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Kurtzleben 2013

High Prices for Getting High Expected as Colorado Opens Lega...
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High Prices for Getting High Expected
as Colorado Opens Legal Pot Shops
Demand likely to outstrip supply at first as Colorado opens legal
marijuana boutiques.
Employees roll joints at the Medicine Man marijuana dispensary in Denver, as it prepares to open as a
recreational outlet.
By Danielle Kurtzleben
Dec. 30, 2013 | 4:09 p.m. EST
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On Jan. 1, the first legal recreational marijuana outlets will open in Colorado. And with the rise of the new
legal marijuana industry comes the question of what newly legal recreational weed should cost.
As it turns out, new users might be best advised to wait a few months before buying their weed. Some
experts and store-owners say that getting high in the mile high state will likely be expensive at first, with
prices easing off as the supply of weed catches up to the demand from Americans hoping for their first
chance to buy recreational marijuana legally.
[PHOTOS: Marijuana Through the Years]
"I do expect the price to go up at least for the first few months," says Rachel Gilette, an attorney at
Colorado's chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. "That's only because
the supply is going to be very limited and the demand has just jumped massively."
Medical marijuana is already legal in Colorado, and many of the new shops will be medical dispensaries
that have also obtained retail licenses. In some of those stores, retailers will set aside marijuana for
medical patients, separate from that for casual users.
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High Prices for Getting High Expected as Colorado Opens Lega...
"I did talk to a retailer yesterday who had just set his price points, and they were about double of what
you have been able to get medical on the market for the last year," says Gilette. "So it is going to be more
expensive at least for the foreseeable future."
[READ: Uruguay's President Quietly Signs Marijuana Legalization Bill]
Even leaving demand aside, taxes will already push prices up for retail buyers. The state will impose total
taxes of 25 percent on marijuana plus the regular 2.9 percent state sales tax, and local taxes will also
apply on top of those. At Kine Mine, a store in the small town of Idaho Springs, for example, total taxes
will come to 31.9 percent – 27.9 percent in state taxes plus 1 percent in county taxes and a 3 percent city
tax, according to store founder Theran Snyder.
But he expects he may have to charge recreational users even further above and beyond his medical
marijuana prices to stay stocked. Medical marijuana patients can designate a dispensary as their primary
center and thus become "members," who typically pay less than non-members. At the Kine Mine, a
nonmember will currently pay $225 per ounce for medical marijuana. Though Snyder declines to give
exact price points, he believes he may have to charge far more than $225 per ounce for non-medical
marijuana to ensure that product stays on the shelves when the new law kicks in.
"Obviously the way we're planning on controlling our inventory is with price, and unfortunately that means
we're going to be charging a premium," says Snyder.
At Lightshade, a store with locations in Denver and Aurora, the outlook is likewise uncertain.
[ALSO: Teen Marijuana Use Hasn't Exploded Amid Boom in Legalization Support, Drug Survey Finds]
"We're not exactly sure [where prices will go]. We're anticipating obviously a rush of people coming from
out of state," says William, a store manager who declined to give his last name. He says the store may
decide to raise prices for recreational users if they see enough demand. "We do want to keep product for
our medical patients. They do come first."
William currently thinks Lightshade will charge recreational customers the higher, non-member medical
marijuana prices. According to its website, Lightshade currently charges $280 per ounce for members
and $320 for non-members for its highest-priced marijuana. But there's no way to precisely predict what
demand will look like, he adds.
"I think [prices] could definitely fluctuate dramatically," William says, adding that it's possible he's
overestimating how high initial demand will be at his store.
Some stores are fearing shortages of supply despite sales caps that were set as a part of the state's new
marijuana law. Colorado residents will be allowed to buy up to one ounce per transaction, and out-ofstaters will only be allowed to buy a maximum of a quarter of an ounce.
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High Prices for Getting High Expected as Colorado Opens Lega...
Grass is greener now in Colorado and Washington
TAGS: marijuana, Colorado
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