit Panel The mode select panel contains the switches and logic for mode selection and control of all the autopilot/flight director computer channels. Figure 2 shows the mode select panel. The controls shown shaded in are for optional modes. The engage switches are solenoid held in MAN and COMMAND with locking provisions at OFF. Each engage switch controls both the pitch and roll computer associated with that channel. Either channel A or B maybe engaged in Manual or Command by choice of engage switches. Once one engage switch has been placed into the Nanual or Co_nd position, the other switch is locked off and cannot be moved from the OFF position except when LAND has been selected and a monitor check has been satisfactorily completed. The course select switch may be placed in either the course 1 or course 2 position without regard to which channel of the autopilot has been selected. It is solenoid held in both positions. The switch drops to the dual position when the LAND mode has been selected. Course I position feeds the No. 1 VOR/LOC receiver output and No. 1 course error signal to all three A/P - F/D roll computers. and course 2 does likewise for the No. 2 VOR/LOC'and No. 2 course error. In the dual position, LOC No. I and Course error No. I are fed to computers A and C while LOC No. 2 and course error No. 2 are fed to the B computer. Figure 3 is a pictorial diagram of the above switching functions and indicates the isolation and independence achieved for single and dual channel modes of autopilot operation. o D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover , REV SYM _' _'_JMM_ '= D6-3o6_3 INo. Vol. I"*GE II 13 6-7000 h! ® ®®®®®®® C) qp D$ - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover K3 qC REV SYM BO,_'JNO | _ D6-306_3 _o. Vol. II PAG[ 13a _-7000 i / _r I 4 }$. (fJ 0 0 < D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover D6-30643 REV SYM _JMM_ No 18 Vol. PAOE lh II Z C> ID. o r_ O 5 r_ _c ...I I.i.I Z Z n r_ Z m IAI Cd t,-,,I m I&l 1.1.1 ..i o r_ I.I C3 06 - 30643 - RESTRlaED USE - See Notice on Covet REV SYM ,_ Bd_EIJVd_ mo Vol. i II D6-3o6_3. 6-7000 .e-. to: .T: t. 4.: U I,-. i NOllVlA]g u') 8 Lid rv, Q. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover I REV SYM .o. Vol. jp II _6-3o643 Heading select is accomplished for all three channels through a single set knob which positions two synchros fed from two separate magnetic heading reference units to maintain heading isolation. The lateral navigation modes (INS, HDG,VOR/LOC),as well as the landing approach control modesILS and LAND, are selected by the main modeselector switch. This is a simple rotary type switch without holding or centering devices. A second selector switch, o,_. also rotary type, allows selection of the Turbulence mode, V/S (vertical speed), IAS hold, or Machhold. This second switch is solenoid held in each modeselect position. The V/S and IAS modes may be selected alone or during the arm phases of ALT. Select, ILS, and LAND. Whenused during the armed phases of another mode, the switch will drop to OFFwhen the modegoes into the capture phase. The switch will not hold in Turb. if the autopilot is not engaged. Also, if the switch is movedto Turb while the altitude select is engaged, the altitude select switch will drop to OFF. Further, if Turb. is engaged and ALT hold is selected, the Turb. switch will drop to OFF. The Back Beam switch is designed to mechanically preclude accidental turn on and is solenoid held in the ON position. It will hold only if VOR/LOC is selected on the mode selector switch. Also available on the mode select panel are the ON/OFF switches and pitch trim controls for flight directors. The mode selection and mode compatibility interlocks related to the position of the switches on theM ode Select Panel are shown in Table 3 (Pitch channel) and Table 2 (Roll channel) for both the autopilot and the Flight Director. 2. Flight Controller The Flight Controller which contains the autopilct pitch wheels and turn knob is shown in Figure 4. The pitch wheel and turn knob provide attitude commands proportional to their respective rotations. The outputs for channels A and B of the autcpilot are electrically independent. The potentiometers used with the pitch wheels are unclutched electrically from the wheels during all pitch path modes. For customers who order the control wheel steering option "the flight controller is not used. Instead three force transducers shown in Figure _a are provided to maneuver the aircraft via the normal control column and control wheel with autopilot engaged. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover REV SYM No. vol. II JPAGE ..D6-3o6_3 16 @-7OOO ..@ •_l--.-J_ • _ ='_ ,_,c)" ,-, _"_ _ _o _l,IJ I_-I- I=I' x -I o ×L_! l--J =_ I_1 _ _IP-I oi_ ,, o=_ -o_-_ _ × I _ ' ! _ "' x_ "' ,_ _. _ o _ = __ _ . ,-, _._° .-. o _ .o x o o_ o_ ' o I-- _-_ --.' ,_I[o I=-I-- _I--I l.l.i,.:Cll II= cl.U.ll I "-_ F''_ -= U.I x: _ _ II. ,,14.1 U.I _ '< _ o 12 I.I. X :'< :_ _ o _. I_1_ * I_I _ _'A i i _-°L_ .JU. '_o _ Q. _ _, _ _. o'_ _o "= @ ..J U./ --.I U.I I-C) ..=; I--" = _ ! " _ o _.. a. E-_ _ '_ I_ ._ D o u_ D6- 30643 -IESTRICTEDUSE- See Noticeon Cover < REV SYM c_ Bd_'X#'Nd_ I_ NO. Vol. II iPA_,=D6-3O6_3 I7 __ _-7000 0 q 0 D6 - 30643 REV $YM - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover -)- 7t.° •_ J _1_ _°. ¸ LU __J _J 0 \ 0 Z \ D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on (:over REV SYM _W'O.L='I_V_ |B No.. Vol. IZ I D6-3o643 PAGE 19 ->6-7000 i COI_T_C_L. W I..4E E.L,,. 5-r" E E i:_. I _I C_ 13 qD D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover C3 REV SYM IB No. Vol. II i D6-30643 ._ __ 3. Flight Mode Annunciation Dual flight ector modes annunciator mode annunciators are provided on the 747. Flight dirand autopilot modes are displayed side by side on each panel as shown in Figure 4a. The basic modes o o o o o annunciated are. ALT SEL (Altitude Select) NAV (Navigation) GS (Glide Slope) FLARE GO AROUND ?$o In each mode the annunciator displays an amber light when the particular mode is armed and switches to a green light when the mode is initiated. Table 3 shows each autopilot and Flight Director mode as it will be displayed on the mode annunciator. Also displayed on the annunciator panel throttle warning and disengage lights. are the autopilot and auto- A press-to-test feature is included in the flight mode annunciator. All amber lights are tested by depressing the left hand section of the panel. All green lights as well as the red warning lights of the autopilot and autothrottle are tested by depressing the right hand section of the panel. 4. MonitOr ,and Logic Unit The monitor and logic unit is a separate package which contains much of the autopilot/Flight Director engage interlock logic, dualchannel monitoring logic, mode annunciation logic, and the warning light circuits. The physical and electrical arrangement of the monitor and logic unit provides complete channel isolation. 5. ,Accessory Boxes The accessory boxes are Boeing supplied units which provide the switching and interconnect functions necessary to interface the autopilot and flight director systems to other airplane systems. 6. Pitch and Roll Comuuters The A/P - F/D pitch and roll computers include the computing and logic circuitry necessary to receive data from the aircraft sensors and produce autopilot _ervo and flight director commands for all modes of operation. O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover O D6-306__3 REV SYM A BOEINO .o. _l_ PAGE Vol. II 2O 6.7000 I-- < i uJ .J$ o 0 X a. 0 < ?. I,,- D6. REV SYM A _0643 - RESTRICTED USE. _ llot|ce+O_ _'ow_ , D6-30643 _ow1_ O _8 J Vo1.,I! IPAoR 20_ -.)- =i !i=l r.Q I ° ° i ° ; ° r._ c/3 1 D I O3 I.-4 H i o_ I)6- 31_ 543- R!STRICTED USE- S_e Not;mon .over 0 Ii D6-306_3 R EV SYM _a_-_ I_o. I'_ Vol. IPA_'_ 21 II "_ 6-7000 7. Automatic Stabilizer Trim Unit The automatic stabilizer trim unit (ASTU) contains the computational circuitry necessary to provide automatic stabilizer trim whenever the autopilot is engaged. The ASTU contains two independent self monitored trim channels. One channel provides trim operation while the other is in standby. Automatic transfer is provided to the standby channel in the event that the trim monitor detects a malfunction. :,. 8. Self-Test and Maintenance Self-test of the pitch Monitorin_ and roll computers, the automatic stabilizer trim unit and the monitor and logic unit is performed wi th a go/no-go readout by means of the Built-In-Test-Equipment (BITE). The BITE switches and lights, located on the front panels of each of the above units, permit the rapid isolation of a faulty unit, while the complete system is installed on the airplane. A typical BITE test is shown in Figure 4b. The BITE sets up input slgnals and sensors to adjust two or more signal path gains in the unit under test (DIE) as required to achieve a null summation of the signal path outputs, if all circuits are normal. The null condition is sensed by BITE null detection logic. Simultaneously, specific portions of the unit logic are addressed by BITE. The status of the unit logic circuits and the output of the BITE signal null detector are combined in BITE logic to produce a go/no-go output to the BITE readout lights. Maintenance monitoring has been included in the system as a basic feature to help in isolating the cause of autopilot warning or disengagement during dual-channel autopilot operation. The maintenance monitoring circuits and readouts are included in the Monitor and Logic Unit. The readout is located in the top portion of the Monitor and Logic Unit fron_ panel, above the BITE readout lights. The maintenance monitor readout consists of four latching indicators which trip to indicate that autopilot warning or disengagement occurred for one of the following reasons: i. 2. 3. 4. Power Power Pitch Roll loss to channel A (single or dual channel operation) loss to channel B (single or dual channeY operation) channel camout monitoring trip (dual channel operation) channel camout monitoring trip (dual channel operation) The above faults are monitored and displayed latched indicators, until these are manually permanently reset. by the o I)6 - 30643 - RESI1UCTEDUSE- See Notice on Cover R EV SYM A Aa'd_EJAV'd_ 18 i 6.306__3. .NO.Vol. II PAGE 21a _7000 BITE SIGNAL INPUTS ?$. _._ NORMAL SIGNAL INPUTS I UUT1 ;.,,[ ;- (,,.-.J L NORMAL SUMMATION IN U UT _IIGTN:L - J NULL II JDETECTORJ J ----0 / C2 Go/No so OUTPUT BITE SOLID BITE ADDRESS OF UUT LOGIC TO BITE STATE SWITCNING UU T READOIIT ,_' _ ILOGIC CIRCUITS! "-I(SPECIFIC J I POe_io,S)l NOTE F I O. 4b - TYPICAL B I T E : U UT = UNIT UNDER TEST TEST D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM A ..-z_-3o683 BO_'INO NO. _ PAGE vol. II 2ib $-'/000 . ILS Deviation Warning System (Optional) The Deviation Warning System is a dual system, monitoring the Captain's and First Officer's navigation receiver outputs. (See Figure 4d) The system warns the pilots when the outputs of the navigation receivers exceed 20 ua from the localizer beam centerline or 75 ua from the Glide Slope beam centerline with a delay time of 2.2 _° seconds. The warning system is in operation when the autopilot is engaged in the ILS or LAND mode and the radio altitude is below 500 feet altitude. From 500 feet to 200 feet the system provides a warning if the receiver output exceeds either GS or LOC thresholds. If the nav. receiver signal causing the warning is reduced below the detection threshold, the warning light will be turned off. However, below 20Ofeet altitude the system becomes latching and once the warning system has been tripped the warning light will remain on even though the signal error has been reduced below the threshold. Below Flare altitude (53 feet) the warning system monitors only LOC deviation signal errors. The two monitor systems are independent. However, to provide greater redundancy the deviation warning signals are cross fed such that if one monitor is tripped it will also switch on the warning light driver stage of the second monitor, thus illuminating all warning lamps associated with the ILS deviation warning system. Confidence tests of the system can be performed either on the ground or in flight. The confidence tests are pilot activated and monitored.. The tests are activated by proper mode selection and engagement of the A/P and F/D and the deflection of the VHF NAV test switch. O !)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on ( over REV SYM d BOf,/'N_' .o. 16 ip,cz Vol. II -30643 21c @-?O_ GS ; YHF NAP'. i LOC L_V DEv " r ; ro ,4#c ,,,,,o f NsT D,,sp_I, Y i ! i : i PILOT, S g/tlRH/m_ L/G// YS ,_ON,TO,e,_'-..- __.._j ,¢. 441A RHIN L /G# T,_ F/O PEV. /_/oNITOR Vi/f NAK RE_. " ZNST. IL G _'2 D-_. WARN ._/t_. P/SPLA ;- Y D EV/A "/'I ON 5 YG TEI_ G . BLOCK 14/ARN//V _ DI,4G RA _ 5OO _3 " .. " _ _ _.._ /00 p_'v. /_v,_R,,v ..TN H I B I'rE_) 53 ................. .......... ........ _ _ _ _ ___ 0 I)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notke on Cover EN61I. • .... REVtSED APIt APt DATE I/_S DEV/A H/ARIVIAIG CHECK I I 7/O,q _ YS TEA4 F'/G (OPTIONAL,_ THE BOEING R[NTON, COMPANY WASHINGTON |8 4_. C. DESCRIPTION OF THE AUTOPILOT ACTUATOR SYSTEM When the autopilot is engaged, autopilot commands are coupled into the primary flight control system via parallel servo actuators. Thus, the control wheel and column, as well as the control surfaces, move in response to autopilot commands. The lateral control system of the 747 utilizes a oair of hydraulic _o central control actuators which control the hydraulic-powered surface actuators. These central control actuators accept ccm_uands from either the autopilot or the manual control system. During all manual or autopilot operation, the two central control actt_torsare slaved together through a cross link. The 747 lateral autopilot servo system is mechanized as shown in Figure 5. The pitch axis autopilot servo mechanization is similar in concept to the lateral system. The mechanization of the servo makes the system fail safe for all single-channel operation and fail passive for all dual-channel (LAND) operation. I. Single-Channel Operation Single-channel autopilot operation is used in all modes except LAND. In single-channel operation, either the A channel or B channel autopilot maybe selected. The autopilot drives an autopilot servo actuator integral with the central control package. The servo actuator output displacements are proportional to the autopilol co_m_nd signals. The autopilot actuator drives the manual controls via a force detent. When either autopilot is engaged, both central control actuator. packages are driven from the engaged autopilot Autopilot authority in the lateral axis is stroke limited to the equivalent of twenty-five degrees of control wheel displacement. In the pitch axis, authority is limited by reacting the force detent against the manual feel pressure system. The pilot can overpower the autopilot at any time by applying approx. imately fourteen pounds at the control wheel in the lateral axis and about twenty-seven pounds in the longitudinal axis. g6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See RotiCeon Cover REV SYM BO_JN_ |_ .o Vol. II PAGED6-3O643 22 .__ 6-70_ IJ ii. i \ o l- - J4, ------JN '( laiJ ..J_ _o _{1"- U o 0 O0 0 hl;, REV SYM _11_41 . RESTRICTED USE- _ N,,t;_ aw [_ _I'_I_'_L=/A_' I_ No. vo].. i _T .D6-3o(3 F,A_, _1 2. Engage Synchronization Synchronization loops are provided to eliminate engage trans- b_en _ _l_t _w _li_en_aged, _he autopilot actuator is by_ draulically de-ener_zed a_d caged to _he null position. The sTncbronizer loop around the servo amplifier holds the servo amplifier output near null. As soon as the autopilot is engage@, hydraulic pressure builds up first in the force detent mechanism moving the autopilot actuator, which is still not pressurized, to a position matching that of the control wheel. Since the autopilot LVDT is active, the voltage resulting from a change in autopilot actuator position will be fed back to the servo amplifier and synchronized within 0.25 sec. Additional loops pitch autopilot, 3. _Dual-ChannF! are included in the roll autopilot and the to synchronize the attitude con_ands. O_eration During dual-channel operation, both autopilot actuators are coupled to the Jaanual controls via their respective force detents as shown in Figure 5. The force detents are mechanized to give the characteristics shown in Figure 6a. To reach equilibriwa, the forces applied to the cross link must sum to zero. The forces applied to the cross link are from the two force detents, feel system and control system friction. Since the initial force gradients of the detents are steep, disagreement between the two autopilot actuator positions of more than approximately 0._ aileron will cause one or both of the detentw to reach its maximum force level. If one channel fails hardover, the second channel and the feel system will keep airplane controls in the trim position. If the second channel should command in the same direction as the hardover, the surfaces will correctly as illustrated in Figure 6b. respond to the second Except in the case of rather precise agre_ent channels, the resultant dual-channel autopilot lesser of the two autopilot commands. Several can be concluded: .. D channel between autopilot command is the pertinent points . (a) A hardover command results gible surfaces deflection. in a passive (b) If the two autopilot commands zero and the airplane remains failure are opposing, in trim. with negli- the output is D6. 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Notke on Cover REV-SYM A Bd_'L="#JV4_ ' NO. Vol. 18 Ii iP*OED6-3o64_3 24 6-7000 • :-. i ...... ...... :-: : :i ............ : .... i :!.:i-i: _ ":Z':'"! : • : ..... _ .... ::" " : :i . .: - i :ii-::i: ...... i i::ili.::i.:.:-i :i:::i:..i.:._ :"1 .i,::::":::_ :':::':_T:::'::::_. _ ........................................... :_:.::!::::! ":_::-::: :_':':;.::_:, _ : ..... ::: _ .:ii:i...::-_ ':':.:_::::::!::[:::::_':::_-" -- .:_::::::::i::::: :::::2:::_:":::".:!::::-" :-: i i i:':_ .... " .ii % ....... i: :::::"_" : ......... i. ..-i-:ii.:!i:i!!ii.:::i::.:-::- .-.: t ..................... i t ! ........ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : .! .......... p.--. _, _ ':; ........ -= .... ::::':'i::-::"::! _ .... _ ..... t ...... : _ ....... ..... --: :._......:::.: ...... :...: ..... :...... ! • ::,.::.::-i .::::::_:: : " :.................. : i':":::i'Z""::: : ....... "i_'":':'::" .......... . ._i":: " ":'i.... 7: ...... _ "".!i""" " :" _'"! "_AIRPLAN£ _"'"-"" ":" ::: ........ WiLL NOTi .......i.-:---:i--:-ii-i-i-::-;-i_-i-i:i--i-l-i-_---".-::-i:--i --TR.ACK 'C!o hqMA N:D,_ ........ ............ i ......: .............................. " i i ...... i: ........;.......:............................................ OF'OPPOSITE SIGN: FROM THE- FAILURE. . !........... " .:... : ..... : ........... i _ i....! .... : ._ i :........ !....... i .......... i. :..i .... :...: ....... . ...... : . : .: ........ ............................. :............ FIG. CALC 6b ........ GENERAL . : ..... 2". : : ................................................ :i' : :" .:" ": !....... :......::::: D6:,; 30643 -RESTRICTEDUSE, :See Notice on:COve'........ OPE'RATIN6 REYIS[O CHARACTERISTICS OF OLIAL CHANNEL 5ERVO DATE FORCE DETENT AN]) SF. RVO CHECK CHARACTERISTICS AI_R APR THE BOEING COMPANY ..... OPERATING : ...... .....:.:.......... SYSTEM (c) D. FLIGHT During normal operation, the airplane will track the autopilot command baying the lesser value. If one autopilot fails passive, the resultant output is nearly zero. Thus, the dual-channel servo actuator system provides true "Fail Passive" operation for use in the _D mode. IKRECTOR CP_ATION AND MCDK5 The flight director and autopilot computation paths become separate Just prior to the autopilot path integrator as shown in the roll axi%and pitch axis computer block diagrams, Conmand and rate limits are incorporated into the separate autopilot and flight director computer circuits. These limits are switched as a function of the mode selected and the associated submodes. The Flight Director system characteristics are sunmarized in Table 5 on page 38 for the roll axis and Table 6 on page 45a for the pitch axis. As shown in the autopilot-Flight Director mode charts (Tables i and 2 on pages 17 and 18), the flight director computes and displays the navigational and vertical path data even when the autopilot engage switches are in the OFF position. When the autopilot is off, the pilots can fly the displayed flight director commands using the primary flight controls. When the autopilot is engaged in MANUAL, the flight director commands can be followed using the pitch wheel and turn knob. All modes of the autopilot except turbulence are also provided for the flight director. There are two control modes which are exclusively flight director modes. These are go-around and back beam (optional). Go-around provides a wings leveling conmand in the ]_teral axis and a fixed pitch attitude climb command in the pitch axis. The go-around mode is initiated by the pilot operating either of two go-around switches located on the inboard throttle levers. Operating a go-around switch will cause the autopilot engage switch to drop to the OFF position from either MANUAL or COMMAND. The back beam mode is initiated by selecting the VOR/LOC mode, then placing the solenoid held back beam switch in ON. In this mode, the flight director provides localizer back beam intercept, capture and track conmands which can be flown by the pilot using either the turn knob with the autopilot in MANUAL, or the primary flight controls with the autopilot off. During back beam, any one of several pitch control modes can be chosen to provide flight director pitch commands. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover D6=30643 REV SYM A .o PAOEVol. 26 II $-7000 E. RCLL AUTOPILOY The lateral autopilot computer block diagram is shown in Figure Ii on Page 42. Gains, transfer functions, special gain programs, mode engage and switching logic are summarized in Table 4 and Figures 8, 9 and i0 on Page 37and following. Finally, a block diagram of the lateral flight control system is shown in Figure 12 on Page 43 . The roll attitude and rate loops (see Figure all modes of operation. These loops provide ing and spiral mode stabilization. ii) are basic for both roll mode damp- The rate signals are sensed by the gyros installed in each roll autopilot computer. The roll attitude signals are from the Inertial Navigation System. Fixed attitude and rate gains of C _AIL = 3.2Deg Deg and _,L @t _ 3_6 Deg are employed DeglSec When engaged in MANUAL, the roll autpilot responds to bank commands inserted via the turn knob. When zero bank is commanded (turn knob in detent), wings leveling occurs after which the autopilot holds airplane heading. When engaged in COMMAND, the pilot has the option of control by any of the following modes: Heading Select, VOR/Localizer, INS, ILS, or LAND. Prior to the autopilot engagement, dual channel mode, synchronization pilot engage transients. i. _Igage either in the single channel or the loops operate to eliminate auto- Sync.hronization In addition to the servo amplifier output synchronization mentioned earlier (See page 24), a second loop (co_uand synchronizer) holds the servo amplifier input near zero by synchronizing the attitude con_uand, prior to autopilot engagement in any single channel mode. A thi_dloop, used only for the dual channel mode, synchronizes the attitude co_and by nulling the servo amplifier input through feedback to the lateral path integrator of the channel yet to be engaged. This loop operates only after both autopilot switches are in the command position and until the second autopilot channel becomes engaged. During the operation of this loop, the previously mentioned command synchronizer loop is inhibited. 2. Manual The manual mode is engaged by placing the autopilot engage switch in the MANUAL position. The autopilot cannot be engaged with the D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM C.. Bd_'EJ'Nd_z I8 NO. vol. i _GE 27 II -->- turn knob out of detent. When the turn knob is in its center detent position, wings leveling occurs and the autopilot flys to hold heading. The heading reference is established by the Magnetic _eadlngReTerence _nlt (RHRU). The turn knob produces a bank angle cummana _i_nal tD .turn knab Atsplassmnt. _ ttumkn_b output is generated by a shaped pot with a dead-zone in the center equivalent to ± 16 ° of knob rotation. The maximum range of rotation of the turn .s. knob is ±128 ° which ccnnands ±30 e bank angle. Maximum roll rate for the Manual Mode is ±4°/sec. Provisions are available for a 7 degrees/second rate limit. When the magnetic heading clutch in the MHRU is engaged, the heading error synchro is clutched to a magnetic heading repeater and provides a heading error signal. When the turn knob is in detent, the clutch automatically engages. Proportional and integral heading error signals produce the bank angle ccmmandnecessary to maintain the airplaneheading. The integral of heading error reduces heading errors to zero in the presence of thrust assymmetry or other lateral control system m is-trim. Both gains are scheduled as a functibn of true airspeed to maintain consistent system performance throughout the flight regime. Certain airline customers will have control wheel steering incorporated instead of a turn knob. The control wheel steering option will be usable at all times when the autopilot is engaged in Manual Mode. In addition, when the autopilot is engaged in "Command" roll control wheel steering is available in the arm phase of lateral path modes such as LOC, VOR, or INS. Thus the control wheel steering will be available to establish the intercept angle desired prior to the capture maneuver on these modes. A special switch is included on the Mode Select Panel as shown in Figure 2a. This switch allows either CWS or Heading Select to be used for the above mentioned arm phases. The roll control wheel steering block diagram is shown in figure fla. Force on the control wheel commands roll rate via an integral path. The integrator is bypassed with a displacement or "boost" path to minimize the velocity error or overshoot which results when force is abruptly removed from the wheel. Constant CWS gains are used over the speed range of the 747 so that light feel forces are present at all times in roll. Two electronic detents are used. The lower detent activates the CWS mode and is equivalent to the turn knob detent. The higher value detent is used in the autopilot to disconnect path modes and drop the engage switch from comm_nd tO manual. This action overrides these modes and provides the CWS function. O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover REV SYM_ I D6-30643 _D'L_'.E'JJltr_ .o. Vol. II I _ PAGE 28 6-7000 3. Turbulence Mode The turbulence mode may be engaged at any time the nay. mode selector is on ILS or LAND. If the autopilot mode is engaged, except when engage switch is in COMMAND when the turbulence the switch will revert from COMMAND to MANUAL. The system configuration in turbulence is identical with the MANUAL configuration except that the gains are reduced by approximately one half and the heading hold signal is removed.'$_o Command a. Heading Select Mode The heading select mode allows to fly on a desired heading. the pilot to use the autopilot The desired heading is selected by means of the heading knob on the Mode Select Panel. The heading select mode is engaged by placing the Nay. mode select switch in KDGand positioning the autopilot engage switch in COMMAND. The command signal is the Heading Selector error (instantaneous heading of the airplane minus the selected heading). The gain is scheduled as a function of true airspeed to malntain consistent system performance throughout the flight regime. The attitude command limit for the ±30" with the option for change to 500 feet/sec. The roll rate limit to iS deg/sec as a function of the error. b. Localizer Use Heading Select mode is _I0 ° for TAS above is variable frum 1.Sdeg/sec amount of heading select Mode of this mode requires (i) Tune (2) Dial in the runway on the mode select (3) Position in the localizer the mode the following pilot procedures: receivers. heading panel. with selectswitch the course selectors in VO_/LOC. Dial in the desired localizer beam intercept displayed on the Heading Select window. (5) ! O Position the Automatic pilot engage switch heading in COMMAND. The autopilot is in the Heading Select mode until localizer capture sensor operates ahd the capture initiated. the mode is D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM (_. _-J_ .o. Vol. /8 i PAGE II o6-3o643 29 @-7000 After capture, the system switches to the localizer when the on-course logic is satisfied. on-course The basic damping obtained by suing signal in the localizer mode is ground drift, angle with course error. The use of ground heading is contingent upon receipt mode heading, of a drift angle valid signal (DAV) from the INS. If this signal is lost, I the roll computer automatically reverts to the use of derived beam I rate, washed out heading, and lagged roll for localizer mode damping_." ! The beam displacement and integral parameters are the same for the drif_ angle valid and non-valid conditions. The localizer syste, has three submodes of operation; namely: capture, on-course, and on-course approach. The circuit implementation of the syste, is such that it will automatically switch to the proper submode configuration when predetermined requirements are satisfied. (I) LOC Capture The iocalizer capture is initiated when a summed combination of intercept angle and derived beam rate becomes equal to or less than the instantaneous beam error or when beam error is less than one degree. The exact and gains are shown in Table 4. capture and on-course logic When the drift angle valid signal is present, the displacement co,_nd is the localizer beam error and damping is provided by the derived ground headi n_ signal. If the drift a r_le valid signal is lost, the ground heading signal is removed and derived beam rate and course error are substituted. (2) LOC On-Course The LOC on-course submode is initiated when conditions of bank angle, beam displacement satisfied, as su_narized in Table 4. The localizer configuration, predetermined and beam rate are on-course configuration is similar to the capture with the following modifications : a signal proportional to the integral of beam error is introduced to reduce the steady state error in presence of thrust asymmetry and lateral mistrim conditions, a thirty-three second time constant high pass filter in the ground heading and course error path washes out steady state errors due to INS and course error signals offsets, as well as heading errors due to crosswinds in the drift angle non-valid condition, D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM A ,o. Vol. BUEIN_. j | _1_ II D6-30643 pA_E 30 6-7000 a signal proportional to lagged roll is added for increased damping in the drift angle non-valid condition. (3) - LOC On-Course A_proanh autopilot -.approach _ md_t, ches at _ from the on-course feet ot' al__ sub._e to oa-course Mechanization of this submode is similar to that of the on-course submode whe_ the drift angle is valid. When the drift angle is not valid, the washed out course error signal is removed to improve wind shear performance. The beam displacement and integral gains are scheduled linearly with radio altitude to compensate for beam convergence while the damping parameter gains are increased to improve close-in performance. The submode gains, command in Table 4. C@ limits and engage logic are summarized VOR Mode The procedure for the pilot to engage this mode is identical to that of the localizer except that the VOR frequency has to be selected rather than the LOC frequency. The VOR mode has three submodes; namely, capture, on-course, and over the station. The basic damping parameter is ground heading. If the drift angle valid signal is lost, the INS drift angle signal is removed, leaving the course heading error as _he system damping signal. The displacement con_and is the beam error for both drift angle valid and non-valid conditions. System gains are scheduled as a function of TAS to maintain good performance throughout the flight regime. The system gains, limits and mode initiation logic are summarized in Table 4. (1) _pture When the VCR mode the capture mode which established Panel. The is first selected and the aircraft is outside threshold, the autopilot is in the heading select steers the airplane to the desired intercept angle with the heading select control on the Mode Select capture sensor is armed. The variable engage point logic used for VOR capture is shown in Table. 4. For intercept angles between 90 degrees and i0 degrees, the capture starts at beam error between 1.8 and 0.2 dots. The greater the intercept angle, the earlier the capture maneuver is initiated. A _4 degrees course cut limit is provided. O et m D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover Q < REV SYM No. Vol. II ipAOE 6-30643 31 6-7000 2) On-Course The on-course submode is initiated when the bank than 3 degrees and the course error is less than angle is less 15 degrees. The beam displacement gain is reduced to one-half the value used @_r1_ t_a_ture. A beam integral _igr_l is introduced to reduce the beam error in presence of thrust a_try and lateral control surface mistrims. A 2OO-second washout of the ground heading signal is also introduced to eliminate INS o,$. drift angle and course error static offsets. In the drift angle non-valid condition, this washout improves the system performance under cross wind conditions. Maximum position and rate commands are limited to + I0 degrees and + 1.5 degrees/second respectively during the _R on-course submode. (3) Over the Station The VOR over-the-station sensor initiates this submode upon detection of beam rates higher than 0.5 degrees/second. The system automatically reverts to the on-course mode, after passing the station, when the beam rate signal has decreased below 0.5 degrees/second for 20 seconds. During the time that the airplane is over the station, the VOR beam signal is removed and the autopilot command signal is either ground heading for the drift angle valid condition, or course error for drift angle non-valid condition. If the pilot desires to make a course change while over the station, he may dial in the change in course setting and the system will track outbound on the new radial. d. INS Node The autopilot circle routes maybe used to capture and track any of the great that have been progra_ned into the INS computer. The INS mode is armed by placing the Nav. mode selector switch of the autopilot mode select panel in the INS position. Figure 7 shows a typical control sequence. If the aircraft is further than 7.5 nautical miles off the desired great circle course, the autopilot is in the heading select mode, and steers the airplane to the desired intercept angle established with the heading select knob. In order for the Heading Select mode to operate on those airplanes with remote set preselect heading where the heading error signal is developed in the HSI, the INS-RADIO switch must be left in RADIO position until the INS capture point is reached. When the 7.5 mile point is reached, the INS mode is initiated. Cross-track deviation and track angle error outputs used to compute the desired steering command. O of the INS are - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover n REV SYM _._ _47_J_v_ 18 No D6'30643 Vol. II PAOE 32 D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM A _r_a'l'JNO _ .o. Vol. _ II 33 _?000 Control a. be is similar to VOR control with the following exceptions : Since tP_ INS provides the equivalent of a non-convergent beam, the distance from destination does not effect system performance. The damping signal, track angle error, is not susceptible _ress-_rlnd _f._c_ which w_'_l_ result in lateral displacement from the desired course. ?$ (1) ° INS Capture The capture maneuver is automatically initiated at 7.5 nautical miles from the desired INS course. The bank angle command is limited to 30 degrees and bank rate is limited to 4 degrees per second during capture. The system gains are summarized in Table 4. A 25-degree course cut limiter is employed. (2) INS On-Course The capture is complete and on-course control is initiated when the cross-track deviation is reduced below 1,070 feet and track angle is below 3 degrees. The sa_e gains are employed in the autopilot as during capture. The on-course sensor _wnshifts the bank and bank rate limiters to I0 degrees and 1.5 degrees per second respectively. (3) Waypoint switching Automatic switching from one great circle course to another is provided. On the INS system Control and Display Unit, the "Auto-Manual" switch must be set to the "Auto" position to use this feature. If this is not done, the autopilot will overfly the waypoint and continue on the extension of the great circle. If the "Auto" sequence is used, switching of the autopilot to the next route occurs a short distance before the waypoint is reached. (See Table 4) It will occur at 3.5 nautical miles for cases where the angular change between successive courses is small. Restoration of the capture bank limits is provided automatically. When the on-course conditions are again satisfied, the reduced bank and bank rate limits are automatically reinstated. ee ILS Mode The ILS mode is identical to the Localizer Mode for the roll autopilot. Glideslope control is armed by this mode and the autopilot continues to fly toward the glideslope beam on either pitch attitude, vertical speed, altitude or IAS hold (optional mode) until a predetermined glideslope signal level is reached. (See pitch axis system description b6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM A BOEJAV_ |8 @-7000 f@ Land Mode The autopilot dual-channel features dual LAND mode provides the Boeing 747 with automatic approach and landing system. ILS and flare coupling. The LAND mode is properly are satisfied: selected when a the following switch fail-passive The LAND mode prerequisites I) Nay. Mode Selector 2) Both course 3) Heading select control set for the desired angle with the localizer 4) VHF/NAV 5) Both autopilot controls receivers in LAND set to the runway set to the proper engage switches heading ,_o intercept localizer frequency in the command position. Upon selection of this mode, single-channel operation, identical to that for ILS mode, is initiated. Dual-channel operation does not begin until after the autopilot is on Loc. approach, glide slope capture is completed, and the airplane is less than I,500 feet altitude above the surface. The second channel synchronizes to the controlling channel until it is engaged; at this point, the flare computer is armed and equalization and monitoring of both channels begins. (1) Equalization Equalization is accomplished bytaking the difference of the central control actuator and the autopilot actuator LVDT signals and feeding this signal back to the autopilot path integrator. The output position of the central be equal to the output position of having the least value (see Section having the greater command will be central control actuator output by the A and B autopilot commands. control actuator will the autopilot actuator C). Thus, the channel different from the the difference between The channel with the lower command signal receives no equalization signal since the difference between commanded and output position is zero, while the channel having the higher signal receives an equalization.that tends to reduce its output signal to match that of the'controlling channel. It should be noted that each channel has an independent equalization system and that there are no cross ties between channels. The equalization signal in the lateral axis is limited, so that ramp faults of relatively low values may be detected. The equalization signal is also gain scheduled as a function of radio altitude from i to 0.5. Thus, equalization is decreased as the airplane approaches touchdown. D6. 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeonCover REV SYM A BO_JAif_ I --D6-3061_3 j NO. Vol. II • I 35 -- 6-?000 (2) Monitoring The monitoring system on the 747 dual-channel autopilot acts on %he meaB_Ted diff_L_,,_e between _he output positio_ _f each autopilo% actuator and the output position of the central camtrol actua%or associated with that autopilot actuator. A block diagram of the monitoring system is?s. shown in Figure 13. The two actuator position sensors used in the equalization circuit also feed the monitor. Each channel has a pair of monitorsone for pitch and one for roll. A failure is indicated by the monitor if an autopilot channel disagrees with the central control actuator output by a given amount for a set length of time. These values are presently set at Six degrees and w o seconds in the roll channel. A steady red cockpit warning light is initiated any time a monitor is tripped. Thus, early warning of any potential problems is brought quickly to the pilot's attention without disconnecting the autopilots. Should the warning light be activated by noise or radio beam masking, it is not latched to the ON condition; and thus, goes out at the conclusion of these temporary disturbances. ' i 1_6 - 30643 REV SYM B ! ,, - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover _=J_ NO. VOI. II j D6-306_43 6-7000 C ,_o ,! _n !$. z iii v (J cD 0 0 :_ I 0 On" L9 _: _ m -J LU UJ -t- (_ D6 - 30643 REV SYM cn Z Az U J 3_ o nO > - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover BaE_'N,I_ i. D6-306_3 o. vol. II 18 £-'_000 0 0 0 0 Z rdD 0 0 0 I-- Q. 0 Z Z 0 0 tn 0 D O. eO _ w i ,C 0 0 if) tLI UJ ==) eC I-- I-0 C> CO 0 b. 0 0,, oO 9" 0 ! D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover REV SYM .i_ BO_c'JMM, G !8 D6-306_3 _o. Vol. II PAGE 39 9,G-7OOO Ilg 0 Z U,. Q I-- .J D m O Ill IX 0 O_ O O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover -y.. REV SYM A _47_JAV_ 18, No. Vol. II ->- PAOE hO 6-7000 0 0 0 0 a. Z 0 0 el - 0 0 9m I W Z _E m 0 0 U') m m U. 1 0 O_ _D _ _ REV SYM A ! I w _ O.L 3 ¥ :1 D6 - 30643. |, N I ¥0 RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on _6v_ BOEING I No. I)6-13645 PAGE 41 6-7000 ,5 o ¢ I I Q N I I:':'I F_. 4, !i !,_o_- _ Z _". • . Z s o ",,,'.= "_ _4 Z . II ........ j_,o _!_o_ 0 U _o b/1 u_ U14 o ti _i o . .°. t- S_ Er; . --d _, -- ._ ,.._ _._ i z ° "_: 0 _ 0 o ,'r ...° 0 • - _- oli b. 2 I 0 0 O Z 4 Z o I i < ! | I i i , VA " [u °1 " i • O E E, Z W .J W -J 0 •_ 0 u,. p_ • t_ll QV I ? t o )- Z t ..I z L 0 _ 0 ] I \ .Y g Z u ..t Q 111 z z i- Nmw__ ...t C o a_ o i- .1{ z _z m; 1 J ..i o a_ = I o 4-- i ] 0 D6. 30643. RESTRICTEDUSE- See Notice on C6,_'#r - I _.,, CALC . LaND MOD£ MONITORING CHECK D6-3061_3 a VO1. II rl;. 13 APPD kPP_ _LOCK _/z_/z_, • TO 071 O. m) MENTON. DI_G_^M WAf, HINGT._N , . 1 FQ PITCI{ AUTOFILOT A summary contained of Autopilot/Flight in Tables 6 a_d 7. Director pitch axis characteristics is The 747 autopilot _Fera_s through a parallel servo system. Thus all actuator response due to a command from the autopilot is also fed back to the control column. The feedback path is the 1_ elevator control system. At the frequencies which the autopilot system normally operates, the control column can be assumed to be directly proportional to the elevator surface votion. Figure 23a shows the linearized transfer functions for the Au_pilot servc a_d elevator power control unit. The normal gain between _column and O elev. is .478 degrees of column per degree of elevator displacement about surface neutral. The full column to elevator curve is shown in Figure 23b. Figure 14 is the block diagram of the basic pitch autopilot control system. Pitch attitude and rate loops are basic for pitch modes of operation. These loops provide both short and long period stabilization and damping. The rate signals are sensed by gyros installed in each autopilot computer. System (INS). Fixed Attitude attitude signals are from Inertial Navi_tion and rate gains of ___ = _ _ _eg and 2.2 Deg/Sec are employed for flaps flight. Rate damping is increased from 2.2 to 3.5 for flaps down flight. The pitch rate is passed through a i/(.is+l) lag for higher frequency suppression, a i/(.O5s ÷ i) lag for structural mode decoupling and a washout ts/(ts + I) where t = 2 for flaps up and to provide roll compensation. The compensation signal (1-cos _) is gain scheduled as a function of airspeed. When the autopilot is on, the automatic trim system maintains pitch trim of the airplane. This is true for all autopilct modes except turbulence. When this mode is engaged, pitch trim is not active. When engaged in MANUAL, the pitch autopilot responds to commands inserted via the pitch knob. When engaged in CO_AND, the pilot has the option of control by any of the following modes: ALT. HOLD, ALT. SELECT, IAS HOLD, V/S (Vertical Speed Control), MACH HOLD, ILS, or LAND. Engage l. S_nchronization Before the autopilot is engaged, the output of the servo amplifier is fed back to the path integrator at a high gain. This loop maintains the output of the servo amplifier at zero in order to obtain transient-free elevator when the A/P is engaged. At engagement, the synchronizing path is opened. The integrator hold circuit tracks airplane attitude which serves as the reference for attitude hold, the initial mode of the A/P. Q J. Manual The MANUAL mode is engaged by placing the autopilot engage switch in the MANUAL position. Synchronization is provided so there is no attitude transient when the mode is engaged. a. u, n PITCH WHEEL: If the pilot desires to change the airplane pitch attitude, the pitch wheel on the flight controller is used. The pitch wheel produces an attitude command proportional to wheel displacement. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover , D6-306__3 REV SYM BOEIN_ I No Vol. _I +- be CONTROL WHEEL STEERING (CWS): (CWS is alternative to Pitch Wheel.) CWS enables the pilot, by applying a force to the column to insert a command signal into the A/P to change the airplane attitude. The force signal is processed as in Figure 14a. Force on the control column commands pitch rate via an integral path, the gain of which is programmed with True Airspeed to give uniform performance over the flight regime. When the force is removed, the path integrator is synchronized to the airplane attitude at the time of force release. When the A/P is in MANUAL or in COMMAND and not in any path mode, the A/P will be in the CWS mode. If in COMMAND and in a path mode and the high detent force (19 pounds) is exceeded, the path mode drops off and the A/P drops to MANUAL except when in Altitude Hold. When in CWS and the deadzone (low detent) is exceeded, the automatic trim is inhibited. Whenever an attitude of + 25 degrees is reached and the pilot applies a force in the direction to increase this attitude, the rate path is inhibited (MANEUVER LIMIT CONTROL). Be Turbulence In a turbulent environment TURB. may be engaged on the Turb/ Speed mode select switch when the NAVmode switch is not in ILS or LAND. With TURB engaged, the autopilot is automatically switched from COMMAND to MANUAL and the flight director pitch trim control becomes effective. The pitch attitude and pitch rate gains are reduced by one-half. The automatic stabilizer trim is off in the turbulence mode. O w, I)6 - 30643. n REV SYM c_._ RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover BOEINd_ D6-3o6 3 NO. Vo1, pAGEh5a II / GAIN IqTD¢ FLIGHT DIRECTOR M00E PARAMETER VALU! RATi DAAIqlCG tblilC(_l n ALT HOI.D IIATE m FLAPS DO¢IW FILTER All IN AUTOPlLOT m II cAs I ao% r.AS J_G/FTmr=c .032 t eEGmGG mS ATTITUOE 1 OEWDL_ .13 lb/Av ATTITUOE lb/AU MAtH ERROR 2S 12114SX.154 IIL0$S÷ ID[O FCN OF DEG ALT HOlD ATTnlR)( AIRSPEED NOLD VERTICAL IFIE|D I¢OLD OI[G/OEG_I¢ I&J 14LTUOLD PROGRAM IN/OEO JIO AJ_lr _ GRADIENT MACH HOI.D UNITE .059 lIAR SENSITIVITY IAII I¢OLD REMARKS OEGnCT I OEG/OEG 95 OEGAIN:H ! OEG/Or_ ATIlllJOE • 16"_ t PATH FILTI[R Am_ LRIITER AT tltll: TO ALL ImX)ES I_OWN 3) 1#s.1 IWA& VIEWncJ_ IPEED ERROR ATTITUDE mEG_r_-c .05 CAPTURE 1 I¢Ot_ I1 DEG/DEG s} SE I+1 20S laOS+ ! .o0_5 _aN ALTITU_ ERROR GAIN OEG/IrT all HOLD ALTITUOE PATE ,05 DEG -092 FT;SE¢ I ATTIll_E OEG/OEG I.SS I.SS¢' I m I 14S+ 1 ¢Nmml FLARE 6AIN BEAM ERROR k4 PATH DAMPING I_ .21 DEG/FT/SEC 28 DEG/IDEG r.,Jmme AND NOLO mNK RATE ERROR 2.5 _+ .m OEG/FT/SEC DEG/SEC FT/SEC FLAME RATIO Wk .n DAWING .lip DEG/SEC .t2 .2 DEGSEC/FT IITCH RATE DEG/I)EG/SEC IqTCH ATTITUOE DEG/DIEG WUP I .lesS+ 1 108+I .--I-.35+I laNK RATE INTEGRAL GOAR(XJIR) SINK RATE llAII 12 FT/SEC _.J._ 35+I GAIN COMMON TO AUTmqLOT I _U 10_ (108+ !)(.IS+ , 1 1) 4S+I 12 EiAII DEG _ m 1) AUTOMATIC IrrAIMLIZER TRIM IS INHIBITED DURING THESE IdOOES. SEE DIAGRAM 1 FOIl CASGAIN PROGRAM. :ll 4) THE GAiN PATH NICU.IOEIi THE .1__ PATH FILTER AS WELL AS AN S DEG (k: AMPLITUDE LIMIT. WITH THE RADIO ALTIMETE R, VALID SIGNAL PRESENTGAINS ARE PROGRAMMED AS PER DIAGRAM 2 WiTH RADIO ALTITUDE. OTHERWISE, THEY ARE PROGRAMMED WiTH THE TIME BASE PROGRAM SHOWN IN DIAGRAM 4. l) SEE DIAGRAM 3 _ @) IN FOR GLIDE SLOPE CAPTURE, TRACK; FLARE; GO AROUNO ONLY, . TAS GAIN PROGRAM. j)6 - 30643 -RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover.... ._ %, REV SYM Fligh_ Table 6 Director Fitch BgE/AY_ Axis NO. I_' VOI. II i_AO_ D6-3o6_3 h5 6-7000 F ,¢d'" AUTOPILOT PITCH AXIS GAIN PITCH : ' AUTOPILOT MODE PARAMETER SYMBOL ATTITUDE ATTITUDE _l/e SUBMOOE UNITS VALUE OTHER SHAPING OEG/DEG HOCO (.oss* Q _'.Z GLIDE SLOPE AND DAMPING 6el6" (.05S FLARE FLAPS UP _ OEG e_" F LAPS COMP PITCH Co/( KNOB I _.OS_ 1)., (.IS+ II(2S (.lS+ li + li i.05S ÷ I) BODE LOSS BAND NOT AT ,¢ MID- INCLUDED. 9.5 DOWN --- 8c/STROKE * ._.--.Z.%-_ DEG/SEC LIFT REMARKS PROGRAM 18.9 --- (lOS+ _ ._s_ OEG/STROKE --- ,05S 1) (.05S+ I1 CAB 2 ) 30°$ * 1 STROKE IS KNOB THE CAN WITHOUT AMOUNT BE MOVED REMOVAL OF HAND. TURBU- 1) ALL ABOVE _4/_¢ ---- _ OEG/DEG THE LIFT --- COMP REMAINS UNCHANGED LENCE GAINS ABOVE = DEG/LB i CONTROL WHEEL I) CWS STEERING CWS (OPTIONAL) GAIN ALT GAIN 8¢/ LB STICK FORCE INTEGRAL (_c/J'FO RCE --- .32 T_S DEG/SEC LB ALT HOLD _c]_h B -- OEG/FT .029 1 HOLD _cl-f A he #¢/ /_'h_ ------ INTEGRAL .067 ALT HOLD RATE 6c/h' --- .05 0c/AM --- ,2 ---- .05 FILTER LIMITER OEG/FT/SEC TIVE TO IS ALTERNA- PITCH KNOB AND AT COMMON MODES AIRSPEED MODE + 1 PATH DISPLACEMENT lAB SEC THIS CAB2) 31 .655 INTEGRAL 5 1"S + 1 HOLD ALT = .35 0 --- 8°_k: TO ALL SHOWN DEG/KT HOLD AI RSPEED 0c/_ HOLD INTEGRAL (_c/_._ _V INTEG RAL NO MACH MACH HOLD GAIN V GAIN DISPLACEMENT PROGRAM HOLD 0c/MACH HOLD Oc/JMACH ---- DEG/MACH 120 NO. INTEGRAL (OPTIONALI MACH INTEGRAL .05 DISPLACEMENT _¢IMACH CAB VERTICAL VERTICAL 8c/_t_ --- VERTICAL {)cl/"_h" ------ SPEED #c/ I_ 8c/A hf 2 COMMANO IS RATE DEG/FT_EC .0¢_ L M .2 TED TO 4 FT,'SEC 2 INTEGRAL DtSPLACEMENT d. INTEGRAL ALTITUDE ALTITUDE SELECT ER ROR _;APTU GAIN AND ALTITUDE R E HOLD Uc/h CAPTURE ALTITUDE 0c/(_h CAPTURE SEL _c/ P=h 0c/I _, h" RATE ,00_; .029 INTEGRAL CAPTURE SLOPE GAIN COMMAND .Oq HOLD GLIDE DEG/FT DEG *05 ET/SEC HOLD C_ MAY fi DISPLACEMENT .064 DEG'SEC ERROR BEAM INTEGRAL 0c/t CONTROL 0c/J( CONTROL INTEGRATOR OEG/DEG 45 _O4Z R.A. 3.S DISPLACEMENT I_. LIMIT FT/SEC IN FOR HOLD. BIAS ONLY 3l INTEGRAL eC/_ BUT FT/SEC I FT/SEC BE_JO <_'/S 12,S THROUGHPATH FT/SEC BEAM RATE 133 AS ABOVE INTEGRAL .12B CAPTURE LIMIT OEG/SEC 4) MAY OR GAIN TiME FOR ELEM EE TIME BASE PROGRAMMED LQ_S OF VALID I_L EASY-ON BASE PATH DAMPING 0c/l_" CAPTURE ' ' AND 2I DEG/FT,SEC 4- 785.1 28S + 1.65S oO + 1 THIS o 1_. 1CS + I CONTROL PATH TO THE PATH AT 1/15 GAIN T/D FLARE SINK RATE 0c/t;( RATE Oc/_ --- .43 DEG/FT/SEC ALSO BIAS = FEEDS INTEGRATOIq 2 FT/SEC --- ERROR S_NK )_( --- INTEGRAL --- .64 INTEGRAL FLARE DISPLACEMENT #c/h'_ RATIO I_/h -- 167 FT/SEC "_"T FT DAMPING ec/[t_" -- ecl K" o | _- -- -- ....j__. 2ss .2s+1 2as+1 S¢-C/!_T IDEG DcGSECZ/FT .20 4) 6) 7) _)UAL 2,HANNEL GLIDE SLOPE 0c/ EQUALIZATION IA_l 6_J_ ------ A_e =|_O3 OG/SE_..___C E DEG --.|O_-- 0c/6¢ -- - DEG/SEC ATTITUDE ---- MEMORY 7._.._ --- 2, SEE THE 4) WITH STABILIZER DIAGRAM GAIN THE 30 DEG/SEC I PATH RADIO FOR TRIM CAS INCLUDES GAIN THE ALTIMETER, WITH IE FOR THE TAB iS INHIBITED THESE MOOES. I)6 - 30643- RESTRICTED USE- SeeNotice onCove_ PROGRAM _. VALID TIME GAIN DURING PATH SIGNAL FILTER PRESENT 5) PROGRAMMED SEE FrGURE 6) 7) LIMITED AT 3.0 DEGREES ELEVATOR DIFFERENCE. CAM OUT LEVEL(_ DEGREES ELEVATOR DIFFERENCE. AS WELL GAINS AS AN ARE S DEG 0¢ AMPLITUDE PROGRAMMED AS PER BASE PROGRAM. PROGRAM. LIMIT. FIGURE IS WITH RADIO ALTITUDE, OTHERWISE, THEY ARE ; ....................... T WARNING LIGHT'DELAY I SECOND. _ .............. REV _ K DEG/SEC DEG AUTOMATIC 31 LIMITED 6.7 DEG/SEC DEG SYNCHRONIZATION B RATE TO DEG SYNCHRONIZATION ._ DEG 20 SYNCHRONIZATION FLARE GAIN DEG/SEC FLARE DISENGAGE MINIMUM *' A B L E A U T 0 P | L 0 1" p | 1" C II = -D_.'-_-_-'36_-3 Vo].. IT 7 AXI $ I-_-- I ...... ''" "'" ' " ' ..... "'_'_:Y _ , " ,..'.:. ",- L.,... _..... , . . ......... i i i ...... _' t_J.4_C. i , , i • • . I . • it . e,, -_ . , • I ,.,, t'- I" z _ I= 3 i ! t_. "---'. I" ' . " r_- (. ,I- -- _ = I[ -- I_ .., _ < I I'- U _ -. " -- I z o.- I; ._ '," --_'-'' __ t- " ' I o[ _ ) _i ..! _ i I _ /---- ' " _r- ..... " " _-=0 "u -, • I...... 7" - :-- " I "":"_: -.. ....... ..... " " ' ', -'_" ",. ,'--: I i .- ""' • I ," >. "" • :, .... _ . , " ":..':: I , . " "," _:_" ,,.,. ... _ .,-- 'j _, • .: " ":" I- ' - ". :; " ! :,. oo :,.i _:t N - _'__ __-_ . , " -L--' -- " - "" __T __ " ' " _ ,jm (: >" u ._ " -- - " ..... , .-.. ,,1 o _ T "' _ _ -. " ,., ,_'_1 _ - I I .-o..: l. Z_-*o _ _ " I- I• I,, i . I .. -_o. --'-,-- -- • " ,=, ,z =i I_ [ _ ' . " . -- "r , . ",_ I---- i,,, . :. - '-' ,,, " , '. ! :' I • I " " • , • " I "_. _ ,,.., _." _ N,,., _ _ _ "-_--" 4.,j ,..,,. < -'1 _"I. _ " -- I •I I ,__. _" IT " o.- _'_ --o I---- _.. -, _,-, -_. ,- "x, . lu. _.,- olZ:_ dl. v4 _ __a_ J II _< , _:m " . '_' - I ' [ ! 1 ._.• I 4 _ I .J --r" • i j ."' - :. ...,,.... :. _ _.,-, _ • '_ ._,.- ,.., -- . _ _ _ w,- oz'. " ..,I _- ,., , ' t I I- ,1 • _ N '--r" I" .J,,. " "f --_ _ [ 1, • _ " '- • I : Iz I " = l _o_,,.,,,: ,5- - -T • i,_ . ", -- ..... ' A_O C l El ,_1÷ • _ . I Iv. I__ __ I._ " , .-.,., • _ • II) I I .,, .... _.,__"_.,. • d_ I _ , , I _- II _ I • l II _n_ u_ mw _I -" _I'_ .. I .,_ ,,L 1_'-_ _ , I , < L---" REVlSEO I • " uo - 30643 ---RESTRI_ED-U_'-rSe-'e-lqottce on Cove o_. ..:_5-306_3 ATTITUD[ •/z_#. PITCH APPD i D-N3 _.. " ' .1 " r 171 - r-----._ 8/&/_9 1"0 _-- _ "" I I- -, I< APPO _ _ tr,_ I._ I_ _ " [ ,L . ,_- L _ ---- " / _ " I ___ I " I_ CALC .. _"_ " "4" -" ' ,,.,'-,-o> -"P.. i HOLD AUTO MOD[ PILOT • .E BLIEIAVG CO,,,PA,,,Y ,,-_-,o,,,.wA_.,..o. ...... , vol. II F'IG. f+ PAGE e,700_ i.. e... z :2 UI 0 _. o J_9 o_,_o U w a,. O N E i,,i.i 0 .=¢ =,J T J == = ,.,= V ! o o-" I)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon _ove D6-3o61_3 i REVSYM C Vol. NO..EI_ _8 PAGE II 14'-l- 4 _:) (9_ "_ 6-7000 4. Command When engaged in CGMMAND and no other pitch mode is selected, the A/P is in pitch attitude hold and the pitch knob is operative. a. Altit_e L I _Id The altitude Hold mode holds the airplane at the altitude , existing when the mode is engaged. This mode can be engaged, in either MANUAL or COMMAND. If the mode is engaged with the airplane climbing or descending at a reasonable rate, the air- l [ I I plane [ returns to and holds the engage altitude. I The Air Data Computer provides the reference signal mode. This altitude error signal is provided after a mechanically nulled synchro to the altitude shaft engage. Aircraft altitude rate (or vertical speed) sensed and provided The block included diagram by the Air Data and gains as part of Figure for this clutching at mode is also I ] I I Computer. for the Altitude Hold mode l i I are [ 15. I The altitude error signal commands attitude changes required to maneuver the airplane toward zero altitude error. Altitude rate is added to improve damping. Integral control on the altitude error removes standoffs. The gains used are programmed down at high speeds to about I/3 of the.low speeds. (See i [ I I I Figure I 16.) - I be Altitude Select " [ [ The Altitude Select mode allows the pilot to select a desired flight altitude. If the selected altitude is more than 1200 feet from actual altitude, the pilot also selects the desired mode of climb or descent. With these selections made and the mode engaged, the autopilot maneuvers the airplane to smoothly capture and hold the selected altitude. This mode is particularly useful when a number of successive altitude changes ] [ I I I I I are required. I I Altitude Select has three (See Figures (1) Arm submodes., arm, capture, and track. I 15 and 1 7. ) - I I " I I In the arm submode, the pilot selects some other pitch mode of the autopilot, such as vertical speed, IAS hold, or pitch knob, to command the aircraft to climb or descend toward the desired altitude. In this submode, the altitude select switch is engaged and the capture logic is I I I I I armed. I D6 - 30643 REV SYM A - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover Bd_'_"J_V_ / 8 .o. I Vol. II r6-3o6__3 PAGE 47 J 6.7000 I _I _m _ mm_ E _I_II • o • "O I .... :i,0 ..... \. \ ................................. : Oe8 : . ..: ""0.6 .... i ........ . i:.::i]i.i\. ..._.......... i...... : ..... :i =,:.... i..... ".... :..... ! \i : LI'AS GAIN PROGRAM ........................ ............................................ :.... : .... : • :' ........."\ .......... : .... • : -; , .:: .:.% . : .......... :.............. !...... ": ...... :'-i:':-i::':i ...... _ .......... !'"'::':: ................ :...................... : ....... i....... 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I00... ; ...... .!: LL:...,_.LL,.LL;_.L; i: :!. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: [. . Z_Z_Z:_':_ ".] i: .: : ....... _. L-..-,.L..L_ ! ................ ::::::::::::: "" ;_Z _ .: L.-.; Z. "if .... _ .....LLL..... :::::::::.:_ ;_];::_.;Z_!.. ' _1 ...... t.... ::.::200 .....:._:..:300... .:: LL_.....,.; :.:. :::_Z'. : : : _'"::T :-T ....... " .......... :'"; "|_0 _ "" . !'_ • O;;'! :';:;7;;_';';;Z0i6 "i ..... .... ....... ! .... , .................. ." .... _ ...... _ ....... .... _ ....... i .............. :-:;; i " 2 i : i :!i !2;; 1_2]:";';"," ..... i ..... ::::::::::::::::::::::: _L- ":" ::": :....... =::7:::: : ........... !_!i ........... .... _..... ; ; _..... ...... _ .... _..... " : : ! I 700 . :_: .: _ :!:i!:•:].i..: :;-;:;" i. " " I .... 600.. ;:-: i ...... ! .................... .:'i " i.';';;Z'.!;;--Z. :.--::_: _ ....... . ; ...... ": .:...'i _.--:--._.-:'__":::T"::':T::'"_:--:':_'":: -:- : : .Z " i / :.-400 ...... _:....:500..: :.............. - ....... ...... L. 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" :.:.;.::i. .i iiii!i]"ii:'!':':!ii':: ................................ ......... : ' _ : .... :i :}:: , _ .300 --4 ......KNOT , .: , , . i" i:i"-.::_ ,, 350... i S.I ..... ]..... i ...................... • 1_i -- 30643 : RESTRICTED USE ,i See Notice on Cover DAT; icy. c Io ,IO_6_ PITCH GAIN PATH SCHEDULE MODE FIG. ,6 Vol. II [ APR 0 APR THE AO 4bl O BOEING COMPANY I'"_ j_,. 4_ , _ o •,n- _ u V • :_- • A _ • o ,9, _ _ (,..) L,) w.oU .-::)Z"" _ _','-' z • • (3 ! 0.,,,.0 :I1/° tv "1- _ O_ _: Z _ _,._,- o_ _ _ • • " o_ ° - • _e D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- See Noticeon Cover D6-306__3 REV SYM _:_V_ No Vol. I_ ..).. S,-7000 (2) C_t_e Capture is initiated when the aircraft' s altitude approaches the selected altitude to within 1200 feet, and the altitude error (in feet) is less than X5 times the altitude rate (in feet/sec.) as sensed by the coincidence detector. The detector uses course altitude and rate data from th_CADC to determine the switching point. When the detector is satisfied, it switches off the previously used climb or descent mode and initiates capture. During capture, the fine altitude data from the CADC and altitude rate information are summed as indicated by the following control equation to cc,,,and the aircraft to maneuver and capture the selected altitude- ae, where: _u - G. (.ooc_b, +.oq r,) is the gain program with (unity at low speed) n ec is pitch attitude A k is altitude error is rate of climb command computed airspeed in degrees in feet in feet per second This produces a flare toward the selected attitude which is rate limited to reduce "g',forces if initiated from steep climbs or descents. (3) Track The track phase is initiated when the airplane approaches within lOO feet of the selected attitude, with a rate not exceeding 5 feet/seconds. The control equation is as •follows: • @c c. Vertical - G_, (.029_k . .0'3 K) with the units above. defined as Speed The vertical speed mode is selectedby the Turb/Speed switch on the Mode Select Panel. Priorto selection, the vertical speed wheel on the Mode Select Panel is synchronized to aircraft D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover i X_ REV SYM , , BOE/JVO I_) NO. ,'Aoe 51 6.7000 vertical speed. It is driven by an electro-mechanical servo follow-up to accomplish this repeating function. Upon engagement of this mode, the motor of this follow-up de-activates to provide the reference required to generate a vertical speed error signal. Should the pilot desire to operate at a different vertical speed, the command wheel is moved to establish a new between the _u_i_s of operation which are +4000 ft/minute to -80oo t/ nu e. I The block diagrLm and gains used for the vertical speed mode ar_ _" shown in Figure 15. An acceleration l_lter provides smooth system response to con_and changes. Gain scheduling is included to allow good performance over the speed range of the 747. IAS Hold de This mode gives capability. the pilot automatic Indicated Airspeed hold A clutched synchro on the computed _rspeed shaft of the CADC provides an IAS error signal which is the difference between actual IAS and the IAS at the time of mode engage. The error signal con_ands pitch attitude required to hold the reference airspeed. The block diagram and gains used are shown in Figure 15. . Mach Hold The Mach Hold mode provides the capability to automatically hold the airplane Mach existing when the mode is engaged. The mode is selected by the Turb/Speed select switch on the Mode Select Panel. The Mach error signal is generated in the CADC by a clutched synchro. The error signal commands the airplane pitch attitude required to zero the Mach error signal. The block diagram and gains are shown in Figure 15. f. ILS Mode The pitch axis control system for dual channel automatic landing is shown in Figure 19. The ILS mode uses part of one channel, that is, glide slope capture and control. Upon selection of ILS, glide slope capture is armed and the glide slope indicator light on the mode annunciator panel is amber. During the glide slope arm phase, a glide slope intercept path from above or below the glide path can be flown on ALT. HOLD, ALT. SELECT, MANUAL, MACH IAS, or V/S. When the glide slope receiver is within _ 30 mv (¢.i_ °) of beam center, the vertical beam sensor is tripped and glide slope capture begins. A sink rate error signal, barometric altitude rate plus a 12.5 fps bias, is switched into the path integrator for I0 second to produce a pitch angle the glide slope. approximately equal to that needed to fly O P O D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cove, REV SYM ->- A t'_ J PAGE 52 '-1000 Normal acceleration, through a washout to eliminate steady state accelerometer outputs and filtered through a iO second lag to pseudo-integrate, is switched in for beam damping. During the i0 second pitch down, beam error is synchronized by a limited integrator at the integrator' s high rate. At the end of the IO seconds, the sink rate error signal is switched off and glide slope control begins. Beam error minus the synchronized signal stored on the rate-limited integrator is switched in, with this stored value bleeding down at the low rate of the integrator to give an easing on of the signal. On glide slope, beam error is programmed with radio altitude to provide a nearly constant elevator deflection per foot of beam error. The gain programmer is shown in Figure 18. In the event of a radio altimeter failure, a time-based gain program is also pro- vlded. (Figure18-2). g. Land Mode The LAND Mode is shown in Figure 19. It is selected on the NAV mode selector when dual-channel, fail passive localizer, glide slope, and flare is planned. Sequencing during the LAND mode is shown in Figure 20. Upon selecting of the LAND mode and with one channel in C_AND, the autopilot is in single channel operation. The mode is the same as ILS except that the autopilot warning light flashes amber and the autopilot will automatically disengage at 150 ft. if the second channel is not engaged. The second channel is locked in OFF until the automatic con- fidence test of the dual-channel camout monitor is completed. This takes about I second after LA_ is selected and the first channel is engaged in COMMAND. Upon moving the second channel engage switch to C_iAND, the flashing amber warning light is extinguished and the second channel is armed. The systemwill operate in this configuration until the dual channel engage interlock logic is satisfied. The autopilot remains in single channel of the following conditions are met: operation until all LOC on-course Rad. Altitude less than 1,500 Glide Slope control Rad. Altitude valid ft. When these conditions are met, dual-channel operation begins and is annunciated after a three second delay by an amber A/P FLARE ARM light on the Mode Annunciator Panel. The nonlatching autopilot camout monitor gives the pilot a stea_v red warning light on the Mode Annunciator Panel if a i)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice e. Cover REV SYM A _t'_lT_='lAf_ |e .o. Vol. ,AG_ 53 II 6-7000 i I • ! :" f t :'--IT;o%"= ,:_ ,.;!!O°}: I ::i:_-it _..::_._ _, ...... i,=._ ..................... _ ........ ±_!_.I, ...................... ............. L.,,.:-., t ,_! F_..,i_._;;:....... -._ _: _ ............ -._'-.47 ._.,+:_-z._,: _ : _".-_, ' ,_._.-_4_i_.:;I.._,__. '_._ ::i::-: ;4 .................. :.-; • : • ;_:-_:,:"., " |• ........ -, - 4;._{|-,_- ' ......!:_ r.._.-._t_.-_+_._._,.--t ....,.. _,..... _-.t_......1....... _:_-_,,,_,,..,-_._.. _'_,.-It4_._+_._......+........ _.._"_.,,_...-1 ........_-.._.'-_'.....--4=..%.. ++,....,. _ " _."-';,l' , ..... 4:'" _; '_-_---_- _- ............. _:;:_ ................. ::=': _. ................... L_.., _ ,.... _.. __.... _'ff.: : :" : ::: ; if-:,1",--:.;" • " ........... ' ..... _,_. __-: '_:'= :: :,_ ;- ....t ........ 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II : ! -I_ : .... : ..... ,_I ..... - Tt't'_: ....... ,..,F..1¼_._-_:::_::. _:±_:- ..... _:: ':_'_ .................................. • !ALTIM[¥[II_ • : : j : •. _4 . ! :- OMTPUT_YI_LT£i ! DATE C_SCX GLIDE. GAIH A_ "_'_-" ":" i SLOP[ MODE SC H _.OUL E THE BOEING A ::I t._ • .: ........ " _'I ..... !: ;: :]::':F:! !_+T::5:_:J o6-3o6_3 vol. II FIG. .... ' ;_ ...... fz"_"":" _ ...... _ ...... .... ' .... ___.___.. :_:-: t ............. ":"'_ '; ..... ,4r:_:; ::; _j: :_ :=_: _-. - _'",-r. _: ...................... ............ __._.: + i I.+ .... _ i RSYISID APIIt _:;:---=. z"qU_ ., _I:;I::Z'.:.;-'j:::_ :': ....................... + . + + * : CALC , _." ; • 4 II . * ( = ;:._:: ,:::_: .... -t-: :::::_:::, ! ......._....... _................... _,:i_--_ ::::+ii:i., ! : ' • 4 .............. + • :._;.Z:.;:h,'u_.:::::: -0 :.: .... i ;.; . ........................ ::_:', " _ ;t: ;:" .h u' _ " =_ '_,,'*" _ _::....." i,-i:i;= '.....t-._ ........:4+--'_--:' =....:=_;.'-." ::::l:::! 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I.................. _...t--¢,,_i_,.-._. i_t:|_:;_:" ..... ,....... ............. .....• 'i _ _ .......... '_" ...... ........ "" _,_ ,+_,_ .... _"_• _............. ............ F.'..;_:;;:_ ; _ ,.,. ,_-'" ,. _, l.---,_._,...... : ,..,_.,i_e}.,.;-4_.t._.-_ . :4..... I. I........ .-:+-,.._ ....... J _ "'.-i!'il; ':::;;:" 1::. i ......... .... .i_ COMPANY PMI4; ,_-._ IB L. I ? .° • !_" ,_. • ,... I i I I e I " ' " b " --" t , • ,.s, _ _ • \! ., I ._o / q ILl C3 m @ ,..I r_ I V Lid 8 C3 Im- 0 -- E. W .,.,I C) _P qr at) D6 - 30643 C3 qC REV - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover SYM j I_ D6-3o6__3 PAGE _6 6-7000 © ?$. m t) C3 0 C3 Z T _J I_- 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover D6.-30_1_3 REV SYM j_ I _ PAGE 57 6-7000 camout exists (Page 61) in either Interlocks for the LAND mode Figure 21. (2) channel are shown for two seconds. in flow diagram, Synchronization When in IAND with both channel engage switches in CO_4AND, but still flying single channel, the second channel actuator is in the caged position and its servo amplifier output is being nulled by the path integrator by means of the synchronization loop. At A/P FLARE ARM, the hydraulic pressure '_" builds up first in the force detent mechanism moving the autopilot actuator to a position matching that of the elevator. The-LVDT signal generated when the autopilot actuator is moved into position is fed back to the servo amplifier, and is hulled out by the synchronization loop. The actuator is then pressurized and the synchronization loop is opened. Since the servo amp was held to zero, the actuator does not move until it is commanded from the autopilot. (3) Glide Slope The glide slope control of ILS. Figure slope control. 19 shows law for each channel all switches is the same as that in position for glide During dual-channel operation, equalization is in effect, without signal intertie between channels. An equalization con_and proportional to the difference, if any, between the autopilot actuator and the elevator is fed back to the path integrator. The equalizer signal to the path integrator is limited. The equalization gain _s programmed down as a function of altitude since the requirement for equalization to reduce null offsets is likewise reduced. (4) Flare At the flare point, the FLARE changes from _mber to green. light on the mode annunciator The camout monitor remains active. Since the gain programmer is zero, beam error and the gain programmed portion of equalization are not applied during flare. However, a small fixed gain equalization signal remains on throughout flare. The flare he law: _+ +2; ER=h --_@a commands an airplane descent rate, linearly decreasing with altitude, from the descent rate at flare to 2 feet/second. n q O D6 - _10643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM A _JMM_ Ho. I'_, ..D6-306_3 vol. II. ,_A_E 58 6-7000 9 The descent rate is derived from the radio altitude and vertical accelerometer signals. The descent rate error is su_ed with filtered acceleration for damping and then passed through direct and integral paths to produce an attitude co_a_i. A synchronizer loop mainrains the command to zero until flare. The flare command is limited now down pitch attitude. C5) Fail-Passive to 7.5° nose up and .75°'_- Actuators The autopilot actuators are located on the two inboard elevator control packages. Figures 22 and 23 show the autopilot elevator control configuration. The feel computer provides a centering force for all auto- pilot and manual control commands. Feel force is programmed as a function of dynamic pressure and stabilizer position and provides authority limitation to the autopilot. The autopilot actuators are tied to the main valve inputs through force limited detents. In single-channel operation only one detent is engaged and both main valves follow the engaged autopilot actuator. Figure 5 shows a schematic of the detents and servosystem mechanization for theroll axis. Pitch mechanization is similar. In dual-channel operation, both autopilot actuatios are powered and the detents are engaged. If the autopilot actuator positions disagree, the elevators will follow the command nearer zero. The detent monitors associated with each autopilot channel measure the disagreement of the autopilot actuators with the output. A disagreement of 6.0 ° elevator will give a camout and a consequent pilot warning light after a one-second delay. Dual-channel elevator authority is double the singlechannel authority or approximately +i0, -30 degrees at final approach speed. The detent authori_y remains constant at 27 pounds stick force, maximum. At maximum q conditions elevator single-channel authority diminishes to + 1.5 degrees elevator. m ...... ;I j ..... D_ - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover = j -'q_ REV SYM -3o6_3 No. Vol. t_ _cE 58a II 6-7000 ._ _ _ o= >-"== _'i. =o='= _; = =a -,- ,. ,_ ,,n ._= _= _,= _- 8= _ _ , U,IMJ =, v,.=z..=. Z..= O0 U_J . _1_643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover REV SYM i (_ PAGE _6-3o6_3 59 6"70O0 U r_ MJ =E 0 LU Z I-..I U I-Z uJ Q_ LU LI. Ul 0 r _ ]_)V_)N'J,V, "]3NNVH3 I : QNV_03 d/V LJIJ ,=.I MJ I • L ' I --J ,qC m Q_ .q[ _' LLOA'I)_0w]03a._air ,._ > • UJ t-_ LLO^"I) _3V803 .':L-I 0)ld INO3 HMd WhO I-- 0 >"J 31HIN:I3N03 ii ii I i JIII_IILI_I i .J m i ii j ___1 P, m a < 6 . REV SY,V, - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice onion, j[ RaE/,V_' 18 !.o. z_-306L_3 Yo2. IT Ip,o_ 60 6-7000 _ .° t _° .... --.:-:! ..... C/,LC i : , ........ . : .... :. ....... +-. .... ._.-.:-:-....... I.: : ".'.. .:" :-:I "i"" '" +.... t. - ;+ - _/_,/?, ::+:: _- .+ ,-'-;:.--, .... ', " _ [: .: .-:, -+ - _ OAT_ .-_--" _ : EI EYA 7"OR TO CO/. UI_?/V -306TT Vo].. _EAR/TVG ! CHEC_ /kPR _-_: :I 1 I ,_'/_.._3 _ ..... APR PAGI= THE BOEING COMPANY _- g _b 4. AUTOPILOT AUTOMATIC STABILIZER TRIM The autopilot is provided with two separate stabilizer trim systems. During single-channel cruise operation of the autopilot, the A trim system is utilized with the "A autopilot" _ the B trim system is utilized with the '_ autopilot". During dual-channel operation of the autopilot, both trim systems are capable of operation. One of the two is _tilized and _he ohher is armed and in a standby state. Suitable monitoring and logic is included to effect an automatic transfer to the standby trim, should a malfunction occur in the active channel of trim. The auto-trim unit drives the stabilizer to reduce steady state elevator displacement from neutral when the autopilot is engaged. This reduces to a low level the transient which occurs when autopilot modes is disengaged. Auto-trim except Turbulence. is obtained during all autopilot The stabilizer has no direct connection with the primary control system. Thus, motions of the stabilizer show up on the column only as the amount of elevator surface which must be held on the column to maintain airplane trim. When the autopilot is engaged the autopilot commands the amount of elevator needed to maintain the desired flight path and airplane trim. When the autopilot is co_m_nding an elevator position greater than the trim threshold (Figure 24) the trim system will drive the stabilizer until the elevator required to maintain the desired flight path is reduced below .185 degrees of elevator. The effect of automatic trim as seen on the column is a smooth return of the column to near neutral as the trim system operates. The rate of stabilizer trim is inversely proportional to the impact pressure (_). Thus, the column rate of return is similarly reduced. Autopilot Stabilizer Trim Unit (ASTU) channel is shown in Figure 24. The arm and control circuits are identical. Trim is effected by the presence of discretes from both arm and control when there is hydraulic pressure to operate the brake pressure switch. When the elevator exceeds the trim threshold for five seconds, the stabilizer is driven until the elevator decreases to 0.185 degrees. The trim rate and thresholds are variable with feel pressure as indicated in Figures 24b and 24c. .2 The trim warning monitor is activated 8.5 seconds after passive failure of the arm or control circuits or brake A warning is also obtained for an out-of-trim condi$ion 12 seconds. Dual-Channel Autopilot Node an active or pressure switch. sustained for (Autoland) One auto-trim channel is engaged in this condition; and in the event of failure, this channel is automatically disengaged and the other standby channel is engaged by the changeover switches in the Boeing accessory box. Thus, "fail operational" trim is provided during automatic landing. Should a camout occur, the ASTU is inhibited from moving the stabilizer. D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover D6-3o643 REV SYM cL _'JAM_ NO. Vol. 18 p_,E 61 II I i I 1 I I _o_ ,__-_._ _ _ _i_ i -i I II. MACH TRIM SYSTEM .iS (SYSTEM NOT INSTALLED o ON 747 AIRPLANE) Pages 63 - 68 deleted. O D_ - 30643- RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeonCover O REV SYM ,J_'OE/NO i ;3o643.. NO. Vol. PAOC 63 II 96.7000 III. YAW DAMPER A. SYST_ GENERAL The 747 directional control system comprises dual rudders, each independently powered by a dual tandem hydraulic actuator. Dual redundant yaw damping is provided on the 747 by incorporating an independent electro-hydraulic augmentation system with each rudder segment. iS. Yaw damping signals are connected to the rudder actuators in a series fashion such that the pilot's rudder pedals are not displaced by yaw damper commands. This feature permits the yaw dampers to be operative at all times through take-off, cruise, and landing without interferring with normal pilot rudder control. A preflight cockpit operated confidence test is provided to check each yaw damper system prior to departure from the ramp area. Disengage switches mounted on the pilot's overhead panel are provided to enable the flight crew to shut off either yaw damper system should a malfunction occur. Figure 27 is a pictorial diagram of the lower rudder yaw damper system. In addition to providing additional damping of basic airframe lateral directional oscillations (dutch roll), the 747 yaw damper system has an added feature designed to improve airplane response to turning maneuvers in flap down flight conditions. This system is called the ,turn coordinator" and deflects rudders proportional to roll rate in a nturn coordinatingU sense, thereby improving roll control re sports e. Due to a favorable phase relationship, the turn coordinator has the added benefit of further improving basic dutch roll beyond that available from the yaw damping mode alone. feature damping The .turn coordinator" system is used at flaps down condition only. An .easy on/off" circuit is implemented in the "turn coordinator" command path to eliminate transient rudder kicks resulting from the flap switching should the aircraft not be at zero roll attitude. The design objective is to provide additional dutch roll damping and turn coordination with a system which provides no potentially hazardous failure conditions. (See document D6-13647, IEFCS Failure Analysis ). USE- SeeNoticeon Cover 1 6. 30643 - RESTRICTED REV SYM BOEINO I _ ,_o. vol. p_sE II 69 " B@ SYST_ DESCRIPTION Figure 28 is the block diagram of the 747 dutch roll damper turn coordination system. Its mathematical model is shown Figure 29. I@ and in _Dumb Dutch roll damping Is provided by a yaw rate (_) signal. At flaps down condition, additional bank angle signal is provided to increase system damping. Yaw rate is sensed by a rate gyro, mounted in the yaw damper chassis. Bank angle is obtained from the Inertial Navigation System (INS). These signals are independently demodulated. 2. Band Pass Filter At flaps up condition, the yaw rate signal passes through a band pass filter into the servo amplifier. The band pass filter is composed of R-C components and operational amplifiers. The transfer function of the filter can be expressed in Laplace form as the following: 2.72S (2.72S*l) (.272S,l) At flaps down condition, roll attitude signal passes through a similar band pass filter and is su_aedwith the filtered yaw rate signal into the servo amplifier. This additional filtered roll attitude signal provides additional dutch roll d iug. The functions (i) (2) (3) of the band pass are: To washout the steady yaw rate and roll attitude and to eliminate null offset of sensors. To reduce high frequency signal minimize possible coupling with Dutch Roll Damper At flaps down gains are 2.5 respectively._, of the band so as to modes. pass filter are C_in condition, _ _ amplitudes structural the yaw rate (degree) (degrees/sec) lOAd1 and and the roll .076 attitude _R (degree) _ (degree) . RFSTRIL"IED USE - See Neti¢e on Cover , REV SYM signals To provide dutch roll damping signals with minimum phase shift at dutch roll frequencies, in order to achieve optimum damping. The Bode and phase angle plots shown in Figures 31 and 32. 3. filter _'_-/N_ D6-306]+3 I NO. Vol. |_ IP^GE 70 II 6-7000 At flaps _R up condition , the yaw rate (de_ree) . root loci plot. Turn Coo_a_on For detail gain is 1.25 information, refer to Figure 33 m A shaping circuit is used to derive a roll rate signal from the roll angle input. The rate circuit used has a transfer function .is of (.is +i) z which yields a derived roll rate -'_" signal from roll angle at turn entry frequencies, but cuts off at frequencies above 1.4 cps in order to minimize the effects of system noise. The turn coordinator system conditions only. Switching The system gain is 0.693 operates at flaps down flight is accomplished by a flaps switch. _R (de_ree) _ (degree/sec) . Easy On-Off Circuit An easy on-off circuit is implemented in the filtered roll attitude signals path to eliminate transient rudder kicks when the roll attitude signal is turned off or on by the flap actuated switches. . Yaw Damper Electro-Hydraulic The servo valve amplifier Servo accepts dutch roll damper, turn coordinator, and servo feedback inputs and provides an output to the electro-hydraulic transfer valve. The transfer valve controls motion of the yaw damper actuator which is linked to the main power control unit valve via a summing link. The electro-hydraulic transfer valve is supplied system pressure via a solenoid operated shut-off valve when the yaw damper is engaged. The yaw damper servo actua@or is selfcentered by caging springs when the system is de-energized. This preserves the integrity of manual commands when the yaw dampm is not energized. The maximum rudder rate which the yaw damper can command controlled by the area of the servo actuator orifice and the area of the piston and is + 15 deg/sec at no load. maximum rudder displacement is controlled by the summing stops and is ÷ 3.6 degrees. is by The lever D6 - 30643_-_RESTRICTED USE- See Notlceon Cover REV SYM _L'JMM_ |8 , JNo D(_-3O643 Vol. II JPAGE 71 There are two feedback paths path directly feeds back yaw feedback is required so that follow com_a_i inputs. The actuator position via a in the yaw damper. The first damper actuator position. This yaw damper servo output will second path feeds back yaw damper 8 in parallel with the normal position feedback. Whe_ the yaw damper system is disengaged, the servo amplifier autput is fed back through this lag to provide synchronization. .I$ . Self-Test and Confidence ° Test The yaw damper computer provides self-test circuitry for the two categories of fault isolation testingLine Replaceable Unit test (electronic components) and system test (electronic components plus the actuator loop). The self-tests are performed by positioning the test switch and momentarily depressing the press-to-test switch on the yaw damper front panel. The monitor light on the front panel will indicate the test results (go or no go). Confidence Test is a pilot actuated and monitored system test. Channel confidence tests can be initiated singularly or simultaneously by use of the cockpit mounted test switches. By observing the upper and lower rudder surfaces position indicator located on the pilot's instrument panel, the operating status of the systems can be assessed. The confidence test and self-test test initiation in flight. are interlocked to prevent Separate confidence tests are provided for the dutch damping and the turn coordinator functions. @ roll Performance Analog computer simulation and digital computer root locus analysis were conducted to investigate yaw damper system performance. Results indicate that the system performs well at all flight conditions. The lowest augmented airplane dutch roll damping ratio is 0.30 at the landing approach 33 degrees flaps down condition. System performance for various flight conditions are summarized in root loci plots in Figure 33. . Tolerance Phase shifts a_ gain variations affect system performance. Root locus analysis were conducted to investigate the effect of tolerances on performance. The Bode plot and phase angle plot for the nominal and the maximum time constants of the rudder to sensors input transfer function are shown in Figures 31 and 32 respectively. The two flight conditions, which describe the lower and upper bound of the unaugmenteddutch roll frequency D6 - _N&A_. |;_T|ICI';_ IltC. ¢.- u^_:..., r.... o o .................... REV SYM w-w ww_m,_ vex _'7_ _w _w No. Vol. t_l i PAGE II -3o643 ->72 6-7000 ware investigated.. They are the landing approach 33 degrees flaps down and maximum dynamic pressure conditions where the dutch roll frequencies are 0.12 cps and 0.20 cps respectively. The yaw damper system performance for the above two conditions is summarized in Figures 34 and 35. If the system components are within the design tolerances, the system performances as described by the envelope in the figures is satisfactory. The upper and lower bounds of the envelope are the gain tolerance limits while the left and right bounds are the phase angle tolerance limits. i0. Failure Mode Design $ o Features At flaps down condition, three sensed signals are used in the yaw damper. The yaw rate, roll angles, and derived roll rate signals each provide an increment of dutch roll damping. If failures occur in any of these signal chains such that one or more of the signals is not driving the rudder, the remaining signals will continue to provide some dutch roll damping. All three of these signals are washed out and thus cannot command a continuous steady-state rudder position. At flaps up condition, roll angle and derived roll rate signals are removed by the easy on-off circuit and the delayed flaps energized switch. Monitoring circuitry is implemented to detect failure of this flap actuated switching. A red light is illuminated on the yaw damper control panel if flap switching failure occurs. Any type of malfunction causing a no-signal condition or a sustained large signal will not cause more than a modest transient airplane response. Control excursions are positively limited by hydraulic system velocity and force limits, plus displacement stops effective at all speeds. Q D6 - 30643- RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover O REV SYM Bdig"£1/V_ I __6-3o6_3 vol. F,AGE 73 lI 6._o_ zO ,_,o,+ I,I,I__ "r IK d Z "r' I_ I::::3 tu_ n_n,, __ii ILl. 0 I,,/'I D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover % REV SYM _-_N_ % '_ NO. VOI. II J PAGE D6-306_3 74 .i$ r o _ I I I I I I I I r -7 II! L_ 'L__ I I I I .Ei,_o CALC _._E 747 7"AW D#GiWlPE_ D6-3o61_3 CHECK • -,., APPD TO,6>AI Cmg_bl,,.dAT'O,z_ APPD PAG THi:" B_/NI_ RENTON, TO 173 ,_"'/& 2,6 D*N:I COMPANY WASHING'I'ON E 1_-7_ tl - 7OOO I r_,_ _l.l_ LT_ "4 v/l_l L__I I '_I_ I.__-_I ,II I CALC CHECK APPD APPD TD97,11 D-NI PageT( Omitted -i D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover D6-30643 ] N O. __J#_'_ REV LT'R: E-3033 RT ISECT ,_ IPAGE Vol. 77 II tQl I CALC CI.4_'CK t, ,"k % APR I I I I ._ ., _ ._J)_-_.3J_d3..:._TRICTED._USE- SeeNoticeu Cover .... rREau[Nc_ 'I YAW R_SPONSt DAMPER or _-306_3 Vol. i i II t li ]_ANDI_A !I I SS FILTER FIG. PAGE THE BOEIt,IG COMPANY I_-78 31 i ; > Y CALC C H _'K I ;:_ 'F .... +' I, L! 0 ....... , r;.+p6 +-,,-:;:r._ ! ..... _ I .' "c ff_._06 _ .|_ PH_S£ U_I_ - _+ ANGLE YAw _o_ 'PLOT OF "LT_ DA_P_R M-I;,) -. 6_ver .._-3_3 vol. , II _,o._ : APR t THE BOEING COMPANY r _,_ le-r,:- 79 t !!!!J!!!! !!!!!!!!! J,-J-iJ .i-i4,_l'_ illlliJii IIII !!!!N!! :::::: : Illl : IJl_l ;:::: :: : _iiiii.iii b ' I I I I I I I/L,/ I Ld" i_i_ I i iii i'kii [IIIIIN.I IIII IIl]_ :::::::: :::: : ::: :*i;;: i i ::;: :::: i i i :: i i i iiiiiiii !!!!!!!! iix_iiiii :'_iii ,aiiiiiiii IIIII... IIIII _' :::::::: iiiiiiii :::: :::: iiiiiii! :::::::: iiiiiiii !!!i!!!! iiiiiiii !!!!!!!! :::::::: iiiiiiii :::::::: iiii!!!! :::::::: :::: :::: !!!!!!!! :::::::: iiiiiiii iiii,i ii III ', I I :411t--_t- :::::; : :: illi:'liir_ ! I I I II1,_ I I I I I l ll'_ I I I I I Ilil,_ I I I I Mell i I';IT_ tl-I_ t_-I ', I I I I!! I ILl I I ..... I ii iJJi.Jii .:::::::: _iiiiiiii ;:::::::: :iiii!!ii i'_i '1 ...... III i i i. ii I| I ! , _:_, ',,!! 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'_II II ' ,,i, lllltllll I iitl ":II "ii II i,,, IIII ,,'_III I I1,_ I ,i, tliiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIII Illfllllflll- _ \_ \ IIIIIIllllllli][ll bLJ ] ] _1 I I.!.! | _U_}I IN_¥_ I'l-Illrllll| I I t I I I_1/I , 111111111111 I L_II_ " ,, ,, !!I' ,, i ,, ,,11 11111 Iilii[IIIIII ' IIIIIIIII111111 I_1 111,111/, IIIIl1111111 Illlllil[ltl Ilittlllll[I IIIIIIIIIII1 IIIIIIIIII11 IIIII1_1111i Jiii'l":l,,, ,_,,, _ I,,,,,.I.IF, Illlll,,,,, _FIII IIIIII111/]1ii]1 :llll[i]lllllilllll_, IIIIIIIIIIII I ""' Jiliiii !lllllilltll!i! ii II ii!iiiiiii,,II I_!]_'1 I I _H-_tI]IIIIII]IIII ':' nNON! I_ • OI Ili lllltlllllll II]1 IV. AUTOTHROTTLE A. SYSTEM GENERAL The 7h7 is equipped with a single-channel autothrottle system. This system is designed to capture and hold a selected indicated airspeed during terminal area maneuvering, and approach and landing flight regimes by automatically positioning the throttles. It may be used for indicated airspeeds up to 400 kts. Figures 36 and 37 pictorially describe the system. Salient features of the autothrottle are: _Clutches in the mechanical drive to the throttles enable the pilot to override the action of the system at any time. I. o . . e Be The system is operable or while the Autopilot during manual is engaged. flight control The system limits the rate of change of commanded airspeed so that throttle motions occur smoothly. Thrust changes following pitch maneuvering are minimized, and the magnitude of transient thrust changes arising from wind gusts are limited byagust filter. A throttle retardfunction, interlocked with the Autopilot Land Node, is provided to automatically retard the throttles during an autopilot flare. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A block diagram of the autothrottle system is shown more detailed description is provided below. i. Co_Inand and Airspeed Error inFigure 38. A Signals The system engage switch and the speed on the AFCS Mode Select Panel. control knob are situated The Autothrottle computer receives an airspeed error control signal from the Captain's airspeed indicator. Whenever a difference exists between the pilot-selected airspeed command, indicated in digital form on the AFCSMode Select Panel, and the actual captain's airspeed, throttle action to reduce" the error is commanded. The servo-motor is geared to the throttle levers via clutches which allow the pilot to easily override the system. I)6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE- SeeNoticeon Cover k_ REV SYM B_EJN_ i D6-306_43 No. Vol. II 83 / REV SYM ==_,.,,= .o. _#.o_3 I_ PA_E 84 ->6-70oo 0 0 D6 - 30643 REV SYM - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover Bd_EIN_I_ i _^_ D6-3o6_3 85 +._o_ E ! tl | E ,0 $ ¸ _ i Up ,_g, E_ D_ +, r_ ": e _.1: o__ __, N .....,=__L :a+,!,-+++;_ , ,J o ul oZ • cso 4C..J _4C ac u. u, • 9wIi - . Accelerometert Attitudet and Elevator The longitudinal accelerometer, which the computer, provides rate of change Signals is an integral part of of speed information. The pitch attitude input, obtained from the Inertial Navigation System, cancels the attitude component of the accelerometer output. IS . o Computation The computer utilizes transformer coupling for the A.C. input signals. A differential amplifier is used for the D.C. radio altimeter signal to provide isolation and noise rejection. All A.C. signals are demodulated prior to shaping, filtering, and error level detection. The processed D.C. signals are summed and modulated for use in the A.C. power amplifier which drives the servo-motor. Prior to engagement, the system is synchronized for inputs other than airspeed error. See block diagram Figure 38. The basic airspeed error input signal is processed through an acceleration limiting circuit. This circuit assymmetrically limits the airspeed commandrate. The rate limited command signal is passed through an asymmetric gain program which reduces the gain for overspeed errors larger than 2 kt to .25 of its value. This gain reduction for large overspeed errors compensates for the fast deceleration of the engine and the higher authority of the throttle in the aft direction. The IAE signal is summed with the compensated longitudinal accelerometer signal and passed through the gust filter to suppress the effects of air turbulence on system activity. .2 h@ Throttle Control and Limits Control of the throttle levers is accomplished by a proportional plus integral servo configuration. The servo proportional response isobtained by integrating the tachometer output. Switches are provided to limit forward and aft throttle motion. The forward limit position is set to avoid exceedin_ the maximum allowable engine pressure ratio or temperature; the aft position closely corresponds to the flight idle thrust value. Whenever I D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Noticeon Cover {, REV SYM 18 , D6-306_3 i' ....... 87 the throttles are driven to either limit position, the integrator is put into a "hold" condition to prevent it from computing an erroneous throttle position. The system remains engaged and will drive the throttles out of the limit position when the appropriate signal is developed. 5. ADI Sisnal The demodulated output from the airspeed indicator, filtered by a B-second lag, is supplied to fast-slow indicators on the two Attitude Director Indicators in the cockpit. 6. Airspeed Error , o Warnin6 When the Autothrottle is engaged, an airspeed error greater than ten knots causes the amber Flight Mode Annunicator light to illuminate. Disenga6e We A pilot can disengage following: . the system by means (a) The engage switch (b) Disconnect switches (c) Go-around switches on the AFCS mode on throttle on throttle of any of the selector levers levers panel. i and _. 2 and 3. Flare In conjunction with the Land Mode of the Autopilot, the system provides autou_tic throttle retard during the flare maneuver. The conditions necessary to activate this function are that the Autopilot must have been armed for flare, the Autopilot flare must have commenced, and the radio altimeter signal must be below the trigger altitude. The logic requirements prevent inadvertent operation of the retard function. e Test Incorporated in the computer is an automatic test arrangement which can isolate a failure to the computer or.servo-motor without requiring the use of supplementary ground-test equipment. This test is accomplished by means of a rotary switch and a pushbutton switch located on the front panel of the computer. The rotary switch is used to select the unit to be tested (i.e., the computer or the servo-motor) and the push-button initiates the test. The rotary switch will remain in the selected r_ P D6 - 30643 (3 4C REV SYM - RESTRICTEDUSE - See Notice on Cover Bd_'EINd_ |_ N0 PAGE VOI. II .D6-306h3 .->- 88 6-7OOO position until it is manually returned to the "OFF" position. The Autothrottle system cannot be engaged, and a steady red warning light shows on the front panel (and in the cockpit) when the switch is not in the "OFF" position. The test results are indicated by lights located on the computer's front panel. A "test-in-progress" light is illuminated on initiation of a test; and a "go" light is illuminated upon successful completion. A failure is indicated by the "test-in _" progress" light being extinguished without a "go" indication. The equipment functionally tests the entire Autothrottle system in approximately one minute. The testing is performed by injecting test signals into the various computer inputs while monitoring both the input and output of the feedback integrator in the servo loop. If each of these monitoring devices yields the proper indication, then the test step is completed and the next step is performed. If each test step is successful, the program will proceed to the last step and yield a "go" indication is withheld. C3 D6 - 30643 - RESTRICTED USE - See Notice on Cover C3 qC °o REV SYM Bd_'_='J, AV_ IB Vol. II i _o. pA_,E_-3o6h3 89 _b-6-700O 19.0 APPE_[DIX E - REVISED S]]_ULATION DATA The data in this section recommends incorporating contains revisions that Boeing in the NASA simulation. D6-3o6_3 | AD'_='_FAb'_ REV LTR: E-3033 R I I SECT IN O. Vol. I PAGE II I?.O- I SUMMARY OF AREAS ITEM Wing AND DIMENSIONS VALUE Area DIMENSION Ft .2 (S) Wing Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Wing Wheel Span 195.68 (b) Ft. Base Wing Body Wheel Ft. Gear Gear 78.96 88.96 Ft. Ft. 36.16 12.5 Ft. P_. 39.6 Ft. Tread Wing Body Gear Gear Effective Engine Moment Arms Inboard • YEz Za z . {'q_ (air) (ground Ft. Ft. ) Outboard Yzo ZE o Note The transition engine where and REV SYM -' pitching between the arm,s, ZEz ground and ZZo, and air is a values function for the effective of the averaged CURNUTT FOSTF..R ODEGARD TD 4_1 C-R4 GROUND EFFECT THE HEI6HT BOEING FACTOR_ COMPANY KGE'F.. , .] . ._ LIFT COEFFICIENT GROUND .. EFFECT APR PAGG THE IMK TD 46! Kild_M/_ C-R4 BOEING COMPANY Xg,o_Lt 3"5.70 _._ (N( s|qL ++ ............. ALl_lft REV. F- ! ..,.. 2-2 .... =:--"l--i .... !:_{__. :, I::!::::,:I:: i ,:.:. _-: ,: -i .:I LOW RL:VlSGD AN_LF" LOW LOW FOR 5TICK OF ATTACK SHAKER ACTUATION _Y_TRO_ ODEGARD TD 461 PA_E THE BOEING COMPANY _-114 •;............. REV. E _;r'_-q_-_,_,-_.-: . . -_::C=: : _F_ :::._.: ...::'. 1. ::..._-::I.:.:l * .... | .... -_.-2.':-_ I:... 1 -'_ ..... t- :-:. .-1 ":.'= :' ,:..; " : _- ........................ • :l::::: :":. _:.:_-.:1 {:-:-4-:-_:--'-zi*--_--:: _-,.:: : !. .. ........ :" : ':-'_: .................. ::." _":t " .... 1:.ii; . 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CONDITION PAGE Climbout 20.0-2 Approach 20.0-3, Aileron Climbout Approach Rudder Approach Brake Release Acceleration Rotate E-3033 RI -4, -5 and and Initial Climbout BOEJNO REV LTR: inputs are presented ISECT 20,0-12, -13, -14 D6-30643 IN 0. Vol. TI IPAGE 20.o-I $11 lp" ? t, i/,.'n i. m t_ D I0 II | M t l? i * • + i;ij IIi II ::: .o. .°° ,°° ..o ,.° .+. °oo ::; :--:: .'.: : 7: ::: :: 1.: :::: ..,. :'- ..o ..o :"I. ::: ::: :: ::-2 1:: '::: :2: ::7 .:.:: .,o L_ ..._ , .oo o., ) .o o. , o ,oo o.. ,,o ::: o°, +oo o.o ,.+ o °.. °_. ,o. .+ o+. o., i.+ i.-_. ... _o. l.i L._. 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