CIS Moscow Year 9 History Rubric: Cold War Presentation Student Name: Excellent 5 Good 4 Very interesting and Interesting font and easy to read. Creative background; some good font colour and pictures, mostly related Presentation Quality background; many to content relevant pictures All content is Almost all content is historically accurate accurate and relevant Content and relevant to the to central theme. central theme. All information is clearly Most of the explained and shows information is clearly an excellent explained and shows a understanding of the solid understanding of topic. Very thoughtful the topic. Some Explanation inferences made from interesting inferences the facts presented made Historical Sources The sources chosen are extremely interesting, relevant and help the audience to clearly understand more about the topic. The sources chosen are mostly interesting, relevant and help the audience to understand more about the topic. Fair 3 Poor 1- 2 Not Shown 0 Text not always Text runs together; readable; few very difficult to read; pictures, not closely no pictures included related to content No presentation provided The majority of the Little or none of the content is accurate content presented is and relevant. accurate and relevant. No presentation provided Some of the Very little No explanation information is clearly information is provided explained and explained and it is demonstrates a basic clear that there is understanding of the limited understanding topic of the topic. Nothing presented reflects any comprehension of the material The sources chosen The sources chosen are No sources included are somewhat either irrelevant or relevant but provide provide no additional limited additional information to the information to the audience audience Great voice projection; Good voice projection; Voice projection is an voice is not in most terms correctly issue; incorrect monotone; all key terms pronounced; some pronunciation of terms; are correctly obvious reading most of the Presentation Skills pronounced; the presentation is read. speaker is familiar with the topic Presentation is 100% Presentation has 1 or 2 Presentation has a free from spelling and minor spelling or number of spelling grammatical errors grammatical mistakes and/or grammatical issues but these do not Spelling & Grammar greatly affect the audience's understanding Speaking very quietly No presentation given or monotonously; very poor pronunciation; whole presentation is read. Presentation has a number of spelling and/or grammatical issues that greatly affect the audience's understanding No presentation provided