., - rl:!tt'"!N"K' 4. ~i"J!f B ,ha~ ~ ~~"t D arm l C .il{Tn ·" C -:: !'"I......~, Harn " 'Xi ~ ~ C k~t ca!_Ol:"' .\ ~"""'CT'U.i =" dram..1 door R 0 nlm rol~-. - ~ / Ii.I 11 8 D ,,ou)d C 3 0 r - ~(. sht11UJJ roU Before ~ ou read - -~t'-- ~\ L'I, .,., ::.:. - - :..:-a.rJ ,an~ ? OO? lc J .1 :J , - :l""il:r- ,,. ~ c!Ji are un- ' lp l.~>t: a•o n ;:, to ni:' :_., ;;. :Ji:T:.-".::r.:- - _ r-.: :o nnd JO°b3' • C>1:-~: - :.:-.~ c~ec-.. , : _-c:--:- :- r..:. ; cl-,:- m crea--=mg rate =,T, o, :lh: ', o u r:-e of , ou:- e ~\E'.zsmg rate of u.a~empJorment ti-...12tion m wruch - !.:I ~- tnSkcd · I ~""ln~ in .., c.r,;gaged .c: li r-: ~.31~"G...f. h 25 2 s:· :UZDOJJ in ,,,itich :..=e:::::: - ~ ref:cTJS · w....~ m;o:::i o1 1 t c~m - m;. :,ei..~ 2 ~ his also called , ~~ l .r.e.n;-Jon:r~: ~voe , olur tan JC - ]i"it'c_ - . ~~ • ~ v , a u is .a ~ation in •hth the unemployed per.-:m deliberately t!'Qlll."' lo ..-nd..at die going M: ~ rale. For ex- ample, a young male gr.Jdualt' frnm a rich family can choose to reject any job offered to him, preferring to stay idle a nd live tln lhe wea lth of hi(; parents. A young female school lea ver may choose to get married and rai~ children rather than go into the labour mark.et. These are cases of voluntary unemployment ln\'oluntary unemployment occurs when an individual i~ ready to do a job at the presen t wage ratC', but cannot find any job. In other words, th,~ unempl<Jyed perc;,on i-, read\' tn work but nobod~• u,i:;es hi:, "ervice. In general, the term tmt.'1np/0111111.•nt 1c.. m,ed to d5cribe involuntary unempl;,>'mcnt, <;ince dus j5 thP k.ind of unemplnyment in \\ hich the labour force ha~ no land and capital to combine for production. ~ 0st developing countrie:,, including ,1gena, are passing through a period of high unemployment rates. The unemployment rate is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all indi- r -'""": .. ;p}.;r;Jlll!l;-trt :• : ~0~•-· :·-~} :if...~~~pr~hen~i9n i:.:~•'-...,.:.. .,..••: .':...... L--,.L,,.• · currently in the labour force. The labour , force is the total nun1ber of people working in a country. Unemployment rate= Unemployed workers 1 ~ idua_ls questions c0 1 To l,11 lt1bour force A number of factors have been responsible for the increasing rate of unemploymen t j 11 Nigeria. Nigeria i~ blessed w ith c1 lot o f raw materials and hum2rn reso u rces. H owever, years of corruption and neglect have led to the under-utilisation o f these resources. So the resources do n o t y ield maximum economic benefi t to the people. H e nce, unemployment increases because the resources a re not used to create more jobs. Lack of adequ ate electric power generation is a m ajor cause of unemployment in the country. Many graduates, artisans and youths willing and able to work or be self-employed are unable to use machi nes and other equipment to work. Without adequate electric power, no jobs can be done. As a result, a lot of youths roam the streets engaging in socia l evils like 1 2 What is another name for unemployment? Give a n ins ta nce of voluntary unemployme nt. 3 How is the rate of unemployment calcula ted? Wha t is the labo ur force? Descri be two main ca uses of unemployme nt in N igeria . Which one of the fol lowing is an effect of une mployment in Nige ria ? A revolution B w hite-coll a r jobs C prostitution D fo re ig n cu rrcncy The word nrtisn11s used in the seventh paragraph means A ha ndi craft workers 13 bus condu cto rs C mus icians D fire fighters. Which o ne of the fol lowing is no t responsible for unempl oyment in Nigeria? A corruptio n B inadequate power s upply C neglect of agriculture D inadequate number o f cars on the road Which word in the fi rs t paragraph m eans 'inacti ve'? A utilised l3 joblessness C idle D engaged The pronoun it used in the last se ntence of the firs t paragraph refers to A unem ployment B situa tion C labour D involuntary 4 5 6 7 8 I pick-pocketing and prostitu_tion . . Another serious cause ot unemployment 1s neglect of the agricu ltural sector. ~any unemployed people look for white-collar Jobs - ,~ork in offices, which are limited in number. Bemg a farmer does not appeal to the youths. Nigeria has abundant agricultural land to plant and hat can earn a lot of foreign expor t pro duce t currency. 9 (Adapted from New Approach Economics by KV. JO Nnadi and A.B. Falodun.)