Uploaded by Irina Kovach

final hehistory11

From what you've learned in the month of July, please describe the social, cultural, racial,
economic, and political complexities of American history?
My Reply:
Social complexities from the seven-year war exhorted Britain’s economics, led Britain to
restrict colonial powers, and added taxes busting into the American Revolution. This momentous
time incorporated investments by France, Britain, Portugal, and Spain over the Mississippi River
area, and then England claimed this land as part of the British Empire and enabled the 1765
Stamp Act. Without representation, mass population shared influence with Enlightenment
thinkers acknowledging the meaning of natural rights for life, liberty, and property.
Continuously, colonists’ anger about the Intolerable Acts invigorated riots including resistance in
the Boston Massacre and the Tea Party. Social rights needed to be confronted, and by 1774 the
Continental Congress formed following new meanings to liberty from the 1776 Declaration of
In the Antebellum Period, a question posed referred to the number of representatives to
elect for the U.S. House of Representatives. The integration of cultures had different beliefs on
who would be considered a citizen at this time. Cultural perspectives were seen by many eyes
resulting in abolitionists, freedom fighters, families, and governors. Cultural complexities in the
Civil War include the society’s differencing between northern and southern states on the idea of
slavery, trade, tariffs, and states’ rights. The culture was impacted by the way the land governed
resulting in African American families desiring to have the same equality as whites. The
Northerners primarily developed economy and manufacturing while the Southern States shaped
the importance of the nation’s produce.
Race impacted every motion depending on employment, where to live, how to educate,
and how to govern with laws. The Civil war broke out with men fighting over inequality. The
color of skin undermined so much of what meant to be a human and citizen. The start was
incomprehensibly tough, however, blacks’ abilities in the Reconstruction Era improved with
African American involvement in politics and Senators. Discrimination is sadly a part of the
history of race in this country and caused drastic conflict giving slaves way too many hardships
in time. Many racial obstacles have yet to be overcome, but now discrimination about color is
dissipating and the black voting rights remark a historical point about the growth of this country.
Economic problems were definitely at the heart of decision making. Taxation without
representation empowered the nation to defend for themselves. Economic importance came with
the cost to be an independent country and divided the US states about military commerce and
business duties. Wars were costly and a major cause to the desire to control the land because
with land welcomed an opportunity for profit. The importance of land value contributed to cash
crops, slavery, and migration.
When talking about political the complexities are an ever-changing concept to
construction of the United States. Focusing on the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment in the
Reconstruction Era drove a stronger constitution for equality to land, education, and citizenship.
Radical moves played a part to emphasize the truth, and Lincoln’s stance had aftermath affecting
eventual emancipation and refined the motives behind the government. The 14th amendment
provides equal protection of the laws addressing free slaves and those who felt repressed. By
1850, the 15th Amendment by the role of politics adapted voting limits previously on subjugated
people. These complexities present a reason for reflection from history about sacrifices and
earlier promises made when creating America.
P.S. Thank you so much for your time and excellent teaching!