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Set 59 GS Questions 2019-20

GS Questions asked in 2019-2020 Set 59
By Dr Vipan Goyal
To buy the course link is given in the description and comment section of the class video
Class video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYPNlLB6DBU&t=907s
vipangoyal13 | vipangoyal13 | vipangoyal13 | Dr Vipan Goyal
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Demo video Link 1: https://youtu.be/RaK_ey2Zevw
Demo video Link 2 : https://youtu.be/lemv6BPrnAE
Demo video Link 3 : https://youtu.be/R-tZuok7LZY
● Sophie Wilmes is PM of – Belgium. (1st Female)
● First female President of Ethiopia - Sahle-Work Zewde.
● Minorities Right Day in India 2019 : 18 December.
● Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri inaugurated a new Guru Nanak
Chair University of Birmingham Scientists of Cambridge university have
developed an ‘artificial leaf’ that uses sunlight to produce which gas ?
called syngas.
● 8th International Tourism Mart (ITM-2019) was held in ? Imphal/
1. "Bhopal gas tragedy" 1984 is related to
^^Hkksiky xSl =klnh^^ 1984 ls lacf/kr gS
a. Aluminium Phosphide/,Y;qfefy;e QkLQsV
b. Methyl bromide/feFkkby czksekbM
c. Methyl Isocyanate/feFkkby vkblkslkbusV
d. Carbon dixoide/dkcZu MkbZ vkDlkbM
2. The concept of "Green House Gases" was postulated by
^^xzhu gkml xSlksa dh vo/kkj.kk }kjk iksLV fd;k x;k Fkk^^
a. Joseph Furier/tkslsQ ¶;wfj;j
b. Abdul Kalam/vCnqy dyke
c. M.S. Swaminathan/,e-,l- LokehukFku
d. Richael Carlson/fjdsy dkYkZlu
Ans a
3. How many countries have joined the Climate Ambition Alliance (CAA) at
the COP25?
A. 65
B. 73
C. 59
D. 81
COP25 पर कितने दे श जलवायु महत्वािाांक्षा गठबांधन (CAA) में शाममल हुए हैं?
A. 65
B. 73
C. 59
D. 81
4. The Supreme Court scraped which section of the IPC in favour of the LGBTQ
lqizhe dksVZ us LGBTQ leqnk; ds i{k eas IPC ds fdl fgLls dks [kRe dj fn;kA
a. 377
b. 277
5. What is the full form of the Al in robotic and computer Industry, on which
research in being extensively done in the present.
jkscksV vkSj daI;wVj m|ksx esa ,-,y dk iw.kZ D;k gS] ftl ij orZeku esa cM+s iSekus ij 'kks/k fd;k tk jgk
a. Air India/,;j bafM;k
b. All India/vf[ky Hkkjrh;
c. Artificial Intelligent/d`f=e cqf)eku
d. Artificial Intelligence/d`f=e gksf'k;kjh
6. Which railway station has become the 5,500th station to get the free
WiFi facility?
A. Badwasi
B. Mahuamilan
C. Eravipuram
D. Damoh
फ्री वाईफाई सवु वधा पाने िे मलए िौन सा रे लवे स्टे शन 5,500 वाां स्टे शन बन गया
है ?
A. बदावसी B. महुममलन
C. ईरववपरु म D. दमोह
7. Who has become the world’s youngest serving Prime Minister and the
third female Prime Minister of Finland.
A. Antti Rinne B. Katri Kulmuni
C. Maria Ohisalo D. Sanna Marin
िौन दनु नया िी सबसे िम उम्र िी प्रधान मांत्री और कफनलैंड िी तीसरी महहला
प्रधान मांत्री बन गई हैं।
A. अांती ररन्ने
B. िटरी िुलमनु न
C. माररया ओहहसालो
D. सना माररन
8. Elon Musk is the owner of Space X and the motor vehicle company named?
,yksu eLd Lisl ,Dl ds ekfyd vkSj eksVj okgu daiuh dk uke gS\
a. Astron Martin/,LVªkus ekfVZu
b. Tesla/VsLyk
c. Jaguar/txqavkj
d. General Motors/tujy ekseksVkl
9. Which is a tool of executive control to enforce administrative accountablility?
प्रशासननि जवाबदे ही िो लागू िरने िे मलए िाययिारी ननयांत्रण िा िौन सा
उपिरण है?
a. Audit/ लेखा परीक्षा
b. Pressure Groups/ दबाव समह
c. Writs/ प्रादे श
d. Appointment and Removal/ ननयक्ु तत और ननष्िासन
10. Who among the following has won the Sports Person of the Year award
at the FICCI India Sports Awards 2019?
A. Mary Kom B. Rani Rampal
C. Hima Das D. PV Sindhu
ननम्नमलखखत में से किसने FICCI इांडडया स्पोर्टयस अवार्डयस 2019 में स्पोर्टयस पसयन
ऑफ द ईयर िा परु स्िार जीता है?
A. मैरी िॉम
B. रानी रामपाल
C. हे मा दास D. पीवी मसांधु
11. Boris Johnson has won the majority in recent UK elections, he belongs
to which party?
A. Conservative party
B. Scottish National Party
C. Labour Party
D. Liberal Democrats
हाल िे ब्रिटे न चन
ु ावों में बोररस जॉनसन ने बहुमत हामसल किया है, वह किस पाटी
से हैं?
A. िांजवेहटव पाटी B. स्िॉहटश नेशनल पाटी
C. लेबर पाटी
D. मलबरल डेमोक्रेर्टस
12. Which is the partner country for the 17th edition of BioAsia 2020?
A. Germany B. Sweden
C. France D. Switzerland
बायोएमशया 2020 िे 17 वें सांस्िरण िे मलए िौन सा भागीदार दे श है?
A. जमयनी
B. स्वीडन
C. फ्राांस
D. क्स्वर्टजरलैंड
13. The particulate matter ( PM-10) exhaled from the polluted atmosphere is often
filtered out during the process of
iznfw "kr okrkoj.k esa fudkys x, df.kdk rRo (PM-10) dks vDlj izfØ;k ds nkSjku fQYVj fd;k
tkrk gS
a. Coughing /[kk¡lh
b. Sneezing/Nhad vkuk
c. A and B/ , vkSj ch
d. Urination/ is'kkc
14. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has identified how many
monuments as ‘Must See Monuments’?
A. 121 B. 138
C. 112 D. 123
भारतीय परु ातत्व सवेक्षण (ASI) ने पहचान िी है कि स्मारि अवश्य दे खें ’िे रूप
में कितने स्मारि हैं?
A. 121 B. 138
C. 112 D. 123
15. Who has been appointed as Chief Design Consultant for TRIFED?
A. Ritu Beri B. Tarun Tahiliani
C. Masaba Gupta D. Manish Malhotra
TRIFED िे मलए मख्
ु य डडजाइन सलाहिार िे रूप में किसे ननयत
ु त किया गया
है ?
A. ररतु बेरी B. तरुण तहहमलयानी
C. मसाबा गुप्ता
D. मनीष मल्होत्रा
16. Who is the writer of the famous book 'Kabuliwala?
मसद्ध पस्
ु ति 'िाबल
ु ीवाला' िे लेखि िौन हैं?
a. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee/बांकिम चांद्र चटजी
b. Ravindra Nath Tagore/रवीांद्र नाथ टै गोर
c. Munshi Prem Chand/मांश
ु ी प्रेम चांद
d. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan/खान अब्दल
ु गफ्फार खान
17. According to the seventh edition of the India Skills Report 2020, which
state has the highest employable talent in the country?
A. Tamil Nadu B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Maharashtra D. Karnataka
इांडडया क्स्िल्स ररपोटय 2020 िे सातवें सांस्िरण िे अनस
ु ार, किस राज्य में सबसे
ज्यादा है
A. तममलनाडुB. उत्तर प्रदे श
C. महाराष्र D. िनायटि
18. Which state has recently launched two social welfare schemes ‘Vijayamritham’ and ‘Sahachari’?
A. Odisha B. Kerala
C. Haryana D. Rajasthan
हाल ही में किस राज्य ने दो सामाक्जि िल्याण योजनाएां शरू
िी हैं ु
ृ म' और 'सहचरी'?
A. ओडडशा
B. िेरल
C. हररयाणा D. राजस्थान
19. Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu uohuhdj.kh; lalk/ku ugha gS\
a. Thorium/Fkksfj;e
b. Geothermal heat/Hkw&Å"k.kh; rki
c. Tidal power/Tokj 'kfDRk
d. Radiant energy/nhfIreku ÅtkZ
20. Which city is hosting the Military Literature Festival 2019?
A. New Delhi B. Dehradun
C. Chandigarh D. Pune
सैन्य साहहत्य महोत्सव 2019 िी मेजबानी िौन सा शहर िर रहा है ?
A. नई हदल्ली
C. चांडीगढ़
B. दे हरादन
D. पण
ु े
● International Migrants Day ? 18 December. Theme "We Together”.
● An MoU was signed between Maharashtra's Savitribai Phule Pune
University (STPU) and which country enabling the University to set up its
campus there. Qatar
● 5 th World Coffee Conference 2020 – Bengaluru
● Which is the Most visits by Foreign tourists in 2018-. Tamil Nadu