Uploaded by Ruoping Gao

CS 010

UCR CS 10 ​Syllabus​ ​Fall 2016
Intro to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering I
Students develop software of a few hundred lines of code to solve real problems. For computing
majors, the knowledge is a solid foundation for later study. For other majors, the knowledge
demystifies society-transforming software, helps with future job tasks often involving interactions
with software developers, and empowers one to do basic software development needed in diverse
engineering/science jobs.
Instruction Team ​ ​(contact via ​Piazza​; office hours will be listed on Piazza)
Kris Miller (001, 002, 003)
Kelly Downey (004, 010V-1)
Adam Koehler (005)
See ​schedule of classes​ ​for lecture & lab details
Course management:
iLearn​ (used for gradebook ONLY)
Piazza forum​ - all course resources, discussions & communications.
Programming in C++ -- UC Riverside CS 10 Fall 2016 zyBook​:
(1) Create account on zyBooks.com - you MUST use your ​UCRNetId@ucr.edu address for your
account (​e.g. uname001@ucr.edu​)
(2) Enter zyBook code UCRCS10Fall2016,
(3) Click "Subscribe".
Other tools will be introduced during the quarter.
Topics ​Chapters refer to zyBook; see Class Calendar on Piazza for actual due dates
Intro to computers (Ch 1)
Variables, input & output, and arithmetic (Ch 2, sec 1 - 12)
Modular and character arithmetic (Ch 2, sec 13 - end)
Program control - branching (Ch 3, sec 1 - end)
Program control - loops (Ch 4, sec 1 - 5) / Midterm
More loops - counting, sentinels; random numbers; output formatting (Ch 4, sec 6 - 11)
Functions - parameters and return values (Ch 5, sec 1 - 8)
Functions - reference parameters; scope (Ch 5, sec 9 - 15)
Vectors - basics (Ch 6, sec 1)
Vectors and functions (Ch 6, sec 2 - 8)
Brief intro to HTML, CSS, and Javascript (Ch 7)
25% Participation/homeworks
5% lecture/discussion participation
5% zyBook "Participation Activities"
5% zyBook "Challenge Activities"
10% labs:
5% LAB exercises (appear in zyBook)
5% lab attendance & participation (weekly 2 hr lab sessions)
20% PROGRAM assignments (appear in zyBook)
20% Midterm
35% Final
Grades usually follow a 90/80/70/60 scale, with +/- grades.
Note: If you get less than 70% on the final exam, your grade will be capped at CCS 12/13 require a C or better in CS 10/10V
Appropriate collaboration among students on zyBook activities, prelabs, and minilabs is encouraged
(e.g., via discussion board posts).
Collaboration on other items, especially zyBook PROGRAM assignments, is not allowed. We pursue
academic dishonesty cases vigorously and report cases to UCR's ​ ​Office of Student Conduct​.