Uploaded by Kari Espada

EPT 628 Theory of Instructional Technology Espada Unit 2

By: Kari Espada
EPT 628, Dr. Ian McLeod
Educational technology
• Educators trained in the use of technology integration in the
classroom or educational instruction objectives related to
specific subject matter content (Murphy, Allred & Brescia, 2018,
p. 181).
Instructional technology classical perspectives
Instructional technology
can be defined as media, a
process, and beyond.
It is the theory and
practice of design,
development, utilization,
management, and
evaluation of processes
and resources for learning
(Reiser, 2018, p. 3).
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Create: instructional interventions and learning environments
Functions of
Use: selection, diffusion, and institutionalization of instructional
methods and materials
Manage: project delivery system, personnel, and information
management. (Reiser, p. 4).
Instructional Technology
• Learners & Instructors
• Learners & Content
• Learners & Themselves
(Resier, 2018).
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Mission: to effectively induce equity,
active use, and collaborative leadership
to make everywhere, all-the-time
learning possible (https://tech.ed.gov/,
https://tech.ed.gov/, 2020
Instructional technology values
• Learning: To enhance the learner’s experience and increase content
• Teaching: To deliver information concisely in an engaging environment.
• Leadership: To efficiently train leaders on instructional resources available
and provide innovative interventions and methods of communication.
• Assessment: To increase timely feedback, provide immediate data for
analysis, and offer more varied strategies.
• Infrastructure: To facilitate the flow of communication, process of
documentation, and utilization of resources available.
Instructional Technology Evolution (Reiser, 2018)
• Instructional technology has evolved from the means by which information is
delivered to the process of using varied strategies and digital resources to address
independent learning and instruction.
• Cognition and constructivism are the foundational theories to encourage and
support instructional technology.
• Adaptive practice, assessment, interventions strategies, digital instruction, gamebased learning, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality are
present-day digital resources that can aid and facilitate educational technology;
however, instructional technology transcends boundaries to include business
evolution of training and development.
• Instructional technology is an asset not only to education, but the evolution of
economic infrastructure.
• Reiser, R. (2018). What field did you say you were in? Defining
and naming our field. In Reiser, R. & Dempsey, J.V. (4 Eds.),
Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (pp. 17). Boston, MA: Pearson.
• Murphy, C.A., Allred, J.B., & Brescia, W.F. (2018). The role of
educational technology professionals as perceived by building
administrators. Education and Information Technologies, 23(1),