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Distance Learning English Class Update

Here is an update for where we are and where we are going with
distance learning. I include a schedule for our remaining time
together, a comment on grades, and other assorted observations.
Where We Are: I am cancelling the A Tale of Two Cities project.
There is simply no way to translate student performances to the
internet. In addition, it will have been five weeks, by the time we
meet virtually after Spring Break, since we’ve done anything with
the novel. It simply doesn’t make sense to try to restructure the
project or ask so many students to do a different assignment. To
that end, no one will receive a grade for the project.
Where We Are Going: We will continue to work with Student
Choice Writing and the research paper. See the schedule below.
Schedule (Subject to Change):
1. Week of 4/13: We will use this time to check in to see where
we are. I will answer questions, etc.
2. Week of 4/20: Students will work in reading/writing groups
on SCW draft #2.
3. 4/27: Discussion of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – library research
begins for the research paper. (Please note that Mrs. Oskoui is
available to help for all three research sessions.)
4. 5/4: Library research
5. 5/11: Library research
6. 5/18: Students work in reading/writing groups on the first
draft of the research paper.
7. 5/25: Students work in reading/writing groups on SCW draft
#3. Also, collect the final draft of the research paper
8. 6/1: Students submit SCW draft #4. SCW Read Around:
Students read the SCW submissions from my other classes.
9. 6/8: To be determined.
Office Hours: I will be available for office hours on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 10:30 – 12:00. You can ask questions and we can
discuss issues via e-mail or blackboard collaborate. I can conference
with individual students or with groups of students as requested.
Grades: FCPS is still somewhat fluid in how it is handling grades. As
it moves to a solid position on grades, I will confirm it with you.
Please note that I will adhere to the FCPS policy regarding grades.
Student Responsibilities: Students are responsible for the
 Be logged into blackboard collaborate by the start of class
time. Be sure to log in with your name. Don’t use a
nickname or something similar.
 Complete the work assignments and have the necessary
resources so that you are ready to work productively for
each class meeting.
 Adhere to the SR&R guidelines – Be aware that SR&R
applies to what you do through distance learning. Make
sure that you are adhering to the SR&R guidelines.
Hang in There: Let’s work together to make our remaining time
educationally meaningful. I recognize that we are all in different
circumstances. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
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