HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE USMLE STEP2 CS? CSR C S: smile, silence(不打断病人), support(扶病人上下床,保护病人走路) R: response *一切根据 priority Three critical thinking moments Doorway information: 30-45s, 整理思路 Washing hands: 可长可短,不聊天,整理思路 Chest & CV exam: 整理思路 One piece of paper Mental checklist 3O + 2P + 2Q AAA PAMHUGFOSS WA Most important DDx Life-threatening complication: 由缓到急 Side-effect: 医源性 Important associations Diabetes mellitus Hyper/hypothyroidism Depression Gastrointestinal tumors Infections Some physical examinations Neurological exams Gait Romberg 指鼻试验 面部刺激 Shoulder 刺激 握拳 抬腿 Reflex Mini-mental examination Orientation (person, place, time) Memory (3-word) Attention (spelling) Family history (2): Family, close contact Social habit (5): Smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs, diet & diabetes / hypertension For the mini-cases, the focus with be on 4 separate sections: 1. Differential Diagnosis 2. History For the “Main” section, capital letter means a must ask question. 3O = 3O + 2P = 3O + 2P + 2Q = LIQR = ABCO = AAA = WA = PAMHUGFOSS = 3. Physical Exam 4. Workups ---------------------------------------------------①------------------------------------------------------- Headache Differential Diagnosis Migraine (complicated) Cluster headache Temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis) Sinusitis Tension headache Subarachnoid hemorrhage Meningitis (bacterial) Pseudotumor cerebri Trigeminal neuralgia History Main:3O LIQr AAA PAMHugFoss Associated syndromes: Fever → confusion, rigid neck Confusion / loss of consciousness Weakness / numbness Visual change → nausea / vomiting Runny nose → tearing Pain with chewing Physical exam HEENT exams Neurological exams Abdominal pain Differential Diagnosis Nephrolithiasis Pancreatic cancer Acute pancreatitis Acute cholecystitis Ascending cholangitis Acute hepatitis Peptic ulcer disease Peptic ulcer perforation Splenic rupture Intestinal obstruction Mesenteric ischemia / infarction Ovarian torsion Diverticulitis Acute appendicitis Irritable bowel syndrome Pelvic inflammatory disease History 3O 2P LIQR AAA WA PAMHUGFosS Associated syndromes: Relation to meals Nausea / vomiting Domestic violence Physical exam Cardio and pulmonary exams Abdominal exams (guarding, Murphy sign, psoas and obturator signs) Chest pain Differential Diagnosis Myocardial infarction (MI) Sickle cell disease-pulmonary infarction GERD Angina Pericarditis Costochondritis Pulmonary embolism Aortic dissection History 3O 2P LIQR AAA WA PAMHUgFosS Associated syndromes: Sweating Palpitation Cardiac risk factors Pulmonary embolism risk factors Physical exam Blood pressure (both arms) Complete cardiovascular exams (JVD, PMI, chest wall tenderness, heart sounds, pulses, edema) Pulmonary and abdominal exams Joint / limb pain Differential Diagnosis Joint pain Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriatic arthritis Osteoarthritis Septic arthritis Limb pain Domestic violence Carpal tunnel syndrome Hip fracture Hip dislocation-traumatic Stress fracture Plantar fasciitis Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) Disseminated gonorrhea Peripheral vascular disease (intermittent claudication) Deep venous thrombosis Angina / MI Shoulder dislocation Rhabdomyolysis due to simvastatin or clofibrate History 3O 2P LIQR AAA PAMHUGFOSS Associated syndromes: Swelling, redness, warmth of involved joints Red eye Oral or genital ulceration Rash Focal numbness / weakness Recent trauma Physical exam Musculoskeletal exams Relevant neurovascular exams Low back pain Differential Diagnosis Disk herniation Lumber muscle strain Lumbar spinal stenosis Malingering History 3O 2P LIQR AAA PAMHUGFOSS Associated syndromes: Context (moving furniture, trauma) Physical exam Neurologic exam Back palpation and range of motion Hip exam Cough / Shortness of breath Differential Diagnosis Asthma COPD-chronic bronchitis Pneumonia Atypical pneumonia Lung cancer COPD exacerbation (bronchitis) Tuberculosis Congestive heart failure History 3O AAA WA PAMHUgFOSS Associated syndromes: Sputum Chest pain / heartburn Exposures Physical exam ENT exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Lymph node exams Extremities exams Night sweats Differential Diagnosis Tuberculosis (Acute HIV infection, lymphoma, leukemia, hyperthyroidism) History 3O aaA WA PAMHUGFOSS *Severity, frequency, timing, pattern Associated syndromes: Cough → hemoptysis, chest pain Lymphadenopathy Fever Rash → itching Malaise Nausea / vomiting Menstrual history → peri-menopause Physical exam HEENT exams Abdominal exams (hepatosplenomegaly) Cardio and pulmonary exams Dysphagia Differential Diagnosis Esophageal cancer Plummer-Vinson syndrome Achalasia Esophagitis History 3O 2P AAA WA PAMHUGFosS Solids or liquids vs. both solids and liquids Associated syndromes: Drooling Regurgitation Odynophagia History of Raynaud phenomenon Physical exam Head and neck exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Skin exams Upper GI bleeding Differential Diagnosis Bleeding peptic ulcer Gastritis History 3O ABCO AAA PAMHugFosS Associated syndromes: Context (severe vomiting, alcohol ingestion) Nausea Abdominal pain Physical exam ENT exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Abdominal exams Blood in stool Differential Diagnosis Colorectal cancer Ulcerative colitis Diverticulosis History 3O ABCO AAA WA PAMHuGFosS *Melena vs. bright blood Associated syndromes: Abdominal / rectal pain Nausea / vomiting Trauma Physical exam Abdominal exams Rectal exams Hematuria Differential Diagnosis Bladder cancer Polycystic kidney disease Renal cell carcinoma History 3O ABCO AAA PAMHUgFoSS Associated syndromes: Renal colic Dysuria Voiding symptoms History of vigorous exercise Physical exam Lymph node exams Abdominal exams Genitourinary exams Loss of Consciousness (LOC) Differential Diagnosis Complex tonic-clonic seizure Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension (causing syncope) Cardiac arrhythmia (causing syncope) History 3O aaA PAMHugFosS Emphasize on CONTEXT Associated syndromes: Preceding symptoms Nausea Palpitation Associated symptoms Tongue biting Incontinence Prolonged confusion Physical exam Neurological exams Carotid exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Dizziness Differential Diagnosis Méniѐre disease Orthostatic hypotension due to dehydration Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension Benign positional vertigo Vestibular neuronitis Labyrinthitis History Main:3O AAA PAMHUGFosS Lightheadedness vs. vertigo Associated syndromes: Auditory symptoms → hearing loss, tinnitus Visual symptoms Nausea / vomiting Physical exam Neurological exams (Romberg test, tilt test, gait) Auditory tests (Hearing, Weber and Rinne tests) Cardiovascular exams Erectile dysfunction (ED) Differential Diagnosis Drug-related ED (Hypertension ED, DM ED, psychogenic ED) History 3O AAA PAMHUgFoSS Associated syndromes: ±nocturnal erections ±libido Stress or depression Physical exam Cardio and pulmonary exams Genitourinary exams Rectal exams ---------------------------------------------------②------------------------------------------------------- Other urinary symptoms Differential Diagnosis Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Prostate cancer Urethritis Acute pyelonephritis Stress incontinence Urge incontinence History 3O AAA WA PAMHUgFoSS Associated syndromes: Obstructive symptoms Hesitancy Diminished stream Sense of imcomplete bladder emptying Straining postvoid dribbling Irritative symptoms Urgency Frequency Nocturia Physical exam Abdominal exams Genitourinary exams Rectal exams Fatigue and sleepiness Differential Diagnosis Depression Posttraumatic stress disorder Colon cancer Hypothyroidism Diabetes mellitus Obstructive sleep apnea Sleep deprivation History 3O AAA WA PAMHUGFosS Associated syndromes: Sleep associated Snoring Witnessed apnea Emotion associated Stress Depression Work or life style changes Other associated Hypothyroidism Bleeding or anemia Physical exam ENT exams Extremity exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Confusion / Memory loss Differential Diagnosis Vascular (“multi-infarct” dementia) Alzheimer disease Normal pressure hydrocephalus Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Hypoglycemia Subdural hematoma History MUST INCLUDE history from family members / caregivers Main:3OP AAA WA PAMHUgFoSS Associated syndromes: Fall → hit head Palpitation → weakness Depression Cold intolerance Infection → HIV, syphilis, prion Physical exam Neurological exams Mini-mental status exams HEENT exams Nausea / vomiting Differential Diagnosis Pregnancy (gastritis, hypercalcemia, diabetes mellitus, UTI, depression) History 3O ABCO AAA PAMHuGFosS Associated syndromes: Abdominal pain Relation to meals Sick contacts Possible food poisoning Possible pregnancy Physical exam ENT exam Abdominal exam Constipation / diarrhea Differential Diagnosis Colorectal cancer Low-fiber diet Irritable bowel syndrome Infectious diarrhea (gastroenteritis)-bacterial, viral, parasitic, protozoal Pseudomembranous (Clostridium difficile) colitis Traveler’s diarrhea Lactose intolerance Crohn disease History 3O ABCO AAA WA PAMHuGFosS Associated syndromes: Abdominal pain Sense of incomplete evacuation Diet (fiber and fluid intake) Sick contacts / recent travels Physical exam Thyroid / endocrine exams Abdominal exams Rectal exams Numbness / Weakness Differential Diagnosis Transient ischemic attack (TIA) Stroke Guillain-Barré syndrome Multiple sclerosis Diabetic peripheral neuropathy Myasthenia gravis Todd paralysis History 3O 2P AAA PAMHUGFosS LOCATION (unilateral, bilateral, proximal, distal) Associated syndromes: Pain → head pain / neck pain Visual changes → Eye pain Neurologic symptoms → loss of senses, slurred speech Physical exam Orthostatic vital signs Neurologic exams Weight loss Differential Diagnosis Hyperthyroidism (cancer, HIV infection, anorexia nervosa, malabsorption) History 3O aaA PAMHuGFosS *Amount Associated syndromes: ±intention Body image Anxiety or depression Hyperthyroidism (palpitation, tremor, diarrhea) Physical exam Thyroid exam (exophthalmos, lid retraction, lid lag, gland size, bruit, tremor) Cardiovascular exam Weight gain Differential Diagnosis Smoking cessation (drug side effect, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes mellitus, atypical depression) History 3O aaA PAMHuGFosS *Amount Associated syndromes: Relation to medication changes, smoking cessation, depression Diet history Hypothyroidism (fatigue, constipation, skin changes) Menstrual irregularity Physical exam *Brief exam based on the diagnosis ---------------------------------------------------③------------------------------------------------------- Palpitations Differential Diagnosis Hypoglycemia Panic attack Social phobia History 3O aaA PAMHUGFosS *Gradual vs. acute onset/offset Associated syndromes: Context (exertion, caffeine, anxiety) Light-headedness Dyspnea Hypothyroidism symptoms Physical exam Thyroid exam (exophthalmos, lid retraction, lid lag, gland size, bruit, tremor) Cardiovascular exam Sore throat Differential Diagnosis Infectious mononucleosis HIV, acute retroviral syndrome Pharyngitis Hepatitis History 3O aaA wA PAMHugFosS Associated syndromes: Fever ENT symptoms (ear pain, nasal or sinus congestion) Odynophagia Swollen glands Cough Rash Sick contacts HIV risk factors Physical exam ENT exams Pulmonary exams Skin exams ---------------------------------------------------Ob/Gyn------------------------------------------------------- Amenorrhea Differential Diagnosis Pregnancy Polycystic ovary syndrome Amenorrhea secondary to prolactinoma Menopause Sheehan syndrome Anorexia nervosa Anxiety-induced amenorrhea History 3O aaA PAMHugFoSS *Primary vs. secondary Associated syndromes: Relationship to menstrual period Menopausal symptoms Pregnancies Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, excessive dieting, vigorous exercise) Physical exam Breast exams Complete pelvic exams Vaginal bleeding Differential Diagnosis Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Endometrial cancer Cervical cancer Spontaneous abortion Ectopic pregnancy History 3O ABCO AAA WA PAMHugFoSS Pre- vs. postmenopausal Associated syndromes: Relationship to menstrual period Discharge Pelvic or abdominal pain History of Pap smears Physical exam Abdominal exams Pelvic exams Vaginal discharge Differential Diagnosis Bacterial vaginosis Vaginitis-candidal Vaginitis-trichomonal History 3O ABCO AAA PAMHugFOSS Associated syndromes: Vaginal burning, pain, pruritus Sexual activity + protection History of STD Sick contacts Physical exam Abdominal exams Pelvic exams Dyspareunia Differential Diagnosis Atrophic vaginitis Endometriosis History 3O AAA PAMHugFoSS Associated syndromes: Vaginal discharge Painful menses Menopausal symptoms (hot flashes) Adequacy of lubrication Physical exam Abdominal exams Pelvic exams ---------------------------------------------------Ped------------------------------------------------------*Some important things in Ped √SID= Sick contacts + Immunization + Day care √NO diabetes or BP is needed √NO occupation information is needed √NO sexual information is needed √If younger than 9 years old, then social history is NOT needed Child with fever Differential Diagnosis Neonatal sepsis Acute otitis media Measles (or other viral exanthem) Gastroenteritis (viral, bacterial, parasitic) History 3O aaA WA PAMHUGFS Associated syndromes: SID Severity Localized symptoms Rash Physical exam HEENT exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Abdominal exams Skin exams Child with GI symptoms Differential Diagnosis Pyloric stenosis Hirschsprung disease Intussusception Somatoform disorder Colic History 3O 2P LIQR AAA WA PAMHUGFS Associated syndromes: SID Association with food Physical exam Cardio and pulmonary exams Abdominal exams Rectal / pelvic exams (women) Child with red eye Differential Diagnosis Bacterial conjunctivitis (viral conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, seasonal allergies) History 3O AAA PAMHUGFS Associated syndromes: SID Eye discharge / pain Difficulty open of eye Physical exam HEENT exams Child with short stature Differential Diagnosis Familial short stature (growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, chronic renal insufficiency, genetic disorder) History 3O aaA PAMHUGFS Prenatal and birth history Growth history Physical exam Height / weight HEENT exams Cardio and pulmonary exams Abdominal exams Neurological exams Behavioral problems in childhood Differential Diagnosis Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Adjustment disorder Substance abuse Age-appropriate behavior History 3O aaA PAMHUGFS Developmental history Physical violence or use of weapons Substance use Changes in environment School performance Physical exam Neurologic exams ---------------------------------------------------Psy/Consult------------------------------------------------------- Psychosis Differential Diagnosis Schizophrenia Substance-induced psychosis Schizoaffective disorder History Main:3O aaA WA PAMHugFoss Associated syndromes: Positive (Delusions, disorganized thought, disorganized behavior) Negative (Social withdraw, decreased motivation, decreased speech / thought) Physical exam Mental status exams Depressed mood Differential Diagnosis Normal bereavement Major depressive disorder Bipolar I disorder History Main:3O aaA WA PAMHUGFOSS SUICIDE risk assessment Associated syndromes: Stress Sleep pattern → Fatigue Manic episode Decreased social function, interest, energy, concentration Physical exam Mental status exams HEENT exams Abuse Differential Diagnosis Domestic violence Rape History *Establish Confidentiality 3O aaa PAMHugFOSS Associated syndromes: Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse Fear Safety Backup plan Physical exam Complete exam Insomnia Differential Diagnosis Stress-induced insomnia Obstructive sleep apnea Insomnia related to major depressive disorder History 3O aaA WA PAMHugFosS Description: trouble falling asleep vs. multiple awakenings vs. early-morning awakening Associated syndromes: Medical problems keeping patient awake Arthritis (pain) Diabetes (polyuria) Daytime sleepiness Snoring Nightmares Depression Caffeine use Work or lifestyle changes Stress Physical exam Mental status exams