Cumulants Cn of σ a nonequilibrium chiral Bjorken model near the critical point Poramin Saikham Christoph Herold School of Physics, Suranaree University of Technology, 111 University Avenue, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand e-mail: kob_ INTRODUCTION LINEAR SIGMA MODEL Our universe today we see a hadronic medium rather than Quark-GluonPlasma(QGP). The Hadron evolve to cooling QGP. Evidence for QGP has been found at ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collision at RHIC and LHC from STAR Beam Energy Scan (BES) program (STEPHANOV; RAJAGOPAL; SHURYAK, 1999). In this work, we concentrate on the dynamical evolution of the σ by using Langevin equation with linear sigma model. To increase opportunity to find critical point. CUMULANTS The high order moment of the σ field can be calculated from these various cumulants C1,N C2,N C3,N C4,N = = = = <N >, < (δN )2 > , < (δN )3 > , < (δN )4 > −3 < (δN )2 >2 . Experimentally, the dependence on volume and temperature of these fluctuations is hard to measure directly. We then focus on ratios of cumulants χ2 χ1 = χ3 χ2 = χ4 χ2 = δN 2 σ2 = , hN i M δN 3 = Sσ, hδN 2 i δN 4 − 3 δN 2 = κσ 2 . 2 hδN i The Lagrangian density of quark-meson model is defined as L = q (iγ µ ∂µ − gσ) q + U (σ) = 1 (∂µ σ)2 − U (σ) , 2 2 λ2 2 σ − fπ2 − fπ m2π σ + U0 . 4 (1) (2) The field q = (u,d) has component of the light quark fields only. The parameters of this model are chosen as fπ = 93 MeV , mπ = 138 MeV and U0 , the ground state potential of U (σ). The quark-meson coupling g depend on the nucleon mass that fixed by gσ equals to around 940 MeV in vacuum. (HEROLD et al., 2019). The Langevin equation gives D δΩ σ̈ + + η σ̇ + =ξ , (3) τ δσ Under the assumption of the Bjorken model, The damping η and noise ξ (t,x) term in the above equation satisfy the fluctuation-dissipation theorem : m σ hξ(t,~x)ξ(t0 ,~x0 )iξ = δ(~x − ~x0 )δ(t − t0 )mσ η coth . (4) 2T This is equation of motion for a Bjorken expansion similar to what was found in (NAHRGANG et al., 2011). RESULT & DISCUSSION METHODOLOGY Get the susceptibility of the system computed in theoretical calculations Initialize Hydro and Fields Evolve Fluid-dynamics sigma update All event no Find the sigma average yes Get the sigma average Cumulants Stop CONCLUSION We have the highest fluctuation when the system across the Crossover boundary. Moreover we see 2 peak of kertosis, so it has to have 2 phase regions and the QCD CP is the distinguishable tool. It increases opportunity to find QCD CP. The future, we will add events to accuracy and then compare with experiment. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by Suranaree University of Technology(SUT), Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (DPST) Figure (1) is shown the phase transition of QGP for several initial conditions. The dashed line corresponds to the phase boundary and the green dot indicates the position of the CP. Figure (2-5) show high order moment as a function of time. The last figure (6) is ratio of cumulants named kertosis. We see that the system across the Crossover boundary have more fluctuation. REFERENCE HEROLD, C. et al. Entropy production and reheating at the chiral phase transition. Physics Letters B, v. 790, p. 557–562, mar. 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.02.004. arXiv: 1810.02504 [hep-ph]. NAHRGANG, M. et al. Nonequilibrium chiral fluid dynamics including dissipation and noise. Phys. Rev. C, American Physical Society, v. 84, p. 024912, 2 ago. 2011. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.024912. Disponível em: <>. STEPHANOV, M.; RAJAGOPAL, K.; SHURYAK, E. Event-by-event fluctuations in heavy ion collisions and the QCD critical point. prd, v. 60, n. 11, 114028, p. 114028, dez. 1999. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.114028. arXiv: hep-ph/9903292 [hep-ph].