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Storm Thorgerson与René Magritte的专辑封面设计分析

Ceci n'est pas une
Album Cover
當 Storm Thorgerson
與 René Magritte 交會
醫學系二年級 19901005 劉一宏
做為一個搖滾樂──尤其是前衛搖滾(Progressive rock)樂迷,不可能不認識
像是 Pink Floyd、Muse、Biffy Clyro、The Mars Volta、The Cranberries、Dream
Storm Thorgerson。
Storm Thorgerson(左圖)生於 1944 年,是英國
藝術設計群 Hipgnosis 的主要成員。與 Hipgnosis
一同寫成《Walk Away René》(1978)和《The
Goodbye Look》(1982)討論他們自己的作品,與同
期的 Roger Dean 出版了一系列書籍《Album Cover
成立自己的工作室 StormStudios。除了封面設計
以外,Storm 也參與不少樂團影片設計,包含 Yes、
Paul Young、Interferon,至今他仍然活躍。
觸發 Storm 的繪畫大師 - Magritte
他的作品強烈地受到比利時超現實藝術家 René Magritte 影響,這也是為什
麼筆者要以「Ceci n'est pas une Album Cover」來命名本篇。在進一步介紹 Storm
的作品以前,我們不妨先概略了解 Magritte 的創作理念。
與其稱 Magritte 為一位藝術家,不妨稱他為一位「思想家」──「我只不過
發現它們的命運為止。比方 1926 年《失落的騎士》(下圖最左)中的騎士就不停
地被重複取材與變化,甚至到 1960 年《伊卡洛斯的童年》(下圖最右)都有出現。
人們,尤其是藝評家們,嘗試著想從 Magritte 的作品當中找出象徵意義,因
為他的作品裡看起來充滿了許多符號語言。但 Magritte 本人並不喜歡這點:「無
Magritte 的畫作很早就影響了 Storm。由於 Magritte 不像其他超現實主義者
這些呈現都是顯而易見的,很多還富有趣味性,這深深觸動了 Storm。他認為這
虛實之間 – 談 Storm 的創作理念
他自述 Magritte 對他最大的影響是對於詭奇(oddity, or oddness)的追求以及
事物的並置(juxtaposition)和對照(contrariness)。然而,Magritte 是在繪畫中玩味
「現實」,但又並非純然的現實;而 Storm 則堅持要做「真的事情」──呈現扭
已。因此,Storm 工作時常常不是在電腦上,而是帶著一台相機和一大批人手與
布景去外拍。拍攝 Pink Floyd《Animals》的封面時,團隊就製作了一隻真正的飛
左上圖為《Animal》的專輯封面,右上圖為飛天豬 Algie 的真貌。發電廠的煙囪構成一隻四腳朝天倒臥
的豬,與飛天豬相互呼應。經過這一戰後,Algie 以各式各樣的大小頻繁出現在 Pink Floyd 的演唱會中。
Storm 熱愛賦予作品一種意義上「刻意的未明感」(intentional ambiguity)。這
點與 Magritte 十分契合。他說:「You know what it is, but not why it is. You might
know what it is, but not how it is.」他做的事情只是組合並陳列真實的事物而已,
。但與 Magritte 不同的
地方是,Storm 並不排斥觀者去做象徵意義的探索和詮釋,而某種程度上他甚至
以外,還要能迫使買 CD 的人「look again」
值得一提的是,與他長年合作、最主要的樂團夥伴 Pink Floyd,也是如此對
Magritte Storm! - 當 Storm 遇上 Magritte
Storm 為 Pink Floyd《A Foot In The Door》設計的封
面一樣,腳上踩著一整系列的 Pink Floyd 專輯封面
想必是人生一大樂事。不過一旦將 Storm 的作品跟
Magritte 的作品放在一起玩味,那又是全然不同的
視覺體驗了。Storm 從 Magritte 的作品中汲取靈
貌!這就是所謂的 Magritte Storm!
其一是利用畫中的空間分隔影像,將影像重新組合。Pink Floyd
實。這和 Magritte 的《Representation》(上圖右)概念相同。不過《Representation》
Deepest Blue《Is It A Sin》(上圖左)則是另一種運用的模式。在 Magritte 的《The
Human Condition》中,畫布作為現實景象的延展,充分暗示著整幅畫的不真實;
而《Is It A Sin》用相同的手法詮釋相反的概念──畫框所框住的是現實世界,而
Magritte 付出大量的心力在事物的再組成。《The Natural Graces》(上圖中)和
《The domain of Arnheim》(上圖右)以及其系列的畫作中,鳥不是從蛋中孵化,
而是由草葉中誕生、承襲草葉的質地,或是與山巒融為一體。Storm 也如 Magritte
一樣醉心於事物構成的試驗。為 Pink Floyd 宣傳所做的《Tree Of Half Life》(上圖
棵樹卻形成了一個人頭的側面,靜靜凝視著天空。這正好詮釋了 Pink Floyd 一貫
就偉大的人類。另外 Moodswings《Psychedelicatessen》(下圖左),如同其字面一
上圖右是 Muse《Butterflies And Hurricanes》的封面。專輯中同名曲寫的主
題正是當時流行的名詞「蝴蝶效應」,但 Muse 將歌詞強悍地寫成厭世主義者對
大風暴。Storm 精準地抓住了這個概念,把蝴蝶與雲的材質融為一體,圖中充斥
Storm 為美國前衛搖滾樂團 The Mars Volta 做的《Frances The Mute》(上圖左、
中)時,結合了音樂的靈感來源與 Magritte 的《The Lovers》(前頁圖右)元素。
《Frances The Mute》的創作內容,源自於在一輛二手轎車上找到的一本作者不
專輯。這與 Magritte 的許多點不謀而合:Magritte 14 歲時,母親淹死了,她的屍
體被找到時,睡衣纏在她的臉上;這或多或少影響了 Magritte,使其創作《The
情人之間即使互不相見,也時時刻刻能念著對方的面容。Storm 將「蒙臉」的元
在 Pink Floyd《Wish You Were Here》(上排左、中與下排左、中),Storm 設計
了 4 張圖片。有趣的是,在剛開始與樂團討論圖像設計時,不僅 Storm 不清楚專
輯的歌詞蘊含了什麼哲學,連 Pink Floyd 自己都無法解釋。因此他們選擇去尋找
「氣水火土」(air, water, fire, earth)來表達,並且盡可能聚焦在「未竟的存在」
(unfulfilled presence)。圖像中的主角都不完整,並且用各種方法嘗試建構出「完
「土」的圖像中,販賣 CD 的人將貼滿 Pink Floyd 專輯貼紙的皮箱踩在沙漠上,
但不僅圖片下部附註的文字告訴你「這不是只皮箱」(Ceci n'est pas une boite),
Magritte 的《The Discovery Of Fire》和《The The Treachery Of Images》,將其靈感
「土」的圖片甚至連人像都採用 Magritte「戴禮
Musil)《沒有特質的男人》(The Man Without Qualities)
中的阿里奇,蘇西‧蓋伯利克(Suzi Gablik)在《Magritte》
不難看出 Storm 選用這個形象的強烈動機,對於一張
上圖為 Magritte《The Pilgrim》
分離,是 Storm 靈感的雛型之一。
當然,對於「戴禮帽男人」的熱愛也充分的嶄露在 Storm 的其他作品之中。
相關的作品數量非常多,在此僅舉 Alan Parsons《Try Anything More》(上圖左、
中)和 Magritte 的《Familiar Objects》(上圖右)相比較。同樣是一群神秘的、身著
整齊黑色西裝的男子,每人也各自有其對應的事物,Magritte《Familiar Objects》
推斷都只是臆測。在 Alan Parsons《Try Anything More》中則是六人以不知從何處
自所「熟悉的物件」,都是專輯中出現過的事物,時鐘是〈Mr. Time〉中的時間
之神、輪子在〈I’m Talking To You〉中象徵關係與命運的輪轉、黃金色的面具則
在〈Siren Song〉中象徵渴望幻想中的新世界面對更多新事物等。將左中兩圖對
照來看,其中一人在兩幅圖中分別是男性與女性,則是〈Oh Life〉中提到的女性,
同時也很可能是〈The Three Of Me〉中,將三個自我中的其中一個想像成的女性。
剩下的兩人沒有清楚的暗示,可能是〈Turn It Up〉中面對困境卻噤嚅退縮的主角,
白色物體則可能是在〈Wine From The Water〉中象徵所有物質。Storm 藉由這些
結語: Let’s play with reality!
大師 Magritte 的蹤跡,但 Storm 依然
Magritte 又相互契合了:「我們的作品
上圖是 Storm 為 Whitley Heights 做的 Cover Photo。
Storm 則總是精確地讓我們的意識停止在清醒與睡夢之間的模糊地帶。不論
為了比較 Storm Thorgerson 與 René Magritte,其實筆者蒐集了六十多幅圖
本也想將搖滾樂界哲人 Pink Floyd 的哲學思考與音樂一併介紹,就留待他文吧!
[1]Storm Thorgerson 官方網站(圖片資料) http://www.stormthorgerson.com/
[2]René Magritte(圖片資料) http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/rene-magritte
[3]Suzi Gablik 著,項幼榕譯,(1999)。《馬格利特 Magritte》。臺北市:遠流。
[4] TateShots: Storm Thorgerson on Magritte (影片資料)
[5]Cool Hunting - Storm Thorgerson
Ceci n'est pas une Album Cover 當 Storm Thorgerson 與 René Magritte 交會
Muse – Absolution, Muse - Uprising Pink, Floyd - A Momentary
Lapse of Reason V.S. Golconde
Alan Parsons – The Raven, Alan Parsons - Luciferama Live V.S.
The Masterpiece or the Mysteries of the Horizon, The Great
The Cranberries - Promises
Ethnix – Thirteen V.S. The Pleasure Principle
Deepest Blue - Late September V.S. p.159 129 Collective
Pink Floyd – Pulse, The Scorpions - Eye To Eye V.S. False Mirror
The blank signature
Blinker The Star - August Everywhere
Biffy Clyro - Machines V.S. The double secret
Biffy Clyro - Saturday Super House V.S. Eternity
Deepest Blue – Shooting Star V.S. The amorous perpective
The Mars Volta - The Widow V.S. Not to be reproduced
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon 30th Anniversary
Biffy Clyro - Living Is a Problem Because Everything Dies V.S. The
month of the grape harvest
The Mars Volta – Televators
Ceci n'est pas une Album Cover 當 Storm Thorgerson 與 René Magritte 交會
Deepest Blues – Is It A Sin?
Is it a sin to love again
I cannot win this pain's not fair
And yes i climed the highest mountain
And yes i painted you a pretty sky
Now you say its ove
Forgot to tell you I am sorry
Never had the time to lie
Now its like a sad old story
Why do lovers always cry
I never had the time to worry
Never had the time to try
Now you say its over
Is it a sin to love again
You broke me in
This won't repair
And yes I fell for you so madly deeply
And yes I wannt to hold you by my side
Now you say its ove
Forgot to tell....
And yes I want to tell you I am angry
And yes I need to look you in the eye
Now you say its over
Fogot to tell ....
Muse - Butterflies And Hurricanes
Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead
You've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
Change everything you are
And everything you were
Your number has been called
Fights and battles have begun
Revenge will surely come
Your hard times are ahead
You've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
Don't let yourself down
Don't let yourself go
Your last chance has arrived
You've got to be the best
You've got to change the world
And use this chance to be heard
Your time is now
The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute
A. In thirteen seconds
B. Nineteen sank, while six would swim
C. Five would grow and one was dead
“It’s been thirteen seconds
Since you all last said
I’ve become the apparition
You predicted for my death
You said that flirting brings you
Closer to the end
You can bait into the water
But you’ll never get the hint
And like a stain of bricks goes
Dancing by your head
Plucked from an icebox
Grafted on my skin
My coat has hid the marks
Mink hits the shovel fix
Near the sway of pendulums
Boar abrasions and a kiss”
She said, “I’ll never let them hurt you
I’ll never let them in
What you took from me is mine
What is mine I’ll never give”
Mascara glass in the molar weeds
Herash,a serpent infancy
His eye patch pussed a gap of sand
Into his shine a sedative
More and more the dirt collects
You’ll never find her body now
Her closet festered in a secret air
Blonde underneath a blackened hair
He never knew the colony
Gestated in his bed
Mingle with the carnivores you’ve something both in common now
Till one day his wasted breath
Swollen throat and karma debt
Set foot inside a parlor, to find her drunken by receipts
He held her by the ankles
Gutted at the nave, yes gutted and depraves
He tied a rope around her legs
And let her hang for seven days
[Chorus] This never happened, but I saw you leave,
And crawl into a bed of broken windows
Pink Folyd – Wish You Were Here
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
I do not own anything.
Alan Parsons - Mr. Time
Stealing a moment from Mr. Time
He rocks in his chair like a shiny dime
But it's all for show, all for show.
Wearing your name and a number or two
When the minute's up, so are you
But everybody knows, everybody knows.
Watching the hour from the light in his eyes,
He waits for your soul to come in from the sky
But it's lost below, lost below.
Turning the Wheel of your destiny round,
When the motion stops - no more sound,
Does anybody care, anybody care.
Where's the man, where's the child
Wrapped together side by side.
Who can tell you what to do,
When Mr. Time has come for you.
See the truth, hear the lies,
Can there be no compromise
And who can tell you what they knew,
When Mr. Time has come for you.
Is it a feeling of deja vu?
When he points his finger calling you
Is it illusion? Just an illusion
Picking up seconds that fall to his feet
He blows them away as rocks on his seat,
Cool as his smile, his smile.
Where's the man, where's the child
Wrapped together side by side.
Who can tell you what to do,
When Mr. Time has come for you
See the truth, hear the lies,
Can there be no compromise
And who can tell you what they knew,
When Mr. Time has come for you.
Alan Parsons - I’m Talking To You
Somehow you fell out of time
Boy you lost your place in line
But don't even try
To drag me down too
I'm talkin' to you, I'm talkin' to you
One star rises, one falls from the sky
You're still hiding the way you feel inside
One word closer to things we need to say
One cut deeper to tear the past away
You think I don't know your mind
But I know fools don't change with time
Until the warning signs
Come out to the blue
I'm talkin' to you, I'm talkin' to you
One light's burning - another fades away
Don't stand watching your dream go down in flames
One step closer, the door is open wide
Come tomorrow we'll see the other side
On and on until we change
Everything remains the same
On and on until we learn
On and on the wheel will turn ...
Wounded words and eyes that lie
You won't let your demons die
Take a look inside
Or you're gonna lose
I'm talkin' to you, I'm talkin' to you
I'm talkin' to you
Whatever you do, the last laugh's on you
On and on until we change
Everything remains the same
On and on until we learn
On and on the wheel will turn ...
Somehow you fell out of time
Boy you lost your place in line ...
One star rises one star falls
Do you even care at all? ... this time
I'm talkin' to you
I'm talkin' to you
Alan Parsons - Siren Song
Days go by
Adrift upon a rolling sky
The miracles escape my eyes
But i still hope
Time, regret
Is this as good as life can get?
It's only when the spirit sets me free i cope
If i seek in every corner
If i search in every doorway
When the water turns to wine will i believe?
If i navigate the river
Would you take me to your island?
Sing a siren song so i can never leave
Long and wide
Eternity from side to side
Lead me through the rapids
Guide me to the shore
There's a place
That's far beyond this time and space
When each of us comes face to face with something more
If i open up the channel
Will you send me information
If you tune me to your station, i'll receive
If i navigate the river
Would you take me to your island
Sing a siren song so i can never leave
Plans can fail
But only fail to understand
The pyramid will turn to sand and i'll be here
...i will be here
Alan Parsons - Oh Life
Waves roll out
Out to sea
Tasting the saltwater
Tears upon her cheek
Morning breaks
She's not there
Who could ever find her?
Who would even care?
No one heard
No one came
No angel of mercy
Appears to know her name
Where is hope
When words fail
All the colours running
Inside when life turns pale
In the dock the boats are harboured
Where the water's cold and still
Oh life, she cries, I've lost the will
>From the bridge she sees a lifetime
Being washed upon the shore
Oh life, she cries
There must be more...
Tides roll in
Waters rise
Any chance of reason
Only clouds her eyes
Arms of grace
She won't feel
All the wounds inside her
That time can never heal
The city lights shine seaward
Swirling in a trance
Her eyes upon the water
Alone in her last dance
>From the docks the boats are leaving
As she cries into the dawn
"Oh life, I'm barely holding on"
And she sees her future falling
Til it finds the ocean floor
Oh life, she cries
There must be more
There must be more
And with the early light
She'll sail into the clear
The winds are all behind her
The hour's almost here
>From the bridge she hears the voices
Turn into a roar
Oh life she cries
There must be more
On the dock her soul is sinking
But her spirit longs to soar
Oh life, she cries
There must be more
There must be more
There must be more
Oh life I'm barely holding on
There must be more
There must be more
Oh life there must be something more
Alan Parsons - The Three Of Me
There's a voice on the phone
Who just called in to say
"mr. jones isn't home
He'll be gone for the day"
So he pulls down the blind
To adjust his disguise
But it's all in his mind
Which he proudly denies
I turn the boat back from the weir
Where to go from here
I can't hide from each face I see
Looking out from behind them is me
I'm attempting to guess
What they meant when they said
"mr. jones and his guest
Won't be using the bed"
So if I take the rap
While they stay out of sight
I can spring from the trap
When the timing is right
One minute I think I know what I mean
The next I hear voices inside disagree
Why are they laughing at me?
So I pick up the phone
Someone's asking of me
Is the real mister jones
Mister one, two or three?
So I say that they're not
But it's not as I say
'cos they're all that I've got
And I can't get away
As alice waves us through the glass
Are we home at last
For tomorrow they'll be here you see
Locked away safe inside there with me
'cos tomorrow they'll be here you'll see
Locked away safe inside they're with me
One minute I think I know what I mean
The next I hear voices inside disagree
Why are they laughing at me?
Alan Parsons - Turn It Up
It's no good believing in somebody else
If you can't believe in yourself
You give them the reason to take all the power and wealth
It's no good you trying to sit on the fence
And hope that the trouble will pass
'Cause sitting on fenses can make you a pain in the ass
If there's something you find to believe in
Then the message must get through
So don't just sit in silence
When you know what to do
Turn it up. Turn it up, make it louder
Turn it up. Turn it up, make it louder
There's no conversation if nobody speaks
And nothing gets done in the end
There's no confrontation when fantasy makes you its friend
So much injustice, too many lies
We don't have to look very far
But nothing will change if we leave things the way that they are
If there's something you find to believe in
Then the message must get through
So don't just sit in silence
When you know what to do
Turn it up. Turn it up, make it louder
Turn it up. Turn it up, make it louder
Alan Parsons - Wine From The Water
You can take me up, you can wind me down
There's no escape, but I'll never drown
No wires or strings, No rough and smooth
Just fires and stings, Watch me closely, Watch my every move
I can count your money while I check your hand
And you know I just can't lose
Wine from the water, Gold from a tree
I wouldn't fool you, There's nothing up my sleeve
Look for a mirror, There's nothing there
I get rings out of nowhere, Money from thin air
I can break these chains, While I'm upside down
Well it may seem strange, I don't hit the ground
Now you see my hand, Is quicker than your eye
You should know by now, What you see here, all of it's a lie
I can count your money while I check your hand
And you know I just can't lose
Wine from the water, Gold from a tree
I wouldn't fool you, There's nothing up my sleeve
Think of a number, I'll get it right
Throw me in the river, Tie my hands up tight
I can wind you up, I can turn you round
No cunning stunts, till the lady's found
No coils or springs, just nice and smooth
No Knaves or Kings, Find the lady, Watch my every move
I can count your money while I check your hand
And you know I just can't lose
Wine from the water, Gold from a tree
I wouldn't fool you, There's nothing up my sleeve
Look for a mirror, No, nothing there
I get rings out of nowhere, Money from thin air
Wine from the water, Gold from a tree
Now I wouldn't fool you, There's nothing up my sleeve
Think of a number, I'll get it right
You can throw me in the river, Tie my hands up tight
Wine from the water, Gold from a tree
Now I wouldn't fool you, There's nothing up my sleeve
Look for a mirror, There's nothing there
I get rings out of nowhere, Money from thin air