SAMPLE TEMPLATE Collaborative Learning Lesson Plan I. Pre-design Phase Topic/Lesson: What are you teaching? Lesson Duration: How long will you conduct the lesson? Subject/Course: What subject area are you teaching? Grade/Year Level: Materials/Equipment II. Identify the grade or year level of your students. What materials/equipment will you need to teach the lesson? Conducting the Lesson Learning Objectives Identify your expected learning outcomes using cognitive, affective, or psychomotor taxonomies. Lesson Procedure Explain how the topic will be discussed in the classroom. How will you group your students? What instructional strategies will you use? How will the lesson begin and end? Collaborative Learning Strategies What technique/s will you be using in order for your students to experience positive interdependence, face-to-face interaction, individual accountability, group socialization, and group processing? How will you apply them to your students? III. Evaluation Explain how the students will be assessed during and after the lesson. Provide a rubric if necessary.