668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 15.04.2004 16:34 Page i tammyb 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Glencoe Science Chapter Resources Motion and Momentum Includes: Reproducible Student Pages ASSESSMENT TRANSPARENCY ACTIVITIES ✔ Chapter Tests ✔ Section Focus Transparency Activities ✔ Chapter Review ✔ Teaching Transparency Activity HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES ✔ Assessment Transparency Activity ✔ Lab Worksheets for each Student Edition Activity Teacher Support and Planning ✔ Laboratory Activities ✔ Content Outline for Teaching ✔ Foldables–Reading and Study Skills activity sheet ✔ Spanish Resources ✔ Teacher Guide and Answers MEETING INDIVIDUAL NEEDS ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery ✔ Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish ✔ Reinforcement ✔ Enrichment ✔ Note-taking Worksheets 668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:13 AM Page ii impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Glencoe Science Photo Credits Section Focus Transparency 1: Gjon Mili/TimePix; Section Focus Transparency 2: Guy Sauvage/Photo Researchers; Section Focus Transparency 3: R. Al Simpson/Visuals Unlimited Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce the material contained herein on the condition that such material be reproduced only for classroom use; be provided to students, teachers, and families without charge; and be used solely in conjunction with the Motion and Momentum program. Any other reproduction, for use or sale, is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 8787 Orion Place Columbus, OH 43240-4027 ISBN 0-07-867153-1 Printed in the United States of America. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 079 09 08 07 06 05 04 668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:13 AM Page iii impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Table of Contents To the Teacher Reproducible Student Pages ■ iv Hands-On Activities MiniLAB: Try At Home Measuring Average Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MiniLAB: Modeling Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lab: Collisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lab: Design Your Own Car Safety Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Laboratory Activity 1: Pushing People Around. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Laboratory Activity 2: Motion of a Bowling Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Foldables: Reading and Study Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ■ Meeting Individual Needs Extension and Intervention Directed Reading for Content Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Note-taking Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ■ Assessment Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ■ Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparency Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Teaching Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Assessment Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Teacher Support and Planning Content Outline for Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2 Spanish Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T5 Teacher Guide and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T9 Additional Assessment Resources available with Glencoe Science: • • • • • • • • • ExamView® Pro Testmaker Assessment Transparencies Performance Assessment in the Science Classroom Standardized Test Practice Booklet MindJogger Videoquizzes Vocabulary PuzzleMaker at msscience.com Interactive Chalkboard The Glencoe Science Web site at: msscience.com An interactive version of this textbook along with assessment resources are available online at: mhln.com iii 668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:13 AM Page iv impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: To the Teacher This chapter-based booklet contains all of the resource materials to help you teach this chapter more effectively. Within you will find: Reproducible pages for ■ Student Assessment ■ Hands-on Activities ■ Meeting Individual Needs (Extension and Intervention) ■ Transparency Activities A teacher support and planning section including ■ Content Outline of the chapter ■ Spanish Resources ■ Answers and teacher notes for the worksheets Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activities: These activities do not require elaborate supplies or extensive pre-lab preparations. These student-oriented labs are designed to explore science through a stimulating yet simple and relaxed approach to each topic. Helpful comments, suggestions, and answers to all questions are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Foldables: At the beginning of each chapter there is a Foldables: Reading & Study Skills activity written by renowned educator, Dinah Zike, that provides students with a tool that they can make themselves to organize some of the information in the chapter. Students may make an organizational study fold, a cause and effect study fold, or a compare and contrast study fold, to name a few. The accompanying Foldables worksheet found in this resource booklet provides an additional resource to help students demonstrate their grasp of the concepts. The worksheet may contain titles, subtitles, text, or graphics students need to complete the study fold. Meeting Individual Needs (Extension and Intervention) Directed Reading for Content Mastery: These worksheets are designed to provide students with learning difficulties with an aid to learning and understanding the vocabulary and major concepts of each chapter. The Content Mastery worksheets contain a variety of formats to engage students as they master the basics of the chapter. Answers are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. iv Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. MiniLAB and Lab Worksheets: Each of these worksheets is an expanded version of each lab and MiniLAB found in the Student Edition. The materials lists, procedures, and questions are repeated so that students do not need their texts open during the lab. Write-on rules are included for any questions. Tables/charts/graphs are often included for students to record their observations. Additional lab preparation information is provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. 668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:13 AM Page v impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Directed Reading for Content Mastery (in Spanish): A Spanish version of the Directed Reading for Content Mastery is provided for those Spanish-speaking students who are learning English. Reinforcement: These worksheets provide an additional resource for reviewing the concepts of the chapter. There is one worksheet for each section, or lesson, of the chapter. The Reinforcement worksheets are designed to focus primarily on science content and less on vocabulary, although knowledge of the section vocabulary supports understanding of the content. The worksheets are designed for the full range of students; however, they will be more challenging for your lower-ability students. Answers are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Enrichment: These worksheets are directed toward above-average students and allow them to explore further the information and concepts introduced in the section. A variety of formats are used for these worksheets: readings to analyze; problems to solve; diagrams to examine and analyze; or a simple activity or lab which students can complete in the classroom or at home. Answers are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Note-taking Worksheet: The Note-taking Worksheet mirrors the content contained in the teacher version—Content Outline for Teaching. They can be used to allow students to take notes during class, as an additional review of the material in the chapter, or as study notes for students who have been absent. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Assessment Chapter Review: These worksheets prepare students for the chapter test. The Chapter Review worksheets cover all major vocabulary, concepts, and objectives of the chapter. The first part is a vocabulary review and the second part is a concept review. Answers and objective correlations are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Chapter Test: The Chapter Test requires students to use process skills and understand content. Although all questions involve memory to some degree, you will find that your students will need to discover relationships among facts and concepts in some questions, and to use higher levels of critical thinking to apply concepts in other questions. Each chapter test normally consists of four parts: Testing Concepts measures recall and recognition of vocabulary and facts in the chapter; Understanding Concepts requires interpreting information and more comprehension than recognition and recall—students will interpret basic information and demonstrate their ability to determine relationships among facts, generalizations, definitions, and skills; Applying Concepts calls for the highest level of comprehension and inference; Writing Skills requires students to define or describe concepts in multiple sentence answers. Answers and objective correlations are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparencies: These transparencies are designed to generate interest and focus students’ attention on the topics presented in the sections and/or to assess prior knowledge. There is a transparency for each section, or lesson, in the Student Edition. The reproducible student masters are located in the Transparency Activities section. The teacher material, located in the Teacher Guide and Answers section, includes Transparency Teaching Tips, a Content Background section, and Answers for each transparency. v 668FM-i-vi-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:13 AM Page vi impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Teaching Transparencies: These transparencies relate to major concepts that will benefit from an extra visual learning aid. Most of these transparencies contain diagrams/photos from the Student Edition. There is one Teaching Transparency for each chapter. The Teaching Transparency Activity includes a black-and-white reproducible master of the transparency accompanied by a student worksheet that reviews the concept shown in the transparency. These masters are found in the Transparency Activities section. The teacher material includes Transparency Teaching Tips, a Reteaching Suggestion, Extensions, and Answers to Student Worksheet. This teacher material is located in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Assessment Transparencies: An Assessment Transparency extends the chapter content and gives students the opportunity to practice interpreting and analyzing data presented in charts, graphs, and tables. Test-taking tips that help prepare students for success on standardized tests and answers to questions on the transparencies are provided in the Teacher Guide and Answers section. Teacher Support and Planning Content Outline for Teaching: These pages provide a synopsis of the chapter by section, including suggested discussion questions. Also included are the terms that fill in the blanks in the students’ Note-taking Worksheets. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Spanish Resources: A Spanish version of the following chapter features are included in this section: objectives, vocabulary words and definitions, a chapter purpose, the chapter Activities, and content overviews for each section of the chapter. vi 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 1 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Reproducible Student Pages Reproducible Student Pages ■ Hands-On Activities MiniLAB: Try at Home Measuring Average Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MiniLAB: Modeling Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lab: Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lab: Design Your Own Car Safety Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Laboratory Activity 1: Pushing People Around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Laboratory Activity 2: Motion of a Bowling Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Foldables: Reading and Study Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ■ Meeting Individual Needs Extension and Intervention Directed Reading for Content Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Directed Reading for Content Mastery in Spanish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Note-taking Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ■ Assessment Chapter Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ■ Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparency Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Teaching Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Assessment Transparency Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Motion and Momentum 1 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 2 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Hands-On Activities Hands-On Activities 2 Motion and Momentum 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 3 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Date Class Hands-On Activities Name Measuring Average Speed Procedure 1. Choose two points, such as two doorways, and mark each with a small piece of masking tape. 2. Measure the distance between the two points. 3. Use a watch, clock, or timer that indicates seconds to time yourself walking from one mark to the other. Data and Observations Distance Time (s) Speed (m/s) Fast Slow Varied Normal Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Analysis 1. Calculate your average speed in each case. 2. Predict how long it would take you to walk 100 m slowly, at your normal speed, and quickly. Motion and Momentum 3 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 4 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Procedure 1. Use masking tape to lay a course on the floor. Mark a starting point and place marks along a straight path at 10 cm, 40 cm, 90 cm, 160 cm, and 250 cm from the start. 2. Clap a steady beat. On the first beat, the person walking the course should be at the starting point. On the second beat, the walker should be on the first mark, and so on. Analysis 1. Describe what happens to your speed as you move along the course. Infer what would happen if the course were extended farther. 2. Repeat step 2, starting at the other end. Are you still accelerating? Explain. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Modeling Acceleration 4 Motion and Momentum 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 5 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Collisions Lab Preview Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab. 1. How many large marbles do you need for this lab? How many small marbles? 2. How will you limit the marble’s range of motion to a straight line? A collision occurs when a baseball bat hits a baseball, or a tennis racket hits a tennis ball. What would happen if you hit a baseball with a table-tennis paddle, or a table-tennis ball with a baseball bat? How do the masses of colliding objects change the results of collisions? Real-World Question How does changing the size and number of marbles in a collision affect the collision? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Materials small marbles (5) large marbles (2) metersticks (2) tape Goals ■ ■ Compare and contrast different collisions. Determine how the speeds after a collision depend on the masses of the colliding objects. Safety Precautions Procedure 1. Tape the metersticks next to each other, slightly farther apart than the width of the large marbles. This limits the motion of the marbles to nearly a straight line. Record your observations in the table in the Data and Observations section. 2. Place a small target marble in the center of the track formed by the metersticks. Place another small marble at one end of the track. Flick the small marble toward the target marble. Describe the collision. 3. Repeat step 2, replacing the two small marbles with the two large marbles. 4. Repeat step 2, replacing the small shooter marble with a large marble. 5. Repeat step 2, replacing the small target marble with a large marble. 6. Repeat step 2, replacing the small target marble with four small marbles that are touching. 7. Place two small marbles at opposite ends of the metersticks. Shoot the marbles toward each other and describe the collision. 8. Place two large marbles at opposite ends of the metersticks. Shoot the marbles toward each other and describe the collision. 9. Place a small marble and a large marble at opposite ends of the metersticks. Shoot the marbles toward each other and describe the collision. Motion and Momentum 5 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 6 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class (continued) Marble Shoot Collision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Conclude and Apply 1. Describe In which collisions did the shooter marble change direction? How did the mass of the target marble compare with the shooter marble in these collisions? 2. Explain how momentum was conserved in these collisions. Communicating Your Data Make a chart showing your results. You might want to make before-and-after sketches, with short arrows to show slow movement and long arrows to show fast movement. 6 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 7 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Design Your Own Hands-On Activities Car Safety Testing Lab Preview Directions: Answer these questions before you begin the Lab. 1. Which safety symbol is associated with this lab? 2. What should be the topic of your hypothesis? Imagine that you are a car designer. How can you create an attractive, fast car that is safe? When a car crashes, the passengers have inertia that can keep them moving. Real-World Question Test Your Hypothesis How can you protect the passengers from stops caused by sudden head-on impacts? Make a Plan Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Form a Hypothesis Develop a hypothesis about how to design a car to deliver a plastic egg quickly and safely though a race course and a crash at the end. Goals ■ ■ Construct a fast car. Design a safe car that will protect a plastic egg from the effects of inertia when the car crashes. Possible Materials insulated foam meat trays or fast food trays insulated foam cups straws, narrow and wide straight pins tape plastic eggs 1. Be sure your group has agreed on the hypothesis statement. 2. Sketch the design for your car. List the materials you will need. Remember that to make the car move smoothly, narrow straws will have to fit into the wider straws. 3. As a group, make a detailed list of the steps you will take to test your hypothesis. 4. Gather the materials you will need to carry out your experiment. Follow Your Plan 1. Make sure your teacher approves your plan before you start. Include any changes suggested by your teacher in your plans. 2. Carry out the experiment as planned. 3. Record any observation that you made while doing your experiment. Include suggestions for improving your design. Safety Precautions WARNING: Protect your eyes from possible flying objects. Motion and Momentum 7 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 8 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class (continued) 1. Compare your car design to the designs of the other groups. What made the fastest car fast? What slowed the slowest car? 2. Compare your car’s safety features to those of the other cars. What protected the eggs the best? How could you improve the unsuccessful designs? 3. Predict What effect would decreasing the speed of your car have on the safety of the egg? Conclude and Apply 1. Summarize How did the best design protect the egg? 2. Apply If you were designing cars, what could you do to better protect passengers from sudden stops? Communicating Your Data Write a descriptive paragraph about ways a car could be designed to protect its passengers effectively. Include a sketch of your ideas. 8 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Analyze Your Data 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 9 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Pushing People Around Hands-On Activities 1 Laboratory Activity Class When we push something, we unconsciously compensate for how much it weighs. We know that if an object is heavy it will require more force to get it moving and if it is light it will require less force. But how much difference is there? In this experiment, we will see what variables affect acceleration. Strategy You will see what happens when you use a constant force to pull a skater. You will examine the relationship between force, acceleration, and mass. Materials tape meterstick roller skates skating safety equipment (helmet, pads) spring balance stopwatch Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure 1. Mark positions on the floor at intervals of 0 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 15 m with the tape. The floor should be smooth, straight, and level. 2. Have one student stand on the 0-m mark with the skates on. A second student stands behind the mark and holds the skater. The skater holds the spring balance by its hook. 3. The third student holds the other end of the spring balance and exerts a constant pulling force on the skater. When the skater is released, the puller must maintain a constant force throughout the distance. Measure the time to reach each of the marks. Record this in Table 1 in the Data and Observations section along with the spring balance readings at each mark. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with skaters who have different masses. Keep the force the same. Make sure the skaters hold their skates parallel and do not try to change direction during the trial. 5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 with a different constant force. Use the same three skaters. Record these results in Table 2 in the Data and Observations section. Motion and Momentum 9 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 10 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) Table 1 Roller Skater Distance, Trial 1 Trial Distance (m) Force (N) Time (s) 5 1 10 15 5 2 10 15 5 3 10 15 Table 2 Roller Skater Distance, Trial 2 Trial Distance (m) 5 1 10 15 5 2 10 15 5 3 10 15 10 Motion and Momentum Force (N) Time (s) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 11 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activity 1 (continued) Questions and Conclusions 1. Until the time of Galileo and Newton, people believed that a constant force was required to produce a constant speed. Do your observations confirm or reject this notion? 2. What happens to the speed as you proceed farther along the measured distance? 3. What happens to the rate of increase in speed—the acceleration—as you proceed farther along the measured distance? 4. When the force is the same, how does the acceleration depend upon the mass? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 5. When the mass of the skater is the same, how does the acceleration depend upon the force? 6. Suppose a 4 N force is applied to the skater and no movement results. How can this be explained? Strategy Check Can you pull someone with a constant force? Can you explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration? Motion and Momentum 11 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 12 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 13 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Date 2 Laboratory Activity Class Motion of a Bowling Ball Hands-On Activities Name It takes time to walk somewhere. Sometimes you move quickly, while other times you move slowly. Other objects might show variation in their movement as well. In this lab, you will graph the movement of a bowling ball and consider how its motion relates to other kinds of motion. Strategy You will make a distance versus time graph of a bowling ball as it rolls. You will relate the motion of the bowling ball to other types of motion. Materials bowling ball stopwatches (5–10) large pillow Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Procedure 1. Line up with other students at equally spaced distances of 1 m. 2. At the far end of the hall, set up the pillow or other large, soft object. This will prevent the ball from rolling too far. 3. Start your stopwatch when the ball is rolled slowly. 4. When the ball passes you, stop your stopwatch. As the ball passes the other students, they will do the same. 5. Record all of your times in Table 1. 6. Clear your stopwatch to prepare for another trial. This time, roll the ball faster. 7. Record your times in Table 2. 8. Graph the data for both tables, putting the data from Table 1 into Graph 1, and the data from Table 2 into Graph 2. Place the distance on the vertical axis, and the time on the horizontal axis. Motion and Momentum 13 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 14 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) Graph 1 Table 1 Trial 1 Distance Time 0m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m Table 2 Graph 2 Trial 2 Distance Time 0m 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m Questions and Conclusions 1. What do you notice about the graphs of the two trials? 2. On a distance versus time graph, what does the slope of the line tell you? 14 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Hands-On Activities Data and Observations 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 15 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Laboratory Activity 2 (continued) 3. On a distance versus time graph, what does a flat (horizontal) line mean? 4. Imagine a bowling ball dropped from a great height. How would the motion of this bowling ball compare to the bowling balls in the lab? 5. What was the speed of the bowling ball in the first trial? In the second trial? 6. What distance did the bowling balls travel? What is their displacement? Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. How are distance and displacement related? Strategy Check Can you graph the speed of an object in motion? Motion and Momentum 15 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 16 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 17 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Hands-On Activities Motion and Momentum Directions: Use this page to label your Foldable at the beginning of the chapter. speed average speed instantaneous speed velocity Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. acceleration mass inertia momentum law of conservation of momentum Motion and Momentum 17 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 18 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Meeting Individual Needs Meeting Individual Needs 18 Motion and Momentum 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 19 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Overview Motion and Momentum Directions: Complete the concept map using the terms in the list below. meters per second momentum kilograms velocity is the product of an object’s Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. mass 2. and which is measured in which is indicated by 3. 4. Directions: Write the letters of the words or phrases that correctly answer the following questions. 5. Which of the following are objects in motion? a. rose bush b. puddle of water c. both a and b d. neither a or b 6. When something is in motion it is changing ______. a. location b. mass c. both a and b d. neither a or b Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 7. What is happening to an object when it has a negative acceleration? 8. If a moving object speeds up, in what direction is the acceleration? Motion and Momentum 19 Meeting Individual Needs 1. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 20 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 1 Section 2 ■ ■ Class What is motion? Acceleration Directions: Circle the term that correctly completes the sentence. 1. A golfball’s acceleration is +3 m/s2. The ball is (speeding up, slowing down.) 2. An object’s (speed, displacement) represents its distance and direction from its starting point. 3. A student walks 10 m in 2 s. Her average speed is (20 m/s, 5 m/s). 5. During positive acceleration, an object’s final speed is (greater, less) than its initial speed. 6. To calculate acceleration, first subtract the initial speed from the final speed. Then divide this difference by the (distance moved, time period). Directions: The graph describes the movement of a car. Match the letters in the graph to the sentences below. 7. The car moves at a constant speed. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 90 80 8. The car sits motionless at a stoplight. C 70 9. The car undergoes negative acceleration as it approaches a stoplight. 10. The car undergoes positive acceleration as it moves away from a stoplight. 60 Velocity (km/hr) Meeting Individual Needs 4. A plane moving at a rate of 400 km/h west has a different (velocity, speed) than a plane moving 400 km/h northwest. B 50 40 30 D 20 10 A 0 1 2 3 4 Time (minutes) 20 Motion and Momentum 5 6 7 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 21 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Section 3 Class ■ Momentum Directions: Replace each italicized word in the statements below with the correct term. 1. The more velocity an object has the harder it is to slow it down, speed it up, or turn it. 2. Objects with more mass have less inertia. Meeting Individual Needs 3. The weight of an object is the amount of matter in an object. 4. The SI unit for mass is the gram. 5. The tendency of an object to resist change in its motion is called speed. 6. The more mass an object has, the harder it is to change its acceleration. 7. Velocity and momentum are defined the same for all objects, regardless of their mass. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 8. The inertia of an object is a measure of how hard it is to stop an object. Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 9. State the law of the conservation of momentum. 10. What can the law of conservation of momentum predict? Motion and Momentum 21 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 22 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Directed Reading for Content Mastery Class Key Terms Motion and Momentum Directions: Use the clues below to complete the crossword puzzle. 1 2 3 4 5 Meeting Individual Needs 6 8 Across 2. A measure of how hard it is to stop an object 4. Distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance 5. Amount of matter in an object 6. Change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to occur 7. Speed and direction of motion of an object Down 1. Speed of an object at one instant of time is the object’s ______ speed 3. Total distance divided by the time taken is an object’s ______ speed 8. Tendency of an object to resist change in its motion 22 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 23 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenidio Clase Sinopsis Momento y movimiento Instrucciones: Completa el mapa de conceptos con los siguientes términos. metros por segundo momento kilogramos velocidad Satisface las necesidades individuales 1. es el producto del (de la) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. masa 2. y de un objeto que se mide en de un objeto que se indica en 3. 4. Instrucciones: Escribe las letras de las palabras o frases que contestan mejor cada una de las preguntas siguientes. 5. ¿Cuáles de los siguientes son cuerpos en movimiento? a. rosal b. charco c. tanto a como b d. ni a ni b 6. Cuando algo se mueve está cambiando su ______. a. localización b. masa c. tanto a como b d. ni a ni b Instrucciones: Contesta las preguntas en los espacios dados. 7. ¿Qué le está sucediendo a un cuerpo cuando tiene aceleración negativa? 8. Si un cuerpo en movimiento comienza a acelerar, ¿en qué dirección ocurre la aceleración? Momento y movimiento 23 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 24 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenidio Sección 1 Sección 2 Clase ■ ■ ¿Qué es el movimiento? Aceleración Instrucciones: Encierra en un círculo el término que completa correctamente cada oración. 1. La aceleración de una pelota de golf es +3 m/s2. La pelota está (acelerando, desacelerando). 2. El(La) (rapidez, desplazamiento) de un cuerpo representa la distancia y dirección desde su punto de salida. 4. Un avión que viaja a una tasa de 400 km/h hacia el oeste tiene una (velocidad, rapidez) diferente de la de un avión que viaja a 400 km/h hacia el noroeste. 5. Durante la aceleración positiva, la rapidez final de un cuerpo es (más grande, menor) que su rapidez inicial. 6. Para calcular la aceleración, divide primero la rapidez inicial entre la rapidez final. Luego divide esta diferencia entre la(el) (distancia recorrida, período de tiempo). Instrucciones: La gráfica describe el movimiento de un auto. Forma parejas entre las letras de la gráfica y las oraciones. 7. El auto se mueve a una rapidez constante. 80 8. El auto está detenido ante un semáforo. 9. El auto experimenta aceleración negativa al llegar al semáforo. 10. El auto experimenta aceleración positiva al alejarse del semáforo. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 90 C 70 60 Rapidez (km/hr) Satisface las necesidades individuales 3. Un alumno camina 10 m en 2 s. Su rapidez promedio es (20 m/s, 5 m/s). B 50 40 30 D 20 10 A 0 1 2 3 4 Tiempo (minutos) 24 Momento y movimiento 5 6 7 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 25 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Sección 3 Clase ■ Momento Dominio del contenidio Instrucciones: Reemplaza cada palabra en bastardilla con el término correcto. Escribe cada término en los espacios a la izquierda. 2. Los cuerpos que tienen más masa tienen menos inercia. 3. El peso de un cuerpo es la cantidad de materia del cuerpo. 4. La unidad SI para la masa es el gramo. 5. La tendencia de un cuerpo a resistir cambios en su movimiento se llama rapidez. 6. Entre más masa tenga un cuerpo, más difícil le será cambiar su aceleración. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. La velocidad y el momento se definen de igual forma para todos los cuerpos, sin importar su masa. 8. La inercia de un cuerpo es la medida de la dificultad que presenta para detenerlo. Instrucciones: Contesta las siguientes preguntas en los espacios dados. 9. Enuncia la ley de conservación del momento. 10. ¿Qué puede predecir la ley de conservación del momento? Momento y movimiento 25 Satisface las necesidades individuales 1. Entre más velocidad tenga un cuerpo, más difícil le será ir más despacio, ir más rápido o dar vuelta. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 26 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Nombre Fecha Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenidio Clase Términos claves Movimiento y momento Instrucciones: Usa las pistas para completar el siguiente crucigrama. 1 3 2 4 5 7 8 Horizontales 3. Cambio en la velocidad dividido por el tiempo que toma para que ocurra el cambio 6. La rapidez de un cuerpo en un instante de tiempo es su rapidez ______. 7. La distancia total dividida entre el tiempo que tomó recorrerla es la rapidez ______ del cuerpo. 8. Rapidez y dirección del movimiento de un cuerpo Verticales 1. Cantidad de materia en un cuerpo 3. Medida de la dificultad para detener un cuerpo 4. Distancia viajada dividida entre el tiempo que tomó recorrerla 5. Tendencia de un cuerpo a resistir cambios en su movimiento 26 Momento y movimiento Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Satisface las necesidades individuales 6 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 27 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name 1 Date Reinforcement Class What is motion? Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 1. How do you define motion? 3. Explain the difference between distance and displacement. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Directions: In the figure below, you travel from home at A, to the park at B, to the store at C, to a friend’s house at D. Study the map and answer questions 4 through 8. 4. What distance did you travel? 5. When you were at your friend’s house at D, what was your displacement? 6. If you leave home at 1:00 and get to your friend’s house at 5:00, what was your average speed? 7. If you travel from your house at A to the park at B in 0.5 h, what is your velocity? 8. Explain why the speed in question 6 didn’t equal your velocity in question 7. Directions: Answer the following question on the line provided. 9. What does a horizontal line mean on a speed-time graph? Motion and Momentum 27 Meeting Individual Needs 2. When you are in bed asleep, are you in motion? Explain. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 28 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date 2 Class Acceleration Reinforcement Directions: In the space provided, substitute a word for the word in italics to make the statement correct. 1. Velocity is a change in an object’s motion. 2. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with distance. 3. When an object slows down, it has no acceleration. Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 4. A merry-go-round horse travels at a constant speed. Is it accelerating? Explain. 6. If an object has an acceleration of –3 m/s2, describe its motion. Directions: Study the velocity-time graph for an object in motion. Then answer the following questions. 25 G F E 15 B 10 C 5 D H A O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time (s) 7. In what interval does the object have the fastest acceleration? 8. Over what interval(s) does the object have a negative acceleration? 9. Over what interval is the object stopped? 28 Motion and Momentum 40 45 I 50 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 20 Velocity Meeting Individual Needs 5. What is the unit for speed? For acceleration? 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 29 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name 3 Date Reinforcement Class Momentum Directions: In question 1, below, a code letter has been substituted for every letter of the alphabet. To find out what the sentence says, use the following key to decode it. In the key, the code letters are shown directly below the letters they stand for. Write the correct letter above each code letter, then read the sentence. 1. _______ HOG __________ HDHLS _____________ YDSSBQG ______________ RDRGJHXR ________ KBHO ________ G LYO ____ DZ _____________ DVPGYHI __________ DHOGN _______ QDGI ________ HOLH _____ JDH __________ YO L J M G 2. What is the law that is stated above? Directions: Correctly complete each sentence by underlining the best of the three choices in parentheses. 3. A feather floating in the air has (more, less, the same) momentum as a bowling ball on a shelf. 4. The momentum of an object depends on its mass and (velocity, acceleration, inertia). 5. The tendency for an object to resist change in its motion, is its (momentum, inertia, weight). Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. We say that momentum is conserved, yet objects slow down after collisions. This is because of (inertia, friction, mass). Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 7. A 500 g model train car traveling at 0.8 m/s collides with a 300 g stationary car. The cars hook up and move off down the track together. How fast are they going? 8. Which has a greater momentum, a car or a bike moving at the same speed? 9. What happens when two objects with the same mass collide? Motion and Momentum 29 Meeting Individual Needs A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z L V Y Q G Z M O B P F S R J D T E N I H X C K M A U 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 30 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Enrichment Class Rolling with a Coaster Millions of people enjoy roller coasters. A typical ride on a roller coaster features sharp unexpected turns and a weightless sensation as it descends suddenly. For the engineers that design them, the challenge has been to create steeper hills, sharper turns, and faster speeds, while ensuring safety for all riders. Meeting Individual Needs Gravity vs. Magnets The “traditional” roller coaster would leave the boarding ramp and usually proceed up a large steep hill. The plunge down the other side of the hill provided not only one of the biggest thrills, but also the speed required to propel the coaster around the track. Many coaster designers now use a series of electromagnets to generate much greater speeds. With precise timing these magnets first attract and then repel the cars to increase their speed. Among the advantages of using magnets are less noise from the rattle of a chain as it pulls a train to the top of the hill, flexible placement: magnets can be placed anywhere on the track to increase or decrease speed, better speed: coasters with magnets are capable of changing speed from 0 to 129 km/h in about 2 s, and exceeding 160 km/h at some points. Relying only on gravity will not duplicate this speed performance. Changes in Velocity Even though speed will always be an essential part of the coaster experience, some people prefer the sharp turns that appear unexpectedly. In any turn, the speed and the velocity of the vehicle is changed. Advances in engineering have allowed the construction of tighter turns. These tighter turns create more friction to reduce the speed as the velocity changes . As a coaster car enters a turn it usually has a great deal of velocity. A person in the car has the same velocity. Both the car’s velocity and the person’s velocity change suddenly in a turn. The forces that change the velocity can exceed the force of gravity, providing the sensation of being smashed into the seat. Thrill Ride Dangers Some coasters generate more force on a human body than astronauts experience when the Space Shuttle blasts off. This can be dangerous as people may experience reduced vision and even loss of consciousness. Engineers must avoid designing a thrill ride that exceeds the capabilities of the human body. With advances in technology, we could build much faster, sharper turning coasters, but they would create too many dangers for the riders. 1. On a traditional, or old-fashioned, roller coaster, how was the speed generated? 2. How do modern coasters generate speed? 3. Describe the changes that occur in the speed and velocity during a sharp curve. 4. The technology exists to make extremely sharp turns at high speeds. Why don’t engineers make turns as fast and as sharp as they can? 30 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1 Date 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 31 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Enrichment Downward Bound People love fast rides. Whether it is riding bikes or wagons down a hill, or skiing down a steep slope, we all love the thrill of speed. Regardless of the activity, the one thing that all these activities rely on is acceleration due to gravity. The steeper the hill or slope, the more the speed will change as you descend. The most extreme example of gravitational acceleration is when it is acting to pull a body straight down, like when someone is parachuting. Rapid Acceleration Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Class When skydivers jump out of an airplane, they experience rapid acceleration. After about 12 s of this acceleration, they will reach a velocity of between 160 km/h and 225 km/h. A bicycle ride down a big hill will reach a top speed with no more acceleration. The skydiver also reaches a top speed called terminal velocity that is influenced by the air resisting the falling body. The skydiver will continue at this velocity for approximately 60 s, until the parachute opens and reduces the speed to about 32 km/h. For most people, falling at 160 km/h is plenty fast, but there are some people who try to fall faster. Most people change their body profile to reduce wind resistance. This can allow people to travel at more than 483 km/h. There has been at least one case of a person falling at over 965 km/h. He jumped at an altitude of over 30,480 m. There were less air particles to resist a body’s fall at this altitude, and his velocity increased faster than a normal jumper’s. Training Required Just like a person needs to learn how to ride a bike or to drive a car, a parachutist needs to learn how to parachute. There are several types of jumps that each require different levels of training. A tandem jump, where you are strapped to the instructor requires the least amount of training. In contrast, free fall, where the student is accompanied by an instructor, requires several hours of on the ground training. Regardless of what type of jump, students generally fall for up to 70 s before a parachute deploys, or opens. The rapid change in velocity after the parachute opens can cause strain on the straps of the parachute. For example a 100 kg person changing from 193 km/h to 32 km/h in 5 s is an acceleration of –160 km/h or about –44 m/s/s. The straps must be able to withstand a force of 100 kg ✕ –44 m/s2 or –4400 newtons. This force would be about 4.5 times the weight of the parachutist. 1. What is the term to describe a car increasing in speed? 2. Why does a person riding a bike down a steep hill accelerate faster than on a gradual hill? 3. Explain why a skydiver’s speed won’t continue to increase until his or her parachute opens? 4. Describe two ways a person may increase the free fall speed to greater than 225 km/h. 5. Why must the straps on a parachute be especially strong? Motion and Momentum 31 Meeting Individual Needs 2 Date 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 32 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Enrichment “A Momentous Problem” Meeting Individual Needs Most of us have been outside during a heavy rainstorm. Large drops of water fall hundreds of meters from the sky and strike Earth. Even though raindrops form hundreds of meters in the air and fall to the ground, they don’t injure people or damage buildings or other structures because they have very little momentum. If heavier objects were to fall from such heights it would be a very dangerous situation. The combination of large mass and high velocity gives an object a lot of momentum. Momentum in the Everyday World The concept of momentum has countless applications in the practical world. One everyday example is automobiles. We all know that cars come in many sizes. People drive at different speeds in a variety of conditions. These two factors contribute to a car’s momentum. The momentum of a vehicle is directly related to how quickly it can stop. Small cars, with a single driver, don’t have as much weight, therefore they have less momentum, and can stop quickly, in a short distance. Large vehicles carrying a heavy load have greater momentum and require a longer distance to slow down. Trains have much more momentum than automobiles do. Many freight trains weigh thousands of tons, if not more. To slow these trains requires not meters, but kilometers. This is one reason train accidents occur. If there is an unexpected obstacle on the tracks, by the time the object is seen there is not enough time to stop, even at slow speeds. Even a large truck has much less momentum than a small train and requires much less stopping distance. Technology and Momentum Because some people do not know how to properly adjust their stopping distance depending on the speed and weight of their vehicle, new products exist to better estimate stopping distance. On some trains, a computer constantly evaluates speed, load size, and the track ahead to adjust the engine speed accordingly. Similarly, some tractor-trailer trucks are equipped with radar to “look” ahead of the vehicle and reduce speed if objects are too close. This radar system has reduced the number rear end accidents by over 35%. This radar system may also be available for cars in the near future. These new products may not eliminate accidents completely, but they are definitely minimizing human error. Technology continually provides us with ways to overcome “human error.” Understanding how your vehicle behaves and how long it takes to stop is acquired with experience. Even with experience though, we are, after all, still human, and sometimes have poor judgment. The use of computers to calculate stopping distance, based on speed, weight, and momentum, will eliminate some collisions. Whether you drive a car, heavy truck, or a train, being able to control its momentum is part of being a safe driver. 1. Momentum is determined by what two factors? 2. How is momentum of an object related to stopping distance? 3. Explain why computers are used to help vehicles stop. 4. Why is a railroad crossing dangerous for car drivers? 32 Motion and Momentum Class Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 3 Date 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 33 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Note-taking Worksheet Section 1 Class Motion and Momentum What is motion? A. All matter is constantly in ________________. B. Motion involves a ________________ in position. 1. An object changes position relative to a ___________________ point. 3. ______________________ includes distance and direction of the stopping point from the starting point. C. Distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance is called _______________. 1. The formula for _______________ can be written as: speed = distance/time. 2. The units of speed are units of distance divided by units of time; in SI units, speed is given as ___________________________ (m/s). 3. An object in motion can change ________________ many times as it moves from one Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. point to another, speeding up or slowing down. a. _______________________ is the total distance traveled divided by total time taken. b. An object’s speed at a particular moment in time is called _____________________________. c. __________________ speed occurs when an object travels at a steady rate with the same instantaneous speed for some period of time. D. Motion can be _________________ on a distance-time graph with time plotted on the horizontal axis and distance plotted on the vertical axis. 1. The steeper the line on a distance-time graph, the greater the _______________. 2. A horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicates that no change in __________________ is occurring, and the speed is ______________. E. __________________—speed of an object and its direction of motion; velocity changes if either, or both, of these changes. Motion and Momentum 33 Meeting Individual Needs 2. __________________ is the total length of the route an object travels when it moves. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 34 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) Section 2 Acceleration A. ______________________—change in velocity divided by the time for the change to occur; it can include an object’s speeding up, slowing down, and/or changing direction. B. Acceleration can be ____________________ if you know how an object’s velocity has changed during a given time period. 1. The formula for calculating ______________________ is: acceleration = final speed – initial speed/time or a = (s f – s i )/t. given as ___________________________________ (m/s2). b. Acceleration is __________________ when an object speeds up and __________________ when an object slows down. 2. Accelerated motion can be _________________ with speed on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. a. An object that is speeding up will have a line on a speed-time graph that slopes ________________. b. An object that is slowing down will have a line on a speed-time graph that slopes __________________. c. A horizontal line would indicate acceleration of ______________, or constant speed. Section 3 Momentum A. The amount of matter in an object is its mass; _________________ is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. B. __________________—measure of how hard it is to stop an object; calculated as mass times velocity 1. With __________________ expressed as p, the equation can be written as: p = mv. 2. Momentum ____________________if the mass or velocity of the object increases. 3. Momentum has direction that is the same direction as its velocity. 34 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs a. The unit of acceleration is distance divided by time squared; in SI units, acceleration is 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 35 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Note-taking Worksheet (continued) C. __________________________________________ the total momentum of objects that collide with each other does not change. 1. There are ______________ ways collisions can occur. a. In one type, objects stick together and ______________ still stuck together, although possibly at different speeds. b. In another type, two objects bounce off each other when they collide, and may transfer ______________________ from one to the other. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Meeting Individual Needs 2. In both cases, the _______________ momentum of the objects that collide is the same before and after the collision. Motion and Momentum 35 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 36 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Assessment Assessment 36 Motion and Momentum 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 37 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Chapter Review Class Motion and Momentum Part A. Vocabulary Review Directions: Write the terms that are defined below on the lines provided. 1. When objects collide, the total initial momentum equals the total final momentum. 2. the tendency of an object to resist change in its motion 3 the rate of change of velocity 4. the distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that specific distance 5. a measure of how hard it is to stop an object 6. speed plus direction 8. speed of an object at one instant of time Assessment Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. the amount of matter in an object Part B. Concept Review Directions: Circle the terms that best complete the following statements. 1. The momentum of a falling leaf is (greater than, less than, equal to) the momentum of a falling pinecone. 2. Two objects each have a mass of 70 kg. Their momentum is (equal, changing, unknown). 3. When two pool balls collide and move away from each other, they eventually stop. This is because of (momentum, friction, inertia). 4. A 50 kg object moves with a velocity of 10 m/s. Its momentum is (500 m/s2, 5 kg m/s, 500 kg m/s). Motion and Momentum 37 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 38 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Chapter Review (continued) Directions: The distance-time graph below describes the motion of an object. Use it to answer questions 5 through 8. Distance (m) 8 D C 6 B 4 E 2 A 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s) 5. Over which interval is the velocity greatest? Assessment 7. Over which interval(s) is the object accelerating? 8. What is the average velocity in m/s from A to B? Directions: Use the spaces below to calculate the answers to the following questions. 9. The velocity of an object goes from 4 m/s to 12 m/s in 4 s. What is its acceleration? 10. A 600 g toy car moving at 3 m/s collides and hooks up with a 900 g toy car at rest and they move off together. What is their final velocity? 38 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. Over which intervals(s) is the velocity zero? 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 39 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Chapter Test Class Motion and Momentum I. Testing Concepts Directions: Use each of the listed terms in a complete sentence. 1. speed 2. average speed 3. velocity 4. acceleration 5. negative acceleration 6. mass 8. momentum Assessment Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. inertia 9. displacement 10. law of conservation of momentum II. Understanding Concepts Directions: Match the units in the right-hand column with the terms in the left-hand column. 1. distance a. kg m/s 2. speed b. m/s2 3. acceleration c. kg 4. momentum d. m/s 5. mass e. m Motion and Momentum 39 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 40 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Chapter Test (continued) Skill: Interpreting Graphs Directions: Use the graph of a girl riding her bike to the store and back to answer the following questions. 4 B Distance (km) 3 C 2 D 1 A E 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Time (min) 6. Over what interval is the velocity the greatest? Assessment 8. Where might the girl have stopped for at traffic light? 9. What is the girl’s velocity in km/h between A and B? Directions: On the lines at left, write the letter of the term that best completes the statement. 10. Two km south is a measure of ______. a. distance b. displacement c. velocity d. acceleration 11. A 10-kg object has a momentum of 50 kg m/s. Its velocity is ______. a. 10 m/s b. 5 m/s2 c. 5 m/s d. 500 m/s 12. An object’s inertia depends on its ______. a. mass b. weight c. momentum d. gravity 13. Momentum depends on ______ and ______. a. mass, weight c. velocity, weight b. weight, inertia d. mass, velocity 14. The hands of a clock ______. a. have a constant velocity b. have no momentum 40 Motion and Momentum c. constantly change speed d. are accelerating Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 7. Over what interval(s) is the velocity zero? 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 41 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Chapter Test (continued) III. Applying Concepts Directions: Study the graphs below and answer questions 1 through 4. D E F Velocity Time Velocity Time Velocity Time Time Time Time 1. In which graph(s) is the velocity constant? Assessment Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C Distance B Distance Distance A 2. In which graph(s) is the velocity zero? 3. In which graph(s) does the object have a positive acceleration? 4. In which graph(s) does the object have a negative acceleration? Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided. 5. Describe the motion of a car with acceleration of –5 m/s2. 6. If an object moves at constant speed, can we assume that is not accelerating? Explain. Motion and Momentum 41 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 42 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Chapter Test (continued) 7. A car travels 10 km north, 5 km east, 15 km south, then 5 km north. a. What is the distance it travels? b. What is its displacement? 8. An object’s velocity changes from 30 m/s to 23 m/s in 3 s. What is its acceleration? 9. A 5-kg object moving at 20 m/s collides with a 10-kg object moving a 5 m/s. They stick together and move off together. What is their final velocity? IV. Writing Skills Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences. 1. You flew in an airplane from Denver to San Francisco, and your friend rode in a car for the same trip. For which one of you would the displacement most nearly equal the distance? Explain. Assessment 3. What is momentum and how does it differ from inertia? 4. A tennis ball and a bowling ball have the same velocity. Which would be harder to stop? Explain. 5. How do you explain conservation of momentum when a rocket ship takes off? 42 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. You hear on a weather report that a tornado in a town near you is moving at 25 km/h. Is this enough information to know whether or not you are in danger? Explain. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 43 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Transparency Activities Transparency Activities Motion and Momentum 43 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 44 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Section Focus Air Canvas Transparency Activity This is a photo of the artist Pablo Picasso. While he often worked with paints, here he is creating an image with a flashlight. The photograph recorded the path of the flashlight as he moved it through the air. Transparency Activities 1. What creature did Picasso draw with his flashlight? 2. Can you see where the light started? Estimate the distance between the starting point and the end point. 3. Is the distance between the starting point and the end point greater than, equal to, or less than the overall distance traveled by the light? 44 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 45 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Class Section Focus Nothing but Air! Transparency Activity Very experienced skydivers can work together to make different formations as they free-fall. Called relative work, these formations require the skydivers to carefully control their movements while falling. 1. What happens when a skydiver jumps out of a plane? How does the jumper’s motion change? Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2 2. When the parachute opens, how does the skydiver’s motion change? 3. How is a skydiver’s speed changing before the parachute opens? After the parachute opens? Motion and Momentum 45 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 46 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name 3 Date Section Focus Transparency Activity Class Massive and Moving Transparency Activities 1. Compare stopping a train that is moving 40 kilometers per hour with stopping a car that is moving 40 kilometers per hour. 2. How would halving the number of cars pulled by the train affect the train’s ability to stop? 3. Which could speed up more quickly: an empty coal train, or the same train fully loaded? 46 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. A fast-moving, heavily loaded train is difficult to stop. Increasing its velocity or mass will make it even harder to slow down. The greater the velocity and amount of matter in an object, the harder it is to bring it to rest. 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 47 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date 2 Teaching Transparency Activity Class Distance-Time Graph Speed-Time Graph Distance v. Time 2.0 Distance (m) Student A 1.5 Student B 1.0 0.5 0 0.5 1.0 Time (s) 1.5 2.0 2.5 Velocity v. Time 12 10 8 Transparency Activities Velocity (m/s) Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 0 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 Time (s) 4 5 6 Motion and Momentum 47 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 48 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Teaching Transparency Activity Date Class (continued) 1. From the velocity-time graph, how can you tell when an object’s speed is increasing? 2. How long did it take Student A to travel 1.5 m? 3. How far did Student B travel in 2 s? 4. What is the formula for finding speed? 5. What is Student A’s speed? Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 6. Using the speed-time graph, how much did the object’s speed change between two and four seconds? 48 Motion and Momentum 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 49 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Name Date Assessment Transparency Activity Class Motion and Momentum Directions: Carefully review the table and answer the following questions. Subject Aortic blood 0.3 Sound 331 Cheetah 28 Light . 300,000,000 1. A girl is playing outside when she notices a storm is approaching. If all other factors are equal, the girl would most likely ___. A hear thunder first, then see lightning B see lightning first, then hear thunder C hear thunder and see lightning at the same time D see lightning and thunder twenty minutes apart 2. The fastest human is recorded as having a running speed of about 11 m/s. According to this information, which of the following is slower than the runner? F Aortic blood G Sound H Cheetah J Light Transparency Activities Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Speed (m/s) 3. Which factor would have the LEAST effect on measuring these speeds? A The distance measured B The time measured C The time of day D The speed formula used Motion and Momentum 49 668P-1-50-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:14 AM Page 50 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T1 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Teacher Support and Planning Teacher Support and Planning Content Outline for Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2 Spanish Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T5 Teacher Guide and Answers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T9 Motion and Momentum T1 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T2 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Section 1 Motion and Momentum What is motion? A. All matter is constantly in motion. Underlined words and phrases are to be filled in by students on the Note-taking Worksheet. B. Motion involves a change in position. 1. An object changes position relative to a reference point. 2. Distance is the total length of the route an object travels when it moves. 3. Displacement includes distance and direction of the stopping point from the starting point. C. Distance traveled divided by the time taken to travel the distance is called speed. 1. The formula for speed can be written as: speed = distance/time. 2. The units of speed are units of distance divided by units of time; in SI units, speed is given as meters per second (m/s). 3. An object in motion can change speeds many times as it moves from one point to another, speeding up or slowing down. a. Average speed is the total distance traveled divided by total time taken. b. An object’s speed at a particular moment in time is called instantaneous speed. c. Constant speed occurs when an object travels at a steady rate with the same instantaneous speed for some period of time. D. Motion can be graphed on a distance-time graph with time plotted on the horizontal axis and distance plotted on the vertical axis. 1. The steeper the line on a distance-time graph, the greater the speed. 2. A horizontal line on a distance-time graph indicates that no change in position is occurring, and the speed is zero. E. Velocity—speed of an object and its direction of motion; velocity changes if either, or both, of these changes. DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is instantaneous speed? The speed of an object at a particular moment in time T2 Motion and Momentum Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Content Outline for Teaching Content Outline for Teaching (continued) Section 2 Acceleration A. Acceleration—change in velocity divided by the time for the change to occur; it can include an object’s speeding up, slowing down, and/or changing direction B. Acceleration can be calculated if you know how an object’s velocity has changed during a given time period. 1. The formula for calculating acceleration is: acceleration = final speed – initial speed/time or a = (s f – s i)/t. a. The unit of acceleration is distance divided by time squared; in SI units, acceleration is given as meters per second squared (m/s2). b. Acceleration is positive when an object speeds up and negative when an object slows down. 2. Accelerated motion can be graphed with speed on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. a. An object that is speeding up will have a line on a speed-time graph that slopes upward. b. An object that is slowing down will have a line on a speed-time graph that slopes downward. c. A horizontal line would indicate acceleration of zero, or constant speed. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. DISCUSSION QUESTION: Acceleration includes what three ways an object’s motion can change? Speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction Section 3 Momentum A. The amount of matter in an object is its mass; inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion. B. Momentum—measure of how hard it is to stop an object; calculated as mass times velocity 1. With momentum expressed as p, the equation can be written as: p = mv. 2. Momentum increases if the mass or velocity of the object increases. 3. Momentum has direction that is the same direction as its velocity. Motion and Momentum T3 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T3 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T4 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: C. Law of conservation of momentum—the total momentum of objects that collide with each other does not change. 1. There are many ways collisions can occur. a. In one type, objects stick together and move still stuck together, although possibly at different speeds. b. In another type, two objects bounce off each other when they collide, and may transfer momentum from one to the other. 2. In both cases, the total momentum of the objects that collide is the same before and after the collision. DISCUSSION QUESTION: How is momentum calculated? Momentum equals mass times velocity. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Content Outline for Teaching (continued) T4 Motion and Momentum Spanish Resources Momento y movimiento ¿Qué es el movimiento? Lo que aprenderás ■ ■ A definir distancia, rapidez y velocidad. A graficar el movimiento. Momento Lo que aprenderás ■ ■ ■ Por qué es importante Los diferentes movimientos de los objetos que ves todos los días pueden describir se de la misma manera. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Vocabulario speed / rapidez: tasa de cambio de posición, la cual se puede calcular dividiendo la distancia viajada por el tiempo que toma viajar tal distancia. average speed / rapidez promedio: distancia total que viaja un objeto dividida por el tiempo total que lleva viajar tal distancia. instantaneous speed/ rapidez instantánea: rapidez de un objeto en un punto dado en el tiempo. Es constante para un objeto que se mueve a velocidad constante, y diferente en cada punto del tiempo para un objeto que decelera o acelera. velocity / velocidad: rapidez y dirección de un cuerpo en movimiento. Aceleración Lo que aprenderás A explicar la diferencia entre masa e inercia. A definir momento A predecir el movimiento usando la ley de conservación del momento. Por qué es importante Los cuerpos en movimiento tienen momento. El movimiento de los cuerpos después de que colisionan depende de su momento. Vocabulario mass / masa: cantidad de materia que posee un cuerpo. inertia / inercia: tendencia que muestra un cuerpo de resistir cambios en su movimiento. momentum / momento: medida del grado de dificultad que existe para detener un cuerpo en movimiento; el producto de la masa por la velocidad. law of conservation of momentum / ley de conservación del momento: establece que el momento total de los cuerpos que chocan entre sí no cambia. Colisiones Siempre que un cuerpo cambia su movimiento, se acelera. Ocurre una colisión cuando un bate de béisbol golpea una pelota de béisbol, o una raqueta de tenis golpea una pelota de tenis. ¿Qué pasaría si golpeas una pelota de béisbol con una raqueta de tenis de mesa o una pelota de tenis de mesa con un bate de béisbol? ¿Cómo influyen las masas de los cuerpos en colisión en los resultados de las colisiones? Vocabulario Preguntas del mundo real acceleration / aceleración: tasa de cambio en la velocidad; gracias a ella, un cuerpo puede acelerar, decelerar o girar; se puede calcular dividiendo el cambio en rapidez por el tiempo dado. ¿Cómo puede un cambio de tamaño y número de canicas en una colisión afectar la colisión? ■ ■ A definir aceleración. A predecir qué efecto tendrá la aceleración en el movimiento. Por qué es importante Metas ■ Comparar y contrastar las diferentes colisiones Momento y movimiento T5 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T5 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T6 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: ■ Determinar cómo la rapidez después de las colisiones depende de las masas de los cuerpos en colisión. Materiales canicas pequeñas (5) canicas grandes (2) palitos de un metro (2) cinta pegante Medidas de seguridad Procedimiento 1. Une los 2 palitos con la cinta, uno cerca del otro, alejados a una distancia ligeramente mayor que las canicas grandes. Esto limita el movimiento de las canicas a una línea recta. 2. Coloca una canica que sirva de blanco en el centro de la pista formada por los palitos. Coloca una canica pequeña al final de la pista. Manda la canica pequeña hacia la canica blanco. Describe la colisión. 3. Repite el paso 2, reemplaza las dos canicas pequeñas con las dos canicas grandes. 4. Repite el paso 2, reemplaza la canica pequeña que se dispara con una canica grande. 5. Repite el paso 2, reemplaza la pequeña canica blanco con una canica grande. 6. Repite el paso 2, reemplaza la pequeña canica blanco con cuatro canicas pequeñas que se estén tocando. 7. Coloca dos canicas pequeñas en extremos opuestos de los palitos. Dispara la canicas una contra la otra y describe la colisión. 8. Coloca dos canicas grandes en extremos opuestos de los palitos. Dispara las canicas una contra la otra y describe la colisión. 9. Coloca una canica pequeña y una grande en los extremos opuestos de los palitos. Dispara las canicas una contra la otra y describe la colisión. Concluye y aplica 1. Describe en qué colisiones cambió de dirección la canica que se dispara. ¿Cómo se compara las masa de la canica blanco con la de la canica que se dispara en estas colisiones? 2. Explica cómo se conserva el momento en estas colisiones. T6 Momento y movimiento Comunica tus datos Haz una gráfica con tus resultados. Quizás deberías hacer bocetos del “antes” y el “después” con flechas cortas para mostrar el movimiento lento y flechas largas para mostrar el movimiento rápido. Diseña tu propio Prueba de la seguridad de un carro Imagínate que eres un diseñador de autos. ¿Cómo puedes crear un carro atractivo y rápido que sea seguro? Cuando un carro choca, los pasajeros tienen inercia que puede mantenerlos en movimiento. Preguntas del mundo real ¿Cómo puedes proteger a los pasajeros de paradas causadas por impactos frontales? Formula una hipótesis Desarrolla una hipótesis sobre cómo diseñar un carro que transporte un huevo de plástico rápido y seguro a lo largo de un trayecto de carrera y un choque al final. Metas ■ Construir un carro rápido ■ Diseñar un carro seguro que proteja un huevo plástico de los efectos de la inercia cuando el carro choque. Materiales bandeja de comida rápida o bandeja de espuma aislante para carne. vasos de espuma pajillas anchas y delgadas tachuelas rectas cinta pegante huevos de plástico Medidas de seguridad CUIDADO: Protege tus ojos de posibles objetos voladores. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Spanish Resources (continued) Spanish Resources (continued) Prueba tu hipótesis Diseña un plan 1. Asegúrate de que tu grupo esté de acuerdo con el enunciado de tu hipótesis. 2. Bosqueja el diseño de tu carro. Enumera los materiales que necesitarás. 3. Como grupo, hagan una lista detallada de los pasos que seguirán para probar la hipótesis. 4. Junta los materiales que necesitarás para llevar a cabo el experimento. Sigue tu plan 1. Asegúrate de que tu maestro(a) aprueba tu plan antes de que empieces. Incluye los cambios sugeridos por tu maestro(a) en tus planes. 2. Lleva a cabo el experimento según lo planificado. 3. Escribe cualquier observación que hagas mientras estés haciendo el experimento. Incluye sugerencias para mejorar tu diseño. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Analiza tus datos 1. Compara tu diseño de carro con los diseños de otros grupos. ¿Qué hizo más rápido el carro más rápido? ¿Qué hizo más lento el carro más lento? 2. Compara las medidas de seguridad de tu carro con las de otros carros. ¿Qué protegió los huevos de la mejor manera? ¿Cómo mejorarías los diseños defectuosos? 3. Predice ¿Qué efecto tendría el disminuir la velocidad de tu carro en la seguridad del huevo? Guía de estudio Repasa las ideas principales Sección 1 ¿Qué es el movimiento? 1. La posición de un objeto depende del punto de referencia que se ha elegido. 2. Un cuerpo está en movimiento si está cambiando su posición. 3. La rapidez es igual a la distancia recorrida dividida por el tiempo: distancia rapidez = tiempo 4. La velocidad incluye la rapidez y la dirección del movimiento. 5. Una gráfica distancia-tiempo puede usarse para mostrar el movimiento. ¿Qué cuerpo se está moviendo más rápidamente Sección 2 Aceleración 1. La aceleración es la medida del grado de rapidez con que cambia la velocidad e incluye una dirección. 2. La aceleración hace que un cuerpo vaya más rápidamente, más lentamente o gire. 3. Cuando un cuerpo acelera o decelera, su aceleración se puede calcular usando la siguiente fórmula: (s – s ) a = /t f i t Concluye y aplica 1. Resume ¿Cómo protegieron el huevo los mejores diseños? 2. Aplica Si fueras a diseñar carros, ¿Qué podrías hacer para proteger mejor a los pasajeros de las paradas repentinas? Comunica tus datos Escribe un párrafo descriptivo sobre las maneras en que puede ser diseñado un carro para proteger a sus pasajeros efectivamente. Incluye un bosquejo de tus ideas. Momento y movimiento T7 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T7 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T8 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Sección 3 Momento 1. El momento es el producto de la masa de un cuerpo y su velocidad. 2. El momento se transfiere de un cuerpo a otro en una colisión. 3. De acuerdo a la ley de la conservación del momento, la cantidad total del momento de un grupo de cuerpos no cambia a menos que las fuerzas exteriores actúen sobre los cuerpos. ¿Cómo determinarías el momento total de estas pelotas? ¿Cómo cambiaría después de que chocarán? Explica tu respuesta. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Spanish Resources (continued) T8 Momento y movimiento Teacher Guide & Answers Hands-On Activities MiniLAB: Try at Home (page 3) 1. Students should use distance ÷ time and include correct units. 2. Answers will vary. The time for normal walking should be between the times for walking slowly and walking quickly. MiniLAB (page 4) Lab Note: Suggest students leave space at the fast end of the course to slow to a stop. Analysis 1. I speed up. I would go faster and faster with each clap because I would be covering a greater distance in the same amount of time. 2. Yes, my speed is changing. In this case I am slowing down. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Lab (page 5) Lab Preview 1. 2 large; 5 small 2. by taping the metersticks next to each other, a little farther apart than your largest marble. Conclude and Apply 1. The shooter marble changed direction when it hit a target marble with more mass than itself. 2. By being transferred from the shooter marble to the target marble, slowing down or stopping the shooter marble and setting the target marble in motion. Lab: Design Your Own (page 7) Lab Preview 1. safety goggles for eye protection 2. Sample answer: how to design a car to safely and quickly deliver a plastic egg through a race course and a crash at the end. Analyze Your Data 1. Reducing friction and air resistance makes the cars go faster. 2. Eggs with layers of protection to gradually slow them to a stop work best. Such protections have the same effects as car seat belts and air bags. 3. Decreasing the speed would give the egg a better chance for survival because it would experience smaller deceleration during a crash. Conclude and Apply 1. The best designs protected the egg in the same way seat belts and airbags protect people. 2. Devices would be designed to reduce a passenger’s forward or lateral momentum during stops. Laboratory Activity 1 (page 9) Questions and Conclusions 1. Answers will vary, but should demonstrate an understanding that constant force results in a constant acceleration. 2. speed increases 3. The rate of acceleration remained constant. 4. Acceleration decreases as mass increases. 5. As the force increases, acceleration increases. 6. No movement would indicate that the skater’s inertia was too great, and a force greater than 4-N would be required to move the skater. Laboratory Activity 2 (page 13) Questions and Conclusions 1. The faster trial is steeper and the slower trial is flatter. 2. It measures the speed of the object. The larger the slope, the faster an object travels. The smaller the slope, the slower the object. 3. It means the object has stopped. 4. A bowling ball dropped from a great height would fall at a constant rate of 9.8 m/s2. The bowling ball in this lab negatively accelerated as it traveled. 5. Student answers will vary. 6. Student answers will vary. 7. Distance is how far an object moves. Displacement is the distance and direction of the object from the starting point. Meeting Individual Needs Directed Reading for Content Mastery (page 19) Overview (page 19) 1. momentum 2. velocity 3. kilograms 4. meters per second 5. c 6. a 7. The object is slowing down. 8. The acceleration is positive in the direction the object is moving. Sections 1 and 2 (page 20) 1. speeding up 2. displacement 3. 5 m/s 4. velocity 5. greater 6. time period 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B Motion and Momentum T9 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T9 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T10 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: Section 3 (page 21) 1. momentum 2. greater 3. mass 4. kilogram 5. inertia 6. motion 7. acceleration 8. momentum 9. The total momentum of objects that collide with each other is the same before and after the collision. 10. It can be used to determine how objects move after they collide. Key Terms (page 22) 8. A 9. D 10. B Sección 3 (pág. 25) 1. momento 2. mayor que 3. masa 4. kilogramo 5. inercia 6. movimiento 7. aceleración 8. momento 9. El momento total cuerpos que chocan es el mismo antes y después de la colisión. 10. Se puede usar para determinar cómo se mueven los cuerpos después de una colisión. Términos claves (pág. 26) 1 2 M O M E 3 A V 4 5 S P E E D M R 6 A C C E L E R A G E 7 V E L I N S T A N T A N E O U S T U M 1 A 5 S S 6 I O N I I N M C E L E S S T A N T A 8 V E R A C A N E 7 A E R 4 L O C I I O N M P R O M E I N D C E I Z A D D I O T O A 8 C I T Y N E R T I A Lectura dirigida para Dominio del contenido (pág. 23) Sinopsis (pág. 23) 1. momento 2. velocidad 3. kilogramos 4. metros por segundo 5. c 6. a 7. El cuerpo está desacelerando. 8. La aceleración es positiva en la dirección en que se mueve el cuerpo. Secciones 1 y 2 (pág. 24) 1. acelerando 2. desplazamiento 3. 5 m/s 4. velocidad 5. más grande 6. período de tiempo 7. C T10 Motion and Momentum 2 M 3 Reinforcement (page 27) Section 1 (page 27) 1. Motion is a change in position. 2. It depends on your reference point. You are at rest with respect to the bed and to Earth. You are in motion with respect to the Sun and the galaxy. 3. Distance is how far you actually travel. Displacement is how far and in what direction you are from your starting point. 4. 3 km + 4 km + 3 km + 2 km = 12 km 5. 2 km east of home 6. v = d/t = 12 km/4 h = 3 km/h 7. v = 3 km/0.5 h = 6 km/h north 8. Answers will vary. One possibility is that the rider stopped at the store or park. 9. It indicates zero velocity. Section 2 (page 28) 1. acceleration 2. time 3. negative 4. It is accelerating because it is constantly changing direction. 5. speed: m/s; acceleration: m/s2 6. It is slowing down 3 m/s for every second it travels. 7. GH 8. CD and GH 9. HI Section 3 (page 29) 1. The total momentum of objects that collide with each other does not change. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Teacher Guide & Answers (continued) Teacher Guide & Answers (continued) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the law of conservation of momentum more velocity inertia friction 0.5 m/s 500g (0.8 m/s) + 300 g (0) 800 g (v); 400 g m/s; 400g m/s = (500 g + 300 g)(v); 0.5 m/s=v 8. the car 9. They will rebound and move with the same speed in the opposite direction. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Enrichment (page 30) Section 1 (page 30) 1. Older coasters used a chain to pull the train up a big hill. Gravity then caused the train to “fall” down, generating speed. 2. In addition to steep drops, electromagnets are used to attract and repel the cars in order to generate speed. 3. As a coaster car turns, friction reduces the speed. The velocity is altered by the change in direction and the reduction in speed. 4. When designing a sharp turn, engineers must be careful not to exceed limitations of the human body. Section 2 (page 31) 1. Acceleration describes an increase or decrease in speed. 2. Gravity pulls downward. The downward component of motion is greater on a steep hill than it is on a gradual hill. 3. After approximately 12 seconds, the air pushing on a person’s body prevents the skydiver from accelerating any further. 4. A person may alter her body profile to reduce wind resistance or jump from a higher altitude where there are less air particles to resist acceleration due to gravity. 5. The rapid change in velocity after a parachute opens can put a strain on the straps. This strain can be many times the weight of the parachutist. Section 3 (page 32) 1. velocity and mass 2. The greater the momentum, the greater the distance required to reduce the velocity to zero. 3. Computers can evaluate speed, distance and mass of a vehicle faster and more accurately than people can. 4. Trains have very large momentum and require stopping distances that can be greater than one kilometer. This momentum will not permit a train to stop for objects crossing the tracks. Note-taking Worksheet (page 33) Refer to Teacher Outline, student answers are underlined. Assessment Chapter Review (page 37) Part A. Vocabulary Review 1. Law of conservation of momentum (7/3) 2. inertia (5/3) 3. acceleration (3/2) 4. average speed (1/1) 5. momentum (6/3) 6. velocity (1/1) 7. mass (5/3) 8. instantaneous speed (1/1) Part B. Concept Review 1. less than (6/3) 2. unknown (6/3) 3. friction (6/3) 4. 500 kg m/s (7/3) 5. AB (2/1) 6. CD (2/1) 7. AB; BC; DE (2/1) 8. 4 m/3 s = 1.3 m/s (2/1, 4/2) 9. a = (vf – vj) = (12 m/s – 4 m/s)/4 s = 2 m/s2 (4/2) 10. 600g (3 m/s) + 900 g (0) = 1500 g (v); v = 1.2 m/s (7/3) Chapter Test (page 39) I. Testing Concepts 1–10. Answers will vary. Sample answers are given. 1. Speed is how fast you change position. (1/1) 2. Average speed is the total distance covered divided by the total time it takes. (1/1) 3. Velocity is speed plus a direction. (1/1) 4. Acceleration is how fast your motion is changing. (3/2) 5. When you slow down, you experience a negative acceleration. (4/2) 6. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. (5/3) 7. Inertia is a measure of how much an object resists a change in its motion. (5/3) 8. Momentum is an object’s mass times its velocity. (6/3) 9. Displacement is how far and in what direction an object has moved form its starting point. (1/1) 10. The law of conservation states that when two objects collide, the total momentum before the collision is the same as the total momentum after the collision. (7/3) II. Understanding Concepts 1. e (1/1) 2. d (1/1) 3. b (3/2) 4. a (6/3) 5. c (5/3) 6. AB (2/1) 7. BC (2/1) 8. D (2/1) 9. v = d/t = 3km/20 min = 9 km/h (2/1) 10. displacement (1/1) 11. 5 m/s (6/3) 12. mass (5/3) 13. mass and velocity (6/3) 14. are accelerating (3/2) Motion and Momentum T11 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T11 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T12 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: III. Applying Concepts 1. A, B, C, E (2/1) 2. B (2/1) 3. D (2/1) 4. F (2/1) 5. The car is slowing down 5 m/s for every second it travels. (2/1) 6. No, it might be changing direction. (4/2) 7. a. 10 km + 5 km + 15 km + 5 km = 35 km (1/1) b. 5 km east (1/1) 8. a = (vf –vj)/t = (23 m/s – 30 ms)/3 s = –2.3 m/s2 (4/2) 9. 5 kg (20 m/s ) + 10 kg (5 m/s) = 15 v; v = 10 m/s (7/3) IV. Writing Skills 1. Your distance would most nearly equal your displacement because you would come closer to moving in a straight line. Your friend would probably go around many curves, so her distance would be a great deal more than her displacement. (1/1) 2. No, you would also need to know the direction in which the storm is moving. You need to know its velocity, not just it speed. (1/1) 3. Inertia is a measure of an object’s resistance to a change in its motion. It is determined by the mass on an object. Momentum is a measure of how hard it is to stop an object. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by its velocity. An object always has inertia. An object has momentum only when it is moving. (5/3) 4. If they have the same velocity, the bowling ball would be much harder to stop because it has greater mass. (7/3) 5. The slow velocity of the massive rocket ship is equal to the rapid velocity of the less massive exhaust gases that are expelled in the opposite direction from the rocket engine. (7/3) Transparency Activities Section Focus Transparency 1 (page 44) Air Canvas Transparency Teaching Tips The concept introduced here is motion. Ask the students to define motion. An object is in motion when it changes position. ■ Explain that distance and displacement are both aspects of motion. Distance is a description of overall length traveled. Displacement is the linear distance between the starting and the stopping point. ■ With the students watching, walk a short distance around the classroom ending your jaunt very close to your point of origin. Ask the students to estimate both the distance and displacement of your walk. ■ Ask the students to create a method by which your walking speed could be gauged. Eventually they will recognize that speed equals distance divided by time. The distance and duration of your walk could be quantified and used as an example. ■ T12 Motion and Momentum ■ The transparency shows Picasso playing with light and motion in 1949. He used a flashlight to create an image of a centaur. Content Background ■ The term velocity describes an object’s speed and direction. A change in either constitutes a change in velocity. ■ Pablo Picasso was one of the most creative and influential artists of the 20th century. Born in Spain, Picasso spent most of his life in France. Abandoning established styles of painting, Picasso created his own methods and styles as he sought new mediums by which to express his ideas. As prolific as he was creative, Picasso left behind 50,000 works at the time of his death in 1973. ■ The image on the transparency was taken using an open shutter in a totally dark basement. Then, a flash was used to capture Picasso just as he finished. Answers to Student Worksheet 1. Students may answer that it appears to be a bull of some sort. It’s a centaur. 2. Yes, it’s on the left. The distance is around five feet. 3. It’s much smaller. Section Focus Transparency 2 (page 45) Nothing but Air! Transparency Teaching Tips This transparency introduces acceleration. Ask the students to define acceleration. Explain that acceleration refers to any change in motion. This includes speeding up, slowing down, or turning. ■ Skydivers experience all these variations of acceleration. Ask the students to describe a skydiver’s jump, from exiting the aircraft to landing on the ground. The skydiver exits (change in directional acceleration, from horizontal to vertical), falls (positive acceleration in direction of motion), opens the canopy (an abrupt negative acceleration) and lands. Content Background ■ Skydivers will accelerate until they reach terminal velocity. This is the maximum gravitational attractive force between the jumpers and Earth. It takes approximately 12 seconds to reach this speed, which is about 193 meters per second (120 mph). ■ Acceleration can be calculated by taking the object’s initial speed and subtracting it from its final speed and then dividing that number by elapsed time. ■ Contrary to how it often appears, skydivers do not accelerate upwards when they open their canopies. That would violate the laws of physics. The effect is the result of the camera person continuing to fall, creating the illusion that those who released their canopies were accelerating upward. ■ Most experienced skydivers jump from 3050 m (10,000 feet) to 4570 m (15,000) in order to get about one minute of free-fall. ■ Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Teacher Support & Planning Teacher Guide & Answers (continued) Teacher Guide & Answers (continued) ■ The first verifiable parachute jump was successfully completed in 1797 by the Frenchman AndreJacques Garnerin. He jumped from a balloon at 1000 m (3200 feet) over Paris, France. Answers to Student Worksheet 1. A skydiver begins to fall, gradually picking up speed. The jumper’s velocity changes on exit, as the person falls, when the chute opens, as the canopy is steered, and at landing. 2. The chute fills with air, slowing the skydiver. 3. A skydiver’s speed continues to increase until terminal velocity is reached. After the parachute opens, the skydiver’s speed rapidly decreases, eventually reaching the glide speed of that particular type of parachute. Section Focus Transparency 3 (page 46) Massive and Moving Transparency Teaching Tips You may use this transparency to introduce momentum. Explain that mass is the amount of matter in an object. The more mass an object has the harder it is to alter the objects velocity. ■ Newton’s first law of motion is sometimes referred to as the law of inertia. It states that an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, and on object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by a net force. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist any changes to its motion. ■ This applies to the train, shown on the transparency. Once in motion its momentum makes it hard to stop. Ask the students to define momentum. Momentum is the force exerted by an object due to its mass and velocity. In other words, momentum equals mass times velocity. ■ The momentum of a moving train is enormous. An engine pulling 70 empty cars, a total mass of about 9,760,000 kg (including the engine), traveling at 50 k/hr has a momentum of approximately 135,555,556 kg m/s. A standard automobile, on the other hand, having a mass of 800 kg and traveling at the same speed, has momentum of around 11,111 kg m/s. In perspective, the train’s momentum is 12,200 times greater than the automobile. Content Background ■ In a collision the momentum of each object isn’t lost, it’s transferred. The total momentum doesn’t change. This is the law of conservation of momentum. ■ There are two types of collisions—elastic collisions in which objects bounce off each other, and inelastic collisions, where objects hit, stick and move off together. Answers to Student Worksheet 1. Stopping the train would be more difficult as its mass is so much greater than the car’s. 2. It would make it easier to stop, by half. 3. Increasing the speed of the fully loaded train will be much more difficult because of its mass. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ■ Teaching Transparency (page 47) Distance-Time Graph Speed-Time Graph Section 2 Transparency Teaching Tips Define acceleration and velocity and give examples of both. ■ Explain each graph on the transparency. Ask the students to interpret the data. Reteaching Suggestion ■ Review the terms acceleration and velocity and how to use the axis lines of a graph to read and interpret data. Extensions Activity: Have four or five students walk across the room, one at a time, each at a different pace. Ask the students to create a method to plot their speed. Using a stopwatch, provide walking times and ask the students to graph the results. Challenge: Have students research the rate at which skydivers fall and create a graph showing their rate of descent from the time they exit until they reach terminal velocity. Answers to Student Worksheet 1. when the graph line rises. 2. 1.5 s 3. 1 m 4. speed = distance divided by time 5. 1 m/s 6. It didn’t change at all. ■ Assessment Transparency (page 49) Motion and Momentum Section 3 Answers 1. B. Using information from the chart, students need to make an inference that the girl would see the lightning before she would hear the thunder because the speed of light is so much faster than the speed of sound. 2. F. Students need to use the chart to determine that only aortic blood has a speed less than that given for a human runner. 3. C. This question requires students to realize that the least important factor would be the time of day. All the other factors can be seen as important, given that velocity is calculated using distance/time. Test-Taking Tip Remind students to double check their answers before turning in their tests. Motion and Momentum T13 Teacher Support & Planning 668P-t1-t13-mss02-825614 3/19/04 9:16 AM Page T13 impos06 301:goscanc:scanc668:layouts: