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Ecuador Electricity Sector Transformation Report

The transformation of the Ecuadorian electricity sector in this decade is evident. It
has been
the occasion of recognition to level regional and global
levels ; and, of pride for the Ecuadorians, demonstrating to
the world whole, but by saber all to ourselves, that soma able to do and build.
At the beginning of 2007 we
found a disarticulated electrical sector ; with low levels of quality
of service; with high losses of electrical energy ; with high costs of producci6n; and, fina
ncially unsustainable. This not podfa continue asf, it was necessary
to guarantee to all the Ecuadorian one supply of electricity safe, of quality, reliable , eco
n6mico and efficient; was asf to the topic energetico pas6 to
be one priority in I to polftic to of the state, leaving behind decades of oblivion.
Since the beginning of Ia gesti6n government, is tenfan Clams the guidelines and the polici
es under which is sentarfan the basis of
the New Sector Electrico, among them: The sovereignty Energetic to and the changes of Ia
Matrix Electrica; The Consolidation and Sustainability of
the Sector; the Change in Ia Culture
for the use eficient and of Ia Energfa; and , Ia lntegraci6n Energetica Regional.
act fast and planned; And, we
achieved the greatest advance that the electricity sector has had in its history: in infrastructu
re, in technology, and in administrative management .