'The Crucible' Essay Task: Human Experience & Identity

FEB 2019
You are to write a COMPLETE essay on the topic of the human experience and the play
‘The Crucible’ using the information below.
QUESTION: “Experiences may be diverse, but the influence on identity is always profound’ Evaluate
this statement with detailed reference to Arthur Miller’s play ‘The Crucible’.
VOCABULARY LIST: You will need to include SOME of thewords from the following list in your
Stage directions
You will be required to write THREE body paragraphs focusing on different elements of the play
Include a strong introduction and conclusion - FIVE paragraphs all together
You need to include THREE pieces of evidence in each paragraph and ensure that you evaluate
the evidence in detail.
Body paragraph 1: Witches – Context + Parallel between the hysteria expressed and the acts of the
TOPIC SENTENCE – “In a contextual landscape of conservatism and conformity, tensions arise when
paradigm fractures evolve and challenge the status quo.”
This topic sentence allows you to argue the idea that the influence on a human, due to social context and
the liberalisation of the times and the Puritan way of life, was bound to create an opposing opinion and
lead to tension and the possible downfall of society. Society has a lifecycle and needs to evolve and change
and regardless of the ‘utopia’ that is imposed on people there will always be forces acting against, or
looking for a way out. You will be able to easily link this to the context of the play and the overture focusing
on the idea of witch hunts and the hysteria created. How does Miller represent these ideas and what is the
effect of Miller’s choices on meaning? Remember to look at the parallel between the rising tension and the
crescendo each act identically follows.
Body paragraph 2: Power – Focusing on Danforth and his abuse of power + his cunning ability to use
the girls for his own purpose to control the puritan society (COURT SCENE)
TOPIC SENTENCE – “The Manichean philosophy represented in Salem’s theocratic society
paradoxically serves as its weakness.”
This topic sentence encourages a focus on the ‘God-like’ status of Danforth – how he got that position, why
it is significant, and what it means to the rest of the Salem society. It allows you to go into detail about the
ultimate power Danforth has over the town and its citizens as well as the way and why he is able to
manipulate everyone to serve his own purpose. Be sure to explore the way the philosophy has impacted the
identity of Danforth as well as the towns people and the way the play is set up to make this obvious
statement to the audience and how the audience responds to this.
Body paragraph 3: Transgressions – Focusing on Proctor, you could include Parris if it fits in with your
points – perhaps when discussing Abigail
TOPIC SENTENCE – “Man, in no way, can ignore or isolate his responsibility or duty to establish truth
and justice in the face of turmoil and sacrifice.”
This topic sentence introduces an argument about Proctor and the decisions he makes throughout the play.
Even though he finds himself in a tumultuous situation due to his transgressions he still has a responsibility
to his own morals and values (truth). This has a profound impact on his identity as it influences the way he
responds to what he is experiencing, all the way up until his death.
You do not need to stick to the order that I have set out here, feel free to use a scaffold that suits
your writing and best conveys your ideas and opinions.
DO NOT USE THE TOPIC SENTENCES WORD FOR WORD!!! You need to create your own
style and language based on the ideas expressed in the topic sentences I have given you. Make
them more sophisticated, more concise, and more suited to your writing style and the points
you are conveying.
Be sure to make it obvious that you are talking about a play (you do not need to repeat the
word ‘play or drama’ throughout your essay) – However, you do need to refer to the stage
directions, the impact on the audience, sound, lighting, and speech to show that you have
knowledge of how a production works and the way each individual element has come together
to create the whole picture/effect. “How does the audience respond – how does the
representation position us?”
Have strong topic sentence that link to the concept you are discussing, and make sure that you
are actually making a point not just stating a fact.
When you write your essay, you need to have a purpose – not just to write an essay and hand it
in to the teacher. Your purpose is to inform, analyse, and make an evaluation.
Every single point you make needs to be followed by a “SO WHAT?” What is the point of the
Hysteria? Why does it lead too? How does it impact the rest of the narrative? How does it
influence the audience’s response?... etc.
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