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Blog Post Rubric: Grading Criteria

Blog Post Rubric
90%-100%: Distinuished
 Headline is unexpectedly delightful and fully grabs the reader’s attention Introduction is snappy and fully engages the reader
 A compelling problem has been defined or an interesting question has been posed that would be engaging to a large audience
Each body paragraph sets a clear, powerful path in supporting the exploration of the blog topic
 2 or more high-quality sources are used to provide insightful, unexpected evidence Commentary shows depth of thought and
presents unique, interesting insight
 Powerful vocabulary with no repetition of key words or phrases; always fresh and interesting Excellent sentence flow and
variety of sentence structures
 Skillful use of transitions to help create a unified, cohesive piece of writing
 Has very few or no errors in usage and/or conventions that interfere with meaning
 Comments on 2 other posts are thoughtful and insightful
80%-89%: Proficient
 Headline is appropriate to the topic, but lacks great inspiration
 Introduction is interesting and convinces the reader that it’ll be worthwhile to continue with the piece
 The defined problem/posed question seems to be interesting to the writer, but is not especially engaging to a broader
audience Each body paragraph logically supports the exploration of the blog topic, but is sometimes lacking in power/passion
 2 sources are used to provide appropriate evidence
 Commentary is generally good, but a bit obvious at times; sometimes, you just state what’s already known to most readers
Good vocabulary that clearly, but not always powerfully, expresses your ideas; you don’t repeat words or phrases Smooth
sentence flow and occasionally effective sentence variety
 Has few minor errors in usage and/or conventions with no significant effect on meaning
 Comments on 2 other posts are on topic and appropriate
70%-79%: Developing
 Headline is flat, predictable, or only a slight modification of one of the examples I gave in class Introduction is flat, clichéd, or
too safe/bland
 The defined problem/posed question is present, but not unique or particularly interesting Each body paragraph supports the
topic, but construction is mechanical
 Three sources are used to provide evidence, but the material is pretty obvious and/or the sources are less than ideal
Commentary is too obvious, superficial, simplistic, or repetitive
 Average, simple vocabulary or overly flowery/heavily academic language that blocks meaning at times Sentence flow is
choppy at times; limited sentence variety
 Has frequent errors in usage and conventions that sometimes interfere with meaning*
 Comments on other may lack insight or detail
60%-69: Beginning
 Headline is just a label and/or missing altogether
 Introduction is confusing to the reader; it seems the writer is struggling with the launch of the blog post
 The defined problem/posed question is murky or difficult for the reader to understand; the writer seems confused
Body paragraphs don’t always clearly connect to the topic and/or organization of thought/points is scattered
 Fewer than three sources are used and/or the material seems to lack accuracy; sources are of questionable credibility
Commentary is weak, veers off-topic, or confuses the reader
 Flat, below grade-level vocabulary and/or inappropriate diction
Has frequent major errors in usage and conventions that
interfere with meaning
 The student will Comments or off topic and brief
0-59%: Needs Improvement
Is incomplete, incoherent, undeveloped, or does not meet the requirements of the assignment